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                               November 17, 2011



   Resort Marketing Group

   aka C. L. Cruises

   24 N Washington Ave, #100

   Batavia, IL 60510

   RE: EB-11-TC-110

   Dear Correspondent:

   This is an official CITATION, issued by the Federal Communications
   Commission (Commission or FCC) pursuant to section 503(b)(5) of the
   Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Communications Act or Act), 47
   U.S.C. S: 503(b)(5), for violations of the Act and the Commission's rules
   that govern telephone solicitations, prerecorded and autodialed telephone
   calls, and facsimile or "fax" transmissions. You are hereby on notice that
   if you subsequently engage in any conduct of the type described in this
   citation, including Attachment A hereto, in violation of section 227 of
   the Act or sections 64.1200, 64.1601(e), or 68.318 of the Commission's
   rules you and your company may be subject to further legal action,
   including monetary fines (forfeitures).

   Based on the record developed in this case, the Enforcement Bureau, acting
   through its delegated authority, finds that Resort Marketing Group, aka C.
   L. Cruises, initiated, or caused to be initiated, one or more calls, or
   sent, or caused to be sent, one or more messages, and/or faxes in
   violation of section 227 of the Communications Act and the Commission's
   related rules. In this regard, one or more complaints have been filed
   against you or your company for violations of section 227 of the Act
   and/or our rules. Copies of the complaints are attached as Attachment C to
   this citation. For your convenience, the violations asserted in the
   complaints are checked below. Once you have identified the violation(s),
   proceed to the associated section(s) of Attachment A (Telephone Consumer
   Protection Act Violations) to obtain the legal requirements related to
   each violation and then read the section titled "Responding to the
   Citation" below, if you wish to respond. Because, future violations by you
   or your company of the type identified in Attachment A could result in
   fines, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the other sections of
   Attachment A so that you or your company can take appropriate steps to
   ensure compliance with the Act and our rules.


     * Unsolicited Fax Advertisement (See Attachment A, section I(A) - page

     * Incomplete Fax Header (See Attachment A, section I(B) - page 3)

     * Insufficient Opt-Out Notice (See Attachment A, section I(C) - page 4)

     * Opt-Out Request Not Honored (See Attachment A, section I(D) - page 5)


     * Prerecorded or Autodialed Call to a Cell Phone, Emergency Line, Health
       Care Facility, or Toll-Free Line (See Attachment A, section II(A) -
       page 6)

     * Prerecorded Call to a Residential Line (See Attachment A, section
       II(B) - page 6)

     * Prerecorded Identification Not Provided (See Attachment A, section
       II(C) - page 8)

     * Prerecorded Line Seizure (See Attachment A, section II(D) - page 8)

     * Business Line Seizure (See Attachment A, section II(E) -page 8)


     * National Do-Not-Call (See Attachment A, section III(A) - page 8)

     * Company-Specific Do-Not-Call (See Attachment A, section III(B) - page

   TIME OF DAY VIOLATION (See Attachment A, section IV - page 11)

   CALLER IDENTIFICATION VIOLATION (See Attachment A, section V - page 12)

   If, after receipt of this citation, you or your company again violates
   section 227 of the Act or sections 64.1200, 64.1601(e), or 68.318 of the
   Commission's rules in any manner or violates section 1.17 of our rules
   (discussed below) when responding to this citation, the Commission may
   impose monetary forfeitures not to exceed $16,000 for each such violation
   or each day of a continuing violation.

                           RESPONDING TO THE CITATION

   You may respond to this citation within 30 days from the date of this
   letter either through (1) a written statement, (2) a teleconference
   interview with the Commission's Telecommunications Consumers Division in
   Washington, DC or (3) a personal interview at the Commission Field Office
   nearest to your place of business. Your response should specify the
   actions that you are taking to ensure that you do not violate the
   Communications Act or the Commission's rules governing TCPA violations, as
   described herein.

   If you would like to arrange a teleconference or personal interview,
   please contact Al McCloud at (202) 418-2499. Such teleconference or
   interview must take place within 30 days of the date of this citation.

   If you would like to submit a written response, including any supporting
   documentation, you must send the response within 30 days of the date of
   this citation to the address below.

   Richard A. Hindman, Chief

   Telecommunications Consumers Division

   Enforcement Bureau

   Federal Communications Commission

   445 12th Street, S.W., Rm. 4-C224

   Washington, D.C. 20554

   Reference EB-11-TC-110 when corresponding with the Commission.

   Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon
   request. Include a description of the accommodation you will need
   including as much detail as you can. Also include a way we can contact you
   if we need more information. Please allow at least 5 business days advance
   notice; last minute requests will be accepted, but may be impossible to
   fill. Send an e-mail to or call the Consumer & Governmental
   Affairs Bureau:

   For sign language interpreters, CART, and other reasonable accommodations:

   202-418-0530 (voice), 202-418-0432 (tty);

   For accessible format materials (braille, large print, electronic files,
   and audio

   format): 202-418-0531 (voice), 202-418-7365 (tty).

   If you choose to respond to this citation, be advised that it is a
   violation of section 1.17 of the Commission's rules (47 C.F.R. S: 1.17)
   for any person or a staff member of that person to make any false or
   misleading written or oral statement of fact. Specifically, no person

   (1) In any written or oral statement of fact, intentionally provide
   material factual information that is incorrect or intentionally omit
   material information that is necessary to prevent any material factual
   statement that is made from being incorrect or misleading; and

   (2) In any written statement of fact, provide material factual information
   that is incorrect or omit material information that is necessary to
   prevent any material factual statement that is made from being incorrect
   or misleading without a reasonable basis for believing that any such
   material factual statement is correct and not misleading.

   Further, the knowing and willful making of any false statement, or the
   concealment of any material fact, in reply to this citation is punishable
   by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S.C. S: 1001.

   If you or your company violates section 1.17 of the Commission's rules or
   the criminal statute referenced above, you may be subject to further legal
   action, including monetary fines pursuant to section 503 of the
   Communications Act.

   Under the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. S: 552a(e)(3), we are informing
   you that the Commission's staff will use all relevant material information
   before it, including information that you disclose in your interview or
   written statement, to determine what, if any, enforcement action is
   required to ensure your compliance with the Communications Act and the
   Commission's rules.

   Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.


   Richard A. Hindman, Chief

   Telecommunications Consumers Division

   Enforcement Bureau

   Federal Communications Commission


   47 U.S.C. S: 227; 47 C.F.R. S:S: 64.1200, 64.1601(e), 68.318. A copy of
   these provisions is enclosed for your convenience. Section 227 was added
   to the Communications Act by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991
   and is most commonly known as the TCPA. The TCPA and the Commission's
   rules restrict a variety of practices that are associated with telephone
   solicitation and the use of the telephone network to deliver unsolicited
   advertisements or prerecorded and autodialed telephone calls.

   This citation is being issued to the company named above and includes all
   d/b/a entities and any other entity names used by the company as well as
   its owners, principals, and officers. Accordingly, all references in this
   citation to the named company also include all d/b/a entities and any
   other entity names used by the company and its owners, principals, and



                            WASHINGTON, D.C.  20554