The schools and libraries universal service support program, commonly known as the E-Rate program, helps schools and libraries to obtain affordable broadband.
Eligible schools, school districts and libraries may apply individually or as part of a consortium. Funding may be requested under two categories of service: category one services to a school or library (telecommunications, telecommunications services and Internet access), and category two services that deliver Internet access within schools and libraries (internal connections, basic maintenance of internal connections, and managed internal broadband services). Discounts for support depend on the level of poverty and whether the school or library is located in an urban or rural area. The discounts range from 20 percent to 90 percent of the costs of eligible services. E-Rate program funding is based on demand up to an annual Commission-established cap of $4.940 billion.
The E-Rate program is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the direction of the FCC. Specifically, USAC is responsible for processing the applications for support, confirming eligibility, and reimbursing service providers and eligible schools and libraries for the discounted services. USAC also ensures that the applicants and service providers comply with the E-Rate rules and procedures established by the Commission.
E-Rate Program Initiatives and Issues
Gift Rule Reminder for E-Rate Participants in Areas Impacted by California Wildfires
To the extent that service providers are willing to offer, for example, free or reduced-cost Internet access services, connected devices, or Wi-Fi hotpots directly to families with school aged-children or to library patrons, rather than to the eligible schools and libraries on behalf of students and library patrons, the E-Rate gift rule is not applicable, as it only applies to eligible entities and service providers participating in or seeking to participate in the E-Rate program.
Hotspots Order Summary & Guidance
The FCC adopted the E-Rate Hotspots Report and Order on July 29, 2024. In the E-Rate Hotspots Report and Order, the Commission modernized the E-Rate program to enable eligible schools and libraries to create Wi-Fi hotspots lending programs to loan Wi-Fi hotspots and services that can be used off-premises to the students, school staff, and library patrons with the greatest need. This is a summary of the Order and some of the new and existing requirements applicable to those seeking E-Rate program support for off-premises Wi-Fi hotspots and services.
Eligible Services and Equipment
The Order determined that mobile wireless Internet services and Wi-Fi hotspots that can be used off-premises will be eligible beginning in funding year (FY) 2025.
Mobile wireless Internet services that can be supported by and delivered with Wi-Fi hotspots provided to an individual user will be eligible.
- Is fixed wireless service eligible? No, service eligibility is limited to mobile wireless Internet access that can be supported by and delivered with portable Wi-Fi hotspots.
- Can applicants request support for services delivered to hotspots that they already own? Yes, schools and libraries may request E-Rate support for services in funding year 2025 to use with their existing hotspot devices.
- Note: All services must be competitively bid. Pre-existing contracts, such as those using Emergency Connectivity Fund support, will not be grandfathered. Applicants also must consider all bids received and cannot disqualify bids if they offer an equivalent service offering (e.g., a different hotspot and service).
Wi-Fi hotspots are devices intended to provide Wi-Fi connectivity to a hotspot user as its sole function. These are portable, single devices (i.e., not a set of linked devices), and must be for use with commercially available mobile wireless Internet service.
- What equipment is NOT eligible?: Multi-functional devices (e.g., smartphones, PCs, notebooks, tablets, customer premises equipment, routers or switches, and wireless access points) and Wi-Fi-embedded laptops or other devices are ineligible for E-Rate support.
- Do devices need to be new? No, devices do not need to be new. However, funding and reimbursement amounts will be at actual costs and not at the capped funding amounts. For example, applicants and service providers cannot request and receive disbursements at the $90 capped amounts and purchase used devices at a lower cost and keep the difference in costs as a profit/windfall.
Eligible Recipients
Eligible schools and libraries, and consortia of eligible entities, may seek E-Rate funding for Wi-Fi hotspots and services for use by their students, school staff, and library patrons. No more than one Wi-Fi hotspot may be distributed per user.
- Who is ineligible to receive Wi-Fi hotspots? Applicants may not distribute E-Rate funded Wi-Fi hotspots to Head Start, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten student populations.
General Framework of a Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending Program
The Order adopts a budget mechanism to allow eligible schools and libraries to develop hotspot lending programs, while setting a limit on the amount of support that an applicant can request for Wi-Fi hotspots and services.
a. Funding Caps
The Order adopts a pre-discount $15 per month limit on recurring mobile wireless Internet service and a pre-discount $90 per Wi-Fi hotspot limit on the amount that can be requested for hotspot equipment in the E-Rate program.
- Are taxes and other fees included in these funding caps? Taxes and state electronic waste fees are not included in the cap, while other reasonable costs such as delivery fees, activation, and configuration costs are included in the capped amounts. All taxes and fees should be separately identified on invoices and requested on a separate funding line.
- Can applicants purchase services or equipment that are more expensive than the funding caps? Applicants may choose to purchase services and equipment that cost more than the funding caps, but the E-Rate program will limit reimbursement to the $15/$90 pre-discount funding caps.
- Note: Applicants must request E-Rate support based on actual, commercial-based costs. Service providers will be required to certify that the costs of the Wi-Fi hotspots do not exceed commercial value. USAC may modify, reduce, and/or recover funding requests that are determined to be higher than the actual, market-based price of commercially-available Wi-Fi hotspots.
b. Wi-Fi Hotspot Budgets
The Wi-Fi Hotspot budget is the maximum amount of pre-discount funding permitted for off-premises Wi-Fi hotspots and/or service over three funding years. The three-year Wi-Fi hotspot budget is fixed and the first cycle will run from funding year 2025 through funding year 2027, after which the budgets will reset in funding year 2028. Applicants may not request more than 45% of its three-year budget in any one funding year.
The hotspot budget formula factors in applicant size (student count or square footage) and poverty level (discount rate).
Independent schools and school districts will calculate their Wi-Fi hotspot budgets by multiplying their student counts by 20% (i.e., 20 hotspots per 100 students), and adjusting by their category one (C1) discount rates. This number is rounded up to the nearest ten. The applicant then multiplies that rounded number by the three-year cost of the funding caps ($630) to determine the three-year budget.
- School or school district budget = [student count x C1 discount rate x 0.2] x $630
- Remember: The value in the brackets is rounded up to the nearest ten.
Independent libraries and library systems will calculate their Wi-Fi hotspot budgets based on their square footage, allowing 5.5 devices per 1,000 square feet, adjusted by their category one discount rates. This number is rounded up to the nearest ten. The applicant then multiplies that rounded number by $630 to determine the three-year pre-discount budget.
- Library or library system budget = [square feet x C1 discount rate x 0.0055] x $630
- Remember: The value in the brackets is rounded up to the nearest ten.
Full-time student count and square footage figures will be calculated at the district-wide or library system level in order to make use of existing information collections and procedures for category two budgets. The three-year budget will be based on the student count or square footage that is validated the first year that a school or library requests E-Rate support for off-premises Wi-Fi hotspots and/or services.
- Can we request Wi-Fi hotspots as part of a 1:1 initiative? No. Generally, applicants are prohibited from seeking E-Rate support for a 1:1 hotspot initiative, where every student receives a Wi-Fi hotspot. If E-Rate-funded Wi-Fi hotspots are used as part of a 1:1 initiative – either in practice by providing all of the devices to a single school in the district or in conjunction with Wi-Fi hotspots funded via other sources – applicants must document clearly (i.e., individual survey results or attestations) that each individual student needed a Wi-Fi hotspot, in accordance with the acceptable use policies, and may not rely on general or estimated findings about income levels. Funding disbursements for applicants without specific documentation to support a 1:1 Wi-Fi hotspot initiative will be subject to denial and/or recovery.
- If the applicant requests support for hotspots for the first time in the third year of its budget, is it still restricted to 45% of their budget? Yes.
- If the budget uses the C1 discount rate in the formula, will the C1 discount rate be applied again when calculating the reimbursement amount? Yes. The calculation uses the applicant’s C1 discount rate to determine an overall three-year fixed Wi-Fi hotspot budget, which is a pre-discount budget. The applicant can then request E-Rate discounts for its funding requests. For example, if there is a $10,000 budget, and the applicant requests E-Rate support for $2,000 worth of equipment, the applicant will receive the discounted portion of $2,000.
Categorization and Prioritization
Mobile wireless Internet services will be an eligible category one service, and will not be subject to the category two budgets. Wi-Fi hotspots will be eligible as category one network equipment necessary to make category one wireless Internet services functional.
In the event that demand for E-Rate support exceeds available funding, the Order adopts a rule to prioritize funding for eligible on-premises category one and category two equipment and services requests before eligible off-premises equipment and services (i.e., Wi-Fi hotspots and school bus Wi-Fi services) requests.
Safeguarding E-Rate-Funded Wi-Fi Hotspots and Services Used Off-Premises
Competitive Bidding
Applicants are subject to the E-Rate program’s competitive bidding rules when seeking support for off-premises Wi-Fi hotspots and mobile wireless Internet services, including the requirement that they select the most cost-effective service offering(s), using price of the eligible equipment and services as the primary factor considered. Applicants may consider other factors, including service requirements, in the bid evaluation process, but price must be weighted most heavily.
Are there any competitive bidding considerations that a school or library with existing Wi-Fi hotspots should be mindful of when seeking and evaluating bids? In considering bids for off-premises mobile wireless Internet services, applicants are encouraged to compare the costs of all offerings, which includes service offerings to use with existing hotspots as well as new hotspot options, to ensure they are selecting the most cost-effective option. A bid may not be disqualified solely because the service does not work with existing hotspots, if it is the most cost-effective offering when factoring in the cost of new hotspots. Can a school or library select multiple service providers? Yes, applicants may select multiple service providers if needed, but will be limited to $15 per month funding cap adopted in the Order. An applicant should describe its service area when seeking bids in its FCC Form 470. If it is anticipated that more than one service provider is needed, an applicant should be prepared to demonstrate how it conducted its competitive bidding and bid evaluation process, and explain why more than one provider is necessary upon request.
Acceptable Use Policies
E-Rate program rules require schools and libraries to use E-Rate-supported services, including Wi-Fi hotspots and services used off-premises, primarily for educational purposes. In addition to requiring schools and libraries to use the existing E-Rate certifications to ensure that the off-premises use of E-Rate-funded Wi-Fi hotspots and services is primarily for an educational purpose, the Order requires eligible schools and libraries to maintain and publicly post an acceptable use policy (AUP) that states that the off-premises use of the Wi-Fi hotspot and/or service is primarily for educational purposes as defined in 47 CFR § 54.500 and that the Wi-Fi hotspot and/or service is for use by students, school staff members, and/or library patrons who need it. Eligible schools and libraries will be required to certify to meeting these AUP requirements on their FCC Forms 486.
Where should the AUP be publicly posted? Applicants can publicly post their acceptable use policies in whatever form they deem appropriate. Note: Applicants may be requested to provide their acceptable use policies and provide evidence of where it is publicly posted, upon request by the Commission or the Administrator.
Usage Requirements
The Order establishes verification processes to ensure that E-Rate-supported Wi-Fi hotspots and services are in use. Applicants are required to certify that they have activated the Wi-Fi hotspot and service, made it available for loan, publicized the availability of the Wi-Fi hotspot device and service to students, teachers, and library patrons via public notice or other means, and are not seeking reimbursement for Wi-Fi hotspots and/or services that have not been made available for distribution. To prevent warehousing of devices, applicants are prohibited from requesting Wi-Fi hotspots as part of a 1:1 initiative (i.e., where every student gets a hotspot) or for future use, emergency use, or use in the case of theft, loss, or breakage.
Additionally, at least once every 31 days, service providers are required to determine whether any E-Rate-supported lines have zero data usage in the prior 60 days and provide notice to the applicant of the particular lines within 5 business days. If there is zero data usage for 90 days, service providers must discontinue service to such lines. Service providers may not charge early termination fees for lines of service associated with Wi-Fi hotspots that are lost, broken, or unused. Service providers are also not permitted to bill applicants for unused lines of service that are discontinued.
The Order also requires service providers to provide reports regarding Wi-Fi hotspot data usage for off-premises use to applicants. Applicants are required to make these reports available to any representative (including any auditor) appointed by a state education department, the Administrator, the FCC, or any local, state, or federal agency with jurisdiction over the entity upon request. The data usage reports must be in machine-readable digital format so that information lines can be read and sorted, clearly identifying the lines that are not being used across billing periods and the lines that have been terminated pursuant to the non-usage rules.
What is the difference between hotspots that are "available for check out" and hotspots that are “warehoused”? Wi-Fi hotspots will not be considered warehoused so long as the school or library activates the Wi-Fi hotspot device, makes it available for loan, and publicizes the availability of the Wi-Fi hotspots and service to students, school staff, and library patrons via public notice or other means. Wi-Fi hotspots that have not been made available for distribution per these requirements (e.g., if they are never turned on, never publicized, stored in an office, still in the box) will be considered to have been warehoused, and the entity may be subject to a financial recovery.
Asset & Service Inventories
E-Rate rules require schools and libraries to maintain detailed asset and service inventories of each hotspot and service provided for use off-premises. For each Wi-Fi hotspot and services, a school or library is required to maintain an asset and service inventory that identifies
1) the equipment make/model;
2) the equipment serial number;
3) the full name of the person to whom the equipment was provided (for schools only);
Note: Entities may anonymize or deidentify any personally identifiable information when producing asset and service inventories.
4) the dates the equipment was loaned out and returned, or the date the school was notified that the equipment was missing, lost, or damaged; and
5) the service detail (i.e., a phone number or unique identifier for the line of service).
Applicants and service providers must also keep all records related to their participation in the E-Rate program, including the asset and service inventories, acceptable use policies, evidence of publicizing their AUPs and Wi-Fi hotspot availability, and any other required documentation for at least 10 years.
Duplicate Funding
The Order adopts a rule to prohibit applicants and service providers from seeking E-Rate support for equipment or services that have already been funded with other Federal, state, Tribal, or local funding. Applicants will be required to certify that the equipment or services have not been funded through some other source on their FCC Forms 471. Service providers will provide this certification on the FCC Form 473 (Service Provider Annual Certification).
Equipment Disposal
Wi-Fi hotspots will be considered obsolete after three years.
- Gift Rules
Applicants and service providers seeking reimbursement for Wi-Fi hotspots and services are subject to the Commission’s gift rules, which prohibit applicants from soliciting or accepting any gift or other thing of value from a service provider participating in or seeking to participate in the E-Rate program. For example, the gift rule prohibits service providers from offering free equipment with service arrangements, such as free Wi-Fi hotspots with a service plan, if such offerings are not currently available to some other class of subscribers or segment of the public.
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
CIPA obligations apply to school or library-owned computers if the school or library received E-Rate support for Wi-Fi hotspots or mobile wireless Internet services.
Daily Releases
- 3/7/25
E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps for Funding Year 2025 Public Notice:
Wireline Competition Bureau Announces E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps For Funding Year 2025.
WordPDF - 3/3/25
February USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 2/3/25
January USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 1/16/25
California Wildfires Order:
Wireline Competition Bureau waives certain rules and deadlines to provide relief to victims located in areas of California that are affected by the spread of wildfires and straight-line winds (California Wildfires).
WordPDF - 1/14/25
ECF Request for Review Order:
WCB remands a request for review filed by an Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) program applicant for further action and review by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
WordPDF - 1/2/25
December USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
- 12/20/24
E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules Guidance Letter:
As part of the FCC's ongoing oversight of the USAC, WCB provides guidance to USAC regarding its application of the FCC's E-Rate competitive bidding rules to requests for Wi-Fi hotspots and mobile wireless Internet service delivered via Wi-Fi hotspot.
WordPDF - 12/2/24
November USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 11/1/24
October USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 10/25/24
Final Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2025 Order:
WCB adopts the proposals set forth in the Bureau's Public Notice seeking comment on the proposed eligible services list for funding year 2025.
WordPDF - 10/9/24
USF Broadband Program Rules in Response to Milton Order:
WCB waives Lifeline, E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), Rural Health Care (RHC), and High Cost rules and deadlines to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Milton.
WordPDF - 10/1/24
FCC Waives USF, Broadband Program Rules in Response to Helene Order:
WCB waives Lifeline, E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), Rural Health Care (RHC), and High Cost rules and deadlines to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Helene.
WordPDF - 10/01/24
October USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 9/20/24
Cybersecurity Pilot Program Rules Public Notice:
Wireline Competition Bureau Announces September 20, 2024 as Effective Date for Cybersecurity Pilot Rules.
WordPDF - 9/18/24
ECF Waiver Resolution Public Notice:
Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 9/3/24
September USF Appeals Public Notice:
Streamlined Resolution of Requests Under The Secure Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.
WordPDF - 8/29/24
Lower Yukon's Request for Clarification and Waiver Declaritory Ruling:
WCB finds that the use of broadband in Lower Yukon's on-campus teacher housing serves an educational purpose, and thus such service is eligible for category one and category two E-Rate support.
WordPDF - 8/1/24
August USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 7/31/24
E-Rate Program Eligible Services List for FY 2025 Public Notice:
Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment On Proposed Eligible Services List for the E-Rate Program.
WordPDF - 7/29/24
Wi-Fi Hotspots Through E-Rate Program Report and Order Further Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking:
In this Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the FCC take steps to modernize the E-Rate program to meet the evolving needs of schools and libraries around the country by allowing for the distribution of Wi-Fi hotspots and services.
WordPDF - 7/15/24
Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program Webinar Public Notice:
Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program Webinar.
WordPDF - 7/1/24
July USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 6/28/24
ECF Applicants of Program Sunset Date and Invoicing Deadline Public Notice:
Invoicing Reminder for Emergency Connectivity Fund Participants as Program Sunsets.
WordPDF - 6/11/24
Cybersecurity Pilot Program for Schools & Libraries Report and Order:
The FCC adopts a three-year pilot program within the Universal Service Fund to provide up to $200 million to support cybersecurity services and equipment for eligible schools and libraries.
WordPDF - 6/3/24
June USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 5/14/2024
Eligible C1 and C2 E-Rate Requests Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet USAC's estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2024.
Word PDF - 5/1/24
May USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
WordPDF - 4/1/24
April USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/19/24
E-Rate FY 2024 PIA Form 471 Procedures Review Letter:
WCB notifies USAC of approval for the Schools and Libraries Funding Year 2024 Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) FCC Form 471 Review Procedures, subject to further modifications and/or instruction from the Commission.
Word PDF - 3/8/24
E-Rate & RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps for FY24 Public Notice:
Wireline Competition Bureau Announces E-Rate And RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps For Funding Year 2024.
Word PDF - 3/1/24
March USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/6/24
ECF Service Delivery and Invoice Filing Deadlines Order:
WCB waives and extends the service delivery date and/or the invoice filing deadline for the Petitioners who applied for ECF support for equipment, non-recurring services, and recurring services during the first and second application filing windows.
Word PDF - 2/1/24
February USF Appeals Public Notice
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 1/2/24
January USF Appeals Public Notice:
Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF
- 12/15/2023
Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2024 Order: WCB adopts the proposals set forth in the Bureau's Public Notice seeking comment on the proposed eligible services list for funding year 2024.
Word PDF - 12/1/2023
December USF Appeals Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 11/29/2023
ECF Rules for Two Alaska School Districts Order: WCB grants the two Requests for Waiver filed by Lower Yukon School District and Northwest Arctic Borough School District and OTZ Remote Villages Home Internet Support and waives section 54.1710(b) of the Commission's rules.
Word PDF - 11/13/2023
Schools & Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:The Commission proposes a three-year pilot program within the Universal Service Fund (USF) to provide up to $200 million available to support cybersecurity and advanced firewall services for eligible schools and libraries.
Word PDF - 11/9/2023
Filing Deadline for Adding Wi-Fi on School Buses to E-Rate ESL Order: WCB extends, sua sponte, the filing deadline for comments regarding the addition of services and equipment needed to use Wi-Fi service on school buses to the funding year (FY) 2024 eligible services list for the E-Rate program until November 30, 2023.
Word PDF - 11/8/2023
Homework Gap through the E-Rate Program Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: FCC proposes to permit eligible schools and libraries to receive E-Rate support for Wi-Fi hotspots and wireless Internet services that can be used off-premises.
Word PDF - 11/1/2023
November USF Appeals Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/31/2023
Emergency Connectivity Fund October 30, 2023 Invoice Deadline Public Notice: WCB extends the deadline for Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) program participants with an October 30, 2023 invoice filing deadline due to a technical issue that might have prevented parties from timely filing.
Word PDF - 10/27/2023
E-Rate Deadlines During EPC Blackout Period Public Notice: : Wireline Competition Bureau Extends E-Rate Program Deadlines During E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) Blackout Period.
Word PDF - 10/25/2023
FCC Announces E-Rate Funding Can Support Wi-Fi on School Buses Declaratory Ruling: The FCC clarifies that the use of Wi-Fi, or other similar access point technologies, on school buses serves an educational purpose and the provision of such service is therefore eligible for E-Rate funding.
