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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 20 No. 38 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 February 22, 2001 |
Released: 02/22/2001. COMMON CARRIER BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON PROPOSED CHANGE TO SBC'S PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS ASD 01-17. (DA No. 01-332). Comments Due: 03/08/2001. Reply Comments Due: 03/15/2001. CCB. Contact: Mark Stone at (202) 418-0816  DA-01-332A1.pdf  DA-01-332A1.doc  DA-01-332A1.txt Released: 02/22/2001. COMMON CARRIER BUREAU GRANTS CONSENT FOR STET INTERNATIONAL NETHERLANDS N.V. TO ACQUIRE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINES HELD BY AMERICATEL CORPORATION. (DA No. 01-482). CCB. Contact: Bill Dever at (202) 418-1580  DA-01-482A1.pdf  DA-01-482A1.doc  DA-01-482A1.txt Released: 02/22/2001. COMMON CARRIER BUREAU REQUESTS COMMENTS ON AT&T PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING REGARDING PAYPHONE COMPENSATION RATE CAPS. (DA No. 01-453) Pleading Cycle Established, CCB/CPD No. 01-05. Comments Due: 03/23/2001. Reply Comments Due: 04/09/2001. CCB. Contact: Ana Curtis or Lynne Milne at (202) 418-1520, TTY: (202) 418-0484  DA-01-453A1.pdf  DA-01-453A1.doc  DA-01-453A1.txt Released: 02/22/2001. CALEA SECTION 107(C) EXTENSION PETITIONS: ADDITIONAL PETITIONS RECIEVING PRELIMINARY EXTENSIONS FROM THE COMMON CARRIER BUREAU. (DA No. 01-489). (Dkt No 97-213) AND REVISED DATE FOR ALL PRELIMINARY EXTENSIONS PREVIOUSLY GRANTED IN DA 97-213, NSD-L-00-234, Pleading Cycle Established. Comments Due: 03/24/2001. Reply Comments Due: 04/08/2001. CCB. Contact: Gayle Radley Teicher at (202) 418-1515, gteicher@fcc.gov  DA-01-489A1.pdf  DA-01-489A2.pdf  DA-01-489A3.pdf  DA-01-489A1.doc  DA-01-489A2.doc  DA-01-489A3.doc  DA-01-489A1.txt  DA-01-489A2.txt  DA-01-489A3.txt Released: 02/22/2001. COMMENTS INVITED ON LONG DISTANCE SERVICES, INC. APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE PROVIDING DOMESTIC SERVICES. (DA No. 01-484) NSD File No. W-P-D-483, Section 214 Application, Applicant: Long Distance Services. Comments Due: 03/06/2001. CCB. Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: cweather@fcc.gov, or Marty Schwimmer at (202) 418-2320, email: mschwimm@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484  DA-01-484A1.pdf  DA-01-484A1.doc  DA-01-484A1.txt Report No: 1506 Released: 02/22/2001. CABLE TELEVISION RELAY SERVICE (CARS) APPLICATIONS RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. CSB. Contact: (202) 418-7000 Report No: SAT-00065 Released: 02/22/2001. SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-210375A1.pdf  DOC-210375A1.txt Report No: TEL-00356 Released: 02/22/2001. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS (47 C.F.R. SECTION 63.18);. (DA No. 01-476) CABLE LANDING LICENSE APPLICATIONS (47 C.F.R. SECTION 1.767); REQUESTS TO AUTHORIZE SWITCHED SERVICES OVER PRIVATE LINES (47 C.F.R. SECTION 63.16); SECTION 310(B)(4) REQUESTS. IB. Contact: (202) 418-1460  DA-01-476A1.pdf  DA-01-476A1.txt Report No: 44927 Released: 02/22/2001. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-210388A1.pdf  DOC-210388A1.txt  DOC-210388A1.txt Report No: 24927 Released: 02/22/2001. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MMB  DOC-210389A1.pdf  DOC-210389A1.txt  DOC-210389A1.txt Report No: 293 Released: 02/22/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-210300A1.pdf  DOC-210300A1.txt Released: 02/22/2001. REMOVAL OF FM BROADCAST CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FROM AUCTION NO. 37. (DA No. 01-479) (Auction No. 37). MMB. Contact: Kathy Garland at (717) 338-2888, Kenneth Burnley at (202) 418-0660, Lisa Scanlan at (202) 418-2700  DA-01-479A1.pdf  DA-01-479A1.doc  DA-01-479A1.txt Released: 02/22/2001. