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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 28 No. 176 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 September 03, 2009 |
FCC RELEASES TELEPHONE NUMBERING RESOURCE UTILIZATION REPORT. News Release. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, Email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov WCB . Contact Craig Stroup at (202) 418-0989 or John Vu at (202) 418-2333, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DOC-293258A1.doc DOC-293258A2.pdf DOC-293258A1.pdf DOC-293258A1.txt DOC-293258A2.txt FCC RELEASES ANNUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY REVENUE REPORT. News Release. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, Email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov WCB . Contact Jim Lande and Ken Lynch at (202) 418-0940, TTY: (202) 418-0484 DOC-293261A1.doc DOC-293261A2.pdf DOC-293261A1.pdf DOC-293261A1.txt DOC-293261A2.txt Report No: TEL-01383 Released: 09/03/2009. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 09-2004). IB . Contact: (202) 418-1460 DA-09-2004A1.pdf DA-09-2004A1.txt Released: 09/03/2009. WRC-11 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF INFORMAL WORKING GROUP FOUR. (DA No. 09-1995). (Dkt No 04-286 ). IB . Contact: Donna Christianson at (202) 418-7326 DA-09-1995A1.doc DA-09-1995A1.pdf DA-09-1995A1.txt Released: 09/03/2009. FCC SEEKS COMMENT ON RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE 2011 WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. (DA No. 09-1994). (Dkt No 04-286 ). Comments Due: 09/25/2009. IB DA-09-1994A1.doc DA-09-1994A2.pdf DA-09-1994A3.pdf DA-09-1994A1.pdf DA-09-1994A1.txt DA-09-1994A2.txt Report No: 47063 Released: 09/03/2009. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-293241A1.pdf DOC-293241A2.txt Report No: 27063 Released: 09/03/2009. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-293240A1.pdf DOC-293240A2.txt Released: 09/03/2009. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0310 DOC-293247A1.pdf DOC-293247A1.txt Released: 09/03/2009. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FILED FOR THE ACQUISITION OF ASSETS OF IMPACT TELECOM, INC. BY LIBERTY-BELL TELECOM, LLC. (DA No. 09-2007). (Dkt No 09-155 ). Comments Due: 09/17/2009. Reply Comments Due: 09/24/2009. WCB . Contact: Tracey Wilson-Parker at (202) 418-1394 or Jodie May at (202) 418-0913 DA-09-2007A1.doc DA-09-2007A1.pdf DA-09-2007A1.txt NEW CENTURY TELECOM, INC. Granted the complaint regarding the unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer Policy Division, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 08/26/2009 by ORDER. (DA No. 09-1923). CGB DA-09-1923A1.doc DA-09-1923A1.pdf DA-09-1923A1.txt REAL LIFE BROADCASTING. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $18,400 to Real Life Broadcasting for willfully and repeatedly violating Sections 73.1745(a), 11.35, 73.49, and 73.3526(e)(12) of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Regional Director, Northeast Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/01/2009 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 09-1991). EB DA-09-1991A1.doc DA-09-1991A1.pdf DA-09-1991A1.txt SPARTA-TOMAH BROADCASTING CO., INC. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $8,800 to Sparta-Tomah Broadcasting Co. Inc., for willfully and repeatedly violating Sections 73.1745 and 73.1125 of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Regional Director, Northeast Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/01/2009 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 09-1989). EB DA-09-1989A1.doc DA-09-1989A1.pdf DA-09-1989A1.txt PENTECOSTAL TEMPLE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $5,000 to Pentecostal Temple Development Corporation in New Kensington, PA, for willfully and repeatedly violating Sections 73.1745(a), 1.903(a), and 73.3526(e)(12)of the Commission's Rules. Action by: Regional Director, Northeast Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/01/2009 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 09-1990). EB DA-09-1990A1.doc DA-09-1990A1.pdf DA-09-1990A1.txt SLC TV LICENSEE CORP. Denied Waiver Request. Directed dismissal of renewal applications for Stations WPOP413, WPOP414, WPOP415. Action by: Deputy Chief, Broadband Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 09-2009). WTB DA-09-2009A1.doc DA-09-2009A1.pdf DA-09-2009A1.txt LSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Granted Petition for Reconsideration. Reinstated application for renewal of Station WND423. Dismissed Waiver Request without prejudice to refiling. Action by: Deputy Chief, Broadband Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 09/02/2009 by LETTER. (DA No. 09-2010). WTB DA-09-2010A1.doc DA-09-2010A1.pdf DA-09-2010A1.txt SAFE VIEW, INC. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SECTIONS 15.31 AND 15.35 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO PERMIT THE DEPLOYMENT OF SECURITY SCREENING PORTAL DEVICES THAT OPERATE IN THE 24.25-30 GHZ RANGE. Granted the request for extension of waiver filed by L-3 Communications SafeView, Inc. (Dkt No. 04-373 ). Action by: Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology. Adopted: 09/02/2009 by ORDER. (DA No. 09-1966). OET DA-09-1966A1.doc DA-09-1966A1.pdf DA-09-1966A1.txt