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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 21 No. 153 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 8, 2002 |
FCC TO PARTICIPATE IN NATIONAL SUMMIT ON EMERGING TRIBAL ECONOMIES, SEPTEMBER 19TH 2002, IN PHOENIX TELECOM DAY IS IMPORTANT PART OF FCC'S INDIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS INITIATIVES PROGRAM. News Release. News Media Contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0511, email: rkimball@fcc.gov CGB  DOC-225213A1.doc  DOC-225213A1.pdf  DOC-225213A1.txt FCC CRACKS DOWN ON "JUNK FAX" VIOLATIONS. The FCC announced it has proposed to fine Fax.com, Inc. $5,379,000 for sending consumers unsolicited advertising known as "junk faxes.". News Release. News Media Contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0511, email: rkimball@fcc.gov CGB. Contact Dan Rumelt at (202) 418-7152, email: drumelt@fcc.gov  DOC-225211A1.doc  DOC-225211A1.pdf  DOC-225211A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FILED FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF CAVALIER TELEPHONE CORPORATION. (DA No. 02-1960). (Dkt No 02-216) Pleading Cycle Established. CCB. Contact: Tracey Wilson or Bill Dever at (202) 418-1578  DA-02-1960A1.doc  DA-02-1960A1.pdf  DA-02-1960A1.txt Report No: 2567 Released: 08/08/2002. CONSUMER & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU REFERENCE INFORMATION CENTER PETITIONS FOR RULEMAKING FILED. CGB  DOC-225183A1.doc  DOC-225183A1.pdf  DOC-225183A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. NON-STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. (DA No. 02-1944). IB. Contact: Cara Grayer at (202) 418-2960, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DA-02-1944A1.doc  DA-02-1944A1.pdf  DA-02-1944A1.txt Report No: TEL-00560 Released: 08/08/2002. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 02-1947). IB. Contact: (202) 418-1460  DA-02-1947A1.pdf  DA-02-1947A1.txt Report No: 325-00040 Released: 08/08/2002. PERMIT TO DELIVER PROGRAMS TO FOREIGN BROADCAST STATION. IB, IB. Contact: (202) 418-2145, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-225174A1.pdf  DOC-225174A1.txt Report No: 45294 Released: 08/08/2002. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-225191A1.txt Report No: 25294 Released: 08/08/2002. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-225194A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. COMMENTS INVITED ON CABLE & WIRELESS USA, INC., APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 02-1959). Comments Due: 08/22/2002. WCB. Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325  DA-02-1959A1.doc  DA-02-1959A1.pdf  DA-02-1959A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. COMMENTS INVITED ON WORLD COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE SERVICES, INC., APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES.. (DA No. 02-1958). Comments Due: 08/22/2002. WCB. Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325  DA-02-1958A1.doc  DA-02-1958A1.pdf  DA-02-1958A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. RELOCATION OF GETTYSBURG OFFICE OFF-SITE MAILROOM. (DA No. 02-1962). WTB  DA-02-1962A1.doc  DA-02-1962A1.pdf  DA-02-1962A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. WTB REGION 35 (OREGON) 700 MHZ PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES THIRD PLANNING MEETING. (DA No. 02-1895). WTB  DA-02-1895A1.doc  DA-02-1895A1.pdf  DA-02-1895A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE. (DA No. 02-1956). WTB. Contact: Michael Wilhelm at (202) 418-0680  DA-02-1956A1.doc  DA-02-1956A1.pdf  DA-02-1956A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. PUBLIC SAFETY NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE SUBCOMITEE MEETINGS NOTICE. (DA No. 02-1946). WTB. Contact: (202) 418-0680, email: mwilhelm@fcc.gov  DA-02-1946A1.doc  DA-02-1946A1.pdf  DA-02-1946A1.txt Released: 08/08/2002. PUBLIC SAFETY 700 MHZ BAND-INTEROPERABILITY SPECTRUM ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADMINISTRATION DECISIONS. (DA No. 02-1957). (Dkt No 96-86). WTB. Contact: Jeanine Benfaido at (202) 418-0680  DA-02-1957A1.doc  DA-02-1957A1.pdf  DA-02-1957A1.txt NEW ENGLAND CABLE TELEVISION ASSOCIATON V GRANITE STATE ELECTRIC COMPANY. Dismissed pole attachment complaint. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/06/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1931). EB  DA-02-1931A1.doc  DA-02-1931A1.pdf  DA-02-1931A1.txt NEW ENGLAND CABLE TELEVISION ASSOCIATION, ET AL V. THE NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC COMPANY. Dismissed pole attachment complaint. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/06/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1932). EB  DA-02-1932A1.doc  DA-02-1932A1.pdf  DA-02-1932A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF FALCON TELECABLE REFUND PLAN. Approved refund plan as modified concerning the cable programming services tier rates in Lincoln City, OR. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/06/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1936). EB  DA-02-1936A1.doc  DA-02-1936A1.pdf  DA-02-1936A1.txt FALCON CLASSIC CABLE INCOME PROPERTIES REFUND PLAN. Approved refund plan as modified concerning the cable programming services tier rates in California City, CA. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/06/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1935). EB  DA-02-1935A1.doc  DA-02-1935A1.pdf  DA-02-1935A1.txt NEVADA STATE CABLE TELEVISION ASSOCIATION V. NEVADA BELL. Denied petition for reconsideration and clarified Order DA 98-1175, concerning the pole attachment rates charged by Nevada Bell. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/06/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1930). EB  DA-02-1930A1.doc  DA-02-1930A1.pdf  DA-02-1930A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF MARCUS CABLE ASSOCIATES, LP PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION. Granted petition for reconsideration and modified Order, DA 99-377, concerning the cable programming services tier rates in Montrose, CA. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/06/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1937). EB  DA-02-1937A1.doc  DA-02-1937A1.pdf  DA-02-1937A1.txt APPLICATIONS FOR CONSENT TO THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF LICENSES FROM COMCAST CORP. AND AT&T CORP., TRANSFERORS, TO AT&T COMCAST CORP., TRANSFEREE. Denied the Joint Objection of Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp. to Disclosure of Confidential Information. (Dkt No. 02-70). Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 08/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1953). MB  DA-02-1953A1.doc  DA-02-1953A1.pdf  DA-02-1953A1.txt ABC CELLULAR CORPORATION PAGE NOW, INC./ ABC PAGING INC.. Extended by 90 days the deadline for resolution of the captioned Request for Review. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Assistant Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1954). WCB  DA-02-1954A1.doc  DA-02-1954A1.pdf  DA-02-1954A1.txt SOUTHWEST CENTRAL DISPATCH. Granted Southwest Central Dispatch's Request for Waiver of Section 101.81 of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 08/06/2002 by RECON. (DA No. 02-1941). WTB  DA-02-1941A1.doc  DA-02-1941A1.pdf  DA-02-1941A1.txt COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG. Granted Request for Waiver of General Category Freeze to Permit Licensure of 800 MHz General Category Station in Charlotte, N.C.. Action by: Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 08/05/2002 by MO&O. (DA No. 02-1934). WTB  DA-02-1934A1.doc  DA-02-1934A1.pdf  DA-02-1934A1.txt CARA ENTERPRISES, INC. AND JJ'S ROOTER SERVICE, INC. Vacated the MO&O proposing to modify the license of the JJ's Rooter Service for Station WNGT994, released on May 1, 2002. Action by: Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 08/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-473). WTB  DA-02-473A1.doc  DA-02-473A1.pdf  DA-02-473A1.txt Report No: AUC-02-44-H Released: 08/07/2002. AUCTION NO. 44 REVISED QUALIFIED BIDDER NOTIFICATION; 125 QUALIFIED BIDDERS. (DA No. 02-1933). WTB. Contact: Howard Davenport (202) 418-0660  DA-02-1933A1.doc  DA-02-1933A5.doc  DA-02-1933A6.doc  DA-02-1933A1.pdf  DA-02-1933A2.pdf  DA-02-1933A3.pdf  DA-02-1933A4.pdf  DA-02-1933A5.pdf  DA-02-1933A6.pdf  DA-02-1933A1.txt  DA-02-1933A2.txt  DA-02-1933A3.txt  DA-02-1933A4.txt  DA-02-1933A5.txt  DA-02-1933A6.txt