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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 25 No. 132 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 July 11, 2006 |
Released: 07/11/2006. FCC ANNOUNCES IT IS PREPARED TO GRANT TELEVISION CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AFTER FINAL PAYMENTS ARE MADE. (DA No. 06-1416). MB. Contact: Shaun Maher at (202) 418-2324  DA-06-1416A1.doc  DA-06-1416A1.pdf  DA-06-1416A1.txt Report No: 46274 Released: 07/11/2006. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-266309A2.txt  DOC-266309A1.pdf Report No: 26274 Released: 07/11/2006. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-266308A2.txt  DOC-266308A1.pdf Released: 07/11/2006. COMMENTS SOUGHT ON VERIZON PETITION FOR WAIVER TO TREAT CERTAIN LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY COSTS AS EXOGENOUS COSTS. (DA No. 06-1434). (Dkt No 95-116). Comments Due: 07/18/2006. Reply Comments Due: 07/24/2006. WCB. Contact: Marvin Sacks at (202) 418-1520, email: Marvin.Sacks@fcc.gov  DA-06-1434A1.doc  DA-06-1434A1.pdf  DA-06-1434A1.txt Released: 07/11/2006. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU REGION 49 (CENTRAL TEXAS) 700 MHZ PUBLIC SAFETY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE TO HOLD TWO PLANNING MEETINGS. (DA No. 06-1426). WTB  DA-06-1426A1.doc  DA-06-1426A1.pdf  DA-06-1426A1.txt Released: 07/11/2006. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ACTION REGION 8 (NEW YORK METROPOLITAN AREA) PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEES TO HOLD 700 MHZ AND 800 MHZ PLANNING MEETINGS. (DA No. 06-1425). (Dkt No 88-476). WTB  DA-06-1425A1.doc  DA-06-1425A1.pdf  DA-06-1425A1.txt MATECHECKPI.COM. Issued an Offical Citation to Matecheckpi.com, Fountain Hills, Arizona, for failure to produce documents and information pertaining to it obtaining customer call information from telecommunications carriers. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 06-1433). EB  DA-06-1433A1.doc  DA-06-1433A1.pdf  DA-06-1433A1.txt AARONSPI.COM, AARON'S RESEARCH SERVICES. Issued an Official Citation to aaronspi.com, Omaha, Arkansas, for failure to produce documents and information pertaining to it obtaining customer call information from telecommunications carriers. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 06-1430). EB  DA-06-1430A1.doc  DA-06-1430A1.pdf  DA-06-1430A1.txt USASKIPTRACE.COM, WORLDWIDE INVESTIGATIONS. Issued an Official Citation to Usaskiptrace.com, Frederick, Colorado, for failure to produce documents and information pertaining to it obtaining customer call information from telecommunications carriers. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 06-1432). EB  DA-06-1432A1.doc  DA-06-1432A1.pdf  DA-06-1432A1.txt ONLINEPI.COM, ABREU INVESTIGATIONS, INC., ALLSTAR INVESTIGATIONS. Issued an Official Citation to Onlinepi.com, Miami, Florida, for failure to produce documents and information pertaining to it obtaining customer call information from telecommunications carriers. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 06-1431). EB  DA-06-1431A1.doc  DA-06-1431A1.pdf  DA-06-1431A1.txt APCC SERVICES, INC., DAVEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., ETS PAYPHONES, INC., GOLDENTEL, INC., KELLEE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC., NSC COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC SERVICES CORPORATION, PAYTEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., AND WEST COAST COIN, INC. V. IDT CORPORATION. Dismissed the Complaint with prejudice. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/11/2006 by MO&O. (DA No. 06-1424). EB  DA-06-1424A1.doc  DA-06-1424A1.pdf  DA-06-1424A1.txt AMERICAN MEDICAL ALERT CORPORATION. Adopted a consent decree terminating an investigation into whether certain personal emergency response equipment manufactured, imported or distributed by American Medical Alert Corporation violates Section 302(b) of the Act and the Commission's Rules. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/07/2006 by ORDER. (DA No. 06-1413). EB  DA-06-1413A1.doc  DA-06-1413A1.pdf  DA-06-1413A1.txt Released: 07/10/2006. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON THE PETITION OF ACCIPITER COMMUNICATIONS, INC., AND QWEST CORPORATION TO WAIVE THE STUDY AREA BOUNDARY FREEZE, AS CODIFIED IN PART 36, AND SECTION 69.3(E)(11) OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. (DA No. 06-1423). (Dkt No 96-45) PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED. Comments Due: 07/24/2006. Reply Comments Due: 07/31/2006. WCB. Contact: Gary Seigel at (202) 418-0879  DA-06-1423A1.doc  DA-06-1423A1.pdf  DA-06-1423A1.txt ERRATUM - UNIVERSAL SERVICE CONTRIBUTION METHODOLOGY ET AL. Issued an Erratum correcting Report and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 06-94, released June 27, 2006. (Dkt No. 90-571 , 92-237). Action by: Acting Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau by ERRATUM. WCB  DOC-266298A1.doc  DOC-266298A1.pdf  DOC-266298A1.txt PETITION OF AT&T INC. FOR WAIVER OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO TREAT CERTAIN LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY COSTS AS EXOGENOUS COSTS UNDER SECTION 61.45(D). Addressed AT&T's petition asking the Commission to waive section 61.45(d) of its rules to permit it to treat its unrecovered carrier-specific local number portability (LNP) costs as an exogenous cost adjustment and to recover costs via EUCL. (Dkt No. 95-116). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 06/30/2006 by ORDER. (FCC No. 06-97). WCB  FCC-06-97A1.doc  FCC-06-97A1.pdf  FCC-06-97A1.txt