Word PDF - 10/25/2023
Wi-Fi on School Buses to E-Rate ESL Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Additional Comment on Adding Wi-Fi on School Buses to Proposed Eligible Services List for the E-Rate Program.
Word PDF - 10/2/2023
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 9/12/2023
E-Rate Program Eligible Services List for FY2024 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment On Proposed Eligible Services List for the E-Rate Program.
Word PDF - 9/1/2023
Broadband Program Rules in Response to Idalia Order: WCB waives certain E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund, Rural Health Care, Lifeline, Affordable Connectivity Program, and High-Cost rules to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Idalia.
Word PDF - 8/31/2023
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/30/2023
2024 Tribal Library Pilot Program Launch Public Notice: Announcing an upcoming webinar to launch and provide additional information about the E-Rate program Funding Year 2024 Tribal Library Pilot Program
Word PDF - 8/18/2023
Broadband Program Rules for Hawaii Wildfires Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau waives certain Universal Service Fund, Affordable Connectivity Program, and Emergency Connectivity Program rules to assist program participants and providers located in areas affected by the Hawaii Wildfires.
Word PDF - 8/14/2023
ECF Invoice Filing Deadline Order: WCB grants a petition for limited waiver of the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) program's invoice filing deadline, and provides an automatic, one-time extension of the invoicing filing deadline to October 30, 2023.
Word PDF - 7/31/2023
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/21/2023
Bolsters Tribal Libraries Access to E-Rate Program Funding Report and Order and Further Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking: The FCC takes steps to further enhance Tribal applicants' access to the E-Rate program to encourage greater Tribal participation in the program.
Word PDF - 6/30/2023
Relief in Areas Affected by Typhoon Mawar Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau waives certain Universal Service Fund, Affordable Connectivity Program, and numbering rules to assist program participants and providers located in areas affected by Typhoon Mawar.
Word PDF - 6/30/2023
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice:Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/31/2023
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice:Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/19/2023
Eligible C1 and C2 E-Rate Requests Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet USAC's estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2023.
Word PDF - 5/12/2023
Emergency Connectivity Fund Guidance for End of Emergency Period Public Notice: WCB and OMD offer guidance to participants in the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program on the expiration of the COVID-19 public health emergency on May 11, 2023 and announce June 30, 2024 as the sunset date for the ECF Program.
Word PDF - 5/12/2023
Emergency Connectivity Fund Service Delivery Deadline Extension Order: WCB grants, in part, the Request for Waiver filed by SHLB and CoSN, by waiving and extending the service delivery deadline for certain applicants who received Emergency Connectivity Fund support.
Word PDF - 4/28/2023
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/31/2023
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/28/2023
E-Rate FY2023 PIA Form 471 Procedures Review Letter: WCB notifies USAC of approval for the Schools and Libraries Funding Year 2023 Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) FCC Form 471 Review Procedures, subject to further modifications and/or instruction from the Commission.
Word PDF - 3/3/2023
E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps for Funding Year 2023 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces E-Rate And RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps For Funding Year 2023.
Word PDF - 3/1/2023
ECF Participants of Compliance Obligations Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau reminds Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program participants about their ongoing obligations to comply with the Program rules, including the document retention and production requirements.
Word PDF - 2/28/2023
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/17/2023
Greater Tribal Participation in E-Rate Program NPRM: Proposes Simplifying Rules for Accessing Program Offering High-Speed Internet for Schools and Libraries.
Word PDF - 2/8/2023
E-Rate Applicants Relief for Misfiled Appeals Order: WCB grants three E-Rate applicants' petitions for reconsideration for additional time to properly file appeals with USAC, after initially misfiling appeals with the Commission.
Word PDF - 1/31/2023
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 1/19/2023
WCB Grants E-Rate Appeals for Ministerial Errors on Invoicing Forms Order: WCB grants appeals of decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) from E-Rate program participants seeking relief to correct errors made during the invoicing process.
Word PDF
- 12/30/2022
December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 12/14/2022
E-Rate Eligibility of Advanced Firewalls Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on petitions requesting that the Commission permit the use of E-Rate funds to support advanced or next-generation firewalls and services, and network security services.
Word PDF - 12/14/2022
Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2023 Order: WCB adopts the proposals set forth in the Bureau's Public Notice seeking comment on the proposed eligible services list for funding year 2023.
Word PDF - 11/30/2022
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/31/2022
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/4/2022
Broadband Program Rules in Response to Hurricane Ian Order: WCB waives certain E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund, Rural Health Care, COVID-19 Telehealth, Lifeline, Affordable Connectivity Program, and High-Cost rules to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Ian.
Word PDF - 9/30/2022
September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 9/22/2022
Broadband Program Rules in Response to Hurricane Fiona Order: WCB waives certain E-Rate, Emergency Connectivity Fund, Rural Health Care, COVID-19 Telehealth, Lifeline, and Affordable Connectivity Program rules to assist participants and service providers located in areas affected by Hurricane Fiona.
Word PDF - 9/21/2022
Third ECF Application Filing Deadline Order: WCB grants three petitioners' request for waiver of the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program's third and final application filing window deadline.
Word PDF - 9/19/2022
Extended Delivery Deadline for Certain FY2020/21 E-Rate Services Order: WCB waives the Commission's rules and extends the E-Rate service implementation deadline to September 30, 2023 for certain funding year 2020 and 2021 applicants with non-recurring service deadlines that expire on September 30, 2022.
Word PDF - 8/31/2022
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/30/2022
USAC to Fully Fund Eligible C1 and C2 E-Rate Requests Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Directs USAC To Fully Fund Eligible Category One And Category Two E-Rate Requests.
Word PDF - 8/22/2022
Proposed E-Rate Program Eligible Services List Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Proposed E-Rate Program Eligible Services List.
Word PDF - 8/22/2022
WCB Seeks USAC Board of Directors Nominations Public Notice: WCB seeks nominations for six board member positions on USAC's Board of Directors.
Word PDF - 8/15/2022
Future of the Universal Service Fund Report: The Commission adopts this Report on the Future of the Universal Service Fund (Report) as required by Section 60104(c) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Word PDF - 7/29/2022
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/27/2022
WCB Addresses Waivers of Voluntarily Reduced ECF Funding Requests Order: WCB addresses three requests for waiver seeking to restore Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program support for recurring service funding request.
Word PDF - 6/30/2022
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/31/2022
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 4/29/2022
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 4/11/2022
E-Rate and ECF Form 471 Filing Deadlines Order: WCB grants waivers of the Commission's rules concerning the late filing of FCC Forms 471 for FY2018 and FY2019 in the E-Rate program and ECF FCC Forms 471 filed during the second application filing window in the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) program.
Word PDF - 3/31/2022
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/23/2022
Third ECF Application Window Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that a third application filing window for the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program will open on Thursday, April 28, 2022, and close on Friday, May 13, 2022.
Word PDF - 3/23/2022
E-Rate FY2022 PIA Form 471 Procedures Review Letter: WCB notifies USAC of approval for the Schools and Libraries Funding Year 2022 Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) FCC Form 471 Review Procedures, subject to further modifications and/or instruction from the Commission.
Word PDF - 3/16/2022
Comment Deadlines for E-Rate Bidding Portal NPRM Order: Public Notice Announcing RDOF/Auction 904 Support Authorized for Winning Bids.
Word PDF - 3/14/2022
E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps for Funding Year 2022 Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces E-Rate And RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps For Funding Year 2022.
Word PDF - 3/4/2022
FY2022 E-Rate Application Deadline for New Tribal Libraries Order: WCB grants a waiver of the funding year 2022 application filing deadline and directs USAC to treat as timely filed all applications with a new Tribal library entity that are filed within 65 days of the application filing window deadline.
Word PDF - 2/28/2022
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/22/2022
Extended ECF Service Delivery Date Order: WCB extends the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) service delivery date to June 30, 2023 for first and second filing window applicants who requested support for equipment, other non-recurring services, and recurring services.
Word PDF - 1/31/2022
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 1/28/2022
FCC Connecting Tribal Libraries Through the E-Rate Program Report and Order:The FCC updates the definition of "library" in the Commission's rules to provide clarity regarding the eligibility of Tribal libraries and promote increased participation of underrepresented Tribal libraries in the E-Rate program.
Word PDF - Chairwoman Rosenworcel
- Commissioner Carr
- Commissioner Starks
- 1/4/2022
WCB Addresses Requests for Waiver of ECF $400 Support Cap Order: WCB addresses 7 requests for waivers of the $400 maximum reasonable support amount for connected devices reimbursed through the Emergency Connectivity Fund Program.
Word PDF
- 12/28/2021
December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 12/17/2021
Final Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2022 Order: WCBOrder Adopts the Final Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2022.
Word PDF - 12/16/2021
Promoting Fair and Open Competitive Bidding in the E-Rate Program Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: NPRM seeking comment on a proposal to implement a bidding portal for the E-Rate program.
Word PDF - 11/30/2021
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 11/5/2021
E-Rate Program Gift Rule Waiver Order Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau clarifies the scope of the E-Rate gift rule waiver request relating to Comcast's Lift Zone pilot program for seven library systems.
Word PDF - 10/29/2021
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/7/2021
E-Rate Program Gift Rule Waiver Order: WCB partially grants Comcast's petition for waiver, and extends the E-Rate Program gift rule waiver for program participants through June 30, 2022, the end of funding year 2021.
Word PDF - 10/1/2021
Broadband for Tribal Libraries Through E-Rate Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The FCC proposes to update the definition of library in the Commission's rules to provide clarity regarding the eligibility of Tribal libraries and promote increased participation of underrepresented Tribal libraries in the E-Rate Program.
Word PDF - 9/30/2021
September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 9/21/2021
Late-Filed ECF Applications to Second Filing Window Public Notice: WCB directs USAC to review and process Emergency Connectivity Fund Program applications filed after the close of the Program's initial application filing window with those filed in the second application filing window.
Word PDF - 9/3/2021
FCC Waives USF, Broadband Program Rules in Response to Hurricane Ida Order: WCB waives certain E-Rate, Rural Health Care, Lifeline, High Cost, Emergency Connectivity Fund, and Emergency Broadband Benefit rules and deadlines to assist participants and providers located in the areas affected by Hurricane Ida.
Word PDF - 8/31/2021
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/27/2021
Eligible C1 and C2 E-Rate Requests Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Directs USAC to Fully Fund Eligible Category One and Category Two E-Rate Requests.
Word PDF - 8/27/2021
Comment on Proposed E-Rate Program Eligible Services List Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Eligible Services List for the E-Rate Program.
Word PDF - 7/30/2021
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/26/2021
Webinar on Emergency Connectivity Fund Program FAQs Public Notice: The FCC will host a virtual webinar on August 3, 2021, at 2 pm EDT, to provide additional information about the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program, on Registration is not required for the event.
Word PDF - 7/22/2021
Emergency Connectivity Fund Service Delivery Deadline Public Notice: WCB establishes June 30, 2022, as the ECF service delivery date for equipment and other non-recurring services funding requests filed during the initial application filing window and modifies the certification language for section 54.1710(a)(1)(x).
Word PDF - 6/30/2021
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 6/28/2021
ECF FY2021 PIA Form 471 Review Procedures Letter: WCB notifies USAC of approval of the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Program Funding Year 2021 Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) FCC Form 471 Review Procedures, subject to further modifications and/or instruction from the Commission.
Word PDF - 6/21/2021
Special Construction Service Delivery Deadline Order: WCB grants SHLB'S request for waiver, in part, by waiving and extending the special construction service delivery deadline to June 30, 2022 for all FY19 and FY20 applicants with deadlines that expire on June 30, 2021 or during calendar year 2021.
Word PDF - 6/15/2021
FCC Announces Webinar for Emergency Connectivity Fund Program Public Notice: The FCC will host a virtual webinar on June 25, 2021, at 2 pm EDT, to provide information on the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF), on Registration is not required for the event.
Word PDF - 5/28/2021
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/20/2021
Comcast Petition Public Notice: Comment Sought on Comcast Waiver Regarding its Lift Zone Initiative.
Word PDF - 5/11/2021
Emergency Connectivity Fund Program Report and Order: FCC to Launch $7.17 Billion Connectivity Fund Program.
Word PDF - 4/30/2021
Modifications to Ex Parte Rules in ECF Proceeding Public Notice: WCB Announces Modifications to Ex Parte Rules in ECF Proceeding.
Word PDF - 4/30/2021
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/31/2021
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/25/2021
FY21 PIA Form 471 Review Procedures Letter: WCB notifies USAC of approval the Schools and Libraries Funding Year 2021 Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) FCC Form 471 Review Procedures, subject to further modifications and/or instruction from the Commission.
Word PDF - 3/19/2021
E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps for Funding Year 2021 Public Notice: The new caps represent a 1.2% inflation-adjusted increase in each program cap from funding year 2020.
Word PDF - 3/16/2021
Emergency Connectivity Fund Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Emergency Connectivity Fund for Educational Connections and Devices to Address the Homework Gap During the Pandemic.
Word PDF - 2/26/2021
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/1/2021
Comment on Using E-Rate Funding to Support Remote Learning Public Notice: FCC Seeks Comment on Using E-Rate Funding to Support Remote Learning.
Word PDF - 1/29/2021
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF
- 12/14/2020
Gift Rule Waivers for RCH and E-Rate Programs Order: WCB extends our waivers of the RHC and E-Rate program gift rules through June 30, 2021, the end of funding year 2020.
Word PDF - 11/30/2020
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 11/30/2020
The Final Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2021 Order: WCB adopts the proposals set forth in the Bureau's Public Notice seeking comment on the proposed eligible services list for funding year 2021.
Word PDF - 11/4/2020
Two in Five Rule Order: Waiver of the 2-in-5 Rule is appropriate in the limited circumstances presented in Petitioners' requests for review.
Word PDF - 10/30/2020
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/14/2020
WCB Provides Guidance on E-Rate Program Category Two Budgets Public Notice: WCB provides guidance related to the new district-wide budgets for category two services, effective beginning in funding year 2021.
Word PDF - 9/30/2020
September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 9/16/2020
Second E-Rate Application Window for Funding Year 2020 Order:Second funding year 2020 filing window opening to allow schools to request additional E-Rate funding specifically to address increased on-campus bandwidth needs.
Word PDF - 9/3/2020
E-Rate and RHC COVID-Related Waivers Extended Order: E-Rate and RHC gift rules waived through Dec. 31, 2020. Timeframe for responding to USAC information requests extended.
Word PDF - 8/31/2020
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/17/2020
FCC Grants Sioux Falls School District E-Rate Application for Review Order: FCC Grants Sioux Falls School District E-Rate Application for Review.
Word PDF - 8/6/2020
Late 471s Due to Pandemic and within 60 Days of Deadline Accepted Order: WCB waives 471 deadline for those applicants that were affected by the pandemic and submitted their applications within 60 days of the close of the filing window.
Word PDF - 7/31/2020
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/21/2020
Proposed Eligible Services List for the E-Rate Program Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the attached proposed eligible services list (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (more commonly known as the E-Rate program) for funding year (FY) 2021.
Word PDF - 7/6/2020
Wireline Competition Bureau Directs USAC to Fully Fund Eligible Category One and Category Two E-Rate Requests Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet USAC's estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2020.
Word PDF - 6/30/2020
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 6/8/2020
WCB and OMB Defer Form 470 Changes due to COVID-19 Public Notice:FCC Form 470 will remain unchanged for funding year 2021 to allow schools and libraries to continue to focus their time and resources on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Word PDF - 6/8/2020
FCC Guidance to USAC on E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2020 Letter:The letter provides guidance to USAC on applying E-rate competitive bidding rules for Funding Year 2020.
PDF - 5/29/2020
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 4/30/2020
E-Rate PIA Review Procedures Letter: Approving USAC's E-Rate Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review Procedures for Funding Year 2020.
Word PDF - 4/30/2020
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 4/27/2020
Park Hill School District Waiver Order: WCB grants Park Hill's request and direct USAC to reinstate Park Hill's funding year 2016 and 2017 funding requests consistent with this Order.
Word PDF - 4/1/2020
FCC Extends Key E-Rate Program Deadlines Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Order: To provide relief to E-Rate program participants affected by this unprecedented national pandemic, we temporarily waive and extend several E-Rate filing and service implementation deadlines, as provided herein.
Word PDF - 3/31/2020
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/23/2020
Community Use of E-Rate-Supported Wi-Fi is Permitted During Closures Public Notice: WCB reminds schools and libraries that are closed due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak that they are permitted to allow the general public to use E-Rate-supported Wi-Fi networks while on the school's campus or library property.
Word PDF - 3/18/2020
FCC Waives RHC and E-Rate Gift Rules Due to COVID-19 Order: FCC waives the gift rules applicable to the RHC and E-Rate programs to assist rural health care providers and schools and libraries affected by COVID-19.
Word PDF - 3/13/2020
Extended E-Rate Application Filing Window for Funding Year 2020 Public Notice: WCB Extends E-Rate Application Filing Window for FY20 Due to COVID-19.
Word PDF - 3/12/2020
E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces E-Rate and RHC Programs' Inflation-Based Caps for Funding Year 2020.
Word PDF - 3/5/2020
Academy of Detroit West Redford, Michigan et al Order: TAPD addresses 12 requests seeking review of decisions by USAC or a waiver of the FCC's rules concerning requests by E-Rate program funding recipients to change their vendors through an operational SPIN change.
Word PDF - 2/28/2020
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/20/2020
Grand Canyon Unified School District Order: Grants a request filed by Grand Canyon Unified School District seeking a waiver of the Commission’s rules governing the special construction service implementation deadline applicable to its funding year 2018 E-Rate funding request.
Word PDF - 1/31/2020
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 1/27/2020
E-Rate Amortization Requirement Report and Order: FCC Eliminates E-Rate Amortization Requirement.
Word PDF
Statement - 1/14/2020
Knox County Order: Based on review of the record, Knox County failed to substantiate its funding request as required by the E-Rate program rules.
Word PDF - 1/8/2020
Houston Independent School District Order: Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants Houston Independent School District a limited waiver to amend its FY 2017 FCC Form 471 application for the sole purpose of including the additional funding to match the state funding.
Word PDF
- 12/30/2019
December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 12/23/2019
Limited Request for Waiver of the E-Rate rules by the Missouri Research and Education Network Public Notice: Order granting a limited Request for Waiver of the E-Rate rules by the Missouri Research and Education Network involving a decision by USAC to rescind and recover a portion of their funding year 2013 and 2014 E-Rate funding.
Word PDF - 12/19/2019
C2 Budget Multipliers and Funding Floor for FY2020 Public Notice: WCB announces the E-Rate program category two budget multipliers and funding floor amounts for funding year 2020.
Word PDF - 12/9/2019
Adopted E-Rate Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2020 Order: WCB adopts the eligible services list for funding year 2020 for the schools and libraries universal service support program.
Word PDF - 12/3/2019
FCC Acts to Speed the Deployment of Wi-Fi in Schools and Libraries Report and Order: FCC Acts to Speed the Deployment of Wi-Fi in Schools and Libraries.
Word PDF - Commissioner O'Rielly
- Commissioner Rosenworcel
- Commissioner Starks
- 11/27/2019
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/31/2019
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/1/2019
FCC Form 470 Drop-Down Menu Public Notice: Comment sought on whether and how the 470 drop-down menu choices may be improved.
Word PDF - 10/1/2019
Application of E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2019 Letter: The letter provides guidance to USAC on applying E-rate competitive bidding rules for Funding Year 2019.
Word PDF - 9/30/2019
September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/29/2019
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/28/2019
Requests for Review of USAC E-Rate Funding Decisions Order: Order resolving five requests for review of decisions by USAC denying requests for funding under the E-Rate program.
Word PDF - 8/27/2019
Byte Networking, LLC Waiver Order:Request for Waiver of a Decision of the Universal Service Administrator by Byte Networking, LLC Juneau, Alaska; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism.
Word PDF - 8/27/2019
Sunesys, LLC Petition for Reconsideration Order: The Division addresses the petition filed by Sunesys seeking reconsideration of a decision in the June 2017 Streamlined Request Resolution PN denying a request for waiver of the invoice deadline rules.
Word PDF - 8/2/2019
Eligible Services List for E-Rate Program Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on the proposed eligible services list for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (more commonly known as the E-Rate program) for funding year 2020.
Word PDF - 8/2/2019
Tennessee E-Rate Consortium Waiver Order: WCB grants Tennessee E-Rate Consortium waiver of E-Rate competitive bidding rules for FY2012 funding requests submitted by school districts that were not members of the Consortium at the time the Consortium’s contract was competitively bid.
Word PDF - 7/31/2019
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/17/2019
Wireline Competition Bureau Directs USAC to Fully Fund Eligible Category One and Category Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2019.