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS. OMD  DOC-210385A1.pdf  DOC-210385A1.doc  DOC-210385A1.txt Released: 02/22/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU GRANTS CONSENT TO ASSIGN C BLOCK BROADBAND PCS LICENSE. (DA No. 01-481). WTB  DA-01-481A1.pdf  DA-01-481A1.doc  DA-01-481A1.txt Released: 02/22/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU GRANTS CONSENT TO ASSIGN C AND F BLOCK BROADBAND PCS LICENSE. (DA No. 01-457). WTB. Contact: Rita Cookmeyer or Yolanda Lee at (202) 418-0660  DA-01-457A1.pdf  DA-01-457A1.doc  DA-01-457A1.txt Report No: AUC-38-F Released: 02/22/2001. 700 MHZ GUARD BANDS AUCTION CLOSES. (DA No. 01-478) Winning Bidders Announced, Down Payments Due March 8, 2001, FCC Forms 601 and 602 Due March 8, 2001 Ten-Day Petition to Deny Period. (Auction No. 38). WTB. Contact: Linda Sanderson at 717-338-2888. News Media Contact: Mark Rubin at (202) 418-2924  DA-01-478A1.pdf  DA-01-478A2.pdf  DA-01-478A3.pdf  DA-01-478A4.pdf  DA-01-478A5.pdf  DA-01-478A6.pdf  DA-01-478A7.pdf  DA-01-478A1.doc  DA-01-478A5.doc  DA-01-478A6.doc  DA-01-478A7.doc  DA-01-478A1.txt  DA-01-478A2.txt  DA-01-478A3.txt  DA-01-478A4.txt  DA-01-478A5.txt  DA-01-478A6.txt  DA-01-478A7.txt LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. Dismissed without prejudice the Los Angeles Unified School District's Request for Review of a decision issued the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Adminstrative Company. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: 02/21/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-463). CCB  DA-01-463A1.pdf  DA-01-463A1.doc  DA-01-463A1.txt SALEM COUNTY VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. Dismissed without prejudice the Salem County Vocational Technical Schools Request for Review of a decision issued the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Adminstrative Company. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: 02/21/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-464). CCB  DA-01-464A1.pdf  DA-01-464A1.doc  DA-01-464A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SUBSCRIBER CARRIER SELECTION CHANGES PROVISIONS OF THETELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996. Amended and clarified reporting registration requirements [Final rule; correction, 66 FR 16151 (03/23/01)] [Final rule; announcement of effective date; 66 FR 17083 (03/29/01)]. (Dkt No. 94-129). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 02/16/2001 by ORDER. (FCC No. 01-67). CCB  FCC-01-67A1.pdf  FCC-01-67A1.doc  FCC-01-67A1.txt INDIVIDUALS WITH HEARING AND SPEEECH DISABILITIES, AND THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990. Found the National Exchange Carrier's(NECA) proposed compensation rates to be justified, require NECA to compensate relay providers at the proposed rates effective on the dates proposed by NECA. (Dkt No. 97-213). Action by: Deputy Bureau Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: 02/21/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-490). CCB  DA-01-490A1.pdf  DA-01-490A1.doc  DA-01-490A1.txt NORWELL TELEVISION, LLC V. TIME WARNER CABLE. Granted must carry complaint filed by Norwell Television, LLC, license of television broadcast station WWDP(TV), Norwell, Massachusetts against Time Warner Cable. Action by: Chief, Consumer Protection and Competition Division, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 02/16/2001 by MO&O. (DA No. 01-461). CSB  DA-01-461A1.pdf  