Broadband is no longer a luxury. It's an essential platform for new products, economic growth and job-creating opportunities and opening markets that allow businesses to start, grow and hire.
Mobile broadband is growing at an exponential rate and as demand increases, the benefits are more compelling by the day. That’s why one of the top priorities of the FCC is to unleash more mobile spectrum through measures like voluntary incentive auctions, a proposal that the President has championed along with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle, and more efficient spectrum management policies.
What is spectrum? Spectrum is the invisible infrastructure that supports our mobile devices. Without it, we cannot unleash the full potential of mobile broadband in areas like education, health and energy. America must be the global leader in developing the most innovative wireless technologies, applications, and services -- and exporting them to the rest of the world. Doing so will bring massive benefits to our economy and ensure a brighter future for all Americans.
This Wednesday, July 13th, Chairman Julius Genachowski will host the grand opening of the FCC's Technology Experience Center at the agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C. This unique center is an innovative resource for all FCC employees and visitors to engage directly with the latest technologies, which the agency accepts as donations. Each month, we will focus a portion of the technologies around a specific theme. For the grand opening, we're focused on Innovation & Spectrum. More details to come on Wednesday morning!
The TEC continues to fulfill Chairman Genachowski's vision of the FCC as a "model of excellence in government." And we want to hear from you. Tell us how you use spectrum to stay connected to family and friends. Or just tweet us a photo of your own device set-up at home or at work. Use the
#SeeTheSpectrum hashtag and follow us on
Twitter and
Facebook as we open the doors to the FCC Technology Experience Center on Wednesday.