Word PDF - 6/28/2019
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/31/2019
USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/30/2019
Texas Carriers' E-Rate Petition Public Notice: Comment sought on a petition for rulemaking to consider amending Part 54 with respect to the E-Rate program competitive bidding requirements, to include safeguards which would discourage overbuilding of existing federally supported fiber networks.
Word PDF - 5/17/2019
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 4/30/2019
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/29/2019
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/27/2019
FY 2019 PIA Letter: Approving USAC’s E-Rate Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review Procedures for Funding Year 2019.
Word PDF - 3/8/2019
E-Rate and RHC Programs’ Funding Caps for FY 2019 Public Notice: Announcing the E-Rate and Rural Health Care programs’ inflation-based funding caps for funding year 2019.
Word PDF - 2/28/2019
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/27/2019
E-Rate Improper Service Delivery Deadline Order: WCB directs USAC to extend deadlines for E-rate applicants affected by application and invoicing system errors.
Word PDF - 2/11/2019
E-Rate Category 2 Budgets Report: WCB releases report to analyze available data on the five-year budgets for internal connections, also referred to as “category two budgets” before the 2019 funding year.
Word PDF - 1/31/2019
Amortization Requirement Order: FCC temporarily waives the E-Rate amortization requirement and proposes to eliminate the requirement.
Word PDF - 1/31/2019
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF
- 12/28/2018
December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 12/20/2018
Metropolitan Nashville Public School Order: WCB grants a limited, one-time waiver of the Commission’s E-Rate rules for Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools’ funding year 2016 applications.
Word PDF - 12/20/2018
Mansfield Independent School District Petitions for Reconsideration Order: WCB decides Mansfield Independent School District’s Petitions for Reconsideration.
Word PDF - 11/30/2018
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 11/16/2018
FY2019 Eligible Service List Order: WCB adopts the eligible services list (ESL) for funding year (FY) 2019 for the 2019.
Word PDF - 10/31/2018
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/26/2018
Florida Department of Management Services E-Rate Order: WCB grants a waiver of the Commission’s E-Rate program invoicing rules to assist schools and libraries affected by Hurricane Michael.
Word PDF - 10/17/2018
Grants/Cibola County School District Order: WCB grants the E-Rate Requests for Waiver filed by the Jemez Pueblo Tribal Consortium and Grants/Cibola County School District.
Word PDF - 10/16/2018
Connect2 & Community Academic Prep Erate Order: WCB addresses seven requests for review and waiver filed by Connect2 Internet Networks, Inc. and one filed by Community Academic Prep.
Word PDF - 10/16/2018
Detroit Public School District Erate Order: WCB dismisses and denies a petition for reconsideration filed by Detroit Public School District.
Word PDF - 9/28/2018
Farmington Municipal School District 5, et al. Order: WCB addresses a request for review and/or waiver filed by Farmington Municipal School District 5 (Farmington) regarding a Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) E-Rate decision.
Word PDF - 9/28/2018
September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/31/2018
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 8/17/2018
Funding Year 2018 Category One and Category Two Funding Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet USAC's estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-Rate supported services for funding year 2018.
Word PDF - 8/8/2018
Relief to Remote Alaskan School District Order: Grants an application for review filed by Pribilof School District requesting a waiver of the E-Rate filing deadline for Funding Year 2016.
Word PDF - Commissioner Rosenworcel
- Commissioner O'Rielly
- 7/31/2018
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/30/2018
Funding Year 2019 E-Rate Eligible Service List Public Notice: Seeks comment on the proposed E-Rate Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2019.
Word PDF - 6/29/2018
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/31/2018
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/17/2018
Out of Window USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/8/2018
Utah Education and Telehealth Network Order: Grants the Utah Education and Telehealth Network a waiver of the deadline to complete its funding year 2016 special construction project and begin use of the leased lit fiber service.
Word PDF - 5/1/2018
FCC Guidance to USAC on E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2018 Letter: Wireline Competition Bureau and Office of Managing Director Provide Guidance to USAC on Application of E-rate Competitive Bidding Rules for FY 2018.
Word PDF - 4/30/2018
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/30/2018
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/28/2018
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/20/2018
E-Rate Inflation Adjustment Public Notice: Announces E-rate program budgetary cap for funding year 2018.
Word PDF - 1/31/2018
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF
- 12/29/2017
December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 12/15/2017
Eagle Hill School Order: Denies the request for review filed by Eagle Hill School appealing a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company to seek the recovery of E-rate funds.
Word PDF - 12/11/2017
California Department of Education Public Notice: Seeks comment on the California Department of Education’s request for waiver of certain E-rate rules and program requirements for schools affected by the California wildfires.
Word PDF - 12/6/2017
Jemez Pueblo Waiver Order: WCB grants the Jemez Pueblo Tribal Consortium’s request for an extension of the deadline to implement the Consortium’s funding year 2016 special construction project until June 30, 2018.
Word PDF - 11/30/2017
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 10/31/2017
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.”
Word PDF - 10/30/2017
Emergency E-Rate Assistance Order: FCC delivers emergency E-Rate assistance to restore connectivity in schools and libraries affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.”
Word PDF - 10/6/2017
Aid in Hurricane Recovery Order: WCB waives certain E-rate, Rural Health Care, Lifeline, and contribution rules and deadlines to assist schools, libraries, healthcare providers, Lifeline Program participants, and contributors affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.
Word PDF - 10/5/2017
Modernizing the E-rate Program for Schools and Libraries Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau adopts proposals from the FY2018 ESL Public Notice and releases the eligible services list for funding year 2018 for the E-Rate program.
Word PDF - 9/29/2017
September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 9/22/2017
E-rate Category Two Budgets Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on E-rate Category Two Budgets.
Word PDF - 8/30/2017
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/31/2017
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 6/29/2017
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 6/21/2017
2018 Proposed Eligible Services List Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on the attached proposed eligible services list (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal support mechanism (more commonly known as the E-rate program) for funding year (FY) 2018.
Word PDF - 5/31/2017
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/30/2017
Jefferson-Madison Regional Library Petition for Reconsideration Order : Petition for Reconsideration by Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, Charlottesville, VA et al.; Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism.
Word PDF - 5/24/2017
E-Rate FY2017 Carry Forward Public Notice: WCB announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-rate supported services for funding year 2017.
Word PDF - 4/28/2017
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/30/2017
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Consistent with precedent, WCB grants, dismisses, or denies a number of requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 3/16/2017
Erate Invoicing Waiver Order: WCB waives the invoice deadline for applicants with pending requests for FCC Form 498 IDs, and waives the deadline for 9 applicants who sought an invoice deadline extension, but did not receive USAC approval until far into the 120 days of their extension.
Word PDF - 3/13/2017
Erate Inflation Adjustment Public Notice: Pursuant to section 54.507(a) of the Commission’s rules, the Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the E-rate program funding cap for funding year 2017 is $3,990,207,000.
Word PDF - 2/27/2017
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: WCB addresses a number of requests for review and/or waiver and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
Word PDF - 2/8/2017
Erate FY2017 Eligible Service List Category 2 Waiver Order: WCB grants two limited waivers of compliance requirements for certain category of service classification standards established in the funding year 2017 E-rate Eligible Services List.
Word PDF - 2/3/2017
Erate Progress Report Retraction Order: The Acting Chiefs of WCB and WTB and the Managing Director retract a report entitled “E-rate Modernization Progress Report” that was released by FCC staff on Jan. 18, 2017. This report will have no legal or other effect or meaning going forward.
Word PDF - 1/17/2017
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: WCB addresses a number of requests for review and/or waiver and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
Word PDF
- 12/30/2016
Sweetwater City Schools et al. Order: WCB grants Sweetwater City School's requests for review and/or waiver of USAC decisions on FY2013-15 E-rate funding requests.
Word PDF - 12/30/2016
Harrisburg School District Order: WCB denies Harrisburg City School District's request for review of a USAC decision seeking repayment from Harrisburg of funding disbursed under the E-rate program for services never delivered.
Word PDF - 12/29/2016
December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: WCB addresses a number of requests for review and/or waiver and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
Word PDF - 11/30/2016
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: WCB addresses a number of requests for review and/or waiver and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
Word PDF - 10/28/2016
Invoice Deadline Extensions Public Notice: WCB extends the deadline for E-rate participants with an October 28, 2016 invoice deadline for Funding Year 2015 to request an extension of the invoice deadline due to technical problems that might have prevented parties from filing.
Word PDF - 10/28/2016
October 2016 USF Disposition Public Notice: WCB addresses a number of requests for review and/or waiver and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC).
Word PDF - 10/20/2016
Archdiocese of New Orleans - FCC Form 486 Order: WCB grants a number of requests for review, all of which seek review of USAC decisions to reduce or deny E-rate funding because the petitioners failed to timely submit their FCC Forms 486 (Receipt of Service Confirmation and Children’s Internet Protection Act and Technology Plan Certification Form).
Word PDF - 9/30/2016
September 2016 USF Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 9/19/2016
E-rate Off-Campus Use Petitions Public Notice: Seeks comment on two petitions requesting that the Commission allow E-rate subsidized broadband networks to be accessed by students at home for educational purposes, without a cost-allocation obligation on the E-rate applicant.
Word PDF - 9/12/2016
Funding Year 2017 Eligible Services List Order: Adopts the proposals made in the ESL Public Notice and releases the eligible services list (ESL) for funding year 2017 for the schools and libraries universal service support program.
Word PDF - 8/29/2016
August 2016 USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/29/2016
July 2016 USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/21/2016
Batesville Community School Corp et al. Appeal Order: Denies Requests for Waiver from petitioners seeking waivers of the Commission’s cost effectiveness requirements for the E-rate program.
Word PDF - 7/21/2016
Plaquemines Parish Waiver Order: Grants Plaquemines Parish School Board’s request for waiver of E-rate program’s service implementation deadline and equipment transfer rules.
Word PDF - 7/21/2016
Riverside Appeal Order: Grants an appeal filed by the Riverside County Office of Education seeking review of a USAC decision.
Word PDF - 6/29/2016
June 2016 USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 6/8/2016
E-rate FY2016 Carry Forward Public Notice: Announces that there is sufficient funding available to fully meet USAC’s estimated demand for category one and category two requests for E-rate supported services for funding year 2016.
Word PDF - 6/3/2016
FY17 Eligible Services List Public Notice: Comment Sought on Proposed FY 2017 E-rate Eligible Services List.
Word PDF - 5/31/2016
May 2016 USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/6/2016
E-rate Inflation Adjustment Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announced E-rate Inflation-Based Cap for Funding Year 2016
Word PDF - 4/29/2016
April 2016 USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 4/25/2016
Invoice Deadline Extension Order: Denies requests for waiver of the E-rate program rules governing invoicing deadlines.
Word PDF - 3/30/2016
March 2016 USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/29/2016
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 1/29/2016
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF
- 12/30/2015
December USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: December version of monthly PN resolving, in streamlined fashion, requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by USAC that are consistent with precedent.
Word PDF - 12/17/2015
New York Archdiocese Order on Reconsideration: Dismisses and denies petitions for reconsideration seeking review of certain decisions in WCB's March 2015 Streamlined Request Resolution PN that denied Petitioners' appeals of USAC decisions concerning applications for discounts under the E-rate program.
Word PDF - 11/27/2015
November USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: November version of monthly PN resolving, in streamlined fashion, requests for review, requests for waiver, and petitions for reconsideration of decisions related to actions taken by USAC that are consistent with precedent.
Word PDF - 10/30/2015
October USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 9/30/2015
September USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Monthly streamlined PN resolving appeals of USAC actions, in this case resolving 56 E-rate matters.
Word PDF - 9/11/2015
FY16 E-rate ESL Order: Releases the eligible services list for funding year 2016 for the schools and libraries universal service support program and authorizes USAC to open the annual application filing window no earlier than 60 days after release.
Word PDF - 8/31/2015
August USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 7/30/2015
July USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 6/30/2015
June USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/29/2015
May USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 5/21/2015
E-rate FY 2016 Proposed Eligible Services List: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on Proposed Eligible Services List For the E-Rate Program.
Word PDF - 5/11/2015
La Canada Unified School District, La Canada Flintridge, California: Dismisses, without prejudice, a request from La Canada Unified School District seeking relief from the Commission concerning a matter under the E-rate program that properly belongs before USAC.
Word PDF - 5/11/2015
Hancock County Library System, Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi et al.: Denies requests for review and/or waiver from petitioners that failed to submit FCC Form 472 and are seeking invoicing deadline extensions for reimbursement of services under the E-rate program.
Word PDF - 5/8/2015
E-rate Fiber Workshop Agenda Public Notice: Announces an agenda and panelist information for the Workshop on E-Rate Funded Fiber Build Projects scheduled for May 20, 2015.
Word PDF - 4/29/2015
April USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 4/15/2015
Iberia Parish School Board et al. Order: Denied two appeals of USAC decisions finding that Iberia Parish and South Pike had improperly transferred E-rate supported equipment within three years of purchase in violation of the E-rate rules governing equipment transfer.
Word PDF - 4/15/2015
Achieve Telecom Network of Massachusetts, LLC Order: Denied appeals filed by Achieve Telecom Network of MA, ET AL.
Word PDF - 4/8/2015
E-rate Workshop Announcement Public Notice: Announced public workshop on E-rate funded fiber build projects to be held on May 20, 2015 at FCC Headquarters.
Word PDF - 3/30/2015
Funding Year 2015 PIA Approval Letter: Wireline Competition Bureau approves the E-rate Funding Year 2015 Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review Procedures.
Word PDF - 3/27/2015
March USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 2/26/2015
February USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF - 1/29/2015
January USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
Word PDF
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/19/14 | December Streamlined USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company. | DA 14-1873 Public Notice: Word PDF |
12/19/14 | Second E-rate Modernization Order: FCC closes the school and library connectivity gap by adjusting program rules and support levels in order to meet long-term program goals for high-speed connectivity to and within all eligible schools and libraries. | FCC 14-189 Order: Word PDF |
12/2/14 | Puerto Rico Department of Education, San Juan, PR: Granted in part and dismissed in part a waiver request filed by the Puerto Rico Department of Education of the Commission’s rules requiring applicants to have a signed contract in place prior to filing an application for support, under the E-rate program. | DA 14-1732 Order: Word PDF |
11/26/14 | November Streamlined USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company. | DA 14-1721 Public Notice: Word PDF |
11/5/14 | Accelerated Charter, Los Angeles, CA et al.: Granted two and denied three requests for review and/or waiver of USAC decisions to deny requests for an extension of the service implementation deadline under the E-rate program. | DA 14-1607 Order: Word PDF |
10/28/14 | E-Rate ESL Order: Released the eligible services list for funding year 2015 for the schools and libraries universal service support program (E-rate program) and authorized USAC to open the annual application filing window no earlier than December 29, 2014. | DA 14-1556 Order: Word PDF |
10/22/14 | October Streamlined USF Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Resolution of Requests Related to Actions by the Universal Service Administrative Company. | DA 14-1526 Public Notice: Word PDF |
10/6/14 | Le Jardin Academy, Kailua, HI: Denied a request from Le Jardin Academy seeking review of a decision of USAC denying funding under the E-rate program on the grounds that Le Jardin had cancelled the funding request at issue. | DA 14-1452 Order: Word PDF |
9/15/14 | Universal Service Fund Appeals Disposition Public Notice: Streamlined Process for Resolving Requests for Review of Decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company. | DA 14-1330 Public Notice: Word PDF |
9/4/14 | Henrico County School District, Richmond, VA: Denied an application for review filed by Henrico County School District seeking review of a decision by the Wireline Competition Bureau, under the E-rate program. | FCC 14-131 Order: Word PDF |
8/28/14 | Allan Shivers Library, Woodville, TX: Granted requests for waivers from 5 applicants to the E-rate program whose FCC Form 471 applications were filed after the close of the programs filing window deadline and denied such requests from 13 other applicants and 4 petitions for reconsideration. | DA 14-1256 Order and Order on Reconsideration: Word PDF |
8/25/14 | Yakutat School District, Yakutat, AK: Denied in part and dismissed in part an application for review filed by Yakutat School District seeking review of a decision by the Wireline Competition Bureau, under the E-rate program. | FCC 14-127 Order: Word PDF |
8/13/14 | Spokane School District 81, Spokane, WA: Granted Spokane School District 81’s petition for reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau order that affirmed funding denials by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the schools and libraries universal service support program . | DA 14-1188 Order: Word PDF |
8/12/14 | E-Rate Staff Report Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau releases E-Rate Modernization staff report and online maps of school and library fiber connectivity data. | DA 14-1177 Public Notice: Word PDF Staff Report |
8/4/14 | Eligible Services List Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment On Draft Eligible Services List For Schools And Libraries Universal Service Program. | DA 14-1130 Public Notice: Word PDF |
7/30/14 | Green Tree School, Philadelphia, PA: Denied three requests for review by petitioners whose funding year 2013 priority two funding requests were denied by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-1085 Order: Word PDF |
7/30/14 | Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, IL: Dismissed petition for reconsideration filed by Chicago Public Schools (CPS) of a decision by the Wireline Competition Bureau finding that CPS violated the Commission’s competitive bidding rules for the E-rate program. | DA 14-1084 Order: Word PDF |
7/30/14 | Atlantic City Schools, Atlantic City, NJ et al.: Granted six requests for review by petitioners whose requested discount rates were denied by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) under the E-rate program; remanded to USAC for further processing. | DA 14-1083 Order: Word PDF |
7/23/14 | E-Rate Modernization Order: FCC Modernizes E-Rate Program To Expand Robust Wi-Fi Networks In The Nation's Schools and Libraries. Reforms to Expand Wi-Fi to 10 Million More Students, Thousands of Libraries Nationwide Next Year. | FCC 14-99 Order: Word PDF |
7/17/14 | Community Partnership of Madera, Madera, CA et al.: Granting five requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-1011 Order: Word PDF |
7/7/14 | Premio Computer, Inc., Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles, CA: Denied Premio Computer, Inc.’s request for review or waiver of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-967 Order: Word PDF |
7/7/14 | RECtec Technology and Communications, Colcord Public Schools, Colcord, OK: Denied RECtec Technology and Communications’ request for review or waiver of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-966 Order: Word PDF |
6/30/14 | Alamogordo Public School District, Alamogordo, NM: Denied Alamogordo Public School District’s request for review of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-941 Order: Word PDF |
6/30/14 | Alex Pilibos Armenian School, Los Angeles, CA et al.: Granted 15 and denied 13 requests for waiver from applicants who filed after the close of the filing window deadline, and dismissed 1 petition for reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau Order, under the E-rate universal service support program. | DA 14-940 Order: Word PDF |
6/25/14 | Camnet, Inc. (Camelback Academy), Glendale AZ et al.: Granted 10 and denied 7 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions, and dismissed 1 petition for reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau Order, under the E-rate universal service support program. | DA 14-879 Order: Word PDF |
6/12/14 | West Oso Independent School District, Corpus Christi, TX: Denied a request from West Oso Independent School District seeking review of a decision made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-815 Order: Word PDF |
5/29/14 | A Special Place, Santa Rosa, CA et al.: Granted 66 and denied 30 requests for waiver and review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company, and dismissed a petition for reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau order, under the E-rate program. | DA 14-740 Order: Word PDF |
5/29/14 | Bound Brook School District, Bound Brook, NJ et al: Denied 28 requests for waiver or review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company, and dismissed a petition for reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau order, under the E-rate program. | DA 14-739 Order: Word PDF |
5/29/14 | Academy Charter School et al., Pittsburgh, PA: Granted 11 requests seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-738 Order: Word PDF |
5/23/14 | Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism Order: WCB revised its guidance for the E-rate program with respect to the requirement that applicants deduct from their E-rate funding requests the values of ineligible services bundled with services eligible for E-rate support. | DA 14-712 Order: Word PDF |
5/2/14 | Carry-Forward of Unused E-rate Funds for Funding Year 2014 Public Notice: Announced that $200 million in unused E-rate funds will be carried forward to ensure funding is available for all eligible priority one funding requests in Funding Year 2014 in excess of the annual cap. | DA 14-609 Public Notice: Word PDF |
4/30/14 | E-Rate Workshop Agenda Public Notice: FCC Announces Agenda for May 6 E-rate Modernization Workshop. | DA 14-563 Public Notice: Word PDF |
4/25/14 | Sundale Elementary School, Tulare California: Granted Sundale Elementary School District’s request for review of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-558 Order: Word PDF |
4/18/14 | FCC Form 471 Public Notice: Provides notice of request to access information submitted by E-rate applicants in FCC Form 471 Item 21, as well as FRN-level data created by USAC PIA review classifications based on predominant service or product requested; establishes opposition date. | DA 14-522 Public Notice: Word PDF |
4/14/14 | E-Rate Workshop Public Notice: FCC Announces May 6 E-rate Modernization Workshop. | DA 14-495 Public Notice: Word PDF |
3/28/14 | 2014 E-Rate Funding Cap: Announced that the E-rate program funding cap for funding year 2014 is $2,413,817,693, representing a 1.4% inflation-adjusted increase from the funding year 2013 cap. | DA 14-426 Public Notice: Word PDF |
3/24/14 | Beaufort County School District, Beaufort, SC, et al.: Granted four requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 14-401 Order: Word PDF |
3/24/14 | Dulce School District, Dulce, NM, et al.: Granted two requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 14-400 Order: Word PDF |
3/19/14 | Glendale School District, Flinton, PA: Granted an appeal filed by Last Mile, Inc., d/b/a Sting Communications, of, and denied a request by Glendale School District for waiver of the filing deadline to appeal, decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 14-372 Order: Word PDF |
3/12/14 | Boulevard Nursery School, Brooklyn, NY, et al.: Granted three and denied nine requests for waiver and review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 14-345 Order: Word PDF |
3/12/14 | Central Islip Union Free School District, Central Islip, NY/Jennings School District, Jennings, MO: Granted two requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 14-344 Order: Word PDF |
3/7/14 | FY 2014 PIA Approval Letter to USAC: Wireline Competition Bureau approves the E-rate Funding Year 2014 PIA FCC Form 471 Review Procedures, subject to further Commission modification of application prioritization. | DA 14-300 Letter: Word PDF |
3/6/14 | E-Rate Modernization Focused Comment: Seeks focused comment on three issues raised in the E-rate Modernization NPRM that merit further inquiry as the Commission moves towards modernizing the E-rate program to meet schools’ and libraries’ broadband connectivity needs. | DA 14-308 Public Notice: Word PDF |
2/24/14 | Boston Renaissance School, Boston, MA et al.: Granted requests of 17 applicants, and denied requests of 17 applicants, seeking review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions, and dismissed two petitions for reconsideration of Wireline Competition Bureau orders, under the E-rate program. | DA 14-250 Order: Word PDF |
