fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 23 No. 163
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

August 27, 2004





FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-251458A1.doc  DOC-251458A1.pdf  DOC-251458A1.txt




Report No: TEL-00826S Released: 08/27/2004. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-251405A1.pdf  DOC-251405A1.txt

Report No: TEL-00827NS Released: 08/27/2004. NON STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-251409A1.pdf  DOC-251409A1.txt

Report No: SAT-00237 Released: 08/27/2004. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION. (DA No. 04-2748) Actions Taken. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DA-04-2748A1.pdf  DA-04-2748A1.txt

Report No: IHF-00048 Released: 08/27/2004. INTERNATIONAL HIGH FREQUENCY Re: Actions Taken. IB. Contact: Tom Polzin at (202) 418-2148, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-251408A1.pdf  DOC-251408A1.txt

Report No: SAT-00238 Released: 08/27/2004. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-251463A1.pdf  DOC-251463A1.txt

Report No: IHF-00047 Released: 08/27/2004. INTERNATIONAL HIGH FREQUENCY Re: Applications Accepted for Filing. IB. Contact: Tom Polzin at (202) 418-2148, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-251406A1.pdf  DOC-251406A1.txt

Report No: 3964 Released: 08/27/2004. MEDIA BUREAU ACTIONS. MB  DOC-251356A1.doc  DOC-251356A1.pdf  DOC-251356A1.txt

Report No: 0117 Released: 08/27/2004. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. MB. Contact: (202) 4180-7200  DOC-251396A1.doc  DOC-251396A1.pdf  DOC-251396A1.txt

Report No: 45808 Released: 08/27/2004. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-251330A1.txt  DOC-251330A1.pdf

Report No: 25808 Released: 08/27/2004. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-251329A1.txt  DOC-251329A1.pdf

Released: 08/27/2004. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS (1 OF 3). OMD. Contact: Helen Abraham @ (202) 418-0310  DOC-251346A1.pdf  DOC-251346A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS (2 OF 3). OMD. Contact: Helen Abraham @ (202) 418-0310  DOC-251347A1.pdf  DOC-251347A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS (3 OF 3). OMD. Contact: Barbara P. Chappelle @ (202) 418-0310  DOC-251349A1.pdf  DOC-251349A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-251331A1.pdf  DOC-251331A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. COMMENT DATES ESTABLISHED IN RECONSIDERATION OF PRICE CAP PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS FOURTH REPORT AND ORDER AND ACCESS CHARGE REFORM SECOND REPORT AND ORDER. (DA No. 04-2705). (Dkt No 94-1 , 96-262). Comments Due: 09/16/2004. Reply Comments Due: 10/01/2004. WCB. Contact: Jennifer McKee at (202) 418-1530, email: Jennifer.McKee@fcc.gov  DA-04-2705A1.doc  DA-04-2705A1.pdf  DA-04-2705A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. KHDTV BROADCASTING SEEKS COMMISSION DETERMINATION OF "EXEMPT TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY" STATUS UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT. (DA No. 04-2749). WCB. Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov or Rodney McDonald at (202) 418-7513, Rodney.Mcdonald@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484  DA-04-2749A1.doc  DA-04-2749A1.pdf  DA-04-2749A1.txt

Report No: CWS-04-58 Released: 08/27/2004. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-251430A1.pdf  DOC-251430A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. REGION 11 (HAWAII) 700 MHZ REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES MEETING DATE CHANGE. (DA No. 04-2686). WTB  DA-04-2686A1.doc  DA-04-2686A1.pdf  DA-04-2686A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. REGION 45 (WISCONSIN) 700 MHZ PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES PLANNING MEETING. (DA No. 04-2722). WTB  DA-04-2722A1.doc  DA-04-2722A1.pdf  DA-04-2722A1.txt

Released: 08/27/2004. REGION 42(VIRGINIA) 800 MHZ PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES NEXT REGIONAL PLANNING MEETING. (DA No. 04-2685). WTB  DA-04-2685A1.doc  DA-04-2685A1.pdf  DA-04-2685A1.txt

Report No: AUC-04-57-D Released: 08/27/2004. AUTOMATED MARITIME TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM SPECTRUM AUCTION. (DA No. 04-2721) 4 Qualified Bidders. WTB. Contact: Technical Support at (202) 414-1250, TTY: (202) 414-1255  DA-04-2721A1.doc  DA-04-2721A5.doc  DA-04-2721A6.doc  DA-04-2721A1.pdf  DA-04-2721A2.pdf  DA-04-2721A3.pdf  DA-04-2721A4.pdf  DA-04-2721A5.pdf  DA-04-2721A6.pdf  DA-04-2721A1.txt  DA-04-2721A2.txt  DA-04-2721A3.txt  DA-04-2721A4.txt  DA-04-2721A5.txt  DA-04-2721A6.txt





