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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 25 No. 82 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 April 28, 2006 |
Released: 04/28/2006. REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM COMMISSION'S CLOSED CAPTIONING RULES, CGB-CC-0182. (DA No. 06-942). CGB. Contact: Amelia Brown at (202) 418-2799, email: Amelia.Brown@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-7804 or Traci Randolph at (202) 418-0569. Traci.Randolph@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0537  DA-06-942A1.doc  DA-06-942A1.pdf  DA-06-942A1.txt Released: 04/28/2006. REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM COMMISSION'S CLOSED CAPTIONING RULES, CGB-CC-0513. (DA No. 06-943). CGB. Contact: Amelia Brown at (202) 418-2799, email: Amelia.Brown@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-7804 or Traci Randolph at (202) 418-0569. Traci.Randolph@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0537  DA-06-943A1.doc  DA-06-943A1.pdf  DA-06-943A1.txt Released: 04/28/2006. REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM COMMISSION'S CLOSED CAPTIONING RULES, CGB-CC-0152. (DA No. 06-935). CGB. Contact: Amelia Brown at (202) 418-2799; email: Amelia.Brown@fcc.gov; TTY: (202) 418-7804 or Traci Randolph at (202) 418-0569; email: Traci.Randolph@fcc.gov; TTY: (202) 418-0537  DA-06-935A1.doc  DA-06-935A1.pdf  DA-06-935A1.txt Report No: SAT-00357 Released: 04/28/2006. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION. (DA No. 06-948) Actions Taken. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719; TTY: (202) 418-2555  DA-06-948A1.pdf  DA-06-948A1.txt Report No: TEL-01021S Released: 04/28/2006. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING SECTION 214 APPLICATIONS (47 C.F.R. SECTION 63.18); SECTION 310(B)(4) REQUESTS. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-265147A1.pdf  DOC-265147A1.txt Report No: 46224 Released: 04/28/2006. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-265131A2.txt  DOC-265131A1.pdf Report No: 26224 Released: 04/28/2006. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-265130A2.txt  DOC-265130A1.pdf Released: 04/28/2006. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS. OMD. Contact: Jason Brown @ (202) 418-0310  DOC-265143A1.pdf  DOC-265143A1.txt Released: 04/28/2006. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-265151A1.pdf  DOC-265151A1.txt Report No: CWS-06-40 Released: 04/28/2006. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-265145A1.pdf  DOC-265145A1.txt Report No: CWS-06-41 Released: 04/28/2006. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION. WTB  DOC-265148A1.pdf  DOC-265148A1.txt SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY. Denied the complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 04/26/2006 by ORDER. (DA No. 06-940). CGB  DA-06-940A1.doc  DA-06-940A1.pdf  DA-06-940A1.txt Released: 04/27/2006. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FILED FOR THE ACQUISITION OF ASSETS OF UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF KANSAS AND UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF EASTERN KANSAS BY RURAL TELEPHONE SERVICE COMPANY, INC., ET AL. (DA No. 06-941). (Dkt No 96-45 , 06-80) NON-STREAMLINED PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED. Comments Due: 05/11/2006. Reply Comments Due: 05/18/2006. WCB. Contact: Tracey Wilson-Parker at (202) 418-1394 or Dennis Johnson at (202) 418-0809, Gary Seigel at (202) 418-0879  DA-06-941A1.doc  DA-06-941A1.pdf  DA-06-941A1.txt Released: 04/27/2006. ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. AND MIDWEST WIRELESS HOLDINGS, LLC APPLICATIONS FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF LICENSES AND AUTHORIZATIONS. (DA No. 06-928). (Dkt No 95-116 , 99-200) NUMBERING RESOURCE UTILIZATION AND FORECAST (NRUF) REPORTS AND LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY REPORTS PLACED INTO THE RECORD, SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER. WTB. Contact: Erin McGrath at (202) 418-2042, Susan Singer at (202) 418-1340, or Mary McManus at (202) 418-1713  DA-06-928A1.doc  DA-06-928A1.pdf  DA-06-928A1.txt UNICOM COMMUNICATIONS, L.L.C. Notified Unicom Communications, L.L.C. of its Apparent Liability For Forfeiture in the amount of $20,000 for failure to respond to a directive of the Enforcement Bureau to provide certain information and documents. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 04/26/2006 by NALF. (DA No. 06-933). EB  DA-06-933A1.doc  DA-06-933A1.pdf  DA-06-933A1.txt LOST NATION-ELWOOD TELEPHONE COMPANY AND IOWA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC., D/B/A IOWA TELECOM. Granted the Joint Petition for Waiver of the study area boundary freeze codified in the Appendix-Glossary of Part 36 of the Commission's rules, with conditions. (Dkt No. 96-45). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 04/27/2006 by ORDER. (DA No. 06-946). WCB  DA-06-946A1.doc  DA-06-946A1.pdf  DA-06-946A1.txt PARTNER COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE AND IOWA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC., D/B/A IOWA TELECOM. Granted the Joint Petition for Waiver of the study area boundary freeze as codified in Part 36, Appendix-Glossary, of the Commission's rules, filed by Partner Communications Cooperative and Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc., with conditions. (Dkt No. 96-45). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 04/27/2006 by ORDER. (DA No. 06-944). WCB  DA-06-944A1.doc  DA-06-944A1.pdf  DA-06-944A1.txt APPLICATIONS FOR THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF LICENSES AND AUTHORIZATIONS OF MIDWEST WIRELESS HOLDINGS LLC AND ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS INC. Issued Protective Order in this proceeding. (Dkt No. 05-339). Action by: Acting Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 04/26/2006 by Protective Order. (DA No. 06-929). WTB  DA-06-929A1.doc  DA-06-929A1.pdf  DA-06-929A1.txt AMENDMENT OF PARTS 1, 21, 73, 74 AND 101, ET AL. The FCC modified rules for 2496-2690 MHz Broadband Radio Service (BRS)/Educational Broadband Service (EBS) Spectrum Band to Facilitate Wireless Broadband Access. by 5th MO&O,3rd MO&O and 2nd R&O. (Dkt No. 97-217 , 00-230). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/12/2006 by Order on Reconsideration. (FCC No. 06-46). WTB  FCC-06-46A1.doc  FCC-06-46A2.doc  FCC-06-46A3.doc  FCC-06-46A4.doc  FCC-06-46A1.pdf  FCC-06-46A2.pdf  FCC-06-46A3.pdf  FCC-06-46A4.pdf  FCC-06-46A1.txt  FCC-06-46A2.txt  FCC-06-46A3.txt  FCC-06-46A4.txt