2/21/14 | Ben Gamla Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, FL et al.: Granted 9 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 14-239 Order: Word PDF |
2/20/14 | Annunciation Elementary School, Denver, CO et al.: Denied 15 requests for review or waiver of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions, and dismissed two petitions for reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau order, under the E-rate program. | DA 14-234 Order: Word PDF |
1/23/14 | E-Rate Second Level Protective Order: Adopted procedures to provide more limited access to certain particularly competitively sensitive information that may be filed in the E-rate Modernization proceeding. | DA 14-80 Order: Word PDF |
1/23/14 | E-Rate First Level Protective Order: Adopted procedures to limit access to proprietary or confidential information that may be filed in the E-rate Modernization proceeding. | DA 14-79 Order: Word PDF |
1/16/14 | Montgomery County School District, Rockville, MD: Granted Montgomery County School District’s request for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 14-52 Order: Word PDF |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/19/13 | FCC Form 471 Public Notice: Seeks comment on the information collection burdens associated with revisions to the FCC Form 471 Instructions. | DA 13-2431 Order: Word | Acrobat Form: Word | Acrobat Instructions: Word | Acrobat |
12/19/13 | Coolidge Unified School District 21, Coolidge, AZ: Granted 3 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-2429 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/19/13 | Albert Wisner Public Library, Warwick, NY et al.: Granted 23 and denied 39 requests for review and/or waiver of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions, and dismissed three petitions for reconsideration of Wireline Competition Bureau decisions, under the E-rate program. | DA 13-2428 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/23/13 | Fall River Public School District, Fall River, MA: Granted Fall River’s Petition for Reconsideration of a Wireline Competition Bureau order that had affirmed the decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company to deny Fall River funding under the E-rate program. | DA 13-2055 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/22/13 | WCB Releases Eligible Services List for E-rate Funding Year 2014: Released the eligible services list (ESL) for funding year 2014 for the schools and libraries universal service support program (E-rate) and authorized the Universal Service Administrative Company to open the annual application filing window | DA 13-2037 Order: Word | Acrobat List: Text | Acrobat |
9/27/13 | Howard School, Ruston, LA et al: Denied three requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program, and granted two requests for waiver. | DA 13-2002 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/20/13 | Washington Unified School District, West Sacramento, CA: Denied a request for review of a Universal Service Administrative Company decision under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1946 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/18/13 | Erie 1 BOCES, West Seneca, NY et al.: Granted 7 requests for waiver and/or review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1923 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/12/13 | Net56, Inc., Palatine, IL: Denied two requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program, and granted in part and denied in part one request for review. | DA 13-1891 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/11/13 | Bell Gardens Christian School, Bell, CA: Denied a Request for Review filed by CTI E-Rate Services on behalf of Bell Gardens Christian School under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1883 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/11/13 | Henrico County School District, Henrico, VA: Denied a Petition for Reconsideration filed by Henrico County School District under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1884 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/30/13 | Bishop Stang High School, MA, et al.: Granted 18 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1850 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/30/13 | Academia Avance, CA, et al.: Denied 14 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions, and dismissed three petitions for reconsideration of Wireline Competition Bureau orders, under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1849 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/27/13 | Academy Charter School, Pittsburgh, PA, et al.: Granted 34 requests for waiver and/or review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1806 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/2/13 | Bright Star Schools Consortium, Los Angeles, CA, et al.: Granted 10 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1702 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/2/13 | Allenstown Public Library, Suncook, NH, et al.: Granted 14 and denied 29 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions, and granted one petition for reconsideration, under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1701 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/30/13 | Spokane School District 81, Spokane, WA: Dismissed petition filed by Spokane School District 81 seeking reconsideration of the Spokane Order, which affirmed a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1673 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/25/13 | Marana Unified School District, Marana, AZ & Trillion Partners, Inc., Austin, TX: Denied petitions filed by Marana Unified School District and its service provider, Trillion Partners, Inc. seeking reconsideration of the Marana Order, which affirmed decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1638 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/24/13 | Proposed Changes to FCC Forms 479, 486 & 500 Public Notice: Seeks comment on proposed changes to FCC Forms 479, 486, and 500, and accompanying instructions. | DA 13-1636 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 479: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 479 Instructions: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 486: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 486 Instructions: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 500: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 500 Instructions: Word | Acrobat |
7/23/13 | E-Rate Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Initiated a thorough review and update of the E-rate program to focus on 21st century broadband needs of schools and libraries. | FCC 13-100 NPRM: Word | Acrobat |
7/17/13 | Revision to FCC Forms 470 & 471 Public Notice: Seeks comment on proposed revisions to the FCC Forms 470 and 471, which are used by applicants seeking support from the E-rate program. | DA 13-1590 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 470: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 470 Instructions: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 471: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 471 Instructions: Word | Acrobat |
7/8/13 | Falcon School District 49, Falcon, CO & Trillion Partners, Inc., Austin, TX: Denied two petitions for reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Charlton County Order, and two requests for review of USAC decisions, finding violations of the Commission’s competitive bidding rules under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1529 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/8/13 | Bloomfield Public School District, Bloomfield, NM & Trillion Partners, Inc., Austin, TX: Dismissed one petition for reconsideration and denied one petition for reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Charlton County Order, and dismissed two requests for review of USAC decisions, under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1528 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/8/13 | Charlton County School System, Folkston, GA & Trillion Partners, Inc., Austin, TX: Denied two petitions for reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Charlton County Order, and three requests for review of USAC decisions, finding violations of the Commission’s competitive bidding rules under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1527 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/5/13 | Callisburg Independent School District, Callisburg, TX & Trillion Partners, Inc., Austin, TX: Granted two petitions for reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Callisburg ISD Order, and two requests for review of decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company, under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1523 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/3/13 | Eligible Services List Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a draft eligible services list (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (also known as the E-rate program) for funding year 2014. | DA 13-1513 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
6/21/13 | Mercury Communications, Inc. Order: Granted Mercury’s request for review of a Universal Service Administrative Company decision under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1423 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/21/13 | Midlothian School District 143, Midlothian, IL: Granted Midlothian School District 143’s request for review of a Universal Service Administrative Company decision under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1422 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/14/13 | Alexander County School District, Taylorsville, NC et al.: Granted 27 requests, denied nine requests, and granted in part and denied in part three requests, from petitioners seeking review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1383 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/10/13 | Dooly County School System, Vienna, GA: Commission denied in part and dismissed in part Dooly County’s Application for Review of a portion of the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Al-Ihsan Academy Order, and rescinded the remaining interim filing procedures established by the Commission in 2001. | FCC 13-81 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/31/13 | Harbor Beach Community School District, Harbor Beach, MI: Granted a request for review of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program | DA 13-1247 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/29/13 | La Joya Independent School District, La Joya, TX: Granted 13 requests for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1173 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/24/13 | Greeley Public School District, Greeley, NE; Le Grand Union Elementary School District, Le Grand, CA; Morrow County School District, Lexington, OR: We grant in part and deny in part one request for review and grant three requests for review of USAC's decisions finding improper service provider involvement in the applicants' competitive bidding processes. | DA 13-772 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/24/13 | Amphitheater Unified School District 10, Tucson, AZ et al.: Granted 11 requests for review or waiver of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1208 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/20/13 | Fall River Public School District, Fall River, MA: Wireline Competition Bureau denies a request for review filed by Fall River School District on the basis that it failed to use price as the primary factor in its vendor selection process. | DA 13-1159 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/16/13 | E-Rate Carry-Forward Public Notice: Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission’s rules, on May 2, 2013, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the federal universal service fund for the third quarter of 2013. | DA 13-1119 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
5/16/13 | Deer Creek Independent School District, Edmond, OK et al.: Grants 4 requests of USAC decisions denying funding on the basis that the applicant failed to respond to its request for additional information within the USAC-specified time frame. | DA 13-1106 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/15/13 | Academy of Accelerated Learning, Inc., Houston, TX et al.: Granted requests for review and/or waiver by 80 applicants to the E-rate program whose FCC Form 471 applications were filed after the close of the program’s filing window deadline, granted in part and denied in part one such request, and denied such requests of 25 other applicants. | DA 13-1075 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/14/13 | Synergetics Diversified Computer Services, Starkville, MS: Denied Synergetics’ request for review of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 13-1072 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/10/13 | Spokane School District 81, Spokane, WA: Denied three requests from Spokane School District 81 for review of Universal Service Administrative Company decisions denying funding under the E-rate program. | DA 13-885 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/10/13 | Universal Service Administrative Company Letter: Letter approving The USAC Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Procedures. | DA 13-1066 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/3/13 | Henrico County School District, Henrico, VA: Denied the request for review filed by Henrico County School District on the basis that it failed to use price as the primary factor in its vendor selection process. | DA 13-999 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/2/13 | Spokane School District, Spokane, WA: Denied the Request for Review of a USAC decision under the E-rate program. | DA 13-873 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/2/13 | Pennsauken Township School District, Pennsauken, NJ: Denies request from Pennsauken Township School District seeking review of a USAC decision under the E-rate program, because Pennsauken failed to demonstrate compliance with competitive bidding rules and document retention requirements. | DA 13-870 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/24/13 | Eligibility of Bundled Components Public Notice: Announces the comment deadlines for the Wireline Competition Bureau public notice that proposes to clarify the E-rate applicant requirement to cost allocate ineligible components, such as VoIP handsets and cell phones that are bundled with E-rate eligible services. | DA 13-858 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
4/23/13 | Chamberlain School District 7-1, Chamberlain, SD et al. Order: Denies 14 requests for review or waiver of USAC decisions due to untimely filing, and finds petitioners failed to demonstrate that special circumstances exist to justify waiver of the applicable deadlines. | DA 13-856 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/23/13 | Cathedral Home for Children, Laramie, WY et al. Order:Grants nine requests for review or waiver of USAC decisions that had reduced funding where USAC had found that the applicants failed to timely submit their FCC Forms 486. | DA 13-855 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/16/13 | Ashtabula Area Schools, Ashtabula, OH et al. Order: Granted petitions for reconsideration and requests for review and/or waiver concerning 27 applicants to the E-rate program whose FCC Form 471 applications were filed after the deadline, and denied such requests concerning 5 other applicants. | DA 13-238 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/9/13 | Eligibility of Bundled Components Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a proposal to clarify the schools and libraries universal service support program (informally known as the E-rate program) requirements for bundling devices, equipment and services that are ineligible for E-rate support (“ineligible components”) with E-rate eligible services and products. | DA 13-592 Public Notice: Word| Acrobat |
3/11/13 | Inflation-Based Cap Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the E-rate program funding cap for funding year 2013 is $2,380,314,485. | DA 13-382 Public Notice: Word| Acrobat |
3/8/13 | Revisions to FCC Forms 472, 473 & 474 Public Notice: In this notice, we seek comment on the proposed revisions contained in the attached Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Forms 472, 473, and 474, as well as their accompanying instructions. | DA 13-363 Public Notice: Word| Acrobat FCC Form 472: Word| Acrobat Instructions: Word| Acrobat FCC Form 473: Word| Acrobat Instructions: Word| Acrobat FCC Form 474: Word| Acrobat Instructions: Word| Acrobat |
2/25/13 | Bank Street School for Children, New York, NY et al.: Granted 16 requests for waiver and/or review of USAC decisions reducing funding because USAC found that the applicants failed to timely submit their FCC Form 486. | DA 13-237 Order: Word| Acrobat |
2/19/13 | Carbondale School District 95, Carbondale, IL: Denying 25 requests for review of USAC decisions requiring E-Rate funding applicants to submit their requests for review to either the FCC or to USAC within 60 days of USAC’s decisions; also, dismissing a petition for reconsideration. | DA 13-236 Order: Word| Acrobat |
2/12/13 | Lake Pend Oreille School District, Ponderay, ID and Trillion Partners, Inc., Austin, TX: Dismissing and denying two petitions for reconsideration filed by Lake Pend Oreille School District and Trillion Partners, Inc. of Wireline Competition Bureau decision that found that the Petitioners violated the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 13-178 Order: Word| Acrobat |
1/22/13 | Ed Tec Solutions, LLC Order: : Consistent with precedent, grants a request for review by Ed Tec Solutions, LLC of a decision issued by USAC seeking to recover funds disbursed to the Chimes School for funding year 2001 under the E-rate program. | DA 13-57 Order: Word| Acrobat |
1/8/13 | Consorcio de Escuelas y Bibliotecas de Puerto Rico Order: : The Wireline Competition Bureau grants appeal filed by Consorcio de Escuelas y Bibliotecas de Puerto Rico. | DA 13-13 Order: Word| Acrobat |
1/7/13 | Mt. Olive Township School District, Budd Lake, NJ: : Denied two requests for review or waiver because the petitioners failed to submit their requests either to the Commission or to USAC within 60 days as required by the Commission’s rules. Also, dismissed a petition for reconsideration. | DA 13-15 Order: Word| Acrobat |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/28/12 | A.C.E. Charter High School, Tucson, AZ: : Granted 11 and denied 6 requests for review and/or waiver from applicants who filed their FCC Form 471 applications after the close of the E-rate program’s filing window deadline. | DA 12-2057 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/26/12 | Bayfield School District, Bayfield, CO: : Granted 4 requests for review and/or waiver of USAC decisions denying funding on the basis that the petitioner violated Commission’s rule that a signed contract be in place when the Form 471 application is submitted. | DA 12-2052 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/26/12 | Bastrop Independent School District,Bastrop, TX: : Granting requests from five E-rate petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to reduce E-rate funding because applicants failed to timely submit FCC Form 486. | DA 12-2049 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/19/12 | Net56, Inc., Palatine, IL: Granted one request for review of USAC's decision relating to cost effectiveness, cost allocation, and other E-rate issues. | DA 12-2031 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/18/12 | Bluford Drew Jemison Stem Academy-East, 334, Baltimore, MD: Granted 3 requests for review and/or waiver of USAC decisions denying funding because it found that the applicants failed to respond to its requests for additional information within the USAC-specified time frame. | DA 12-2023 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/18/12 | Dooly County School System, Vienna, GA: Bureau dismisses Dooly County School System's request to hold in abeyance USAC's demand payment letters. | DA 12-2030 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/12/12 | Abbotsford School District, Abbotsford, WI: : Granted 58 and denied 33 requests for review and/or waiver from applicants to the E-rate program whose FCC Form 471 applications were filed after the close of the program’s filing window deadline. | DA 12-1998 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/6/12 | Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow, Columbus, OH: Granted 6 requests for review of USAC decisions reducing applicant’s E-rate funding because of applicants’ untimely submissions of their FCC Forms 486. | DA 12-1967 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/4/12 | Net56, Inc., Palatine, IL: Granted two requests for review of USAC decisions relating to cost effectiveness, cost allocation, and other E-rate issues. | DA 12-1951 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/4/12 | Sprint-Florida, Inc.: The Bureau denies a request for review of a USAC commitment adjustment recovery action to recover monies attributed to equipment and services that were reimbursed to Sprint, but not provided to Dade County Public Schools. | DA 12-1938 Order: Word| Acrobat |
12/4/12 | Fort Worth Independent School District, Fort Worth, TX: The Bureau grants a request for review filed by Fort Worth ISD of a USAC commitment adjustment recovery action. | DA 12-1937 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/26/12 | Monroe 1 BOCES, Pittsford, NY: The order addresses 8 E-rate appeals regarding the requirements to create technology plans. | DA 12-1878 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/20/12 | Euclid City School District, Euclid, OH and Shannon County School District, Batesland, SD: Wireline Competition Bureau grants Euclid City School District’s and Shannon County School District’s E-rate appeals after finding that their vendor selection processes were consistent with the Commission’s competitive bidding policy goals. | DA 12-1843 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/20/12 | Connecticut Educators' Network, Hartford, CT: Denies in part and grants in part appeal and request for waiver by the Connecticut Educators' Network (CTEN), with regard to E-rate rules requiring consortiums to collect CIPA certification forms (FCC Form 479) from consortium members and to file certification information on the FCC Form 486. | DA 12-1790 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/18/12 | Bloom High School District 206, Chicago Heights, IL: Denied 8 requests for review of USAC decisions requiring E-Rate funding applicants to submit their requests to either the FCC or to USAC within 60 days. Also, addressed 2 petitions for reconsideration. | DA 12-1820 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/14/12 | Guidance For Schools Implementing The Protecting Children In The 21st Century Act: This Public Notice answers frequently asked questions about the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, which requires schools receiving E-rate support for Internet access or internal connections to educate minors about appropriate online behavior. | DA 12-1836 Public Notice: Word| Acrobat |
11/14/12 | Ysleta Independent School District, El Paso, Texas: Granted IBM’s and Ysleta’s requests for review of a USAC commitment adjustment recovery action, concluding that Ysleta complied with the Commission’s rules governing use of E-rate funded equipment in effect at the time of the funding commitment. | DA 12-1797 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/9/12 | Atlanta Public School, Atlanta,GA: Granted Atlanta Public School's E-rate appeal after finding it lacked notice that its services were being reclassified by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). | DA 12-1795 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/7/12 | Net56, Inc., Palatine, IL: Granting three requests for review and finding that the parties signed the applicable contracts before filing of the applicant’s FCC Forms 471, the applicant cost allocated eligible from ineligible services, and the services at issue were cost effective. | DA 12-1792 Order: Word| Acrobat |
11/6/12 | Administrative Headquarters, New York, NY: In this order, the Bureau grants seven requests for review and/or waiver seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny or rescind funding because the applicants failed to have a signed contract in place when their FCC Forms 471 were submitted. The Bureau also denies one request for review, finding in that instance that the applicant did not have a legally binding agreement in place when its FCC Form 471 was submitted. | DA 12-1771 Order: Word| Acrobat |
10/24/12 | North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative, Mansfield, OH: Dismissed E-rate petition for reconsideration filed by North Central Ohio Computer Cooperative because it was untimely. | DA 12-1716 Order: Word| Acrobat |
10/23/12 | Conestoga Valley School District, Lancaster, PA: Consistent with precedent,we deny four appeals from Conestoga Valley School District seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company. | DA 12-1678 Order: Word| Acrobat |
10/23/12 | Audubon Regional Library, Clinton, LA, et al: In this order, the Bureau grants 4 requests for review and/or waiver seeking review of decisions made by USAC to reduce or deny funding based on incorrect service start date information inadvertently provided on the FCC Form 486 submitted by the applicants. | DA 12-1669 Order: Word| Acrobat |
10/23/12 | Business Communicaitons, Inc., Biloxi, MI: This order grants two E-rate appeals after finding that both schools involved paid their share of the price of the E-rate services they purchased. | DA 12-1668 Order: Word| Acrobat |
10/17/12 | Annette Island School District, Juneau, AL: In this order, the Bureau grants 14 requests for review and waiver seeking review of decisions made by USAC to reduce or deny funding because the applicants failed to submit their FCC Form 486 timely. | DA 12-1666 Order: Word| Acrobat |
10/2/12 | Independent School District of Boise City, Boise, ID: WCB grants a remands appeals to USAC pertaining to E-rate funding sought for the lease of dark fiber for a WAN. | DA 12-1574 Order: Word| Acrobat |
9/27/12 | Eligible Services List Report and Order: By this order, we release the list of eligible services for the schools and libraries universal support mechanism (E-rate program) for funding year 2013. | DA 12-1553 Report and Order: Word| Acrobat ESL: Acrobat |
9/26/12 | Union Parish School Board, Farmerville, LA: We deny a request for review filed by Union Parish School Board and grant two requests for review filed by BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. | DA 12-1526 Order: Word| Acrobat |
9/26/12 | Missoula Parish Library, Missoula, MT: In this order we grant a request for review by Missoula Public Library of a USAC commitment adjustment recovery action for funding year 1998. | DA 12-1525 Order: Word| Acrobat |
9/14/12 | Acadia Parish School Board Head Start Program, Crowley, LA: In this order, we address 39 requests from petitioners seeking waivers of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline and one petition for reconsideration for funding years 2009 2011, and 2012 under the E-rate program. | DA 12-1482 Order: Word| Acrobat |
9/13/12 | Chadbad Outreach Center, Hollywood, CA: Order denies six requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny funding. The Bureau also dismiss two petition for reconsiderations. The petitioners failed to submit their requests for review or waiver either to the Commission or to USAC within 60 days as required by the Commission’s rules. | DA 12-1494 Order: Word| Acrobat |
9/5/12 | Yakuta School District, Yakutat, AK: The Wireline Competition Bureau dismisses a second E-rate petition for reconsideration filed by Yakutat School District. | DA 12-1440 Order: Word| Acrobat |
8/21/12 | Iowa Department of Education, Des Moines, IA: In the order, we grant the appeal by the Iowa Department of Education and conclude that USAC can provide E-rate support for telecommunications services provided by ICN for funding years 1998, 1999 and 2000. | DA 12-788 Order: Word| Acrobat |
8/20/12 | Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools, Truth or Consequences, NM: Consistent with precedent, we deny a request from Truth or Consequences Municipal Schools (TCMS) seeking review of a decision made by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) under the E-rate program (more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program) for funding year 2007. In its decision, USAC determined that TCMS violated E-rate program rules by failing to evaluate all the bids it received. | DA 12-1361 Order: Word| Acrobat |
