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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 23 No. 200 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 October 21, 2004 |
PRESS STATEMENT OF FCC CHAIRMAN MICHAEL K. POWELL REGARDING FCC ENFORCEMENT BUREAU CONSENT DECREES ON CHILDREN'S TELEVISION PROGRAMMING RULES FOR CABLE PROGRAMMERS. STMT. News Media Contact: David Fiske at (202) 418-0513 CMMR  DOC-253395A1.doc  DOC-253395A1.pdf  DOC-253395A1.txt Released: 10/21/2004. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING DATE AND AGENDA OF CONSUMER ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (DA No. 04-3327). CGB. Contact: Scott Marshall at (202) 418-2809; TTY: (202) 418-0179; Email: Scott.Marshall@fcc.gov  DA-04-3327A1.doc  DA-04-3327A1.pdf  DA-04-3327A1.txt Report No: TEL-00844 Released: 10/21/2004. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 04-3329). IB. Contact: (202) 418-1460  DA-04-3329A1.pdf  DA-04-3329A1.txt Report No: 45845 Released: 10/21/2004. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-253340A2.txt  DOC-253340A1.pdf Report No: 25845 Released: 10/21/2004. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-253339A2.txt  DOC-253339A1.pdf Released: 10/21/2004. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-253385A1.pdf  DOC-253385A1.txt PALADEN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Issued a monetary forfeiture of $7,000 to Paladen Communications, Inc. for violations involving Paladen's sale of Citizens Band external radio frequency power amplifiers. Action by: Assistant Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 10/19/2004 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 04-3318). EB  DA-04-3318A1.doc  DA-04-3318A1.pdf  DA-04-3318A1.txt BIG ISLAND RADIO. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $1,300 to Big Island Radio for its repeated violations of the ("EAS") requirements of Sections 11.35(a) and 11.61 of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Assistant Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 10/18/2004 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 04-3286). EB  DA-04-3286A1.doc  DA-04-3286A1.pdf  DA-04-3286A1.txt VIACOM INTERNATIONAL, INC. Adopted the Consent Decree and terminated investigation of whether CoxCom, Inc. aired commercial matters during children's programming in willful and/or repeated violation of Section 76.225 of the Commission's rules. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 10/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-3260). EB  DA-04-3260A1.doc  DA-04-3260A1.pdf  DA-04-3260A1.txt CRYSTAL COAST COMMUNICATIONS. Issued a monetary forfeiture of $2,400 to Crystal Coast Communications, Inc., for failing to conduct required weekly test of the EAS and failing to maintain required station records of each test and activation of EAS. Action by: Assistant Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 10/19/2004 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 04-3317). EB  DA-04-3317A1.doc  DA-04-3317A1.pdf  DA-04-3317A1.txt INTERNATIONAL FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT, INC. ORDER. Adopted the Consent Decree and Terminated the Enforcement Bureau investigation of whether Oceanic-Time Warner Cable of Hawaii, aired commercial during children's programming in willful and/or violated Section 76.225 of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 10/20/2004 by ORDER. (DA No. 04-3259). EB  DA-04-3259A1.doc  DA-04-3259A1.pdf  DA-04-3259A1.txt ABUNDANT LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTER, VIDEO PROGRAMMING ACCESSIBILITY, PETITION FOR WAIVER OF CLOSED CAPTIONING REQUIREMENTS. Denied petition for exemption from the closed captioning requirements of Section 79.1 of Commission's rules. Action by: Deputy Chief, Policy Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 10/18/2004 by MO&O. (DA No. 04-3330). MB  DA-04-3330A1.doc  DA-04-3330A1.pdf  DA-04-3330A1.txt AMENDMENT OF PART 2 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO ALLOCATE SPECTRUM BELOW 3 GHZ FOR MOBILE AND FIXED SERVICES TO SUPPORT THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICES (AWS), INCLUDING THIRD GENERATION WIRELESS SYSTEMS. Facilitated the introduction of AWS in the 1710-1755 MHz band, which was recently reallocated to allow for such new and innovative wireless services. By Seventh Report and Order. (Dkt No. 00-258 , 02-08). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 10/14/2004 by ORDER. (FCC No. 04-246). OET  FCC-04-246A1.doc  FCC-04-246A2.doc  FCC-04-246A1.pdf  FCC-04-246A2.pdf  FCC-04-246A1.txt  FCC-04-246A2.txt Released: 10/20/2004. REQUESTS OF US WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FOR INTERCONNECTION COST ADJUSTMENT MECHANISMS. (DA No. 04-3326). (Dkt No 97-90) Petition For Declaratory Ruling And Contingent Petition For Preemption. WCB. Contact: Julie Saulnier at (202) 418-1530; Email: julie.saulnier@fcc.gov  DA-04-3326A1.doc  DA-04-3326A1.pdf  DA-04-3326A1.txt REDWOOD FAMILY SERVICES, INC. Cancelled $3,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NAL) for Redwood's failure to properly register the antenna structure used for the operation of KHOT. Action by: Assistant Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 10/18/2004 by MO&O. (DA No. 04-3277). EB  DA-04-3277A1.doc  DA-04-3277A1.pdf  DA-04-3277A1.txt ERRATUM TO ECHOSTAR KUX CORPORATION APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT, LAUNCH, AND OPERATE A GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITE USING THE EXTENDED KU-BAND FREQUENCIES IN THE FIXED-SATELLITE SERVICE AT THE 121 DEGREES W.L. ORBITAL LOCATION. Issued Erratum correcting Order and Authorization, DA-04-3164,released on September 30, 2004 by ERRATUM. IB  DOC-253404A1.doc  DOC-253404A1.pdf  DOC-253404A1.txt AMENDMENT OF SECTION 73.622(B), TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, DIGITAL TELEVISION BROADCAST STATIONS, GREEN BAY, WI. Amended the DTV Table Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 01-334 , RM-10343). Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 10/12/2004 by R&O. (DA No. 04-3236). MB  DA-04-3236A1.doc  DA-04-3236A1.pdf  DA-04-3236A1.txt