Vol. 18, No. 135                                              July 16,1999

**Before an entry denotes that the item is part of the FCC's implementation of the 1996 Telecom Act. While we will attempt to flag all Telecom Act-related items, this marking is unofficial and informational only.




FCC FILINGS. OPA. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Filings/fl990716.html

FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. OPA. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Calendar/cl990716.html

OPEN PROCEEDINGS. OPA Contact: Public Service Division: Martha Contee at (202) 418-0190, TTY: (202) 418-2555, email: mcontee@fcc.gov. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Open_Proceedings/op990716.html




Released: July 16, 1999. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG.Public Reference Log: 07/15/99. Contact: Public Reference Room: (202) 418-1933. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/Tariffs/combined/tt071599.pdf

Report No: N-127-A. Released: July 16, 1999. COMMON CARRIER NETWORK SERVICES APPLICATIONS FILED UNDER RULES PART 68 CONNECTION OF TERMINAL EQUIPMENT TO THE TELEPHONE NETWORK.Grants are effective seven (7) days after the date of this public notice. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/Part68_Actions/1999/16jul99r.txt

Report No: TEL-0012S. Released: July 16, 1999. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS (47 C.F.R. SECTION 63.18); CABLE LANDING LICENSE APPLICATIONS (47 C.F.R. SECTION 1.767) REQUESTS TO AUTHORIZE SWITCHED SERVICES OVER PRIVATE LINES (47 C.F.R. SECTION.63.16); SECTION 310(B)(4) REQUESTS. Contact: Public Reference Room: (202) 418-0270. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/International/Public_Notices/1999/pnin9135.pdf

Report No: 44530. Released: July 16, 1999. BROADCAST ACTIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Brdcst_Actions/ac990716.txt

Report No: 24530. Released: July 16, 1999. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Brdcst_Applications/ap990716.txt

Report No: 122. Released: July 16, 1999. INSTRUCTIONAL TV FIXED SERVICE APPLICATIONS/AMENDMENTS TENDERED FOR FILING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/ITFS_Notices/pnmm9135.html

Report No: CWS-99-50. Released: July 16, 1999. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/pnwl9164.pdf




PUBLIC SERVICES ENTERPRISES OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. V. AT&T CORPORATION. Granted Joint Motion of Public Services Enterprises of Pennsylvania, Inc. and AT&T Corporation to Dismiss the Complaints with Prejudice. Action by Chief, Formal Complaints and Investigations Branch, Enforcement Division, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: July 16, 1999. (DA No. 99-1398). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/da991398.txt

IN THE MATTER OF AMENDMENT OF PARTS 2 AND 95 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO CREATE A WIRELESS MEDICAL TELEMETRY SERVICE. The Commission proposed to amend Parts 2 and 95 of the rules to allocate spectrum and to establish rules for a Wireless Medical Telemetry Service. Action by the Commission. Adopted: July 14, 1999. by NPRM. (FCC No. 99-182). OET Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Notices/1999/fcc99182.wp

REGARDING THE INTERCEPTION AND RECORDING OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS BY COMMISSION PERSONNEL. Amended Part 0 of the Commission's Rules of Sections 0.41 and 0.251 of the Commission's Rules Regarding the Interception and Recording of Telephone Conversations by Commission Personnel. Action by the Commission. Adopted: July 13, 1999. by Order. (FCC No. 99-176). OMD Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Orders/1999/fcc99176.wp

MOBILE RELAY ASSOCIATES. Denied the application for review on Request for Fee Waiver (FOIA CONTROL NO. 99-8). Action by the Commission. Adopted: July 13, 1999. by MO&O. (FCC No. 99-177). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/fcc99177.wp

ADDENDA: The following items, released July 15, 1999, did not appear in Digest No. 134:




Released: July 15, 1999. RCN TELECOM SERVICES OF ARIZONA, INC. FILES AN APPLICATION FOR OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM CERTIFICATION. (DA No. 99-1391). Contact: Media Contact: Michelle Russo at (202) 418-2358, Cable Services Bureau: Treg Tremont: (202) 418-7200, TTY: (202) 418-7172. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Public_Notices/1999/da991391.wp

