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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 23 No. 144 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 2, 2004 |
Report No: 45789 Released: 08/02/2004. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-250329A1.txt  DOC-250329A1.pdf Report No: 25789 Released: 08/02/2004. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-250330A1.txt  DOC-250330A1.pdf Released: 08/02/2004. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-250396A1.pdf  DOC-250396A1.txt ANDREWS TOWER RENTAL, INC. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $6,000 to Andrews Tower Rental, Inc., owner of antenna structure 1058251 near Brownwood, Texas, for failure to clean and repaint its antenna structure to maintain good visibility. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/29/2004 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 04-2388). EB  DA-04-2388A1.doc  DA-04-2388A1.pdf  DA-04-2388A1.txt CORNELL COLLEGE. Cancelled the monetary forfeiture in the amount of $13,000 to Cornell, the licensee of noncommercial educational FM Station KRNL, Mt. Vernon, IA. Admonished Cornell for its violations of Sections 73.1350(b)(2) and Section 73.3527(c) of the Rules. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/29/2004 by MO&O. (DA No. 04-2387). EB  DA-04-2387A1.doc  DA-04-2387A1.pdf  DA-04-2387A1.txt PEARSON BROADCASTING OF MENA, INC. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $1,600 to Pearson Broadcasting of Mena, Inc., licensee of FM Station KTTG, Mena, Arkansas, for failure to receive and transmit required weekly and monthly tests of the Emergency Alert System. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/29/2004 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 04-2391). EB  DA-04-2391A1.doc  DA-04-2391A1.pdf  DA-04-2391A1.txt REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO CONSTRUCT DIGITAL FACILITIES FOR STATION KXXV-DT, WACO, TEXAS. Denied the Application for Review. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 07/28/2004 by MO&O. (FCC No. 04-183). MB  FCC-04-183A1.doc  FCC-04-183A1.pdf  FCC-04-183A1.txt FAMILY STATIONS, INC. V. DIRECTTV, INC. Denied WFME's Petition for Reconsideration and alternatively, Petition for Waiver of Section 76.66(c)(5). Action by: Deputy Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 07/28/2004 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 04-2434). MB  DA-04-2434A1.doc  DA-04-2434A1.pdf  DA-04-2434A1.txt MINORITY TELEVISION PROJECT, INC. V. FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY II, L.P. D/B/A CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Denied Petition for Reconsideration filed by Minority Television Project, Inc. Action by: Deputy Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 07/28/2004 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 04-2435). MB  DA-04-2435A1.doc  DA-04-2435A1.pdf  DA-04-2435A1.txt THE PAUL GAUDINO FAMILY FITNESS SHOW/VIDEO PROGRAMMING ACCESSIBILITY PETITION FOR WAIVER OF CLOSED CAPTIONING REQUIREMENTS. Denied the petition for exemption from the closed captioning requirements of Section 79.1 of the Commission's rules. Action by: Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 07/30/2004 by MO&O. (DA No. 04-2443). MB  DA-04-2443A1.doc  DA-04-2443A1.pdf  DA-04-2443A1.txt RULES AND POLICIES CONCERNING ATTRIBUTION OF CERTAIN TV JOINT SALES AGREEMENTS. Proposed amending attribution rules to include joint sales agreements in local TV markets. Comments and replies are due 30 and 45 days after date of publication in the Federal Register, respectively. (Dkt No. 04-256). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 07/13/2004 by NPRM. (FCC No. 04-173). MB  FCC-04-173A1.doc  FCC-04-173A1.pdf  FCC-04-173A1.txt AMENDMENT OF THE SCHEDULE OF APPLICATION FEES. Issued Erratum to Order, FCC 04-150, released June 25, 2004, correcting fee amount and payment type code for License to Operate a Direct Broadcast Satellite by ERRATUM. OMD  DOC-250400A1.doc  DOC-250400A1.pdf  DOC-250400A1.txt Released: 07/30/2004. COMMENTS INVITED ON APPLICATION OF WINSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, LLC, AND CERTAIN OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 04-2442). (Dkt No 04-284). Comments Due: 08/13/2004. WCB. Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov or John Adams at (202) 418-0394, email: John.Adams@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484  DA-04-2442A1.doc  DA-04-2442A1.pdf  DA-04-2442A1.txt MCI, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Gorvenmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 07/28/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2366). CGB  DA-04-2366A1.doc  DA-04-2366A1.pdf  DA-04-2366A1.txt INTELSAT NORTH AMERICA, LLC. Granted the Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority filed by Intelsat North America, LLC. Action by: Chief, International Bureau. Adopted: 07/30/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2445). IB  DA-04-2445A1.doc  DA-04-2445A1.pdf  DA-04-2445A1.txt 1993 ANNUAL ACCESS TARIFF FILINGS/1994 ANNUAL ACCESS TARIFF FILINGS. Concluded, that it is unlawful that the 1993 and 1994 access tariffs of price cap local exchange carriers failed to make the add-back adjustment. (Dkt No. 93-193 , 94-65). Action by: the Commission. Comments Due: 08/30/2004. Reply Comments Due: 09/13/2004. Adopted: 06/28/2004 by ORDER. (FCC No. 04-151). WCB  FCC-04-151A1.doc  FCC-04-151A1.pdf  FCC-04-151A1.txt JULY, 1 2004 ANNUAL ACCESS CHARGE TARIFF FILINGS. Reconsidered decision in the Suspension Order to suspend and investigate the revised tariff rates of Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation (VITELCO), Concord, Chillicothe, TXU Communications, et al. Action by: Chief, Pricing Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 07/30/2004 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 04-2395). WCB  DA-04-2395A1.doc  DA-04-2395A1.pdf  DA-04-2395A1.txt