INETBA. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2641). CGB  DA-04-2641A1.doc  DA-04-2641A1.pdf  DA-04-2641A1.txt

RSL COM. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2639). CGB  DA-04-2639A1.doc  DA-04-2639A1.pdf  DA-04-2639A1.txt

MCI, INC. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2642). CGB  DA-04-2642A1.doc  DA-04-2642A1.pdf  DA-04-2642A1.txt

COMCAST. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2628). CGB  DA-04-2628A1.doc  DA-04-2628A1.pdf  DA-04-2628A1.txt

MCI, INC. Denied the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2643). CGB  DA-04-2643A1.doc  DA-04-2643A1.pdf  DA-04-2643A1.txt

MCLEODUSA. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2717). CGB  DA-04-2717A1.doc  DA-04-2717A1.pdf  DA-04-2717A1.txt

MCLEODUSA. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2699). CGB  DA-04-2699A1.doc  DA-04-2699A1.pdf  DA-04-2699A1.txt

MCLEODUSA. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2620). CGB  DA-04-2620A1.doc  DA-04-2620A1.pdf  DA-04-2620A1.txt

MCLEODUSA. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2696). CGB  DA-04-2696A1.doc  DA-04-2696A1.pdf  DA-04-2696A1.txt

GLOBCOM INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2718). CGB  DA-04-2718A1.doc  DA-04-2718A1.pdf  DA-04-2718A1.txt

TALK AMERICA. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2701). CGB  DA-04-2701A1.doc  DA-04-2701A1.pdf  DA-04-2701A1.txt

AT&T BROADBAND. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2627). CGB  DA-04-2627A1.doc  DA-04-2627A1.pdf  DA-04-2627A1.txt

CHOICETEL LLC. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2619). CGB  DA-04-2619A1.doc  DA-04-2619A1.pdf  DA-04-2619A1.txt

NETWORK US, INC. Resolved the complaint regarding uauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2636). CGB  DA-04-2636A1.doc  DA-04-2636A1.pdf  DA-04-2636A1.txt

AT&T CORPORATION. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2635). CGB  DA-04-2635A1.doc  DA-04-2635A1.pdf  DA-04-2635A1.txt

AT&T CORPORATION. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2688). CGB  DA-04-2688A1.doc  DA-04-2688A1.pdf  DA-04-2688A1.txt

MIKO TELEPHONE. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2629). CGB  DA-04-2629A1.doc  DA-04-2629A1.pdf  DA-04-2629A1.txt

SBC LONG DISTANCE. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2712). CGB  DA-04-2712A1.doc  DA-04-2712A1.pdf  DA-04-2712A1.txt

VARTEC TELECOM, INC. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2637). CGB  DA-04-2637A1.doc  DA-04-2637A1.pdf  DA-04-2637A1.txt

NEW CENTURY TELECOM. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Govermental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2626). CGB  DA-04-2626A1.doc  DA-04-2626A1.pdf  DA-04-2626A1.txt

CAVALIER TELEPHONE. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2622). CGB  DA-04-2622A1.doc  DA-04-2622A1.pdf  DA-04-2622A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2720). CGB  DA-04-2720A1.doc  DA-04-2720A1.pdf  DA-04-2720A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2715). CGB  DA-04-2715A1.doc  DA-04-2715A1.pdf  DA-04-2715A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2713). CGB  DA-04-2713A1.doc  DA-04-2713A1.pdf  DA-04-2713A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2709). CGB  DA-04-2709A1.doc  DA-04-2709A1.pdf  DA-04-2709A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2625). CGB  DA-04-2625A1.doc  DA-04-2625A1.pdf  DA-04-2625A1.txt

UKI COMMUNICATIONS. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2621). CGB  DA-04-2621A1.doc  DA-04-2621A1.pdf  DA-04-2621A1.txt

NEW CENTURY TELECOM. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2618). CGB  DA-04-2618A1.doc  DA-04-2618A1.pdf  DA-04-2618A1.txt

VARTEC TELECOM, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2694). CGB  DA-04-2694A1.doc  DA-04-2694A1.pdf  DA-04-2694A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2693). CGB  DA-04-2693A1.doc  DA-04-2693A1.pdf  DA-04-2693A1.txt

QWEST COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2697). CGB  DA-04-2697A1.doc  DA-04-2697A1.pdf  DA-04-2697A1.txt