Report No: PGL99-4. Released: July 15, 1999. LOW POWER/TELEVISION TRANSLATORS: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/LPTV_Notices/pnmm9135.wp

Released: July 15, 1999. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT FILINGS IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSE PROCEEDINGS. Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/Exparte/1999/ex990715.html

Report No: CWS-99-51. Released: July 15, 1999. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL WIRELESS INFORMATION. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/pnwl9163.wp








MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION VS. PACIFIC BELL. Granted Motion for a Ten (10) Day Extension of Filing Deadlines. MCI's Request for Damages and accompanying Interrogatories must be filed and served by July 23, 1999; PacBell's Opposition to MCI's Request for Damages, along with its Objections to MCI's Request for Interrogatories, must be filed and served by August 2, 1999, PacBell's must file and serve, by August 2, 1999, any Request for Interrogatories that it has for MCI; (4) MCI must file and serve, by August 9, 1999 any objections that it has to PacBell's Requests for Interrogatories; and the parties' in-person status conference is now scheduled to take place on August 12, 1999, at 3:00 p.m., E.S.T. Action by Chief, Formal Complaints and Investigations Branch, Enforcement Division, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: July 15, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-1378). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/da991378.txt

CAPSTAR TX LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Issued letter constituting a Notice of Apparent Liability for a Forfeiture in the amount of $4,000 to Capstar TX Limited Partnership, licensee of Radio Station WFYV(FM), Atlantic Beach, FL, for unauthorized broadcast of a telephone conversation. Action by Chief, Mass Media Bureau. Adopted: July 15, 1999. by Letter. (DA No. 99-1382). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1999/da991382.txt

IN THE MATTER OF AMENDMENT OF SECTION 73.202(B), TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, FM BROADCAST STATIONS, (GENOA, MT. MORRIS, AND OREGON, ILLINOIS). Erratum correcting The Report and Order in this proceeding (DA-99-1354), released July 9, 1999, realloted Channel 239A to Oregon, Illinois and Channel 292A to Genoa, Illinois and modifying the license of Stations WSEY(FM) and WOXM(FM) to operate on these channels respectively, gave the incorrect document number. The original document number was idenified as "DA-99-1354" when the correct document number in this proceeding should be DA-99-1353. Dkt No.: MM-99-64. Action by the FCC. by Erratum. MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1999/er991353.wp

CLOSED CAPTIONING REQUIREMENTS FOR DIGITAL TELEVISION RECEIVERS. Proposed amendment of Part 15 of rules to adopt technical standards for the display of closed captions on digital television (DTV) receivers, and proposed to require the inclusion of closed captioning decoder circuitry in DTV receivers. The proposals will help ensure access to digital programming for people with disabilities. Dkt No.: ET-99-254. Action by the Commission. Adopted: July 14, 1999. by NPRM. (FCC No. 99-180). OET Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/Notices/1999/fcc99180.wp

METROLINK, INC., ET AL. Denied petitions for reconsideration of Authorizations for Facilities in the 931 MHz Band in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service. By Order on Reconsideration. Action by Chief, Policy and Rules Branch, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: July 15, 1999. (DA No. 99-1385). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/da991385.wp

BACHOW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted Petition to Deny filed on February 17, 1995, by Avant-Garde Communications, Inc., and dismissed Bachow Communications, Inc.'s Application to Provide 39 GHz Point-to-Point Microwave Serivce in New York, New York. Action by Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: July 14, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-379). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/da990379.wp

SEBASTIAN AND NORMA SANCHEZ. Denied petition for reconsideration of an Authorization for a Facility in the 931 MHz Band in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service. By Order on Reconsideration. Action by Chief, Policy and Rules Branch, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: July 15, 1999. (DA No. 99-1383). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/da991383.wp

BAKER CREEK COMMUNICATIONS, L.P. Found Baker Creek Communications, L.P. is in default and thus subject to the default payment obligations for 37 LMDS licenses. Action by Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: July 15, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-1037). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/da991037.wp

PAGING PARTNERS CORPORATION, ET AL. Denied petitions for reconsideration of Authorizations for Facilities in the 931 MHz Band in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service. By Order on Reconsideration. Action by Chief, Policy and Rules Branch, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: July 15, 1999. (DA No. 99-1384). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/da991384.wp