8/10/12 | Ed Tec Solutions LLC, Lakewood, NJ: The Order grants the requests for review filed by Ed Tec Solutions LLC (Ed Tec) seeking review of a USAC decision rescinding or denying funding for discounted services under the E-rate program because Ed Tec’s contracts allowed payments to be made in installments after the work was completed. | DA 12-1328 Order: Word| Acrobat |
8/10/12 | State E-Rate Coordinators' Alliance Public Notice:The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the State E-rate Coordinators’ Alliance (SECA) asking for clarification on whether and to what extent the Commission’s rules for E-rate (more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program) permit service providers to bundle end-user devices and equipment that are ineligible for E-rate support with E-rate eligible services without having to reduce the amount of an applicant’s E-rate funding request by the cost of the ineligible end-user devices and equipment. | DA 12-1325 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat SECA Bundled Equipment Petition: Word | Acrobat |
8/10/12 | Assumption-All Saints School, Jersey City, NJ: We find violations of the Commission's competitive bidding rules, and therefore deny an appeal filed by 10 applicants and their service provider, Future Generation, Inc. | DA 12-1323 Order: Word| Acrobat |
8/8/12 | Graydon Manor School, Leesburg, VA: Order dismisses Graydon Manor’s petition for reconsideration as untimely and also dismisses the petition because it relies on arguments that fail to identify any material error, omission, or reason warranting reconsideration and relies on arguments that have been fully considered and rejected by the Commission within the same proceeding. | DA 12-1283 Order: Word| Acrobat |
8/3/12 | Baltimore County Public School, Towson, MD, et al: In this order, the Bureau denies 13 requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny funding. The Bureau also denies one petition for reconsideration. The petitioners failed to submit their requests for review or waiver either to the Commission or to USAC within 60 days as required by the Commission’s rules. | DA 12-1261 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/31/12 | Community Eligibility Option Guidance Letter: In this letter, the Bureau provides USAC with guidance on the impact of the United States Department of Agriculture’s new National School Lunch Program reimbursement mechanism, known as the Community Eligibility Option, on the universal service E-rate program. | DA 12-1196 Letter: Word| Acrobat |
7/30/12 | Special Education District of Lake County, Gages Lake, IL: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies an appeal of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company filed by the Special Education District of Lake County. | DA 12-1221 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/30/12 | Burke County Board of Education, Waynesboro, GA: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants an appeal of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company filed by the Burke County Board of Education. | DA 12-1213 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/25/12 | South Country Central School District, East Patchogue, NY: The Wireline Competition Bureau dismisses an E-rate appeal as moot because the applicant received the services in question after resubmitting a new application. | DA 12-1190 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/25/12 | Akisha Networks, Inc., Houston, TX: Consistent with precedent, we deny three appeals seeking review of decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 12-1189 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/23/12 | La Poynor Independent School District, LaRue, TX: In this order, the Bureau grants LaPoynor ISD's request for review seeking review of a decision made by USAC to deny funding because LaPoynor sought cancellation of funding. | DA 12-1175 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/23/12 | Al Noor High School, Brooklyn, NY, et al: In this order, the Bureau grants 16 requests for review and/or waiver from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny or rescind funding because the petitioners violated the Commission’s rule that a contract or legally binding agreement be in place when the FCC Form 471 application is submitted. | DA 12-1172 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/18/12 | FY 2012 Rollover Public Notice: In this public notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau announces the carry-forward of $1.050 billion in E-rate funds for funding year 2012. | DA 12-1148 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/13/12 | Integrity Communications (Brooks Consolidated Independent School District, Falfurrias, TX), et al: Consistent with precedent, we grant 4 requests for review of decisions made by USAC denying funding or seeking recovery of funding provided because the petitioners did not demonstrate that they had sufficient resources to effectively use the E-rate services they sought to purchase. The Bureau also dismisses two appeals for applications that were withdrawn. | DA 12-1127 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/6/12 | Albany City School District, Albany, NY, et al: Consistent with precedent, we grant five requests and deny one request from petitioners to correct clerical errors they made in submissions to the Universal Service Administrative Company for support under the E-rate program. | DA 12-1016 Order: Word| Acrobat |
7/5/12 | Eligible Services List Public Notice: By this public notice, we seek comment on a draft eligible services list (draft ESL) for the schools and libraries universal support mechanism (E-rate program) for funding year 2013. | DA 12-1052 Public Notice: Word| AcrobatDraft ESL: Acrobat |
6/21/12 | The State Educational Technology Directors Association Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition filed by the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) asking for clarification on the use of funding from the E-rate program (more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program) for remote access by teachers and students to virtual private networks (VPNs). | DA 12-983 Public Notice: Word| Acrobat |
6/20/12 | Colorado Springs School District, Colorado Springs, CO: In this order, we granted the requests for review. Remanded the underlying applications to USAC for further consideration. | DA 12-962 Order: Word| Acrobat |
6/18/12 | Annunciation Elementary School, Denver, CO: In this order, the Bureau grants two requests for waiver and review from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny funding because the petitioners did not file their FCC Forms 472 or 474 timely. The Bureau also dismiss one request for review as moot. | DA 12-957 Order: Word| Acrobat |
6/12/12 | Marconi Communications, Inc., Cleveland, OH:Consistent with precedent, we grant a request for waiver filed by Marconi Communications, Inc. regarding the timely submission of an appeal of a USAC COMAD decision. Specifically, we grant the waiver of the appeal filing deadline finding that Marconi submitted its appeal to USAC in a reasonable time period after receiving actual notice of the decision. | DA 12-915 Order: Word| Acrobat |
6/12/12 | Kearney Public Schools, Kearney, NE:Consistent with E-rate program rules and procedures, we grant a request for review by Kearney Public Schools of a USAC COMAD decision to recover funds that were invoiced to USAC. The appeal specifically requests that USAC reduce the recovery amount for equivalent equipment that was purchased, but that was not the exact equipment originally requested. | DA 12-914 Order: Word| Acrobat |
6/12/12 | Milburn Public Schools, Milburn, OK:In this order, we address two appeals from Milburn Public Schools seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program for funding years 2005 and 2006. | DA 12-895 Order: Word| Acrobat |
6/12/12 | Birmingham City Schools, Birmingham, AL: Wireline Competition Bureau grants in part and denies in part an appeal of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company filed by Birmingham City Schools. | DA 12-747 Order: Word| Acrobat |
6/7/12 | Albertville City Schools, Albertville, AL, et al: In this order, the Bureau grants 12 requests for waiver and review from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny or reduce funding because the petitioners did not file their FCC Form 486 timely. | DA 12-894 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/31/12 | Imagine College Preparatory High School, St. Louis, MO, et al: In this order, the Bureau grants five requests for waiver and review from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to reduce or deny funding because USAC found that the applicants failed to respond to its requests for additional information within the USAC-specified time frame. Bureau also dismisses one appeal as moot. | DA 12-855 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/23/12 | Sprint Nextel Corporation, Anaheim, CA: In this order we grant Sprint's appeal and find that in funding year 2006 Anaheim City sought mobile broadband service that was eligible for funding as Internet access. We also deny Sprint's associated waiver request in the appeal asking that funding be granted to Anaheim City for the end-user connection cards associated with the service. | DA 12-812 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/22/12 | CCRC Community Link, Breese, IL et al: Consistent with precedent, this order denies five requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program to deny them funding for an entity ineligible for E-rate support. | DA 12-797 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/22/12 | Anderson Elementary School, Sand Springs, OK et al: In this order, we grant 56 requests from petitioners for waivers of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline for funding years 2005, 2011 and 2012 under the E-rate program. We deny 18 other such requests. | DA 12-796 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/21/12 | Diversified Computer Solutions, Inc., Columbia, SC: The Wireline Competition Bureau dismiss as moot two appeals filed by Diversified Computer Solutions, Inc., on behalf of four school districts after finding that all submitted invoices were funded. | DA 12-771 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/18/12 | E-Rate Inflation-Based Cap for FY 2012 Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the inflation-based increase for the funding year 2012 E-rate is 2.1%, resulting in $48,104,327 more E-rate dollars and raising the cap to $2,338,786,577. | DA 12-791 Public Notice: Word| Acrobat |
5/16/12 | Diversified Computer Solutions, Inc., Columbia, SC: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants an E-rate appeal filed by Diversified Computer Solutions, Inc. after finding that USAC should not have rejected an invoice on the basis that the service was not originally requested. | DA 12-754 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/16/12 | Academy of Excellence, Phoenix, AR et al: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants 15 appeals from petitioners seeking to reverse the decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), which found that technology plan rules for the E-rate program had been violated. | DA 12-753 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/9/12 | Central Technology Center, Drumright, OK et al: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants 13 and denies eight requests from petitioners found in violation of the Commission's requirement that an FCC Form 470 or request for proposal be available for the entire 28-day period after being posted to USAC's website. | DA 12-732 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/4/12 | Billings School District 2, Billings, MT: In the order, we grant and remand the appeal because we conclude that USAC erred in its finding that Billings was building or purchasing a WAN. | DA 12-716 Order: Word| Acrobat |
5/4/12 | Saint Raphel Academy, Pawtucket, RI: Consistent with the Bureau's Queen of Peace Order (in which the Bureau concluded that allowing applicants to reference specific vendors, products or services on their FCC Form 470 or request for proposal (RFP) poses a risk to the competitive bidding process, but declined to penalize applicants that engaged in such practice prior to release of that order), we grant three appeals filed by Saint Raphael Academy. | DA 12-708 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/3/12 | Alex Public School District I-56, Alex, OK: In this order, the Bureau denies 10 requests for review from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny or reduced funding on the grounds that the applicants failed to submit their requests for review or waiver either to the Commission or to USAC within 60 days as required by the Commission's rules. | DA 12-711 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/3/12 | Onslow County School District, Jacksonville, NC: In this order, the Bureau grants a request from the Onslow County School District and the North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) seeking a waiver of section 54.504(a) of the Commission’s rules and any applicable USAC procedural deadlines in order to allow the current billed entity, ITS, to revise its FCC Form 471 application under the E-rate program as part of the LOTG pilot program. | DA 12-693 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/3/12 | Public Works Commission of Fayetteville, et al, Fayetteville, NC: This order addresses 10 appeals concerning denials of E-rate program support for violations of the rule that telecommunications must be provided by a telecommunications carrier. It grants seven (one in part) and denies three. | DA 12-691 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/27/12 | South Bay Union School District Order: Consistent with precedent, we deny the petition for waiver filed by South Bay. South Bay seeks waiver of section 54.502, to the extent the rule requires that equipment for PBX be treated as “priority 2” services under the schools and libraries program. | DA 12-629 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/24/12 | FY 2012 PIA Approval Letter: In this letter, the Bureau approves USAC's Schools and Libraries Funding Year 2012 Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review Procedures. | DA 12-626 Letter: Word | Acrobat |
4/17/12 | Widefield School District, Austin, TX: The Division grants the appeals of Trillion Partners, Inc. of decisions made by USAC that reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for Widefield School District 3 (applicant) for various funding years on the grounds that the petitioner and applicant violated the Commission's competitive bidding requirements. | DA 12-605 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/17/12 | Kings Canyon Unified School District, Reedley, CA: The Division grants the appeals of Trillion Partners, Inc. and Kings Canyon Unified School District of decisions made by USAC that reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for various funding years on the grounds that the petitioners violated the Commission's competitive bidding requirements. | DA 12-604 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/17/12 | Portales Municipal School District, Portales, NM: In this order, the Bureau denies two requests for review filed by Portales Municipal School District (Portales). The Bureau finds that Portales violated section 54.503 of the Commission's rules because it did not make a bona fide request for services by submitting a complete description of the services it was requesting to enable interested service providers to submit bids. The Bureau also finds that Portales did not have a signed contract in place when it filed its FCC Form 471 in violation of section 54.504 of the Commission's rules. | DA 12-599 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/16/12 | Nuestros Valores Charter School, Albuquerque, NM: We deny Nuestros Valores Charter School’s (Nuestros Valores) appeal of USAC's decision under the E-rate program seeking recovery of disbursed funds to Innovative Technology Partnerships for equipment provided to Nuestros Valores when it did not have a location within which to install the equipment, and that it did not install the equipment until five years after the funding year in which it sought funding. | DA 12-596 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/12/12 | Beebe Public School, Beebe, AR, et al: In this order, the Bureau grants eight requests for review from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC to deny or reduced funding because the petitioners did not file their FCC Form 486 timely. | DA 12-569 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/29/12 | Aberdeen School District 5, Aberdeen, WA, et al: Consistent with precedent, we deny three requests and grant one request from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 12-489 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/23/12 | Approach Learning and Assessment Center,Santa Ana, CA: In this order, we grant a request from the Approach Learning and Assessment Center, seeking review of a decision made by the Universal Service Administrative Company. | DA 12-460 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/22/12 | Maryland Department of Juvenile Services,Baltimore, MD: Wireline Competition Bureau dismisses as untimely a petition filed by the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services seeking reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau’s Juvenile Services Order, released on May 4, 2011. | DA 12-433 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/19/12 | Hondo Valley School District, Hondo, NM et al: The Division grants 8 appeals of decisions made by USAC that reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for various funding years on the grounds that the funding requests are not cost-effective. | DA 12-413 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/14/12 | Networks and More! Inc., Island Heights, NJ: In this order, the Bureau finds improper vendor involvement in the competitive bidding process by the service provider, Networks and More! Inc. and therefore denies 16 requests for review (including a request filed by Long Branch Public Library), and dismisses as moot a request for review filed by Freehold Township Schools. | DA 12-403 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/12/12 | Falcon School District 49, Falcon, CO, et al: In this order, we deny five requests for review or request for waiver of USAC decisions regarding the applicants’ urban – rural designation. In each case, the schools are located in areas considered to be urban by E-rate program rules. We therefore affirm USAC’s decisions to classify the applicants as urban, and to calculate their discount levels based on E-rate program rules for urban schools and libraries. | DA 12-370 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/12/12 | Enterprise City Schools, Enterprise, AL, et al: In this order we deny five requests for review and/or requests for waiver of USAC decisions to reduce the applicants' requested discount level. USAC reduced the discount rate for each applicant because it was not supported by sufficient documentation. We affirm USAC's decisions. | DA 12-369 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/6/12 | Mary Queen of Martyrs, Milwaukee, WI, et al: In this order, the Bureau finds that the petitioners were not required to have signed letters of agency with their consultants and therefore USAC erred in denying their applications. | DA 12-335 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/6/12 | Northeast Arizona Technological Institute of Vocational Education, Kayenta, AZ: In this order, the Bureau finds that, despite the failure to correctly indicate on its Form 470 that it had issued an RFP, NATIVE’s Form 470 contained enough detail for service providers to identify the requested services and submit bids and therefore was a not a violation of Commission competitive bidding rules. | DA 12-334 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/5/12 | Aberdeen School District 5, Aberdeen, WA, et al: In the order we grant 44 requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by USAC under the E-rate program. | DA 12-300 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/5/12 | Annette Islands School District, Metlakatla, AK, et al: Six E-rate service implementation appeals granted consistent with the Great Rivers/Tekoa or Bishop Perry Orders. | DA 12-323 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/24/12 | Aberdeen School District 5, Aberdeen, WA: Consistent with Commission rules, we grant nine requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) under the E-rate program. | DA 12-278 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/24/12 | AllWays, Inc. (Praire Hills School District 144), Markham, IL: In this order, the Bureau denies 26 E-rate appeals of USAC decisions because the applicants sought funding for service, maintenance or products that are not eligible for E-rate support. | DA 12-250 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/23/12 | Oakland Unified School District, Oakland, CA: In this order, we grant a request by Oakland Unified School District for review of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company that rescinded funding committed to Oakland under the E-rate program for funding year 2004. | DA 12-261 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/23/12 | Charlton County School System, Folkston, GA: Consistent with precedent, we deny seven requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 12-260 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/23/12 | Callisburg Independent School District, Callisburg, TX: Consistent with precedent, we grant two requests and deny two requests from Callisburg Independent School District and its service provider, Trillion Partners, Inc. which seek review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company. | DA 12-259 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/23/12 | Assabet Valley Regional Vocational District, Marlborough, MA: Consistent with precedent, we grant 12 and deny five requests from petitioners to correct clerical errors they made in submissions to the Universal Service Administrative Company for support under the E-rate program. | DA 12-240 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/22/12 | Aberdeen School District, Aberdeen, WA, et al: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants 37 appeals after finding that the petitioners either conducted a fair and open competitive bidding process or demonstrated good cause to waive sections 54.504 and 54.511 of the Commission's competitive bidding rules. | DA 12-248 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/22/12 | Laurens County School District, Clinton, SC: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies four appeals after finding that the petitioners violated the Commission's competitive bidding rules. | DA 12-247 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/22/12 | Al-lhsan Academy, South Ozone Park, NY: Consistent with precedent, we grant one and deny 16 requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program to deny them funding due to a violation of the program rule requiring the applicant to pay its share of the price of the E-rate discounted services it purchased. | DA 12-241 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/15/12 | Learning On-The-Go Order: In this order, we grant in part and deny in part a request for waiver filed by the e-Bookroom Initiative concerning the Learning On-The-Go In the Matter ofPilot Program. | DA 12-200 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/15/12 | Marana Unified School District, Marana, AZ: The Division denies appeals of USAC E-rate decisions filed by the Marana Unified School District (Marana) and its service provider, Trillion Partners, Inc. (Trillion), rescinding Marana’s funding commitments for funding years 2006-2010. Specifically, USAC rescinded funding for 12 of Marana’s funding requests as part of its funding year 2006, 2007, and 2008 applications and sought recovery for funding already disbursed for funding years 2007 and 2008 on the ground that Marana violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. For the same reasons, USAC also denied funding for nine of Marana’s funding requests as part of its funding year 2009 and 2010 applications. Upon review of the record, we find that Marana violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. We therefore deny Marana’s and Trillion’s appeals and affirm USAC’s decisions. We direct USAC to continue recovery actions against Marana and its service provider, Trillion, consistent with the order. | DA 12-196 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/15/12 | Canon City School District Fremont RE-1, Canon City, CO: Consistent with precedent, we grant 24 requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 12-189 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/15/12 | Loneman Day School, Ogala, SD: E-rate grant and waiver where school missed services implementation and invoice submission deadlines, due to weather and construction changes.Decision consistent with Bishop Perry and Tekoa Academy Orders. | DA 12-85 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/8/12 | Bonnie Brae Educational Center School, Syracuse, NY: In the Bonnie Brae Educational Center School E-rate order, consistent with the Commission’s Boston School Order, we deny 23 appeals of USAC decisions that reduced or denied funding from the E-rate program for various funding years on the grounds that the petitioners failed to submit their requests for review or waiver either to the Commission or to USAC within 60 days as required by the Commission’s rules. | DA 12-151 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/8/12 | WiscNet, Chippewa Falls, WI: This order we address 9 appeals in which USAC stated that the applicants had violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements because the applicants’ FCC Forms 470 contained contact information for WiscNet, a service provider that participated in the competitive bidding process. We dismiss as moot 4 appeals in which USAC resolved the alleged violation, rescinded the commitment adjustment (COMAD) letters, and issued revised funding commitments. We also grant 5 additional appeals concerning the same alleged issue involving WiscNet. | DA 12-86 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/25/12 | Clintonville Public School District, Clintonville, WI: Consistent with precedent, we grant six requests from petitioners seeking review of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program. | DA 12-84 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/12/12 | Los Lunas School District, Los Lunas, NM: Consistent with the Wireline Competition Bureau's decision in the Barrow County School District Order, we grant the appeal filed by Los Lunas School District of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company that denies funding. | DA 12-29 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/12/12 | Archdiocese of Chicago School, Chicago, IL, et al: Consistent with the Commission's precedent in the Alaska Gateway Order, we grant 22 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company that reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for various funding years. | DA 12-28 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/12/12 | Bais Chaya Mushka, Los Angeles, CA: In this order, we address 31 requests from petitioners seeking waivers of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline for funding years 2007, 2010 and 2011 under the E-rate program, including two petitions for reconsideration of an earlier Wireline Competition Bureau decision. Consistent with the Commission’s Academy of Math and Science Order, and based on our review of the record, we find that 15 petitioners have demonstrated that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver of that filing window deadline and we deny the remaining 14 requests for waiver and the two petitions for reconsideration. | DA 12-27 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/10/12 | Integrity Communications, LTD, Corpus Christi, TX: In this Order, we dismiss in part and deny in part an Application for Review filed by Integrity Communications, Ltd. Integrity or Petitioner of a Wireline Competition Bureau order. | FCC 12-8 Order: Word | Acrobat |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/22/11 | Animas School District 6, Animas, NM: Consistent with our precedent, we grant 46 appeals of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that denied or rescinded funding for various funding years from the E-Rate program (formally known as the universal service schools and libraries program). The applications were denied on the grounds that the petitioners’ violated the Commission’s rule that a contract or legally binding agreement be in place when the FCC Form 471 application is submitted | DA 11-2040 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/7/11 | Queen of Peace High School, Burbank, IL: In this order, we grant a request for review filed by Queen of Peace High School (Queen of Peace) seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) concerning discounted services under the E-rate program for funding year (FY) 2009. We find that Queen of Peace’s competitive bidding process was not compromised by its inclusion of a service provider name on its FCC Form 470. We therefore grant its request for review and direct USAC to apply this ruling to all pending appeals and applications. We also clarify that the Commission’s competitive bidding rules prohibit applicants from including a particular manufacturer’s name, brand, product or service in an FCC Form 470 or request for proposals (RFPs) unless they also use the words “or equivalent” in such a description. | DA 11-1991 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/7/11 | Katy Independent School District, Katy, TX: In this order, we deny an appeal filed by Katy Independent School District (Katy) seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying funding under the E-rate program. USAC rescinded the funding commitment for one of Katy’s funding requests on the ground that Katy violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements because it did not consider price as the primary factor in the vendor selection process. We agree with USAC that Katy did not give overall preference to cost when evaluating the bids and, thus, affirm USAC’s decision to rescind Katy’s funding commitment for FRN 1297321. To the extent funds have already been disbursed under this funding request to Katy or its service provider, Phonoscope, we direct USAC to institute or continue recovery actions against them. | DA 11-1979 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/5/11 | Al-Ihsan Academy, South Ozone Park, NY: In this order we grant 5 and deny 6 appeals in E-rate RFP competitive bidding order. | DA 11-1974 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/29/11 | Lazo Technologies, Inc., et al: In this order we deny a petition for reconsideration (Petition) filed by Lazo Technologies, Inc., Hill Professional Services, and Advanced Technology Solutions South (Petitioners). | FCC 11-177 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/28/11 | Lakehills Consulting, LP Order: In this order, we deny the appeal filed by Joseph M. Hill, trustee in bankruptcy for Lakehills Consulting, LP (Lakehills) of the decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) concerning Houston Independent School District’s (Houston ISD) applications for discounted services under the E-rate program (more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program) for funding years (FY) 2002-2004. | FCC 11-175 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/25/11 | Implementation of Revised Instructions for Form 479 and 486 Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announce that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the revised Instructions accompanying the FCC Forms 479 and 486. | DA 11-1943 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat Erratum(12/8/11): Word | Acrobat FCC Form 479: Word | Acrobat FCC Form 489: Word | Acrobat |
