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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 22 No. 172 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 September 8, 2003 |
FCC PROPOSES TO FINE VERIZON $283,800 FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH RULES GOVERNING TRANSACTIONS WITH ITS LONG DISTANCE AFFILIATES. News Release. News Media Contact: Suzanne Tretreault at (202) 418-7450 EB. Contact Suzanne Tretreault at (202) 418-7450 or Mark Stone at (202) 418-0816  DOC-238755A1.doc  DOC-238755A1.pdf  DOC-238755A1.txt FCC CHAIRMAN MICHAEL POWELL NAMES CHRISTOPHER LIBERTELLI SENIOR LEGAL ADVISOR, AND SHERYL WILKERSON AS LEGAL ADVISOR FOR WIRELESS AND INTERNATIONAL ISSUES. News Release. News Media Contact: David Fiske at 202-418-0513 OCH  DOC-238764A1.doc  DOC-238764A1.pdf  DOC-238764A1.txt Report No: 2627 Released: 09/08/2003. PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION AND CLARIFICATION OF ACTION IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDING. (Dkt No 02-278). CGB  DOC-238758A1.doc  DOC-238758A1.pdf  DOC-238758A1.txt Report No: 45565 Released: 09/08/2003. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-238747A1.txt Report No: 25565 Released: 09/08/2003. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-238751A1.txt Released: 09/08/2003. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSE PROCEEDINGS. OMD. Contact: Barbara P. Chappelle @ (202) 418-0310  DOC-238739A1.doc  DOC-238739A1.pdf  DOC-238739A1.txt Released: 09/08/2003. REGION 6 (NORTHERN CALIFORNIA) PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEES ANNOUNCE FIRST REGION 6 4.9 GHZ PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING MEETING AND FOURTH REGION 6 700 MHZ PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING MEETING. (DA No. 03-2841). WTB  DA-03-2841A1.doc  DA-03-2841A1.pdf  DA-03-2841A1.txt Released: 09/08/2003. REGION 20 (MARYLAND-METROPOLITAN AREA) PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEES ANNOUNCE. (DA No. 03-2852). (Dkt No 90-7) REGION 20 (700 MHz) REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING MEETING AND REGION 20 NPSPAC (800 MHz) REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING MEETING. WTB  DA-03-2852A1.doc  DA-03-2852A1.pdf  DA-03-2852A1.txt LCR TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-2821). CGB  DA-03-2821A1.doc  DA-03-2821A1.pdf  DA-03-2821A1.txt UKI COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-2816). CGB  DA-03-2816A1.doc  DA-03-2816A1.pdf  DA-03-2816A1.txt ADVANTAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-2818). CGB  DA-03-2818A1.doc  DA-03-2818A1.pdf  DA-03-2818A1.txt ADVANTAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-2819). CGB  DA-03-2819A1.doc  DA-03-2819A1.pdf  DA-03-2819A1.txt AMERICA'S DIGITAL SATELLITE TELEPHONE, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-2822). CGB  DA-03-2822A1.doc  DA-03-2822A1.pdf  DA-03-2822A1.txt AMERICA'S DIGITAL SATELLITE TELEPHONE, INC. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-2817). CGB  DA-03-2817A1.doc  DA-03-2817A1.pdf  DA-03-2817A1.txt WORLD COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE SYSTEM, INC. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Acting Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2003 by ORDER. (DA No. 03-2820). CGB  DA-03-2820A1.doc  DA-03-2820A1.pdf  DA-03-2820A1.txt VERIZON TELEPHONE COMPANIES, INC. Issued Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $283,800 for violating section 32.27(c) of the Commission's rules in transactions with Verizon's affiliates. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 08/06/2003 by NALF. (FCC No. 03-199). EB  FCC-03-199A1.doc  FCC-03-199A1.pdf  FCC-03-199A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, MARBLE FALLS AND DRIPPING SPRINGS, TX. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments. (Dkt No. 03-195). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/30/2003. Reply Comments Due: 11/14/2003. Adopted: 09/03/2003 by NPRM. (DA No. 03-2828). MB  DA-03-2828A1.doc  DA-03-2828A1.pdf  DA-03-2828A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, MT. VERNON AND OKAWVILLE, IL. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for these communities. (Dkt No. 03-196). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/30/2003. Reply Comments Due: 11/14/2003. Adopted: 09/03/2003 by NPRM. (DA No. 03-2829). MB  DA-03-2829A1.doc  DA-03-2829A1.pdf  DA-03-2829A1.txt STAR WIRELESS, LLC. Issued Erratum correcting DA 03-2722 released August 27, 2003,
including omitting attachment E, and correcting the NAL Account Number. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau by ERRATUM. EB  DOC-238435A1.doc  DOC-238435A1.pdf  DOC-238435A1.txt NORTHEAST COMMUNICATIONS OF WISCONSIN, INC. Issued Erratum correcting DA 03-2723 released August 27, 2003,
including omitting attachment E, and correcting the NAL Account Number. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau by ERRATUM. EB  DOC-238735A1.doc  DOC-238735A1.pdf  DOC-238735A1.txt