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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 23 No. 110 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 June 14, 2004 |
FCC TAKES FURTHER STEPS TOWARD FULFILLING GOALS OF ADA BY REFINING RULES GOVERNING PROVISION OF TRS. The FCC has taken the latest in a series of steps to ensure that consumers with hearing and speech disabilities have convenient and affordable access to telephone services through use of the telecommunications relay services (TRS). News Release. Adopted: 06/10/2004. (FCC No. 04-137). News Media Contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0511, email: Rosemary.Kimball@fcc.gov CGB. Contact Gregory Hlibok at (202) 418-0431 (TTY); e-mail: gregory.Hlibok@fcc.gov  DOC-248337A1.doc  DOC-248337A2.doc  DOC-248337A3.doc  DOC-248337A4.doc  DOC-248337A5.doc  DOC-248337A1.pdf  DOC-248337A2.pdf  DOC-248337A3.pdf  DOC-248337A4.pdf  DOC-248337A5.pdf  DOC-248337A1.txt  DOC-248337A2.txt  DOC-248337A3.txt  DOC-248337A4.txt  DOC-248337A5.txt COMMISSION ADOPTS SPECTRUM SHARING PLAN TO PROMOTE THE EFFICIENT USE OF SPECTRUM. The FCC adopted a spectrum sharing plan for low earth orbit satellite systems (Big LEOs) in the 1.6 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands. News Release. (Dkt No 00-258 , 02-364). Adopted: 06/10/2004. News Media Contact: David Strickland at (202) 418-0977 IB. Contact Paul Locke at (202) 418-0756 or Jennifer Gorny at (202) 418-1517  DOC-248343A1.doc  DOC-248343A1.pdf  DOC-248343A1.txt FCC DRIVES MODERNIZATION THROUGH ELECTRONIC FILING PROPOSAL FOR INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. The Federal Communications Commission proposed to further modernize its operations by establishing mandatory electronic filing of all international telecommunications service submissions. News Release. (Dkt No 04-226). Adopted: 06/10/2004. News Media Contact: Linda Haller at (202) 418-1408, Linda.Haller@fcc.gov, IB. Contact Alexandra Field at (202) 418-2064 or JoAnn Ekblad at (202) 418-1372  DOC-248344A1.doc  DOC-248344A1.pdf  DOC-248344A1.txt FCC ISSUES INQUIRY FOR ITS ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS ON VIDEO COMPETITION. The FCC initiated its eleventh annual inquiry, as required by Congress, into the status of competition in the market for the delivery of video programming. News Release. Adopted: 06/10/2004. News Media Contact: Suzon Cameron at (202) 418-1916 MB. Contact Anne Levine and Marcia Glauberman (202) 418-7200  DOC-248338A1.doc  DOC-248338A2.doc  DOC-248338A3.doc  DOC-248338A1.pdf  DOC-248338A2.pdf  DOC-248338A3.pdf  DOC-248338A1.txt  DOC-248338A2.txt  DOC-248338A3.txt FCC PROMOTES THE DEPLOYMENT OF WIRELESS BROADBAND SERVICES BY CREATING NEW RULES FOR THE 2495-2690 MHZ BAND WHILE PROTECTING EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. As part of its ongoing efforts to promote the deployment of wireless broadband services, the FCC adopted a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking transforming the rules governing MDS and ITFS in the 2495-2690 MHz band. News Release. (Dkt No 03-66). Adopted: 06/10/2004. News Media Contact: Lauren Patrich at (202) 418-7944 WTB. Contact Genevieve Ross at (202) 418-1305, email: Genevieve.Ross@fcc.gov  DOC-248267A1.doc  DOC-248267A2.doc  DOC-248267A3.doc  DOC-248267A4.doc  DOC-248267A5.doc  DOC-248267A6.doc  DOC-248267A1.pdf  DOC-248267A2.pdf  DOC-248267A3.pdf  DOC-248267A4.pdf  DOC-248267A5.pdf  DOC-248267A6.pdf  DOC-248267A1.txt  DOC-248267A2.txt  DOC-248267A3.txt  DOC-248267A4.txt  DOC-248267A5.txt  DOC-248267A6.txt Released: 06/14/2004. WRC-07 ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MEETINGS OF THE INFORMAL WORKING GROUPS. (DA No. 04-1689). IB. Contact: Don Weiland at (202) 418-2220  DA-04-1689A1.doc  DA-04-1689A1.pdf  DA-04-1689A1.txt Released: 06/14/2004. THE FCC'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE 2007 WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE PROPOSES PRELIMINARY VIEWS ON WRC-07 ISSUES. (DA No. 04-1698). IB. Contact: Don Weiland at (202) 418-2220  DA-04-1698A1.doc  DA-04-1698A1.pdf  DA-04-1698A1.txt Report No: 45755 Released: 06/14/2004. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-248238A1.txt  DOC-248238A1.pdf Report No: 25755 Released: 06/14/2004. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-248240A1.txt  DOC-248240A1.pdf Released: 06/14/2004. NOTICE OF STREAMLINED DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION GRANTED. (DA No. 04-1649). (Dkt No 04-148). WCB. Contact: Tracey Wilson (202) 418-1394 or Julie Veach (202) 418-1558  DA-04-1649A1.doc  DA-04-1649A1.pdf  DA-04-1649A1.txt COMCAST. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1672). CGB  DA-04-1672A1.doc  DA-04-1672A1.pdf  DA-04-1672A1.txt AT&T BROADBAND. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1677). CGB  DA-04-1677A1.doc  DA-04-1677A1.pdf  DA-04-1677A1.txt AT&T CORPORATION. Denied the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1680). CGB  DA-04-1680A1.doc  DA-04-1680A1.pdf  DA-04-1680A1.txt AT&T CORPORATION. Denied the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1674). CGB  DA-04-1674A1.doc  DA-04-1674A1.pdf  DA-04-1674A1.txt AT&T CORPORATION. Resolved the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1675). CGB  DA-04-1675A1.doc  DA-04-1675A1.pdf  DA-04-1675A1.txt LCR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LLC. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1679). CGB  DA-04-1679A1.doc  DA-04-1679A1.pdf  DA-04-1679A1.txt OPTICAL TELEPHONE CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1678). CGB  DA-04-1678A1.doc  DA-04-1678A1.pdf  DA-04-1678A1.txt ADVANTAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1676). CGB  DA-04-1676A1.doc  DA-04-1676A1.pdf  DA-04-1676A1.txt WBLB, INC. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $8,000 to WBLB, Inc. for failure to have its Emergency Alert System transmitting functions available during times the station is in operation. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 06/08/2004 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 04-1620). EB  DA-04-1620A1.doc  DA-04-1620A1.pdf  DA-04-1620A1.txt TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT - ADVANCE/NEWHOUSE SUBSIDIARY, LLC D/B/A TIME WARNER CABLE. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $6,600.00 to Time Warner Entertainment - Advance/Newhouse Subsidiary, LLC d/b/a Time Warner Cable for failure to maintain all required material in the system's public inspection file. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 06/09/2004 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 04-1670). EB  DA-04-1670A1.doc  DA-04-1670A1.pdf  DA-04-1670A1.txt COMCAST CABLEVISION OF DALLAS, INC., ET AL. Dismissed the Requests for Emergency Stay of Local Rate Order filed by Comcast of California, et al. Remanded the Appeals of Local Rate Orders filed by Comcast of California, et al. Action by: Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 06/10/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1703). MB  DA-04-1703A1.doc  DA-04-1703A1.pdf  DA-04-1703A1.txt NATIONAL EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOCIATION, INC. 2004 MODIFICATION OF AVERAGE SCHEDULES. Approved the proposed average schedule formulas as submitted in NECA's filing. (Dkt No. 03-261). Action by: Chief, Pricing Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 06/10/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1702). WCB  DA-04-1702A1.doc  DA-04-1702A1.pdf  DA-04-1702A1.txt FEDERAL-STATE JOINT BOARD ON UNIVERSAL SERVICE, MIDWEST WIRELESS IOWA, L.L.C. PETITION FOR WAIVER OF SECTIONS 54.313(D) AND 54.314(D) OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. Granted the Request from Midwest Wireless Iowa, L.L.C. a competitive eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC). (Dkt No. 96-45). Action by: Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 06/10/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1688). WCB  DA-04-1688A1.doc  DA-04-1688A1.pdf  DA-04-1688A1.txt Report No: AUC-04-37-K Released: 06/10/2004. AUCTION OF FM BROADCAST CONSTRUCTION PERMITS SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 3, 2004; NOTICE AND FILING REQUIREMENTS, MINIMUM OPENING BIDS, UPFRONT PAYMENTS AND OTHER AUCTION PROCEDURES. (DA No. 04-1699) (Auction No. 37). WTB. Contact: FCC Auctions Hotline: (888) 225-5322 press option #2, Legal Info: (202) 418-0660, Licensing: (202) 418-2700, Technical Support: (202) 414-1250, TTY: (202) 414-1255  DA-04-1699A1.doc  DA-04-1699A2.xls  DA-04-1699A1.pdf  DA-04-1699A2.pdf  DA-04-1699A1.txt  DA-04-1699A2.txt PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING CONCERNING RESALE OF INTERNET ACCESS SERVICES. Denied Microscope Associates, Inc.'s Petition. Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 06/10/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1681). WCB  DA-04-1681A1.doc  DA-04-1681A1.pdf  DA-04-1681A1.txt ERRATUM - MATERIAL TO BE FILED IN SUPPORT OF 2004 ANNUAL ACCESS TARIFF FILINGS. Issued Erratum correcting DA 04-1048, released April 19, 2004. Action by: Chief, Pricing Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau by ERRATUM. (DA No. 04-1700). WCB  DOC-248349A1.doc  DOC-248349A1.pdf  DOC-248349A1.txt VERIZON PETITION FOR FORBEARANCE FROM THE CURRENT PRICING RULES FOR THE UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENT PLATFORM/JOINT PETITION FOR FORBEARANCE FROM THE CURRENT PRICING RULES FOR THE UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENT PLATFORM. Granted Verizon's motion for a Protective Order. Adopted Protective Order. (Dkt No. 03-157 , 03-189). Action by: Chief, Pricing Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 06/10/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1695). WCB  DA-04-1695A1.doc  DA-04-1695A1.pdf  DA-04-1695A1.txt NOW LICENSES, LLC. Granted the petition for temporary waiver filed by NOW Licenses, LLC ("NOW") to extend the time for compliance with the Commission's Text Telephone Devices (TTY) rule. Action by: Deputy Chief, Public Safety and Critical Infrastructure Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 06/10/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1697). WTB  DA-04-1697A1.doc  DA-04-1697A1.pdf  DA-04-1697A1.txt DOBSON CELLULAR SYSTEMS, INC. Granted the petitions for temporary waiver filed by Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc ("Dobson") to extend the time for compliance with the Commission's Text Telephone Devices (TTY) rule. Action by: Deputy Chief, Public Safety and Critical Infrastructure Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 06/10/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-1696). WTB  DA-04-1696A1.doc  DA-04-1696A1.pdf  DA-04-1696A1.txt