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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 20 No. 157 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 10, 2001 |
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ISSUES INQUIRY FOR ITS THIRD REPORT ON ADVANCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS CAPABILITY. Today, the FCC initiated its third inquiry under section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 into whether "advanced telecommunications capability" is being deployed to all Americans in a reasonable and timely fashion. News Release. Adopted: 08/09/2001 CCB. Contact Michael Balmoris at 202-418-0253  DOC-215238A1.doc  DOC-215238A2.doc  DOC-215238A1.pdf  DOC-215238A2.pdf  DOC-215238A1.txt  DOC-215238A2.txt FCC INITIATES RULEMAKING ON FLEXIBILITY IN DELIVERY OF MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICES. The Commission has adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on proposals to bring flexibility to the delivery of communications by mobile satellite service providers.. News Release. Adopted: 08/09/2001. News Media Contact: Maureen Peratino at 202-418-0506 IB. Contact James Ball at 202-418-0427 or Breck Blalock at 202-418-8191  DOC-215235A1.doc  DOC-215235A1.pdf  DOC-215235A1.txt FCC EXAMINES ADDITIONAL SPECTRUM BANDS TO SUPPORT ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICES. The Commission took action to examine additional frequency bands that could be used to support the introduction of advanced wireless services, including 3G and future generations of wireless systems. News Release. Adopted: 08/09/2001. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654 WTB. Contact John Spencer (Wireless Bureau) at (202) 418-1896 or Linda Haller (International Bureau) (202) 418-1408  DOC-215232A1.doc  DOC-215232A1.pdf  DOC-215232A1.txt FCC FILINGS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-215291A1.doc  DOC-215291A1.pdf  DOC-215291A1.txt FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-215296A1.doc  DOC-215296A1.pdf  DOC-215296A1.txt Released: 08/10/2001. TARIFF TRANSMITTALS PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG - 8/9/2001. CCB  DOC-215268A1.pdf  DOC-215268A1.txt Report No: 1311 Released: 08/10/2001. CABLE SERVICES BUREAU REGISTRATIONS. CSB Report No: TEL-00430S Released: 08/10/2001. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB  DOC-215287A1.pdf  DOC-215287A1.txt Report No: 45046 Released: 08/10/2001. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-215250A1.txt Report No: 25046 Released: 08/10/2001. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MMB  DOC-215253A1.txt Report No: 469 Released: 08/10/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE AND MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-215188A1.pdf  DOC-215188A1.txt Report No: 468 Released: 08/10/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE AND MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. MMB  DOC-215187A1.pdf  DOC-215187A1.txt Released: 08/10/2001. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS. OMD. Contact: Barbara Lowe at 202-418-0310  DOC-215267A1.doc  DOC-215267A1.pdf  DOC-215267A1.txt HIGH-SPEED SERVICES FOR INTERNET ACCESS:. Subscribership as of December 31, 2000. Action by: Common Carrier Bureau by REPORT. CCB. Contact (202) 418-0940, TTY: (202) 418-0484  DOC-215309A1.pdf  DOC-215309A1.txt SAN CARLOS APACHE TELEPHONE TELECOMMUNICATIONS UTILITY, INC.. Denies waiver of sections 36.611 and 36.612 of the Commission's rules and rejects San Carlos's request for accelerated high-cost universal service support.. (Dkt No. 96-45). Action by: By the Deputy Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: 08/09/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1834). CCB  DA-01-1834A1.doc  DA-01-1834A1.pdf  DA-01-1834A1.txt INQUIRY CONCERNING THE DEPLOYMENT OF ADVANCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS CAPABILITY TO ALL AMERICANS IN A REASONABLE AND TIMELY FASHION. Issued inquiry for third report on advanced telecommunications capability and data to determine rate of broadband deployment. (Dkt No. 98-146). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 08/09/2001 by NOI. (FCC No. 01-223). CCB. Contact Ellen Blackler  FCC-01-223A1.doc  FCC-01-223A1.pdf  FCC-01-223A1.txt JOINT APPLICATIONS OF TELEPHONE AND DATA SYSTEMS, INC. AND CHORUS COMMUNICATIONS, LTD. FOR AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF COMMISSION LICENSES AND AUTHORIZATIONS. Granted application for transfer of control of the domestic section 214 authorizations and the applications for transfer of control of wireless licenses filed by TDS and Chorus. Action by: Chief, Common Carrier Bureau; Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 08/10/2001 by MO&O. (DA No. 01-1914). CCB, WTB  DA-01-1914A1.doc  DA-01-1914A1.pdf  DA-01-1914A1.txt TALK.COM HOLDING CORP.. Resolved the seven