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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 30 No. 190 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 September 30, 2011 |
Report No: SAT-00811 Released: 09/30/2011. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION. (DA No. 11-1647) Actions Taken. IB . Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555 DA-11-1647A1.pdf DA-11-1647A1.txt Report No: 47583 Released: 09/30/2011. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-310005A1.pdf DOC-310005A2.txt Report No: 27583 Released: 09/30/2011. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-310004A1.pdf DOC-310004A2.txt Report No: 535 Released: 09/30/2011. MEDIA BUREAU CALL SIGN ACTIONS. MB DOC-309901A1.doc DOC-309901A1.pdf DOC-309901A1.txt Released: 09/30/2011. MEDIA BUREAU ANNOUNCES OPENING OF FILING WINDOW FOR 2011 BIENNIAL OWNERSHIP REPORTS, FORM 323. (DA No. 11-1621) Filing Window: October 1, 2011 to December 1, 2011. MB . News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165 DA-11-1621A1.doc DA-11-1621A1.pdf DA-11-1621A1.txt Released: 09/30/2011. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-310042A1.pdf DOC-310042A1.txt Released: 09/30/2011. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU EXTENDS 800 MHZ REBANDING NEGOTIATION PERIOD FOR WAVE 4 BORDER AREA NPSPAC AND NON-NPSPAC LICENSEES ALONG US-MEXICO BORDER. (DA No. 11-1652). (Dkt No 02-55 ). PSHSB . Contact: Brian Marenco at (202) 418-0838, email: Brian.Marenco@fcc.gov DA-11-1652A1.doc DA-11-1652A1.pdf DA-11-1652A1.txt Released: 09/30/2011. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. WCB . Contact: (202) 418-0270 DOC-310031A1.pdf DOC-310031A1.txt STRUCTURE AND PRACTICES OF THE VIDEO RELAY SERVICE PROGRAM. Granted in part a Motion by Gallaudet University to extend the stay of the effective date of Section 64.604(c)(5)(iii)(N)(1)(iii) of the Commission's rules as adopted in the VRS Practices R&O, for an additional 45 days, until November 15, 2011. (Dkt No. 10-51 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 09/30/2011 by ORDER. (FCC No. 11-145). CGB FCC-11-145A1.doc FCC-11-145A1.pdf FCC-11-145A1.txt AMENDMENT OF PART 64 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES REGARDING TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICES AND RELATED CUSTOMER PREMISES EQUIPMENT FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND TRUTH-IN-BILLING REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMON CARRIERS. Made two nonsubstantive editorial revisions to Part 64 of the Commission's rules. Action by: the Managing Director. Adopted: 09/30/2011 by ORDER. (DA No. 11-1649). CGB OMD DA-11-1649A1.doc DA-11-1649A1.pdf DA-11-1649A1.txt AMERICANS FOR LIMITED GOVERNMENT ON REQUEST FOR INSPECTION OF RECORDS. Denied the Application for Review. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by MO&O. (FCC No. 11-144). OGC FCC-11-144A1.doc FCC-11-144A1.pdf FCC-11-144A1.txt ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION ON REQUEST FOR INSPECTION OF RECORDS/ON REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED PROCESSING. Denied the Applicaton for Review. Granted in part and denied in part its Freedom of Information Act request for records. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by MO&O. (FCC No. 11-143). OGC FCC-11-143A1.doc FCC-11-143A1.pdf FCC-11-143A1.txt VERIZON WASHINGTON DC, INC., ET AL. Granted in part requests filed by Hughes Network Systems, LLC and DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC to delete the 28.35-29.1 GHz and 29.25-29.5 GHz band segments from the list of frequencies, et al. Action by: Chief, Broadband Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 09/27/2011 by MO&O. (DA No. 11-1650). WTB DA-11-1650A1.doc DA-11-1650A1.pdf DA-11-1650A1.txt Released: 09/29/2011. MEDIA BUREAU ANNOUNCES COMMENT AND REPLY COMMENT DEADLINES FOR THE NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING REGARDING REVISION OF THE COMMISSION'S PROGRAM CARRIAGE RULES. (DA No. 11-1644). (Dkt No 11-131 ). MB . Contact: David Konczal at (202) 418-2120, email: David.Konczal@fcc.gov. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, TTY: (202) 418-7172 or (888) 835-5322 DA-11-1644A1.doc DA-11-1644A1.pdf DA-11-1644A1.txt Released: 09/29/2011. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES REGION 5 (SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA) PUBLIC SAFETY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE TO HOLD 800 MHZ NPSPAC MEETING. (DA No. 11-1646). (Dkt No 89-97 ). PSHSB DA-11-1646A1.doc DA-11-1646A1.pdf DA-11-1646A1.txt Released: 09/29/2011. