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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 22 No. 65 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 April 7, 2003 |
DATES SET FOR COMMENTS ON DO-NOT-CALL IMPLEMENTATION ACT AS PART OF TELEMARKING PROCEEDING. News Release. Comments Due: 05/05/2003. Reply Comments Due: 05/19/2003. (Dkt No 02-278). News Media Contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0511 CGB. Contact Erick McMahon at (202) 418-2512  DOC-233010A1.doc  DOC-233010A1.pdf  DOC-233010A1.txt FCC ORDERS HEARING INTO APPARENT MISREPRESENTATIONS AND OTHER VIOLATIONS BY BUSINESS OPTIONS, INC. The FCC will hold a hearing to determine whether to revoke the common carrier operating authority of Business Options, Inc. (BOI) and whether to impose a monetary forfeiture against BOI for slamming and other apparent violations. News Release. News Media Contact: John Winston at (202) 418-7450 EB. Contact John Winston at (202) 418-7450  DOC-232985A1.doc  DOC-232985A1.pdf  DOC-232985A1.txt FCC ORDERS HEARING INTO APPARENT DECEPTIVE MARKETING PRACTICES BY NOS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. AND AFFILIATED CARRIERS. The FCC will hold a hearing to determine whether to revoke the common carrier operating authority of NOS Communications, Inc. and affiliated long distance companies for apparently engaging in deceptive marketing practices. News Release. News Media Contact: John Winston at (202) 418-7450 EB. Contact John Winston at (202) 418-7450  DOC-232987A1.doc  DOC-232987A1.pdf  DOC-232987A1.txt JIM SCHLICHTING TO BECOME DEPUTY CHIEF OF THE OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. News Release. News Media Contact: Lauren Van Wazer 202-418-0030 OET  DOC-233032A1.doc  DOC-233032A1.pdf  DOC-233032A1.txt FCC FILINGS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-233037A1.doc  DOC-233037A1.pdf  DOC-233037A1.txt FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-232945A1.doc  DOC-232945A1.pdf  DOC-232945A1.txt CATHERINE W. SEIDEL NAMED DEPUTY BUREAU CHIEF OF WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU. News Release. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654 WTB  DOC-233016A1.doc  DOC-233016A1.pdf  DOC-233016A1.txt PETER A. TENHULA NAMED ACTING DEPUTY BUREAU CHIEF OF WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU. News Release. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654 WTB  DOC-233015A1.doc  DOC-233015A1.pdf  DOC-233015A1.txt DAVID FURTH NAMED ASSOCIATE BUREAU CHIEF AND COUNSEL TO WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU. News Release. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654 WTB  DOC-233017A1.doc  DOC-233017A1.pdf  DOC-233017A1.txt JOHN BRANSCOME NAMED LEGAL ADVISOR IN WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU'S OFFICE OF THE BUREAU CHIEF. News Release. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654 WTB  DOC-233023A1.doc  DOC-233023A1.pdf  DOC-233023A1.txt JENNIFER TOMCHIN NAMED LEGAL ADVISOR IN THE WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU'S OFFICE OF THE BUREAU CHIEF. News Release. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418-0654 WTB  DOC-233039A1.doc  DOC-233039A1.pdf  DOC-233039A1.txt Report No: 45458 Released: 04/07/2003. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-233025A1.txt Report No: 25458 Released: 04/07/2003. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-233028A1.txt Released: 04/07/2003. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB. Contact: Reference Information Center at (202) 418-0270  DOC-233034A1.pdf  DOC-233034A1.txt BUSINESS OPTIONS, INC. (BOI). The FCC will hold a hearing to determine whether to revoke the common carrier operation authority of BOI, and whether to impose a monetary forfeiture against BOI for slamming and other apparent violations. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/26/2003 by ORDER. (FCC No. 03-68). EB  FCC-03-68A1.doc  FCC-03-68A1.pdf  FCC-03-68A1.txt PINNACLE TOWERS, INC. Cancelled the $20,000 Notice of Apparent Liability issued to Pinnacle Towers, Inc. for failing to maintain good visibility of its Orlando, FL antenna structure in apparent violation of Section 17.50 of the Rules. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 04/03/2003 by MO&O. (DA No. 03-1085). EB  DA-03-1085A1.doc  DA-03-1085A1.pdf  DA-03-1085A1.txt NOS COMMUNICATIONS, INC., AFFINITY NETWORK INCORPORATED AND NOSVA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The FCC will hold a hearing to determine whether to revoke the common carrier operating authority of NOS Communications, Inc. and affiliated long distance companies for apparently engaging in deceptive marketing practices. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/02/2003 by ORDER. (FCC No. 03-75). EB  FCC-03-75A1.doc  FCC-03-75A1.pdf  FCC-03-75A1.txt MONROE AREA BROADCASTERS, INC. (MONROE). Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $9,000 to Monroe, licensee of WRKQ(AM), Madisonville, TN for failing to adequately attenuate WRKQ's transmission system emissions, failing to identify call sign, and operating at night with daytime power. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 04/03/2003 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 03-1033). EB  DA-03-1033A1.doc  DA-03-1033A1.pdf  DA-03-1033A1.txt EAGLEVIEW TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Granted EagleView Technolgies, Inc. application for review and reinstated the renewal application. Action by: Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 04/03/2003 by MO&O. (FCC No. 03-76). WTB  FCC-03-76A1.doc  FCC-03-76A1.pdf  FCC-03-76A1.txt MICHAEL W. MONROE. Granted Monroe's Petition for Partial Reconsideration, removed the condition authorizing operations on a secondary basis, granted the Waiver Request, and returned Monroe's application to pending status for processing. Action by: Chief, Policy and Rules Branch, Commercial Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 04/04/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-1095). WTB  DA-03-1095A1.doc  DA-03-1095A1.pdf  DA-03-1095A1.txt Released: 04/04/2003. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL TO HOLD MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2003. (DA No. 03-1094) at 10 a.m., Commission Meeting Room, 445 12th Street S.W., Washington, DC. OET. Contact: Jeffery Goldthorp 202-418-1096  DA-03-1094A1.doc  DA-03-1094A1.pdf  DA-03-1094A1.txt Released: 04/04/2003. SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLIC NOTICE ON THE COMMENTS REQUESTED IN CONNECTION WITH SBC'S PENDING SECTION 271 APPLICATION, DA 03-1093, RELEASED 04/04/2003. (Dkt No 03-16). WCB. Contact: John Stanley at (202) 418-1496 or Gina Spade at (202) 418-7105  DOC-233033A1.doc  DOC-233033A1.pdf  DOC-233033A2.pdf  DOC-233033A1.txt  DOC-233033A2.txt LAKEDALE TELEPHONE COMPANY. Denied the application of Lakedale Telephone Company for certification to operate an open video system in the Service Area. Action by: Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 04/04/2003 by MO&O. (DA No. 03-1096). MB  DA-03-1096A1.doc  DA-03-1096A1.pdf  DA-03-1096A1.txt