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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 20 No. 180 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 September 14, 2001 |
FCC INITIATES PROCEEDING TO REVIEW SEPARATE AFFILIATE RULES FOR INCUMBENT INDEPENDENT LOCAL PHONE CARRIERS. The FCC adopted a proposal to reexamine rules pertaining to the provisioning of in-region, interexchange services by incumbent independent local exchange carriers (LECs). News Release. (Dkt No 00-175). Adopted: 09/13/2001. News Media Contact: Michael Balmoris at (202) 418-0253 CCB. Contact Jessica Rosenworcel at (202) 418-1580  DOC-216080A1.doc  DOC-216080A1.pdf  DOC-216080A1.txt FCC BEGINS REVIEWING CABLE OWNERSHIP LIMITS; AGENCY SEEKING EVIDENCE THAT WILL WITHSTAND FURTHER JUDICIAL SCRUTINY. The FCC launched a proceeding to review its horizontal and vertical limits for cable companies. News Release. Adopted: 09/13/2001. News Media Contact: Michelle Russo at (202) 418-2358 CSB. Contact Holly Berland or Andrew Wise at (202) 418-7200  DOC-216098A1.doc  DOC-216098A1.pdf  DOC-216098A1.txt FCC ADOPTS RULE CHANGES TO FACILITATE DEPLOYMENT OF SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO TECHNOLOGY. The FCC adopted rules changes to accommodate the authorization and deployment of a new generation of radio equipment known as software defined radios (SDRs).. News Release. Adopted: 09/13/2001. News Media Contact: Maureen Peratino at (202) 418-0506 OET. Contact Hugh Van Tuyl at (202) 418-7506  DOC-216078A1.doc  DOC-216078A1.pdf  DOC-216078A1.txt FCC INITIATES PROCEEDING TO REVIEW NEWSPAPER-BROADCAST CROSS-OWNERSHIP RULE. The FCC initiated a proceeding arising from its commitment in the June 2000 Biennial Review Report to review its rule barring common ownership of a broadcast station and daily newspaper in the same market. News Release. Adopted: 09/13/2001. News Media Contact: Audrey Spivack 202-418-0512 OMR. Contact Eric Bash 202-418-2130  DOC-216081A1.doc  DOC-216081A1.pdf  DOC-216081A1.txt FCC ENFORCEMENT BUREAU AND VERIZON ENTER INTO CONSENT DECREE; VERIZON TO PAY $77,000 AND IMPLEMENT REMEDIAL ACTIONS TO HELP ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL COMPETITION RULE. News Release EB. Contact John Winston at (202) 418-7450 and Elizabeth H. Valinoti at (202) 418-1529  DOC-216114A1.doc  DOC-216114A1.pdf  DOC-216114A1.txt FCC FILINGS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-216111A1.doc  DOC-216111A1.pdf  DOC-216111A1.txt FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-216124A1.doc  DOC-216124A1.pdf  DOC-216124A1.txt Released: 09/14/2001. TARIFF TRANSMITTALS PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG Public Reference Log: 9/13/2001. CCB. Contact: Reference Information Center at (202) 418-0270  DOC-216077A1.pdf  DOC-216077A1.txt Report No: SAT-00084 Released: 09/14/2001. SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-216126A1.pdf  DOC-216126A1.txt Released: 09/14/2001. WRC-03 ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MEETINGS OF THE INFORMAL WORKING GROUPS. (DA No. 01-2140) The public notices lists changes in the meeting schedules of Informal Working Groups 2 and 7 that were previously announced by public notice DA 01-2059 released on August 31, 2001.. IB. Contact: Don Weiland at (202) 418-2220  DA-01-2140A1.doc  DA-01-2140A1.pdf  DA-01-2140A1.txt Report No: TEL-00422 Released: 09/14/2001. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 01-2154) Section 214 Applications (47 C.F.R. Section 63.18); Cable Landing License Applications (47 C.F.R. Section 1.767); Requests to Authorize Switched Services over Private Lines (47 C.F.R. Section 63.16); Section 310(b)(4) Requests. IB. Contact: Reference Information Center at (202) 418-0270  DA-01-2154A1.pdf  DA-01-2154A1.txt Report No: TEL-00443S Released: 09/14/2001. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Section 214 Applications (47 C.F.R. Section 63.18); Cable Landing LIcense Applications (47 C.F.R. Section 1.767) Requests to Authorize Switched Services Over Private Lines (47 C.F.R. Section 63.16) Section 310(b)(4) Requests. IB. Contact: Reference Information Center at (202) 418-0270  DOC-216122A1.pdf  DOC-216122A1.txt Report No: 45070 Released: 09/14/2001. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-216060A1.txt Report No: 25070 Released: 09/14/2001. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MMB  DOC-216062A1.txt Report No: 508 Released: 09/14/2001. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE AND MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. MMB  DOC-216119A1.pdf  DOC-216119A1.txt Report No: AUC-01-37-H (Auction Released: 09/14/2001. FM AUCTION NO. 37 POSTPONED. (DA No. 01-2148). MMB. Contact: Kathy Garland at (717) 338-2888; Kenneth Burnley at (202) 418-0660; Lisa Scanlan at (202) 418-2700  DA-01-2148A1.doc  DA-01-2148A1.pdf  DA-01-2148A1.txt Released: 09/14/2001. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL TO HOLD MEETING. (DA No. 01-2153). (Dkt No 00-110, 00-109). OET. Contact: Kent Nilsson at (202) 418-0845, TTY; (202) 418-2989, fax: (202) 418-1918, email: knilsson@fcc.gov  DA-01-2153A1.doc  DA-01-2153A1.pdf  DA-01-2153A1.txt Report No: CWS-01-84 Released: 09/14/2001. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-216102A1.pdf  DOC-216102A1.txt Report No: CWS-01-85 Released: 09/14/2001. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-216112A1.pdf  DOC-216112A1.txt Released: 09/14/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU GRANTS CONSENT TO ASSIGN 900 MHZ SMR LICENSES. (DA No. 01-2157). WTB. Contact: Yolanda Lee at (202) 418-0660  DA-01-2157A1.doc  DA-01-2157A1.pdf  DA-01-2157A1.txt Released: 09/14/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO ALLOW A 100-QUESTION TEST FOR COMMERCIAL OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION ELEMENT 7 (GLOBAL MARITIME DISTRESS AND SAFETY SYSTEM (GMDSS). (DA No. 01-2141) RADIO OPERATING PROCEDURES. WTB. Contact: Ghassan Khalek at (202) 418-2771, TTY: (202) 418-7233, email: gkhalek@fcc.gov  DA- 01-2141A1.doc  DA- 01-2141A1.pdf  DA- 01-2141A1.txt E-RATE CENTRAL, PLANDOME, NY. Denied part of the request for waiver, and dismissed the remaining part. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: By the Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 09/12/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2137). CCB  DA-01-2137A1.doc  DA-01-2137A1.pdf  DA-01-2137A1.txt JONES INTERCABLE, INC.. Granted operator's petition in part, and amended our prior order. Action by: Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 09/13/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2150). CSB. Contact Vanessa Stallings  DA-01-2150A1.doc  DA-01-2150A1.pdf  DA-01-2150A1.txt MEREDITH CABLE (MEREDITH). Granted in part Meredith's petitions for reconsdieration. Dismissed as moot Meredith's application for review. Action by: Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 09/07/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2125). CSB  DA-01-2125A1.doc  DA-01-2125A1.pdf  DA-01-2125A1.txt TKR CABLE COMPANY. Granted operator's petition in part, amended our prior order, vacated stay and review operator's CPST rates beginning May 15, 1994. Action by: Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 09/13/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2149). CSB  DA-01-2149A1.doc  DA-01-2149A1.pdf  DA-01-2149A1.txt TIME WARNER CABLE. Granted the appeal of local rate order filed by Time Warner Cable, Inc. and remanded the local rate order of Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Action by: Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 08/31/2001 by MO&O. (DA No. 01-2142). CSB  DA-01-2142A1.doc  DA-01-2142A1.pdf  DA-01-2142A1.txt MONROE CABLEVISION, INC.. Modified prior order and dismissed petition for reconsideration and request for stay concerning the cable programming services tier in Frenchtown, MI. Action by: Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 09/07/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2127). CSB  DA-01-2127A1.doc  DA-01-2127A1.pdf  DA-01-2127A1.txt BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY. Granted complaint filed against the October 25, 1995 rate increase for the cable programming services tier in Riceboro, CA. Action by: Acting Chief, Financial Analysis and Compliance Division. Adopted: 09/12/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2143). CSB  DA-01-2143A1.doc  DA-01-2143A1.pdf  DA-01-2143A1.txt BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY (BRESNAN). Granted complaint filed against the March 7, 1995 rate increase for the cable programming services tier in Marshall, MN. Action by: Acting Chief, Financial Analysis and Compliance Division. Adopted: 09/12/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2144). CSB  