fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 21 No. 61
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

March 29, 2002





FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-221266A1.doc  DOC-221266A1.pdf  DOC-221266A1.txt




Released: 03/29/2002. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. CCB. Contact: Reference Information Center at (202) 418-0270  DOC-221236A1.pdf  DOC-221236A1.txt

Released: 03/29/2002. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FILED FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, INC. TO TELEPHONE AND DATA SYSTEMS, INC. PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED. (DA No. 02-732). (Dkt No 02-59). CCB. Contact: Tracey Wilson at (202) 418-1394 or Bill Dever at (202) 418-1578  DA-02-732A1.doc  DA-02-732A1.pdf  DA-02-732A1.txt

Released: 03/29/2002. ENFORCEMENT BUREAU FIELD OPERATIONS LIST OF ACTIONS TAKEN. (DA No. 02-724). EB  DA-02-724A1.doc  DA-02-724A1.pdf  DA-02-724A1.txt

Report No: SPB-177 Released: 03/29/2002. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU INFORMATION: REPORT TO CONGRESS REGARDING THE ORBIT ACT. Comments Due: 04/12/2002. Reply Comments Due: 04/19/2002. IB. Contact: Alexandra Field at (202) 418-2064 or Jabin Vahora at (202) 418-1229  DOC-221264A1.doc  DOC-221264A1.pdf  DOC-221264A1.txt

Released: 03/29/2002. AT&T CORP. AND COMCAST CORP. SEEK FCC CONSENT FOR A PROPOSED TRANSFER OF CONTROL. (DA No. 02-733). (Dkt No 02-70). Comments Due: 04/29/2002. Reply Comments Due: 05/14/2002. MB. Contact: Brian Millin at (202) 418-7426, email: bmillin@fcc.gov, TTY: (2102) 418-7365, Roger Holberg at (202) 418-2134 or Linda Senecal at (202) 418-7044. News Media Contact: Michelle Russo at (202) 418-2358, TTY: (202) 418-7172 or (888) 835-5322  DA-02-733A1.doc  DA-02-733A1.pdf  DA-02-733A1.txt

Report No: 45202 Released: 03/29/2002. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-221259A1.txt

Report No: 25202 Released: 03/29/2002. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MMB  DOC-221263A1.txt

Released: 03/29/2002. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSE PROCEEDINGS. OMD. Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310  DOC-221232A1.doc  DOC-221232A1.pdf  DOC-221232A1.txt

Released: 03/29/2002. FCC ELECTRONIC FILINGS TO BE INTERRUPTED Web Site, Databases, and Telephone Service Will Be Affected. OMD. Contact: Ruth Dancey or William Caton at (202) 418-0300  DOC-221262A1.doc  DOC-221262A1.pdf  DOC-221262A1.txt

Released: 03/29/2002. ERRATUM - OCTOBER 2001 EDITION OF TITLE 47 OF THE CFR IS AVAILABLE Correcting the Public Noticed released March 25, 2002, the cost of Parts 70 to 79 was inadvertently listed as $52.50 (Foreign). The correct cost is $72.50 (Foreign). OMD  DOC-221255A1.doc  DOC-221255A1.pdf  DOC-221255A1.txt

Report No: CWS-02-48 Released: 03/29/2002. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-221245A1.pdf  DOC-221245A1.txt

Report No: CWS-02-49 Released: 03/29/2002. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-221246A1.pdf  DOC-221246A1.txt




M & R ENTERPRISES, INC.. Found M&R liable for forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 for denying access to the public inspect file to members of the public on two occasions. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/28/2002 by NALF. (DA No. 02-730). EB  DA-02-730A1.doc  DA-02-730A1.pdf  DA-02-730A1.txt

IN THE MATTER MCLEODUSA PUBLISHING COMPANY, COMPLAINANT, V. WOOD COUNTY TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC.. Granted formal complaint of McLeodUSA Publishing Company filed against Wood County Telephone Company, Inc. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/18/2002 by MO&O. (FCC No. 02-86). EB  FCC-02-86A1.doc  FCC-02-86A1.pdf  FCC-02-86A1.txt

CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING LICENSES, INC.. Found Clear Channel liable for forfeiture in the amount of $6,000 for violating FCC's rules by recording and later broadcasting a telephone conversation without first informing the non-licensee party to the conversation of its intent to do so. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/28/2002 by NALF. (DA No. 02-729). EB  DA-02-729A1.doc  DA-02-729A1.pdf  DA-02-729A1.txt

VARIOUS LOCATIONS. Amended the FM Table of Allotments for various locations. Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division , OBLP, MB. Adopted: 03/25/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-736). MB  DA-02-736A1.doc  DA-02-736A1.pdf  DA-02-736A1.txt

JENNINGS, LA AND IOWA, LA. Proposed the Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for these communities. (Dkt No. 02-69). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, OBLP, MB. Comments Due: 05/20/2002. Reply Comments Due: 06/04/2002. Adopted: 03/25/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-735). MB  DA-02-735A1.doc  DA-02-735A1.pdf  DA-02-735A1.txt

NANTUCKET, MA; CAMERON, ARIZONA AND FERRYSBURG, MICHIGAN. Proposed to Amend FM Table of Allotments for these communities. (Dkt No. 02-72, 02-73, 02-74). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Office Broadcast License Policy, MB. Comments Due: 05/20/2002. Reply Comments Due: 06/04/2002. Adopted: 03/25/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-737). MB  DA-02-737A1.doc  DA-02-737A1.pdf  DA-02-737A1.txt

IN THE MATTER OF AMENDMENT OF SECTION 73.202(B), TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, FM BROADCAST SATIONS, LINCOLN, OSAGE BEACH, STEELVILLE, WARSAW, MO. Erratum to MO&O, released 03/25/2002. (Dkt No. 90-66). Action by: Chief, Office of Broadcast License Policy, MB by ERRATUM. MB  DOC-221242A1.doc  DOC-221242A1.pdf  DOC-221242A1.txt

APPLICATIONS FOR CONSENT TO THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF LICENSES FROM COMCAST CORP. AND AT&T CORP, TRANSFERORS, TO AT&T COMCAST CORP., TRANSFEREE. Established procedures to ensure protection for confidential or proprietary documents submitted in this proceeding. (Dkt No. 02-70). Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 03/28/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-734). MB  DA-02-734A1.doc  DA-02-734A1.pdf  DA-02-734A1.txt

NATIONAL SCIENCE & TECHOLOGY NETWORK, INC. Denied the petition for reconsideration of dismissal of application for authority to operate a private land mobile radio system in the 470-512 MHz Band. Action by: Acting Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 03/28/2002 by RECON. WTB  DOC-221235A1.doc  DOC-221235A1.pdf  DOC-221235A1.txt





FCC ANNOUNCES CREATION OF MEDIA SECURITY & RELIABILITY COUNCIL; TRIBUNE COMPANY PRESIDENT DENNIS FITZSIMONS TO BE CHAIRMAN. News Release. News Media Contact: David Fiske 202-418-0513 or Michelle Russo 418-2358 OMR  DOC-221260A1.doc  DOC-221260A1.pdf  DOC-221260A1.txt




IMPLEMENTATION OF PAY TELEPHONE RECLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PROVISIONS OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996. Authorized examination of the data for which confidential treatment has been sought, subject to compliance with this Protective Order. (Dkt No. 96-128). Action by: Chief, Pricing Policy Division. Adopted: 03/28/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-726). CCB  DA-02-726A1.doc  DA-02-726A1.pdf  DA-02-726A1.txt

IMPLEMENTATION OF PAY TELEPHONE RECLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PROVISIONS OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF '96. Authorized examination of the carrier identification codes listed in the report for which confidential treatment has been sought, subject to compliance with this Protective Order. (Dkt No. 96-128). Action by: Chief, Pricing Policy Division. Adopted: 03/28/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-725). CCB  DA-02-725A1.doc  DA-02-725A1.pdf  DA-02-725A1.txt

IN RE OCC ACQUISITIONS, INC. RADIO STATION WSTA-FM CHARLOTTE AMALIE, VI. Granted the Application for Review filed on September 28, 1999 to the extent indicated, and denied in all other aspects. Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 03/18/2002 by MO&O. (FCC No. 02-85). MMB  FCC-02-85A1.doc  FCC-02-85A1.pdf  FCC-02-85A1.txt