11/4/11 | Dimmitt Independent School District, TX: In this order, we grant appeals filed by Dimmitt Independent School District, et al. of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company concerning applications for discounted services under the E-rate program for FY 2006-2010. | DA 11-1854 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/1/11 | Coatesville Area School District, PA: The Bureau dismisses a petition filed by Coatesville Area School District (PA) seeking reconsideration of a decision denying funding after Coatesville failed to submit an appeal to the Commission in a timely manner. | DA 11-1840 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/1/11 | Lower Merion School District, PA: In this order, the Bureau grants three requests for review finding that the petitioners did not seek E-rate discounts for ineligible dark fiber and denies one request for review finding that the petitioner sought E-rate funds for ineligible dark fiber. | DA 11-1835 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/26/11 | Covert Public School District, Covert, MI: Consistent with precedent, we grant an appeal filed by Covert Public School District (Covert) of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to deny funding in funding year 2008 under the E-rate program because Covert’s request for a services implementation deadline extension was late.We remand the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with this order, and we direct USAC to grant Covert’s request for a services implementation deadline extension within 90 calendar days from the release of this order. | DA 11-1791 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/14/11 | Coordinated Construction, Inc., Los Angeles, CA: In this order, we grant the request for review filed by Coordinated Construction, Inc. seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company to recover funding for violating the USAC requirements. | DA 11-1699 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/14/11 | West Virginia Department of Education, Charleston, WV: In this order, we grant the request for review filed by the West Virginia Department of Education on behalf of Summersville Elementary School, seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative denying funding for discounted services under the E-rate program. | DA 11-1698 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/6/11 | Franklin County School District, Louisburg, NC: In this order, we grant a petition for reconsideration by Franklin County School District, Louisburg, North Carolina, (Franklin County) of a decision by the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau). | DA 11-1682 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/30/11 | SEED Public Charter School of Washington, DC: In this order, we address a consolidated appeal by SEED Public Charter School of Washington, D.C. (SEED) of three decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying requests for funding under the E-rate program (more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program), on the grounds that the underlying applications violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. As explained below, we find that SEED did not violate the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. We therefore grant the appeal and direct USAC to discontinue recovery actions against SEED and its service providers, Verizon-Washington, D.C., Inc., Avaya, Inc., America Online, CDW Computer Centers, Inc., Dell Marketing, LP, Nextel Communications of Mid-Atlantic, Inc., Starpower Communications, LLC, and Infosys Services, Inc., consistent with this order. | DA 11-1656 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/28/11 | 2012 Eligible Service List Order: In this order, we release the eligible services list for funding year 2012 for the schools and libraries universal service program. | DA 11-1600 Order: Word | Acrobat ESL Draft: Acrobat |
9/23/11 | All Saints Elementary School, Los Angeles, CA: In this order, we address 34 requests from petitioners seeking waivers of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline for funding years 2007, 2009, and 2011 under the E-rate program. Consistent with the Commission’s Academy of Math and Science Order, and based on our review of the record, we find that two petitioners filed their applications prior to the E-rate program’s FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline and 24 other petitioners have demonstrated that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver of that filing window deadline. We grant those requests for waiver and remand the underlying applications to USAC. We deny, however, the remaining eight requests for waiver. | DA 11-1588 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/14/11 | Tulsa Technology Center, Tulsa, OK: In this order, the Bureau grants a request by the Tulsa Technology Center (Tulsa) seeking review of a decision by USAC denying funding for discounted services under the E-rate program. USAC rescinded the funding commitment of one of Tulsa’s funding requests on the ground that Tulsa violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements by including the price of ineligible items in its evaluation of the most cost-effective proposal during its vendor selection process. According to the FY 2003 eligible services list, presubscribed interexchange carrier (PIC) change charges and change fees were eligible for discounts. We therefore find that Tulsa’s consideration of the costs associated with changing providers – i.e., PIC change charges and activation fees – was consistent with the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. We therefore direct USAC to discontinue recovery actions against Tulsa and its service provider. | DA 11-1554 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/14/11 | Rockwood School District, Eureka, MO: In this order, the Bureau denies Rockwood and Yakutat School Districts' petitions for reconsideration of the Bureau's Beaver Area Memorial Library Order denying the school districts a waiver of the E-rate program’s FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline because the petitions were untimely filed and do not contain any new facts or circumstances that would result in a waiver of the Commission's rules. | DA 11-1553 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/8/11 | State of Arkansas Department of Information Systems, Little Rock, AK: In this order, we reconsider a decision by the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) and grant a petition for reconsideration filed by the State of Arkansas Department of Information Systems. | DA 11-1507 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/2/11 | Cornwall-Lebanon School District, Lebanon, PA: In this order, consistent with the Bureau's decision in the Barrow County School District Order, the Bureau grants an appeal filed by Cornwall-Lebanon School District of a decision by USAC that reduced funding from the E-rate program for funding year 2010 because Cornwall-Lebanon inadvertently listed the wrong service start date information on its FCC Form 486. As the Bureau found in Barrow County School District Order, minor mistakes such as this do not warrant the complete rejection of this application given that the applicant made a procedural error and did not violate a Commission rule. | DA 11-1477 Order: Word | Acrobat |
9/2/11 | Maricopa County Regional School District, Phoenix, AZ: In this order, the Bureau dismisses an appeal without prejudice filed by Maricopa County Regional School District of a decision by USAC under the E-rate program for funding year 2008, because USAC subsequently issued a revised funding commitment decision letter approving the funding at issue. | DA 11-1476 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/22/11 | Funds for Learning, LLC Order: In this order, we accelerate disbursements of E-rate funding reserves so that more schools and libraries can upgrade their access to broadband services this year. We grant in part the petition filed by Funds for Learning (FFL) and direct the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to make funding commitments for priority two services at the 80 percent discount level for funding year 2010. On our own motion, we reverse our previous decision to deny priority two funding below 80 percent and direct USAC to make available funds for FY 2010 priority two requests at all discount levels. We also announce the carry forward of $850 million in reserved funds from the E-rate program to increase E-rate commitments for funding year 2011. These actions will expand opportunities for education and employment in many communities without increasing the size of the universal service fund. | DA 11-1354 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/11/11 | Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Report and Order: The Commission released a Report and Order clarifying the current CIPA rules and requiring E-rate recipient schools, per the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, to certify that they have updated their Internet safety policy to include provisions for educating minors about interacting social networking websites and cyberbullying awareness. | FCC 11-125 Report and Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/8/11 | Riverdale Unified School Distict, Riverdale, CA: In this order, the Bureau grants two requests for review finding that the petitioners Form 470s contained enough information for vendors to identify the desired services and submit bids. | DA 11-1370 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/8/11 | Coahoma County School District, Clarksdale, MS: In this order,the Bureau grants an appeal finding that the petitioner did not violate its state and local procurement laws when selecting a vendor from a state master contract. | DA 11-1369 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/8/11 | Baltimore City School District, Baltimore, MD: In this order, the Bureau grants two requests for review finding that the petitioners did not violate the Commission's competitive bidding rules when selecting vendors using a tiered selection process. | DA 11-1368 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/5/11 | E-Rate Inflation-Based Cap Public Notice: In this public notice, the Bureau announces that the E-rate program funding cap for funding year 2011 is $2,290,682,250. The new cap represents a 0.9% inflation-adjusted increase from funding year 2010’s $2,270,250,000 cap. | DA 11-1345 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
8/4/11 | ABC Unified School District,Cerritos, CA, et al: In this order, consistent with the Bureau’s decision in the Alton Order, we grant 24 appeals of decisions by USAC reducing or denying funding for various funding years under the E-rate program on the grounds that the petitioners’ invoice forms were submitted late or not received by USAC. | DA 11-1332 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/3/11 | Burlington Township School District, Burlington, NJ : In this order, consistent with the Commission’s decision in the Alpaugh Unified School District Order, we grant four appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for various funding years because USAC found that the applicants failed to respond to USAC’s requests for additional information within the USAC-specified time frame. | DA 11-1241 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/3/11 | Brancoft Neurohealth, Chery Hill, NJ, et al: In this order, consistent with the Commission’s decision in the Alaska Gateway Order, we grant 13 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for various funding years because USAC found the applicants failed to timely submit FCC Forms 486. | DA 11-1239 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/27/11 | Loving Municipal School School, Loving, NM: In this order, we deny a request for review filed by Loving Municipal Schools (Loving) seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying its funding requests for one of its schools under the E-rate program for funding year 2004 on the ground that the requested discount level was not supported by sufficient documentation. | DA 11-1246 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/27/11 | Boston Renaissance School, Boston, MA, et al: In this order, we deny 50 appeals of decisions made by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that reduce or deny funding from the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (also known as the E-rate program) for various funding years on the grounds that the petitioners failed to submit their appeals either to the Commission or to USAC within 60 days as required by the Commission’s rules. | DA 11-1240 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/27/11 | Beaver Area Memorial Library, Beaver, PA, et al: In this order, we address 39 requests from petitioners seeking waivers of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline for funding years 2009-2011 under the E-rate program. | DA 11-1223 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/27/11 | Achieve Career Preparatory Academy, Toledo, OH: In this order, we address 22 appeals of decisions by the Universal Administrative Company (USAC) denying funding to the petitioners due to certain clerical or ministerial errors on their FCC Form 471 applications for funding years 2004-2010 under the E-rate program. | DA 11-1208 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/11/11 | Learning on the Go Order: The Bureau provides a summary of the projects selected to participate in the Learning On-The-Go pilot program, the review process, and a list of required information to be included in the participants' reports during the trial period. | DA 11-1181 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/29/11 | Clean Draft Format of Proposed E-rate Eligible Service List Public Notice: WCB Releases Clean Version of Proposed Draft Eligible Services List for Funding Year 2012. | DA 11-1141 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat ESL Draft: Acrobat |
6/24/11 | E-rate Eligible Service List Public Notice: WCB Seeks Comment on Proposed Funding Year 2012 E-rate Eligible Services List. Comments are due on July 15, 2011, and reply comments are due on July 25, 2011. | DA 11-1096 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat ESL List: Acrobat |
6/22/11 | Saint Paul Public Schools, Saint Paul, MN: Saint Paul Public Schools (Saint Paul), Saint Paul, Minnesota, sought review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) concerning Saint Paul’s application for discounted services under the E-rate program for funding year 2003. | DA 11-1088 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/22/11 | Central Islip Free Union School District, Central Islip, NY: In this order, we address six appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying requests for funding under the E-rate program (more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program). | DA 11-1087 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/9/11 | Ramirez Common School District, Realitos, TX: This order grants a waiver of section 54.503 of the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. USAC denied five of Ramirez’s funding requests on the ground that Ramirez violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. Upon review of the record, we find that a waiver of section 54.503 of the Commission’s rules, which requires applicants to seek competitive bids for E-rate eligible products and services, is in the public interest. | DA 11-1039 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/8/11 | Lincoln Parish School Board, Ruston, LA: In this order, we dismiss as untimely three petitions for reconsideration of decisions by the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) or the Commission. | DA 11-1018 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/7/11 | 2011 PIA Procedure Approval Letter: WCB approves the E-rate funding year 2011 program integrity assurance FCC Form 471 review procedures subject to the substantive edits as provided in the confidential attachment. | DA 11-1001 Letter: Word | Acrobat |
5/17/11 | Odyssey Charter School, Las Vegas, NV: In this order, we resolve an appeal of a USAC decision concerning the school's discount calculation. In the order we grant Odyssey Charter’s request for review of a USAC decision and provide the schools with 60 days to provide additional documentation to support their requested discount level. | DA 11-897 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/17/11 | Gila Bend Unified School District 24, Gila Bend, AZ: In this order, we denies two appeals filed by Gila Bend Unified School District concerning its applications for funding under the E-rate program. The order finds that Gila failed to retain the required documentation that would demonstrate its compliance with the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 11-896 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/17/11 | Cascade School District #422, Cascade, ID: In this order, Wireline Competition Bureau denies an appeal filed by Cascade School District concerning its application for funding under the E-rate program. The order finds that Cascade failed to demonstrate compliance with the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 11-895 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/11/11 | Sacred Heart School, Shawano, WI: In this order, we reconsider a decision by the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) and grant an application for review filed by Sacred Heart School, Shawano, Wisconsin (Sacred Heart). Sacred Heart seeks review of the Bureau’s February 3, 2005 order affirming a decision made by the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) to dismiss Sacred Heart’s appeal to USAC because it was postmarked more that 60 days after the date on an FCC Form 471 Outside of Window letter. | DA 11-820 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/4/11 | Maryland Department of Juvenille Services, Baltimore, MD: Wireline Competition Bureau denies the petition of the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services seeking a waiver of section 54.503 of the Commission’s competitive bidding rules to enable Juvenile Services to use an existing multi-year contract without filing an FCC Form 470 and initiating a new competitive bidding process under the E-rate program. | DA 11-835 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/27/11 | Lancaster School District, Lancaster, PA: Wireline Competition Bureau grants Lancaster School District, Lancaster, PA, an extension of services delivery implementation deadline for non-recurring services under the E-rate program. | DA 11-741 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/21/11 | Allendale County Schooh District, Cedar Mountain, NC, et al: Wireline Competition Bureau addresses 19 appeals of decisions by USAC denying requests for funding under the E-rate program. The order finds that seven petitioners did not violate the Commission's competitive bidding rules. In 12 other instances, the order finds that a waiver of the Commission’s rules is in the public interest. | DA 11-723 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/14/11 | Erate Correction Deadline Order: In this order, the Commission extends the deadline for applicants under the E-rate program to submit corrections of clerical or ministerial errors on their FCC Forms 470 and FCC Form 471 applications until USAC issues a funding commitment decision letter to the applicant. | FCC 11-60 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/13/11 | Albuquerque School District, et al, Albuquerque, NM: In this order, we grant 13 appeals and deny 19 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company concerning applications in various funding years for discounted services under the E-rate program. All of the appeals concern applicants denied funding by USAC for alleged violations of the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 11-672 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/13/11 | Clare-Gladwin Regional Education Service District, Clare, MI: In this order, we grant two appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program because the entities at issue were ineligible for funding. Consistent with precedent and based on our review of the record, we find that both petitioners have provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the entities at issue were eligible for support. | DA 11-607 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/13/11 | Alpine Union School District, Alpine, CA: In this order, we grant six requests for review of decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company denying petitioners funding under the E-rate program for funding years (FYs) 2003 to 2008. USAC denied petitioners funding on the grounds that they sought telecommunications services from providers that were not telecommunications carriers, in violation of E-rate rules. | DA 11-606 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/13/11 | Al-Noor School, Brooklyn, NY: In this order, we address 11 requests from petitioners seeking waivers of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline for funding years 2009 and 2010 under the E-rate program. Consistent with the Commission’s Academy of Math and Science Order, and based on our review of the record, we find that two petitioners have demonstrated that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver of the E-rate program’s FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline. We grant those requests for waiver and remand the underlying applications to the Universal Service Administrative Company for further action consistent with this order. We deny, however, nine requests for waiver because we find that the petitioners failed to present special circumstances to justify a waiver of the Commission’s rules. | DA 11-605 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/13/11 | Twiggs County School District, Jeffersonville, GA: In this order, we deny the requests for review filed by Twiggs County School District and American Control Systems, Inc. of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the E-rate program for funding year 2003.We affirm USAC’s decision denying ACS’s request for an extension of the service delivery deadline for the requested recurring services. | DA 11-599 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/30/11 | Little Flower School, Cincinnati, OH: In this order, we grant an appeal filed by Little Flower School (Little Flower) of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) reducing a discount sought in an application for services under the E-rate program for funding year 2006. | DA 11-578 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/22/11 | Barrow County School District, Ellijay, GA, et al: In this order, the Bureau grants six appeals of decisions by USAC that reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for various funding years. USAC reduced or denied funding based on the service start date information provided on the FCC Form 486 submitted by the applicants. The applicants affected by the USAC decisions state that they submitted the incorrect service start date when filing FCC Forms 486. As WCB found in Glendale Unified School District, minor mistakes such as this do not warrant the complete rejection of these applications given that the applicants made a procedural error and did not violate a Commission rule. Therefore, we find good cause to grant the appeals and remand the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with this order. | DA 11-533 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/16/11 | Challis Joint School District #181, Challis, ID: In this order, we deny the request for review by Challis Joint School District #181 (Challis) of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) concerning applications for discounted services under the E-rate program. | DA 11-490 Order: Word | Acrobat |
3/9/11 | E-Rate Deployed Ubiquitously (EDU) 2011 Selected Applicants PN: In this Public Notice, the Bureau announces it selection of 20 projects for the E-rate Deployed Ubiquitously (EDU) 2011 wireless pilot program. These projects will support mobile access to the Internet in order to improve educational opportunities for students or to help library patrons find and apply for jobs. The initiatives range from off-campus access to e-textbooks for students; to connectivity for netbooks for students living in remote, isolated areas; to access to flexible, online education programs for home-bound students unable to attend classes because of medical challenges. | DA 11-439 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
3/7/11 | Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, IL: In this order, we grant six requests for review of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying applications for discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism, also known as the E-rate program, for funding years 2002, 2004, and 2005. | FCC 11-39 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/18/11 | Funds For Learning Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition by Funds For Learning, LLC. to reject the Universal Service Administrative Company's priority two discount threshold recommendation for the schools and libraries program for funding year 2010. | DA 11-331 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