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES REGION 54 (SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN) PUBLIC SAFETY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEES TO HOLD 700 MHZ AND 800 MHZ MEETINGS. (DA No. 11-1645). (Dkt No 89-363 ). PSHSB DA-11-1645A1.doc DA-11-1645A1.pdf DA-11-1645A1.txt Released: 09/29/2011. THE FCC'S PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: INTRODUCING THE DISASTER INFORMATION REPORTING SYSTEM (DIR) TO THE NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNICATIONS. (DA No. 11-1648). PSHSB . Contact: Jane Kelly at (202) 418-2832. News Media Contact: Lauren Kravetz at (202) 418-7944, email: Lauren.Kravetz@fcc.gov DA-11-1648A1.doc DA-11-1648A1.pdf DA-11-1648A1.txt ILYVRS. Issued an Official Citation to ILYVRS regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1619). EB DA-11-1619A1.doc DA-11-1619A1.pdf DA-11-1619A1.txt CALLVRS. Issued an Official Citation to CallVRS regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1613). EB DA-11-1613A1.doc DA-11-1613A1.pdf DA-11-1613A1.txt SKY VRS. Issued an Official Citation to SKY VRS regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1630). EB DA-11-1630A1.doc DA-11-1630A1.pdf DA-11-1630A1.txt COACHVRS. Issued an Official Citation to CoachVRS regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1614). EB DA-11-1614A1.doc DA-11-1614A1.pdf DA-11-1614A1.txt USVRS, INC. Issued an Official Citation to USVRS, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1635). EB DA-11-1635A1.doc DA-11-1635A1.pdf DA-11-1635A1.txt ASLWAVE, INC. Issued an Official Citation to ASLwave, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1610). EB DA-11-1610A1.doc DA-11-1610A1.pdf DA-11-1610A1.txt TRU-VRS, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to TRU-VRS, LLC regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1626). EB DA-11-1626A1.doc DA-11-1626A1.pdf DA-11-1626A1.txt SAY-HEY, INC. Issued an Official Citation Say-Hey, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1629). EB DA-11-1629A1.doc DA-11-1629A1.pdf DA-11-1629A1.txt URRELAY, INC. Issued an Official Citation to URRelay, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1631). EB DA-11-1631A1.doc DA-11-1631A1.pdf DA-11-1631A1.txt IW RELAY, INC. Issued an Official Citation to IW Relay, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1620). EB DA-11-1620A1.doc DA-11-1620A1.pdf DA-11-1620A1.txt POWERVRS, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to PowerVRS, LLC regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1627). EB DA-11-1627A1.doc DA-11-1627A1.pdf DA-11-1627A1.txt WORLDVIEW VRS. Issued an Official Citation to Worldview VRS regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1633). EB DA-11-1633A1.doc DA-11-1633A1.pdf DA-11-1633A1.txt DEAF LINK, INC. Issued an Official Citation to Deaf Link, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1616). EB DA-11-1616A1.doc DA-11-1616A1.pdf DA-11-1616A1.txt BAMA RELAY, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to Bama Relay, LLC regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1611). EB DA-11-1611A1.doc DA-11-1611A1.pdf DA-11-1611A1.txt GRACIAS VRS, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to Gracias VRS, LLC regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1618). EB DA-11-1618A1.doc DA-11-1618A1.pdf DA-11-1618A1.txt GLOBAL WORKS, INC. Issued an Official Citation to Global Works, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1632). EB DA-11-1632A1.doc DA-11-1632A1.pdf DA-11-1632A1.txt NATIONWIDEVRS, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to NationWideVRS, LLC regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1634). EB DA-11-1634A1.doc DA-11-1634A1.pdf DA-11-1634A1.txt CODA VRS CORPORATION. Issued an Official Citation to CODA VRS Corporation regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1615). EB DA-11-1615A1.doc DA-11-1615A1.pdf DA-11-1615A1.txt NORTHSTAR RELAY, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to NorthStar Relay, LLC regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1628). EB DA-11-1628A1.doc DA-11-1628A1.pdf DA-11-1628A1.txt ONE TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to One Technologies, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1624). EB DA-11-1624A1.doc DA-11-1624A1.pdf DA-11-1624A1.txt CP&J INVESTMENTS, LLC. Issued an Official Citation to CP&J Investments, LLC regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1625). EB DA-11-1625A1.doc DA-11-1625A1.pdf DA-11-1625A1.txt MALKA COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC. Issued an Official Citation to Malka Communications Group, Inc. regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1622). EB DA-11-1622A1.doc DA-11-1622A1.pdf DA-11-1622A1.txt STUART B. CONSULTANTS, INC. D/B/A BIRNBAUM INTERPRETING SERVICES. Issued an Official Citation to Stuart B. Consultants, Inc. d/b/a Birnbaum Interpreting Services regarding Telecommunications Relay Services. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Citations. (DA No. 11-1612). EB DA-11-1612A1.doc DA-11-1612A1.pdf DA-11-1612A1.txt APPLICATIONS FILED BY GLOBAL CROSSING LIMITED AND LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL. Granted the Applications, with conditions. by MO&O. (Dkt No. 11-78 ). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau and Chief, International Bureau. Adopted: 09/29/2011 by Declaratory Ruling. (DA No. 11-1643). WCB DA-11-1643A1.doc DA-11-1643A1.pdf DA-11-1643A1.txt