DA-01-2144A1.doc  DA-01-2144A1.pdf  DA-01-2144A1.txt MARCUS CABLE PARTNERS, LP. Modified prior order and dismissed petition for reconsideration and refund plan concerning cable programming service tier overcharges in Hartford, Wisconsin. Action by: Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: 09/07/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2126). CSB  DA-01-2126A1.doc  DA-01-2126A1.pdf  DA-01-2126A1.txt AVENUE TV CABLE SERVICE, INC. (AVENUE). Granted Avenue's petition to modify the Los Angeles, CA DMA to exclude the community of Ventura, CA.. Dismissed must carry complaint filed by KRPA. Action by: Chief, Consumer Protection and Competition Division. Adopted: 09/07/2001 by MO&O. (DA No. 01-2134). CSB  DA-01-2134A1.doc  DA-01-2134A1.pdf  DA-01-2134A1.txt VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Adopted Consent Decree terminating an investigation into possible violations in connection with posting of notice of exhausted collocation space on its Internet website. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/10/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2079). EB  DA-01-2079A1.doc  DA-01-2079A1.pdf  DA-01-2079A1.txt TELESAT CANADA. Clarified the extent to which ANIK F1 may provide service to the U.S. market. Action by: Chief, International Bureau. Adopted: 09/13/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-2114). IB  DA-01-2114A1.doc  DA-01-2114A1.pdf  DA-01-2114A1.txt SAYRE, OKLAHOMA, ET AL.. Proposed to amend the FM Table of Allotments of the rules for various communities. Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch. Comments Due: 11/05/2001. Reply Comments Due: 11/20/2001. Adopted: 09/05/2001 by NPRM. (DA No. 01-2146). MMB  DA-01-2146A1.doc  DA-01-2146A1.pdf  DA-01-2146A1.txt ELK CITY, OK AND BORGER, TX. Amended TV Table of Allotments for these communities. (Dkt No. MM 01-134). Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, MMB. Adopted: 09/05/2001 by R&O. (DA No. 01-2145). MMB  DA-01-2145A1.doc  DA-01-2145A1.pdf  DA-01-2145A1.txt FREER, TX. Proposed Amendment to the FM Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 01-234, 01-234). Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division,MMB. Comments Due: 11/05/2001. Reply Comments Due: 11/20/2001. Adopted: 09/05/2001 by NPRM. (DA No. 01-2156). MMB  DA-01-2156A1.doc  DA-01-2156A1.pdf  DA-01-2156A1.txt AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, VARIOUS LOCATIONS. Amended Section 73.202(b) of the Commission Rules, the Table of FM Allotments, to specify the classes of channel allotted to various communities. Action by: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, MMB. Adopted: 09/05/2001 by R&O. (DA No. 01-2151). MMB  DA-01-2151A1.doc  DA-01-2151A1.pdf  DA-01-2151A1.txt MONROE COUNTY AND AND WNTX234, WNTX235, WNTX236. Granted Monroe's Petition and Request for Waiver to Operate Microwave Public Safety Pool Stations WNTX234, WNTX235, WNTX236, WNTX237, WNTX239, WNTX240 and WNTX481, Rochester, New York. BY Order on Reconsideration. Action by: Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division. Adopted: 09/04/2001 by RECON. (DA No. 01-2135). MMB  DA-01-2135A1.doc  DA-01-2135A1.pdf  DA-01-2135A1.txt AUTHORIZATION AND USE OF SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS. Amended Part 2 of the rules to create a new class of equipment for software defined radios with streamlined equipment authorization procedures. (Dkt No. 00-47). Action by: Bureau Chief. Adopted: 09/13/2001 by R&O. (FCC No. 01-264). OET. Contact Hugh Van Tuyl  FCC-01-264A1.doc  FCC-01-264A1.pdf  FCC-01-264A1.txt COMMISSIONER MARTIN APPOINTS CATHERINE CRUTCHER BROHIGIAN AS LEGAL ADVISOR. News Release. News Media Contact: Sam Feder at (202) 418-2100 CMMR  DOC-216094A1.doc  DOC-216094A1.pdf  DOC-216094A1.txt OPENING REMARKS OF FCC CHAIRMAN MICHAEL POWELL, FCC AGENDA MEETING, SEPTEMBER 13, 2001. STMT. News Media Contact: Brian Marriott at (202) 418-7121 CMMR  DOC-216093A1.doc  DOC-216093A1.pdf  DOC-216093A1.txt Report No: SES-00323 Released: 09/13/2001. SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INFORMATION RE: ACTIONS TAKEN. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-216121A1.pdf  DOC-216121A1.txt Report No: SES-00322 Released: 09/13/2001. SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES RE: SATELLITE RADIO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-216123A1.pdf  DOC-216123A1.txt