Slamming Complaints filed against Talk.com Holding Corp.. Action by: Chief, Consumer Information Network Division. Adopted: 08/09/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1889). CIB  DA-01-1889A1.doc  DA-01-1889A1.pdf  DA-01-1889A1.txt QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION. Resolved complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Chief of Consumer Information Network Division. Adopted: 08/09/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1888). CIB  DA-01-1888A1.doc  DA-01-1888A1.pdf  DA-01-1888A1.txt AT&T CORPORATION. Resolved complaints alleging AT&T changed complainants telecommunications service providers without obtaining authorization and verification from complainants in violation of the Commision's rules. Action by: Chief, Consumer Information Network Division. Adopted: 08/09/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1891). CIB  DA-01-1891A1.doc  DA-01-1891A1.pdf  DA-01-1891A1.txt MCI WORLDCOM, INC.. Resolved complaints against World Com alleging changed complainants' telecommunications service providers without obtaining authorization and verification from complainants in violation of Commission's rules. Action by: Chief, Consumer Information Network Division. Adopted: 08/09/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1890). CIB PAGE-A-PHONE, INC.. Dismissed application for review of the Forfieture Order because it was not timely filed. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/07/2001 by MO&O. (FCC No. 01-222). ENF. Contact Jacqueline E. Ellington  FCC-01-222A1.doc  FCC-01-222A1.pdf  FCC-01-222A1.txt AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, SABINAL TX. Proposed amendment of Channtel 296A at Sabinal, TX. (Dkt No. MM 01-187). Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, MMB. Comments Due: 10/01/2001. Reply Comments Due: 10/16/2001. Adopted: 08/01/2001 by NPRM. (DA No. 01-1908). MMB  DA-01-1908A1.doc  DA-01-1908A1.pdf  DA-01-1908A1.txt AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, ELKHORN CITY AND COAL RUN, KY. Amended FM Table of Allotments: the reallotment of Channel 276A from Elkhorn City to Coal Run, KY. (Dkt No. MM 00-14). Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, MMB. Adopted: 08/01/2001 by R&O. (DA No. 01-1909). MMB  DA-01-1909A1.doc  DA-01-1909A1.pdf  DA-01-1909A1.txt AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, NACHES, SUNNYSIDE AND BENTON CITY, WA. Amended FM Table of Allotments with the substitution of Channel 245C2 for 245A at Naches and the reallotment of Channel 244A from Sunnyside to Benton City, WA. (Dkt No. MM 01-95). Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, MMB. Adopted: 08/01/2001 by R&O. (DA No. 01-1910). MMB  DA-01-1910A1.doc  DA-01-1910A1.pdf  DA-01-1910A1.txt AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, EVANT, TX, WINNSBORO, TX, COMANCHE, TX, CLAYTON, OK. Proposed amendment of Channel 243A at Evant, TX, Channel 263A at Winnsboro, TX, Channel 280A at Comanche, TX. and Channel 232C3 at Clayton, OK. (Dkt No. MM 01-188, MM 01-189, MM 01-190, MM 01-191). Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, MMB. Comments Due: 10/01/2001. Reply Comments Due: 10/16/2001. Adopted: 08/01/2001 by NPRM. (DA No. 01-1907). MMB  DA-01-1907A1.doc  DA-01-1907A1.pdf  DA-01-1907A1.txt AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, HONOR, BEAR LAKE, LUDINGTON, AND WALHALLA, MI. Proposed substitution of Channel 264C3 for Channel 264A at Honor, MI. Northern, of Channel 254A for Channel 292A at Ludington, MI and of Channel 293A for vacant Channel 255A at Walhalla, MI. (Dkt No. MM 01-186). Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, MMB. Comments Due: 10/01/2001. Reply Comments Due: 10/16/2001. Adopted: 08/01/2001 by NPRM. (DA No. 01-1906). MMB  DA-01-1906A1.doc  DA-01-1906A1.pdf  DA-01-1906A1.txt WESTERN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Granted Nextel's Petition for Reconsideration of the letter decision authorizing the late-filed reinstatement of Western's expired Specialized Mobile Radio Service license for station WNGC384 at Lead, South Dakota.. Action by: Chief, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 08/09/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-1904). WTB  DA-01-1904A1.doc  DA-01-1904A1.pdf  DA-01-1904A1.txt FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RELEASES DATA ON HIGH-SPEED SERVICES FOR INTERNET ACCESS. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today released summary statistics of its latest data on the deployment of high-speed Internet services in the United States.. News Release. Adopted: 08/09/2001 CCB. Contact Michael Balmoris at 202-418-0253  DOC-215244A1.doc  DOC-215244A1.pdf  DOC-215244A1.txt ABERNATHY APPOINTS JASON SCISM TO HER STAFF. News Release. News Media Contact: Bryan Tramont at 202-418-2534 CMMR  DOC-215256A1.doc  DOC-215256A1.pdf  DOC-215256A1.txt