2/18/11 | Blitz Communications, Inc., Chicago, IL: In this order, a short-form grant of appeals where applicants mistakenly assumed FCC Form 500 extended their services implementation deadline. | DA 11-303 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/18/11 | Bridgeport School District, Bridgeport, CT: In this order, a short form grant of separate appeals from 3 petitioners giving them another chance to show that they met the E-rate program requirement of having the necessary resources to effectively use the E-rate services they sought. | DA 11-301 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/18/11 | Barberton City School District, Barberton, OH: In this order, we deny Barberton City School District’s request for review. We find that USAC correctly applied the rules for the alternative discount mechanisms to determine the applicant's discount level. | DA 11-291 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/14/11 | Clarification on the Treatment of FCC Form 471 Item 21 Attachments Order: In this order, we clarify the treatment of attachments to applications for the E-rate program. | DA 11-88 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/14/11 | Camden City Public Schools, Camden, NJ: In this order, we grant three requests for waiver by school districts seeking approval to use the E-rate discounts committed for equipment or services in specified schools within their districts at other eligible schools. | DA 11-87 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/14/11 | Bayless Intermediate School, St. Louis, MI: In this order, we grant an appeal filed by Bayless Intermediate School (Bayless) of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying its funding request for discounts under the E-rate program. We find that Bayless complied with the E-rate program’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 11-86 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/14/11 | Bryan Independent School District, Bryan, TX: In this order, we grant an appeal filed by Bryan Independent School District (Bryan) of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying Bryan discounts under the E-rate program. | DA 11-85 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/14/11 | Youthbuild Columbus Community School, Columbus, OH: In this order, we grant an appeal filed by Youthbuild Columbus Community School (Youthbuild) of a decision of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) rescinding funding already committed to Youthbuild under the E-rate program. | DA 11-83 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/13/11 | Warren Village School, Warren, NH : In this order, we grant a request for review filed by Warren Village School (Warren) of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying funding under the E-rate program for funding year 2003. | DA 11-59 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/6/11 | 2010 E-Rate Program and Broadband Usage Survey Release: WCB Releases Summary of 2010 E-Rate Program and Broadband Usage Survey. | DA 10-2414 Summary: Word | Acrobat News Release: Word | Acrobat |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/29/10 | Academia Bautista de Puerto Nuevo, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Academia Bautista de Puerto Nuevo, et al (7-15 Day Remand Global): In this order, we grant 29 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that reduce or deny funding from the schools and libraries universal service support program for various funding years because USAC found that the applicants failed to respond to USAC’s requests for additional information within the USAC-specified time frame. Consistent with the Commission’s Alpaugh Unified School District Order, and based on our review of the record, we find that complete rejection of these applications is not warranted, given that the applicants missed a USAC procedural deadline and did not violate a Commission rule. | DA 10-2425 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/29/10 | Al-Ishan Academy, South Ozone Park, NY, et al: In this order, we grant 50 appeals from petitioners seeking to reverse the decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), which found that technology plan rules for the E-rate program had been violated. | DA 10-2424 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/20/10 | Baker Hall School, Buffalo, NY, et al:In this order, we grant seven appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying funding from the schools and libraries universal service support program (also known as the E-rate program) for various funding years on the grounds that petitioners sought cancellation of their funding requests. | DA 10-2370 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/16/10 | Ann Arbor Public Schools, Ann Arbor, MI, et al:In this order, we grant 38 appeals of decisions of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) from schools and libraries seeking to correct ministerial or clerical errors on their FCC Forms 470 and 471 and other related forms for funding under the E-rate program. | DA 10-2354 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/16/10 | Academy St. Benedict, et al: In this order, we grant 45 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that reduce or deny funding from the schools and libraries universal service support program (also known as the E-rate program) for various funding years because USAC found that the applicants failed to timely submit FCC Forms 486. | DA 10-2352 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/15/10 | Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance on E-rate Sixth Report and Order: Guidance on Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Program Sixth Report and Order Public Notice: On September 28, 2010, the Commission released the Sixth Report and Order. To provide further guidance to E-rate program participants, the Bureau provides effective dates for each of the adopted proposals in the Sixth Report and Order and a list of frequently asked questions regarding the rules adopted in the Sixth Report and Order. | DA 10-2356 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
12/15/10 | Wireline Competition Bureau Provides Guidance on E-rate Basic Maintenance and Gift Rules: The clarification order addresses questions received by the Bureau regarding the Commission’s ruling on the eligibility of basic maintenance and the newly codified E-rate program gift rules. | DA 10-2355 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/6/10 | Green Bay Area Public School District, Green Bay, WI: The Wireline Competition Bureau granted an appeal of a USAC decision filed by Green Bay Area Public School District after finding that Green Bay did not violate the Commission's competitive bidding requirements. | DA 10-2305 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/6/10 | Business Technologies, Inc., Greenville, SC: The Wireline Competition Bureau granted 8 appeals following the rationale of our 2007 Aiken Order. Permits 5 petitioners to remove ineligible services from their applications and receive funding for at least their eligible P1 services, and 3 other petitioners to separate priority 1 and 2 services, so that they can receive funding for the P1 services. | DA 10-2304 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/6/10 | Explore Knowledge Academy Charter School, Las Vegas, NV: The Wireline Competition Bureau granted three requests for review of USAC decisions that reduced each applicant’s discounts for funding years 2005 and 2006. Specifically, USAC reduced the applicants’ funding on the ground that the applicants’ requested discount levels were not supported by sufficient documentation. Consistent with precedent, this order directs USAC to provide applicants with a limited 15-day opportunity to file additional documentation to support their requested discount levels. | DA 10-2301 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/6/10 | Davidson County School, Lexington, NC: The Wireline Competition Bureau denied a petition for reconsideration on the grounds that it was filed late with the Commission. | DA 10-2300 Order: Word | Acrobat |
12/6/10 | Achieve Telecom Network, Canton, MA: The Wireline Competition Bureau granted an appeal filed by Achieve Telecom on behalf of Somerville School District in Somerville, Massachusetts. Based on precedent in the Albert Lea Order, we find that Somerville did not violate the program's competitive bidding rules by failing to note on the FCC Form 470 that it was seeking a multiyear contract with voluntary contract extensions. | DA 10-2299 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/23/10 | Fund for Learning Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on petition for clarification regarding the definition of "consultant" and confidentiality of consultant information required by FCC FORMS 470 AND 471. | DA 10-2234 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
11/23/10 | California Waiver Petition Order: In this order, The Wireline Competition Bureau granted a waiver to the California State Department of Technology Services relating to a clerical error on the FCC Form 470. | DA 10-2217 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/23/10 | Associated Marine Institutes, Tampa, FL: In this order, The Wireline Competition Bureau granted 26 appeals that sought extension of the deadline for delivery of non-recurring services under the E-rate program. | DA 10-2216 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/23/10 | Argos Public Library, Argos, Indiana, et al: In this order, The Wireline Competition Bureau released an order resolving 52 appeals from E-rate applicants that missed the FCC Form 471 filing window deadline. | DA 10-2215 Order: Word | Acrobat |
11/19/10 | Forms 470 and 471 Revisions: The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announces that revised FCC Forms 470 and 471 and their accompanying instructions have been approved for use by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). | DA 10-2218 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
11/8/10 | E-Rate Deployed Ubiquitously 2011 Pilot Program: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the application date for the E-rate deployed ubiquitously 2011 pilot program. | DA 10-2128 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
10/28/10 | Cornerstones of Care, et al, Kansas City, MI: In this order, we address 10 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying requests for funding under the E-rate program (more formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program) on the ground that the consortia leaders did not provide sufficient evidence of their authority to represent the consortium members. | DA 10-2071 Order: Word | Acrobat Erratum(11/4/10): Word | Acrobat |
10/18/10 | Abbeville County School Distric, Abbeville, SC: In this order, the Bureau grants three requests from petitioners seeking to transfer funding commitments granted under the E-rate program. USAC denied petitioners’ requests to transfer E-rate funding commitments from schools that had been closed to other schools within the district. USAC found that the asset transfers did not fit into either category of transfers specifically permitted under the Commission’s rules. We find that these transfers are permitted under the E-rate program rules. | DA 10-1997 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/15/10 | Integrity Communications, LTD Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on Integrity Communications, Inc. application for review of the Bureau's Integrity Order on Reconsideration in which the Bureau denied Integrity’s request for review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company under the Commission’s schools and libraries universal service support program. | DA 10-1990 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
9/28/10 | Schools and Libraries Sixth Report and Order (Broadband). In this order, the Commission upgrades and modernizes the E-rate program to bring fast, affordable Internet access to schools and libraries across the country, and eliminates rules that no longer serve their intended purpose. Specifically, the Commission adopts a number of the proposals put forward in the E-rate Broadband NPRM. These revisions fall into three conceptual categories: (1) enabling schools and libraries to better serve students, teachers, librarians, and their communities by providing more flexibility to select and make available the most cost-effective broadband and other communications services; (2) simplifying and streamlining the E-rate application process; and (3) improving safeguards against waste, fraud, and abuse. | FCC 10-175 News Release (9/23/10): Word | Acrobat Erratum(11/8/10): Word | Acrobat Order: Acrobat Genachowski Statement: Word | Acrobat Copps Statement: Word | Acrobat McDowell Statement: Word | Acrobat Clyburn Statement: Word | Acrobat Baker Statement: Word | Acrobat |
8/11/10 | Progressive Communications, Inc., Eastman, GA: In this order the WCB granted an appeal of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company concerning applications for discounted services under the E-rate program for funding year 2008. | DA 10-1470 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/6/10 | Beth Rivka School, Brooklyn, NY, et al: In this order the WCB denies requests by five applicants to substantively amend their applications many months after the filing deadline. Chicago Public Schools, Buffalo City School District, and Edison Schools Consortium sought to modify their FCC Form 471 applications to raise their discount levels so that they would be eligible to receive priority 2 funding. Beth Rivka School and Dale County School District sought to revise their applications to include additional services. | DA 10-1447 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/8/10 | Academy of Math and Science, Tucson, AZ, et al.: The Commission addresses 257 requests from petitioners seeking waivers of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline for various funding years under the E-rate program. The Commission grants 97 requests and 2 requests in part because the petitioners either timely filed their FCC Forms 471 or the petitioners have demonstrated that special circumstances exist justifying a waiver of the filing deadline. The Commission denies 158 requests and 2 requests in part because the petitioners failed to present special circumstances justifying a waiver of the filing deadline. | FCC 10-122 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/7/10 | Data Research Corporation: In this order, the Bureau grants a petition filed by Data Research Corporation (DRC) requesting that the Commission direct USAC to process certain funding requests under the E-rate program for funding year 2001 and grants DRC’s request to withdraw its petition for reconsideration of a Commission order. | DA 10-1265 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/1/10 | E-Rate Bidding Process: Sought comment on proposed revisions to two E-rate program forms (FCC Forms 470 and 471). | DA 10-1248 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat Form 470: Word | Acrobat Instructions: Word | Acrobat Form 471: Word | Acrobat Instructions: Word | Acrobat |
7/1/10 | Integrity Communications,Ltd., Corpus Christi, TX: Denied Integrity's petition for reconsideration of a Bureau order (DA 09-1946, rel. Aug. 28, 2009) that upheld USAC's audit finding that Integrity violated E-rate rules. | DA 10-1244 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/1/10 | Carryover of Unused Schools and Libraries Universal Service Funds for Funding Yr 2010: Announced that, pursuant to section 54.507(a)(2) of the Commission’s rules, $900 million in unused funds will be carried forward from Funding Years 2002 and 2005 through 2008 to increase the disbursements to schools and libraries in Funding Year 2010. | DA 10-1243 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
6/9/10 | Comment Deadlines for the E-rate Broadband NPRM, the E-Rate ESL NPRM, and the Draft FY 2011 ESL: Comments are due by July 9, 2010 and reply comments are due by July 26, 2010, for the E-rate Broadband NPRM released by the Commission on May 20, 2010, and the ESL Order and FNPRM released by the Commission on December 2, 2009. WCB is also seeking comment on the draft Eligible Services List (ESL) proposed by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) for E-rate funding year 2011. | DA 10-1045 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
6/4/10 | The Bronx Charter School for Better Learning, Bronx, NY: In this order, WCB grants a request for review of a USAC decision that reduced funding on the ground that Bronx Charter’s documentation did not support the requested discount level. WCB finds that the school's assessment was correct and that USAC should have used a different method to calculate the discount level. WCB therefore remands the application to USAC for further action consistent with this order. | DA 10-1018 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/4/10 | Illinois State Board of Education, Chicago, IL: In this order, WCB grants a request for review of a USAC decision that denied funding on the ground that Illinois BOE's services were obtained pursuant to a tariff which was not covered by a valid FCC Form 470, rather than the applicant's state master contract. WCB finds that the Illinois BOE was exercising a voluntary renewal option in its state master contract and, therefore, was operating under a valid contract. WCB therefore remands the application to USAC for further action consistent with this order. | DA 10-1019 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/2/10 | EFT Public Notice: In this public notice, to facilitate the processing of the electronic funds transfer (EFT) announced by the Bureau in September 2009, the Bureau establishes the effective date of August 31, 2010 for the electronic disbursement requirement. After August 31, 2010, if a recipient of universal service support payments fails to provide the required financial institution information on its FCC Form 498 to enable payment by EFT, USAC will not make universal service support payments to that entity until the entity provides the required information. | DA 10-270 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
6/2/10 | Alton Community Unit School District 11, Alton, IL et al: In this order, the Bureau addresses issues related to the USAC E-rate invoicing process and clarifies that an electronic funds transfer mechanism to distribute universal service support payments invoiced by service providers does not conflict with the Commission's directive that service providers must remit the E-rate discount amount to the applicant "prior to tendering or making use of the payment from the Administrator." | DA 10-999 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/26/10 | Agra Public School I-134, Agra, OK: In this order, WCB denies 104 appeals of decisions by USAC under the Universal Service E-rate program. WCB finds that the petitioners failed to submit their appeals to either the Commission or to USAC within 60 days as required by the Commission’s rules. Additionally, the petitioners did not show special circumstances necessary for the Commission to waive the 60-day deadline for filing an appeal. | DA 10-929 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/20/10 | E-Rate Broadband Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) initiates one in a series of rulemaking proceedings to implement the National Broadband Plan’s vision of improving and modernizing the universal service programs. Specifically, this NPRM represents the first step toward upgrading the use of broadband by students and our communities through the E-rate program to create more opportunities for educational advances, economic growth, government delivery of services, and civic engagement. This NPRM seeks comment on a package of potential reforms to the E-rate program that could be implemented in funding year 2011 (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012). The reforms proposed in this NPRM fall into three conceptual categories: streamlining the E-rate application process, providing greater flexibility to choose the most cost-effective and educationally useful broadband services, and expanding the reach of broadband to the classroom. | FCC 10-83 NPRM: Word | Acrobat |
5/20/10 | Idaho Falls School District 91, Idaho Falls, ID: In this order, WCB grants a request for review of a USAC decision to deny a request by Idaho Falls to change its service provider. Specifically, the Bureau grants a waiver of the Commission’s competitive bidding rules and permits USAC to allow Idaho Falls to change its service provider. WCB finds that Idaho Falls’ leased WAN service should have been categorized as Internet access rather than telecommunications by USAC. Idaho Falls’ failure to seek bids for this service as Internet access was arguably a violation of the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements because of the possibility that its FCC Form 470 did not describe its desired service sufficiently to enable potential service providers to submit bids. WCB finds, however, that the facts in this case rise to the level of the “special circumstances” necessary for a waiver of the Commission’s rules. | DA 10-888 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/20/10 | Expanets of North America, Englewood, CA: In this order, WCB grants a request for review of a USAC decision that rescinded E-rate funds committed to the Rock Point Community School because the service was not installed by the September 30 annual deadline. We find that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver of the Commission’s rules because the service provider, Expanets of North America, was at most only a month late in installing its services and such a short delay in service implementation does not warrant the complete rejection of funding. | DA 10-887 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/20/10 | Harvest Preparatory School, Yuma, AZ: In this order, WCB grants a request for waiver filed by the Harvest Preparatory School (Harvest) of the deadline for seeking an extension of the services delivery implementation deadline from USAC under the E-rate program. We find that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver of USAC’s deadline for the five funding requests at issue – funding request numbers 1348538, 1349281, 1349304, 1349341, and 1349381 – as part of FCC Form 471 application number 486149 for funding year 2005. | DA 10-886 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/20/10 | Children of Peace School, Chicago, IL, et al: In this order, WCB grants 25 appeals of USAC decisions that reduce or deny E-rate funding for various funding years because USAC found that the applicants failed to timely submit FCC Forms 486. As the Bureau found in Alaska Gateway School District and Alcona County Library, we find that complete rejection of these applications is not warranted, given that the applicants missed a USAC procedural deadline and did not violate a Commission rule. Therefore, we remand the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with this order. | DA 10-885 Order: Word | Acrobat |
5/13/10 | FY 2010 E-Rate PIA Procedures Approval Letter: In this letter, WCB approves USAC's program integrity assurance (PIA) procedures for E-rate. | DA 10-839 Letter: Word | Acrobat |
4/14/10 | Lowest Corresponding Price Public Notice: WCB seeks comment on petition filed by the United States Telecom Association and CTIA – The Wireless Association for declaratory ruling to clarify several issues involving one element of the E-rate program, formally known as the schools and libraries universal service support program. Petitioners seek clarification of the scope and meaning of the Commission’s “lowest corresponding price” rule. The rule mandates that service providers cannot charge schools, school districts, libraries, library consortia, or consortia including any of these entities a price above the lowest corresponding price for supported services, unless the Commission, with respect to interstate services or the state commission with respect to intrastate services, finds that the lowest corresponding price is not compensatory. | DA 10-627 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
3/9/10 | E-rate Community Use Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Public Notice: On February 19, 2010, the FCC released an order and notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) enabling schools that receive funding from the E-rate program to allow members of the general public to use the schools’ Internet access during non-operating hours through funding year 2010 and seeking comment on revising its rules to make this change permanent. The FCC set the comment and reply comment deadline for the NPRM as 30 and 45 days, respectively, after publication of the summary of the NPRM in the Federal Register. On March 5, 2010, a summary of the NPRM appeared in the Federal Register. Accordingly, comments will be due on April 5, 2010, and reply comments will be due on April 19, 2010. | DA 10-396 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
2/19/10 | E-rate Community Use Order: In this order, the Commission waives, on its own motion, through funding year 2010 (which ends June 30, 2011), rules that currently discourage public use of resources funded by E-rate. In the notice of proposed rulemaking, the Commission seeks comment on revising its rules to make the change permanent. This change will leverage universal service funding to serve a larger population at no increased cost to the E-rate program. The general public will be able to use the Internet access already present in schools, at the schools’ discretion, for purposes such as job searches and applications, digital literacy programs, and online access to governmental services and resources. | FCC 10-33 Order: Word | Acrobat |
2/16/10 | Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Extension Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau extends the deadline to file comments on modifying the E-rate rules to comply with the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act to February 25, 2010 and extends the deadline for filing reply comments to March 12, 2010. | DA 10-248 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
2/2/10 | State of Louisiana Department of Education, et. al: The Commission addresses requests for waivers of its rules filed by the State of Louisiana Department of Education, the Recovery School District, and the New Orleans Public Schools, under the E-rate program, generally seeking to make changes to their applications for funding years 2004, 2007, 2008, and 2009. The requested changes are not ministerial or clerical errors, pursuant to the Commission’s Bishop Perry Order, and thus require Commission action. | FCC 10-27 Order: Word | Acrobat |
1/20/10 | Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Public Notice: On November 5, 2009, the Commission released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on revising rules regarding the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism, also known as the E-rate program, to comply with the requirements of the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act. Among other things, section 215 of the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act, titled Promoting Online Safety in Schools, revised section 254(h)(5)(B) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, by adding a new certification requirement for elementary and secondary schools that have computers with Internet access and receive discounts under the E-rate program. The Commission also proposed to revise related Commission rules to reflect existing statutory language more accurately. Interested parties may file comments on or before February 18, 2010, and reply comments on or before March 5, 2010. | DA 10-102 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