UKI COMMUNICATIONS. Resloved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2700). CGB  DA-04-2700A1.doc  DA-04-2700A1.pdf  DA-04-2700A1.txt

UKI COMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2703). CGB  DA-04-2703A1.doc  DA-04-2703A1.pdf  DA-04-2703A1.txt

RCN TELECOM SERVICES. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2716). CGB  DA-04-2716A1.doc  DA-04-2716A1.pdf  DA-04-2716A1.txt

TELEUNO INTERNATIONAL. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2630). CGB  DA-04-2630A1.doc  DA-04-2630A1.pdf  DA-04-2630A1.txt

GLOBALINX CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2633). CGB  DA-04-2633A1.doc  DA-04-2633A1.pdf  DA-04-2633A1.txt

ONELINK COMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2710). CGB  DA-04-2710A1.doc  DA-04-2710A1.pdf  DA-04-2710A1.txt

LONG DISTANCE SERVICES. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2623). CGB  DA-04-2623A1.doc  DA-04-2623A1.pdf  DA-04-2623A1.txt

COMCAST DIGITAL PHONE. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2698). CGB  DA-04-2698A1.doc  DA-04-2698A1.pdf  DA-04-2698A1.txt

BUSINESS OPTIONS D/B/A US BELL. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2702). CGB  DA-04-2702A1.doc  DA-04-2702A1.pdf  DA-04-2702A1.txt

LIGHTYEAR COMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2634). CGB  DA-04-2634A1.doc  DA-04-2634A1.pdf  DA-04-2634A1.txt

EXCEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2719). CGB  DA-04-2719A1.doc  DA-04-2719A1.pdf  DA-04-2719A1.txt

PRIMUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2711). CGB  DA-04-2711A1.doc  DA-04-2711A1.pdf  DA-04-2711A1.txt

ONESTAR LONG DISTANCE, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2631). CGB  DA-04-2631A1.doc  DA-04-2631A1.pdf  DA-04-2631A1.txt

PRIMUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Resolved the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2707). CGB  DA-04-2707A1.doc  DA-04-2707A1.pdf  DA-04-2707A1.txt

ADVANTAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Govermental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2708). CGB  DA-04-2708A1.doc  DA-04-2708A1.pdf  DA-04-2708A1.txt

UNIVERSAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2695). CGB  DA-04-2695A1.doc  DA-04-2695A1.pdf  DA-04-2695A1.txt

AXCES TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Denied the complaints regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2638). CGB  DA-04-2638A1.doc  DA-04-2638A1.pdf  DA-04-2638A1.txt

PROMISEVISION TECHNOLOGY, INC. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2632). CGB  DA-04-2632A1.doc  DA-04-2632A1.pdf  DA-04-2632A1.txt

OPTICAL TELEPHONE CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2714). CGB  DA-04-2714A1.doc  DA-04-2714A1.pdf  DA-04-2714A1.txt

OPTICAL TELEPHONE CORPORATION. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2706). CGB  DA-04-2706A1.doc  DA-04-2706A1.pdf  DA-04-2706A1.txt

CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2624). CGB  DA-04-2624A1.doc  DA-04-2624A1.pdf  DA-04-2624A1.txt

OPTICAL TELEPHONE CORPORATIONS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2692). CGB  DA-04-2692A1.doc  DA-04-2692A1.pdf  DA-04-2692A1.txt

GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2617). CGB  DA-04-2617A1.doc  DA-04-2617A1.pdf  DA-04-2617A1.txt

GLOBAL CROSSING TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2640). CGB  DA-04-2640A1.doc  DA-04-2640A1.pdf  DA-04-2640A1.txt

WORLD COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE SYSTEMS. Granted the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2616). CGB  DA-04-2616A1.doc  DA-04-2616A1.pdf  DA-04-2616A1.txt

HULL BROADCASTING, INC. Denied Hull Broadcasting, Inc.'s Request for Waiver of Section 11.51(j) of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Director, Office of Homeland Security. Adopted: 08/26/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2704). EB  DA-04-2704A1.doc  DA-04-2704A1.pdf  DA-04-2704A1.txt

