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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 29 No. 223 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 November 18, 2010 |
Report No: IHF-00098 Released: 11/18/2010. INTERNATIONAL HIGH FREQUENCY RE: APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB . Contact: Tom Polzin at (202) 418-2148, email: Thomas.Polizin@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-2555 DOC-302870A1.pdf DOC-302870A1.txt Report No: TEL-01466 Released: 11/18/2010. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 10-2200). IB . Contact: (202) 418-0270 or (202) 418-1460 DA-10-2200A1.pdf DA-10-2200A1.txt Report No: 47365 Released: 11/18/2010. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-302853A1.pdf DOC-302853A2.txt Report No: 27365 Released: 11/18/2010. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-302852A1.pdf DOC-302852A2.txt Released: 11/18/2010. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-302867A1.pdf DOC-302867A1.txt Released: 11/18/2010. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB . Contact: (202) 418-0270 DOC-302874A1.pdf DOC-302874A1.txt Released: 11/18/2010. NOTICE OF DOMESTIC SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 10-2199). (Dkt No 10-209 ). WCB . Contact: Tracey Wilson at (202) 418-1394 or Jodie May at (202) 418-0913 DA-10-2199A1.doc DA-10-2199A1.pdf DA-10-2199A1.txt Released: 11/18/2010. ENHANCEMENTS TO SPECTRUM DASHBOARD LAUNCHED. (DA No. 10-2198). WTB . Contact: James Brown at (717) 338-2621, email: James.Brown@fcc.gov DA-10-2198A1.doc DA-10-2198A1.pdf DA-10-2198A1.txt Released: 11/18/2010. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES APPLICATION AND LICENSING PROCEDURES FOR CERTAIN CHANNELS RELINQUISHED BY SPRINT NEXTEL CORPORATION. (DA No. 10-2201). (Dkt No 02-55 ) IN THE 809.5-815/854.5-860 MHZ BAND, Application Filing Commences December 16, 2010, Pre-Filing Coordination Notification Commences December 2, 2010. PSHSB . Contact: Tracy Simmons at (717) 338-2657, email: Tracy.Simmons@fcc.gov or Brian Marenco at (202) 418-0838, email: Brian.Marenco@fcc.gov DA-10-2201A1.doc DA-10-2201A1.pdf DA-10-2201A1.txt PLANTRONICS, INC. Granted the request for waiver with conditions. Action by: Chief, Disability Rights Office, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/18/2010 by ORDER. (DA No. 10-2202). CGB DA-10-2202A1.doc DA-10-2202A1.pdf DA-10-2202A1.txt COMFORT INN. Issued an Official Citation to Comfort Inn for exceeding signal leakage limits in aeronautical frequency bands in violation of Section 76.605(a)(12) of the Commission's Rules. Action by: District Director, Denver District Office, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/16/2010 by Citations. (DA No. 10-2190). EB DA-10-2190A1.doc DA-10-2190A1.pdf DA-10-2190A1.txt ABLE CINE TECH. Issued an Official Citation to Able Cine Tech for marketing unauthorized radio frequency devices in the United States in violation of Section 302(b) of the Act, and Section 2.803(a)(1) of the Commission's Rules. Action by: District Director, Los Angeles District Office, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/16/2010 by Citations. (DA No. 10-2188). EB DA-10-2188A1.doc DA-10-2188A1.pdf DA-10-2188A1.txt WOLF SEEBERG VIDEO. Issued an Official Citation to Wolf Seeberg Video for marketing unauthorized radio frequency devices in the United States in violation of Section 302(b)of the Act, and Section 2.803(a)(1) of the Commission's Rules. Action by: District Director, Los Angeles District Office, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/16/2010 by Citations. (DA No. 10-2187). EB DA-10-2187A1.doc DA-10-2187A1.pdf DA-10-2187A1.txt SOUTH BAY FILM AND VIDEO SERVICES. Issued an Official Citation to South Bay Film and Video Services for marketing unauthorized radio frequency devices in the United States in violation of Section 302(b)of the Act, and Section 2.803(a)(1) of the Commission's Rules. Action by: District Director, Los Angeles District Office, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/16/2010 by Citations. (DA No. 10-2189). EB DA-10-2189A1.doc DA-10-2189A1.pdf DA-10-2189A1.txt OUTFITTER SATELLITE, INC. Adopted a Consent Decree in this proceeding. Action by: Assistant Division Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/17/2010 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 10-2053). EB DA-10-2053A1.doc DA-10-2053A1.pdf DA-10-2053A1.txt REMARKS OF COMMISSIONER MEREDITH ATTWELL BAKER, MAKING THE 90S WORK: GOVERNING WITHIN THE '96 ACT. CMMR . FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS BAR ASSOCIATION DOC-302869A1.doc DOC-302869A1.pdf DOC-302869A1.txt