DA-01-461A1.doc  DA-01-461A1.txt CORRIDOR TELEVISION, L.L.P. AND TIME WARNER CABLE. Granted market modification petition filed by Corridor Television and Time Warner Cable to modify the television market for Station KBEJ-TV, Fredericksburg, Texas for purposes of the television mandatory brodcast signal carriage rules. Action by: Chief, Consumer Protection and Competition Division, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 02/20/2001 by MO&O. (DA No. 01-468). CSB  DA-01-468A1.pdf  DA-01-468A1.doc  DA-01-468A1.txt BACHOW/COASTEL L.L.C., COMPLAINANT, V. GTE WIRELESS OF THE SOUTH, INC., DEFENDANT.. Denied the Application for Review that GTE filed on March 16, 2000. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 02/14/2001 by ORDER. (FCC No. 01-59). ENF  FCC-01-59A1.pdf  FCC-01-59A1.doc  FCC-01-59A1.txt NORCOM COMMUNICATIONS CORP.. Dismissed the petition for reconsideration submitted by Tower Landscaping, Inc. and received in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on December 23, 2000. Action by: Deputy Chief, Policy & Rules Branch, PS&PWD. Adopted: 02/20/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-474). WTB  DA-01-474A1.pdf  DA-01-474A1.doc  DA-01-474A1.txt Report No: 3772 Released: 02/21/2001. CABLE SERVICES ACTION. CSB. Contact: (202) 418-7000 Report No: SES-00264 Released: 02/21/2001. SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INFORMATION RE: ACTIONS TAKEN. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-210374A1.pdf  DOC-210374A1.txt Report No: SES-00263 Released: 02/21/2001. SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES RE: SATELLITE RADIO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-210373A1.pdf  DOC-210373A1.txt Report No: TEL-00355NS Released: 02/21/2001. NON-STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS (47 C.F.R. SECTION 63.18); CABLE LANDING LICENSE APPLICATIONS (47 C.F.R. Section 1.767); AUTHORIZE SWITCHED SERVICES OVER PRIVATE LINES (47 C.F.R. SECTION 63.16) AND SECTION 310(B)(4). IB  DOC-210377A1.pdf  DOC-210377A1.txt Report No: TEL-00354S Released: 02/21/2001. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Section 214 Applications (47 C.F.R. Section 63.18); Cable Landing License Applications (47 C.F.R. Section 1.767) Requests to Authorize Switched Services Over Private Lines (47 C.F.R. Section 63.16); Section 310(b)(4) Requests. IB  DOC-210376A1.pdf  DOC-210376A1.txt REMARKS OF COMMISSIONER GLORIA TRISTANI. CMMR. CONNECTING INDIAN COUNTRY TO THE INFORMATION AGE. FCC Before the National Congress of American Indians, February 21, 2001, Washington, DC (As Prepared for Delivery)  DOC-210339A1.pdf  DOC-210339A1.doc  DOC-210339A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF PETROCOM LICENSE CORPORATION. Denied Applications for Extension and Modification of Developmental Authority toConstruct and Operate Facilities Using Multipoint Distribution Service et al.. Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 02/15/2001 by M&O. (FCC No. 01-63). MMB  FCC-01-63A1.pdf  FCC-01-63A1.doc  FCC-01-63A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF IMPLEMENTATION OF VIDEO DESCRIPTION OF VIDEO PROGRAMMING. This Erratum revises the amended rules set forth in Appendix B of the MO&O on Reconsideration in MM Docket No. 99-339, FCC 01-7 to clarify how parties may count reruns to satisfy their fifty-hour quarterly compliance requirements. (Dkt No. 99-339). Adopted: 02/21/2001 by ERRATUM. MMB Report No: 2466 Released: 02/20/2001. PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ACTION IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDING. CIB  DOC-210398A1.pdf  DOC-210398A1.doc  DOC-210398A1.txt