FRANK WINSOR BURBANK AND BARBARA GAIL BURBANK V. ONSTAR CORPORATION. Granted the Joint Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/26/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-2682). EB  DA-04-2682A1.doc  DA-04-2682A1.pdf  DA-04-2682A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, PADUCAH, TX. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 04-342 , RM-10732). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2674). MB  DA-04-2674A1.doc  DA-04-2674A1.pdf  DA-04-2674A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, NEVADA CITY, CA. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 04-338 , RM-11061). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2672). MB  DA-04-2672A1.doc  DA-04-2672A1.pdf  DA-04-2672A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, CROSBYTON, TEXAS. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 04-340 , RM-11062). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2673). MB  DA-04-2673A1.doc  DA-04-2673A1.pdf  DA-04-2673A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, CRIDERSVILLE, OHIO. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 04-343 , RM-10799). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2677). MB  DA-04-2677A1.doc  DA-04-2677A1.pdf  DA-04-2677A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, NEW HARMONY, INDIANA. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotment for this community. (Dkt No. 04-341 , RM-10779). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2675). MB  DA-04-2675A1.doc  DA-04-2675A1.pdf  DA-04-2675A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, GRAND PORTAGE, MINNESOTA. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 04-339 , RM-11060). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2676). MB  DA-04-2676A1.doc  DA-04-2676A1.pdf  DA-04-2676A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, UNION GAP, WASHINGTON. Proposed Amendment of the FM Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 04-327 , RM-11063). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2671). MB  DA-04-2671A1.doc  DA-04-2671A1.pdf  DA-04-2671A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, AMERICUS, GEORGIA, ET. AL. Proposed Amendment of FM Table of Allotments for various communities. (Dkt No. 04-328 , 04-329). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/18/2004. Reply Comments Due: 11/02/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by NPRM. (DA No. 04-2678). MB  DA-04-2678A1.doc  DA-04-2678A1.pdf  DA-04-2678A1.txt

FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, KEESVILLE, NEW YORK, HARTFORD AND WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VERMONT. Amended FM Table of Allotments for these communities. (Dkt No. 02-23 , RM-10359). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by R&O. (DA No. 04-1420). MB  DA-04-1420A1.doc  DA-04-1420A1.pdf  DA-04-1420A1.txt

RECLASSIFICATION OF LICENSE OF STATION KMOD-FM, TULSA, OKLAHOMA. Issued Order to Show Cause why its license should not be modified to specify operation as a Class C0 station on Channel 248C0, Tulsa, Oklahoma. (Dkt No. RM-11064). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Comments Due: 10/12/2004. Adopted: 08/25/2004 by Order to Show Cause. (DA No. 04-2669). MB  DA-04-2669A1.doc  DA-04-2669A1.pdf  DA-04-2669A1.txt

SMALL ENTITY COMPLIANCE GUIDE FOR 47 C.F.R. ยง 61.26 - TARIFFING OF COMPETITIVE INTERSTATE SWITCHED EXCHANGE ACCESS SERVICE. (Dkt No. 96-262) by Compliance guide. (DA No. 04-2691). OCBO , WCB. Contact Allan Manuel at (202) 418-1164  DA-04-2691A1.doc  DA-04-2691A1.pdf  DA-04-2691A1.txt

ERRATUM - UNLICENSED OPERATION IN THE TV BROADCAST BANDS/ADDITIONAL SPECTRUM FOR UNLICENSED DEVICES BELOW 900 MHZ AND IN THE 3 GHZ BAND. Issued Erratum correcting Order Granting Extension of Time, DA 04-2655, released August 25, 2004. (Dkt No. 02-380 , 04-186). Action by: Deputy Chief, Policy and Rules Division, Office of Engineering and Technology by ERRATUM. OET  DOC-251448A1.doc  DOC-251448A1.pdf  DOC-251448A1.txt

ELDORADO COMMUNICATIONS, LLC REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR REVIEW. Granted Eldorado's Request to Withdraw its Applications for Review by LETTER. (DA No. 04-2690). WTB  DA-04-2690A1.doc  DA-04-2690A1.pdf  DA-04-2690A1.txt





Released: 08/26/2004. AM AUCTION NO. 84 SINGLETON APPLICATIONS. (DA No. 04-2683) Media Bureau Announces Form 301 Application Deadline and Ten-Day Petition to Deny Period. MB. Contact: Susan Crawford, Ann Gallagher, Lisa Scanlan or Tom Nessinger at (202) 418-2700  DA-04-2683A1.doc  DA-04-2683A2.xls  DA-04-2683A1.pdf  DA-04-2683A2.pdf  DA-04-2683A1.txt  DA-04-2683A2.txt




TELCO 214 INC. ("TELCO214"). Dismissed the Application to Request authority to operate a fixed earth station located in Melbourne Florida as defective without prejudice to re-filing. Action by: Chief, System Analysis Branch, Satellite Division, International Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 04-2689). IB  DA-04-2689A1.doc  DA-04-2689A1.pdf  DA-04-2689A1.txt