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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 7, 2004 |
NEWS MEDIA CONTACT: David Fiske at (202) 418-0513 |
The Federal Communication Commission's Enforcement Bureau today released a consent decree reached with Primus Telecommunications, Inc. regarding its compliance with FCC rules governing the National Do-Not-Call Registry.
“We're sending a message today,” said FCC Chairman Michael K. Powell. “The Commission will continue to take strong enforcement action to protect the rights of consumers.”
In the consent decree, Primus agreed to adopt a comprehensive program to ensure compliance with the Do-Not-Call Registry. In addition, Primus agreed to make a voluntary $400,000 contribution to the Treasury.
“Millions of Americans who signed up for the Do-Not-Call List are finding their dinner time a little more peaceful. That's because, together with the FTC, we're committed to holding noncompliant telemarketers' feet to the fire. This is our top consumer protection enforcement priority.”