1/13/10 | Clarification Regarding Comment Cycle for Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking On E-rate Eligible Services List: In this PN, WCB clarifies that EDOCS had erroneously set comment dates for the E-rate Eligible Services List FNPRM. The comment cycle will not be set until after the Federal Register publication, which has not yet happened. As soon as a summary of the further notice is published in the Federal Register, WCB will release a public notice with the correct comment deadlines. We will consider all comments that already have been filed in response to the FNPRM and note that commenters may refile or supplement comments already filed. | DA 10-65 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/2/09 | E-rate Funding Year 2010 Eligible Services List and Seeks Further Comment on Eligible Services: The report and order releases the Funding Year 2010 E-rate Eligible Service List, concluding that interconnected VoIP service is eligible and should continue to receive E-rate program funding. Additionally, the report and order clarifies the E-rate program eligibility of text messaging, video on-demand servers, ethernet, web hosting, wireless LAN controllers, VoIP-related services and requirements, and virtualization software. The report and order also clarifies that telephone broadcast messaging, unbundled warranties, power distribution units, softphones, interactive white boards and e-mail archiving are ineligible for universal service funding. The further notice of proposed rulemaking (FNPRM) tentatively concludes that firewall services, anti-virus/anti-spam software, scheduling services, web hosting, and wireless Internet access applications should not be eligible for E-rate funding. It also seeks comment on the tentative conclusion that eligible products and services should be listed in the ESL as opposed to being individually listed in the rules, and that USAC should be required to submit any proposed changes to the ESL to the Commission by March 30 of each year, instead of June 30, as currently required. The FNPRM also seeks comment on eliminating the requirement that the ESL be released by public notice. Comments are due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register and reply comments are due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register. | FCC 09-105 Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Word | Acrobat Eligible Services List: Word | Acrobat |
11/5/09 | Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: This notice of proposed rulemaking proposes revising the Commission’s rules for the E-rate program to comply with the requirements of the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act. The Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act added a new certification requirement for elementary and secondary schools that have computers with Internet access and receive discounts under the E-rate program. The notice of proposed rulemaking also proposes to revise related Commission rules to reflect existing statutory language more accurately. Comments are due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register and reply comments are due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register. | FCC 09-96 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Word | Acrobat |
11/3/09 | Education, Erate and Broadband Issues Public Notice: Comment Sought on Broadband Needs in Education, Including Changes to E-rate Program to Improve Broadband Deployment. Comments are due November 20, 2009 and reply comments are due December 11, 2009. | DA 09-2376 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat |
10/21/09 | Lazo Technologies, Inc.: Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) seeks comment on a petition filed by Lazo Technologies for reconsideration of a WCB E-rate order (DA 09-1797). | DA 09-2250 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/21/09 | Integrity Communications, LTD.: Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) seeks comment on a petition filed by Integrity Communications for reconsideration of a WCB E-rate order (DA 09-1946). | DA 09-2249 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Iosco Regional Educational Service Agency, Tawas City, MI: The Division denies appeals of decisions by USAC by an applicant failing to pay the full non-discounted portion of the services received from its service provider and allowing its chosen service provider to act as a consultant during the competitive bidding process, both in violation of Commission rules. | DA 09-2248 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Hancock County School District, New Cumberland, WV, et al.: The Division denies 7 appeals of USAC decisions denying E-rate funding on the grounds that the applicants sought discounts on telecommunications from non-eligible telecommunications carriers, in violation of Commission rules. | DA 09-2247 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Hemet Unified School District, Hemet, CA: The Division grants an appeal of a USAC decision to deny a request for E-rate funding based on a late-filed request for an extension of the deadline for implementation of services. | DA 09-2246 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Exigent Technologies, Parsippany, NJ: The Division denies an appeal of a USAC decision to seek recovery of E-rate funds. Exigent admitted to multiple violations of the rules, including improper service provider involvement in the competitive bidding process and failure to require applicants to pay the non-discounted portion of the price of services and equipment. | DA 09-2245 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Eagle Hill School, Hardwick, MA, et al.: The Division denies 3 appeals of USAC decisions denying E-rate funding on the grounds that the applicants requested support for dormitory or residence rooms and for pre-K programs, neither of which was eligible for support. | DA 09-2244 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Clark County School District, Las Vegas, NV, et al.: The Division denies 3 appeals of USAC decisions denying E-rate funding for funding years 2004-2008 on the grounds that the applicants requested ineligible services. Specifically, the applicants sought funding for dark fiber service after funding year 2003, when dark fiber was no longer eligible for support. | DA 09-2243 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Amy Biehl Charter High School, Albuquerque, NM, and Weld Library District, Greely, CO: The Division denies 2 requests for waiver of certain E-rate competitive bidding rules. The Division denies one request for waiver of the rule requiring the filing of an FCC Form 470 prior to entering into an agreement for services and another request for waiver of all E-rate filing deadlines. | DA 09-2242 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Keyport School District, Keyport, NJ: The Division grants an appeal of a USAC decision to deny a request for E-rate funding based on USAC’s assessment that the applicant violated the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 09-2241 Order: Word | Acrobat |
10/20/09 | Hazelwood School District, Florissant, MO: The Division grants an appeal of a USAC decision to modify a request for E-rate funding based on USAC’s assessment that the services requested did not qualify as eligible services. | DA 09-2240 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/28/09 | Integrity Communications, Ltd. Corpus Christi, TX: In this order, the Bureau denies the request for review of Integrity Communications, Ltd. (Integrity), finding that USAC acted consistent with its policies in requiring Integrity to file a compliance plan and suspending funding. | DA 09-1946 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/17/09 | Howe Independent School District 67, Howe, Oklahoma: Telecommunications Access Policy Division denies an appeal of a USAC decision that rescinded E-rate funding already committed to the Howe Independent School District 67 (Howe ISD) for discounted services for funding year 2004. The order finds that Howe ISD requested ineligible services and directs USAC to continue its commitment adjustment recovery actions regarding this matter. | DA 09-1822 Order: Word | Acrobat |
8/12/09 | Lazo Technologies, Inc., et al.: The Wireline Competition Bureau denies a request for review filed by Lazo Technologies, Inc., Hill Professional Services, and Advanced Technology Solutions South (collectively, petitioners) of a decision by USAC denying payment for work performed by the petitioners for the Dallas Independent School District under the E-rate program after concluding that the underlying contract for E-rate services violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements and program rules. The Bureau affirms USAC’s decision and finds that USAC properly denied the petitioners’ request for payments. | DA 09-1797 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/31/09 | Carryover of Unused Federal Universal Funds For Funding Year 2009: In this order, the Bureau announces that $900 million in prior unused E-rate funds will be carried forward to increase disbursements to schools and libraries in Funding Year 2009. | DA 09-1734 Order: Word | Acrobat |
7/21/09 | Minford Local Schools, Minford, OH: In this order, we grant the request for waiver of Minford Local Schools (Minford) of the FCC Form 471 application filing window deadline for funding year 2008 under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism, also known as the E-rate program. | DA 09-1567 Order: Word | Acrobat |
6/2/09 | WCB Seeks Comment on Proposed Funding Year 2010 E-rate Eligible Services List. | DA 09-1233 Public Notice: Word |Acrobat |
5/12/09 | Judy Green: The Commission debar Judy Green from all activities associated with the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. | FCC 09-37 Notice of Debarment: Word | Acrobat |
4/14/09 | Albert Lea Area Schools, Albert Lea, Minnesota, et al.: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants 39 appeals and denies 31 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company denying requests for funding under the schools and libraries universal service mechanism for funding years 1999 through 2008 due to the applicant's failure to comply with the Commission's 28-day competitive bidding requirement. | DA 09-825 Order: Word | Acrobat |
4/2/09 | Schools and Libraries, Letter Approving Funding Year 2009 PIA Procedures: In this letter, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) notifies the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that the Bureau has approved the Schools and Libraries Funding Year 2009 Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review procedures. | DA 09-762 Letter: Word | Acrobat |
1/16/09 | Schools and Libraries Program, "Table C" recovery issues: Responded to the outstanding policy issues regarding recovery of funds in the schools and libraries universal service program, also known as the E-rate program, on which USAC has sought formal guidance from the Commission. | DA 09-86 Letter: Word | Acrobat |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
11/21/08 | Funding Year 2009 Eligible Services List for Schools and Libraries Universal Service Mechanism: By this public notice, the Commission releases the funding year 2009 Eligible Services List (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (commonly known as E-rate) pursuant to section 54.522 of the Commission's rules. | FCC-08-265 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat Eligible Services List Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Acorn Public Library District, Oak Forest, Illinois, et al.: In this order, consistent with the Commission’s Bishop Perry Order and the Bureau’s Academy of Academic Excellence Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants 78 appeals of decisions by USAC denying their funding requests because the applicants failed to file their FCC Forms 471 before the filing window deadline. | DA 08-2376 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Adams County Public Library, West Union, Ohio, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division), grants 7 appeals filed by petitioners seeking review of USAC decisions reclassifying their services from Priority One services (telecommunications services or Internet access) to Priority Two services (internal connections and basic maintenance of internal connections) for funding years 2000-2005. The Division finds that the petitioners correctly classified their requested services as Priority One services and remands the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with this order. | DA 08-2377 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Addison Northeast Supervisory Union, Bristol, Vermont, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 8 appeals of decisions of USAC denying E-rate funding for funding years 1999, 2005, and 2006. The applicants were denied funding because USAC found that they sought telecommunications service from providers that were not “telecommunications carriers.” The petitioners state, however, that their providers were telecommunications carriers, but that they had inadvertently entered the wrong SPINs on their applications. The Division finds that the issue raised here was recently addressed by the Bureau in the Brewster Academy Order and remands the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with the Brewster Academy Order. | DA 08-2378 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Alcona County Library, Harrisville, Michigan, et al.: In this order, consistent with the Bureau’s Alaska Gateway School District Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants 34 appeals of USAC decisions to reduce or deny funding from the E-rate program for funding years 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, and 2006, because USAC found that the applicants failed to timely submit their FCC Forms 486. | DA 08-2379 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Approach Learning and Assessment Centers, Santa Ana, California, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 12 appeals of USAC decisions concerning applications for discounts under the E-rate program. The Division reverses USAC’s findings that the underlying applications violated the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 08-2380 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Archer Public Library, Archer City, Texas, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 13 appeals of USAC decisions denying funding to the petitioners due to certain clerical or ministerial errors in completing their FCC Forms 471 or the associated Item 21 attachments under the E-rate program. The Division finds that the issues raised here are similar to those addressed by the Commission in the Bishop Perry Order. To the extent necessary, the Division waives section 54.504(c) of its rules to allow the petitioners to amend their original applications and associated Item 21 attachments submitted to USAC. | DA 08-2381 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Barberton City School District, Barberton, Ohio, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 18 requests by schools and libraries for review of USAC decisions denying applications or rescinding funding for discounted services for funding years 2005 and 2006 on the grounds that they violated the Commission’s requirement that a legally binding agreement be in place when their FCC Form 471 application was submitted. The Division finds that the issues raised in 3 appeals were recently addressed by the Commission in the Adams County Order. The Division further finds that the appeals of 11 petitioners should be granted on the merits and remands the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with this order. | DA 08-2382 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Bay Shore Union Free School District, Bay Shore, New York, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) 18 requests for review of USAC decisions denying petitioners funding during funding years 2001-2006 on the grounds that their service providers were not registered as telecommunications carriers at the time they filed their applications, or because the service provider identification numbers (SPINs) of the service providers seeking payment did not match the SPINs in the petitioners’ funding requests. The Division finds that USAC’s denials may have been based on inadvertent errors or misunderstandings that, if corrected, would have made the petitioners eligible for funding under the E-rate program. | DA 08-2383 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Broaddus Independent School District, Broaddus, Texas, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 4 appeals of USAC decisions denying applications for discounted services under the E-rate program during funding years 2000-2003 after changing the service category of the applicants’ funding requests, because their service providers were not telecommunications carriers, as required by program rules. The Division finds that if the petitioners had been given the opportunity to explain the reason for their service category selection, USAC may not have reclassified their funding requests and their requests for discounts may have been funded. | DA 08-2384 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Canon-McMillan School District, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 20 appeals of USAC decisions denying funding because the applicants’ invoice forms were untimely filed or not received by USAC. The Division directs USAC to process the applicants’ invoice forms that were deemed untimely filed or not received by USAC. | DA 08-2385 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Chester Upland School District, Chester, Pennsylvania, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 4 appeals that were denied by USAC because the applicants failed to demonstrate that they met the necessary resources requirement for applications in funding years 2002, 2004, and 2006. Consistent with the Commission’s Academy of Excellence Order, the Division grants the petitioners an opportunity to demonstrate that they met the requirement. | DA 08-2386 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Colegio Nuestra Senora del Carmen, Hatillo, Puerto Rico, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 6 appeals of USAC decisions denying funding on the ground that the petitioners violated the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. USAC found that the petitioners failed to use price as the primary factor in their vendor selection processes or that the selected service providers improperly participated in the competitive bidding processes. The Division finds that the petitioners did not violate the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. | DA 08-2387 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Consorcio de Escuelas y Bibliotecas de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Brooklyn, New York: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 2 appeals filed by Consorcio de Escuelas y Bibliotecas de Puerto Rico (Consorcio) and its service provider, Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Inc. (HITN), of USAC decisions denying funding under the E-rate program for funding year 2001. USAC denied funding on the grounds that Consorcio improperly listed an employee of its service provider, HITN, as a contact person on its FCC Forms 470. The Division finds that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver of the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 08-2388 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | District of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, D.C.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 2 requests for review filed by Achieve Telecom Network of MA, LLC (Achieve Telecom) and E-Rate Elite Services, Inc. (E-Rate Elite) (collectively Petitioners) on behalf of the applicant, District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). Petitioners seek review of a USAC decision denying DCPS’s funding year 2005 applications for discounted services on the ground that the applicant failed to certify that E-rate Elite was authorized by DCPS to prepare the responses to USAC’s Selective Review Information Request (SRIR). The Division finds that, prior to USAC denying DCPS’s applications for funding under the E-rate program, USAC should have contacted DCPS and given it the opportunity to provide the SRIR certification and any necessary information to complete the review after failing to obtain the information from E-Rate Elite, the applicant’s consultant. | DA 08-2389 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Delano Joint Union High School District, Delano, California, and Cityroots, Inc., Bakersfield, California: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 2 appeals filed by Delano and Cityroots, one of Delano’s selected service providers, of USAC decisions seeking to recover funding already disbursed to Delano and its service providers on the ground that there was improper service provider involvement in the competitive bidding process. The Division finds that the record demonstrates that the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements were not violated and directs USAC to discontinue recovery actions against Delano and its service providers and, to the extent any funds have already been recovered from the parties, to refund the parties. | DA 08-2362 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Excellence Charter School of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York, et al.: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 21 appeals of applicants whose funding requests for funding years 2002 and 2004-2008 were denied by USAC after they missed a 7-day deadline for filing information USAC requested. The Division grants and remands the underlying applications consistent with the Commission’s Alpaugh Order. | DA 08-2363 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Grand Rapids Public Schools, Grand Rapids, Michigan: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants a request by Grand Rapids seeking review of a USAC decision that denied funding for discounted services on the ground that Grand Rapids’s funding year 2006 application violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. The Division finds that Grand Rapids should be allowed to correct the error on its FCC Form 471 that served as the basis for USAC’s denial of funding and remands the underlying application to USAC for further action. | DA 08-2364 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Harvey Public Library District, Harvey, Illinois: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants the request by Harvey appealing a USAC decision that denied funding for funding year 2002. The Division finds that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver of USAC’s procedures and remands the appeal to USAC to reinstate the funding commitment. | DA 08-2365 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Hillsboro Independent School District, Richmond, Texas: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants a request for review of a USAC decision denying funding to Hillsboro for funding year 2006 on the grounds that Hillsboro: (1) did not have valid contracts in place prior to filing its FCC Form 471; (2) requested telecommunications services from a service provider that was not a telecommunications carrier; and (3) failed to notify bidders that a request for proposal was issued. The Division finds that Hillsboro had valid contracts in place when it filed its FCC Form 471, and it properly posted and competitively bid for its Internet access service, consistent with the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. | DA 08-2366 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Inc., New York, New York: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants an appeal of a USAC decision seeking recovery of funding already disbursed to the Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network for discounted services provided to the applicant, Biblioteca Residencial Aguadilla (Aguadilla), under the E-rate program. The Division remands this appeal to USAC to give Aguadilla an additional opportunity to provide evidence that it did not violate the E-rate program rules in any of the three ways identified in the audit report relied upon by USAC. | DA 08-2367 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Liberal Unified School District, Liberal, Kansas: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants Liberal USD’s appeal of a USAC decision denying E-rate funding for its funding year 2003 application after finding that Liberal USD violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. The Division grants the appeal, finding that, based on the record, no competitive bidding violation occurred, and remands the matter to USAC for appropriate action. | DA 08-2368 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV, Grove City, Pennsylvania: In this letter, consistent with the Bureau’s Advanced Education Services Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants 2 appeals of USAC decisions, which denied E-rate applications on the ground that the consortium failed to submit letters of agency signed and dated prior to the certification of the consortium’s FCC Forms 471. | DA 08-2369 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | New Haven Free Public Library, New Haven, Connecticut: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants an appeal of a USAC decision rescinding funding disbursed to the New Haven for discounted services. USAC found that New Haven’s failure to produce requested invoice documentation during an internal audit warranted the recovery of the disbursed commitment. The Division finds good cause exists to grant and remand the appeal to USAC and directs USAC to suspend its recovery of the disbursed E-rate funding in accordance with the terms expressed herein and review its audit findings in light of the invoices presented. | DA 08-2370 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Radford City Schools, Radford, Virginia: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants Radford’s request for review of a USAC decision denying funding to Radford for funding year 2001 on the grounds that Radford did not submit its FCC Form 470 signed certification page prior to filing its FCC Form 471. Consistent with precedent, the Division waives the requirement that the FCC Form 470 be certified prior to the filing of FCC Form 471, finding that Radford made a procedural error in not submitting the certification. The Division also notes that the funding requests that were denied were part of a Virginia statewide master contract for which Virginia filed certified FCC Forms 470, either as existing contracts or when issuing requests for proposals for new services. | DA 08-2371 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Tekoa Academy of Accelerated Studies, Port Arthur, Texas: In this order, consistent with the Division’s Great Rivers Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants a waiver of the deadline for non-recurring services implementation. | DA 08-2372 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | Trenton City Schools, Brooklyn, New York: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants Trenton's appeal of a USAC decision reducing the funding sought by Trenton in funding year 2001 on the grounds that Trenton sought E-rate discounts for three entities ineligible for E-rate support. Based on the record, it appears that this matter can be resolved through further discussions between USAC staff and Trenton. The Division therefore directs USAC to contact Trenton to resolve the inconsistencies in the submitted information and review this matter in light of any additional information provided by Trenton. | DA 08-2373 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | United Talmudical Academy, Brooklyn, New York: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants United Talmudical Academy’s (UTA) appeal of a USAC decision seeking to recover funding already disbursed to UTA in funding year 1999 on the grounds that UTA did not pay the non-discounted portion of the E-rate services it purchased. Based on the record, it appears that this matter can be resolved through USAC’s review of additional documentation UTA provided to the Commission in its appeal, which it had not previously provided to USAC. The Division therefore directs USAC to review this matter in light of this additional information. | DA 08-2374 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/08 | West Branch-Rose City Area Schools, West Branch, Michigan: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (Division) grants an appeal filed by West Branch of a USAC decision denying West Branch’s request for reimbursement of the cost of services rendered under the E-rate program for funding year 2002. USAC denied West Branch’s request for reimbursement because the relevant invoice indicated that West Branch had paid service providers that were not listed on its funding commitment decision letter. Based on the record, it appears that this matter can be resolved through USAC’s review of the documentation West Branch provided to the Commission in its appeal. | DA 08-2375 Word | Acrobat |
9/17/08 | State Of Iowa: The Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition by the State of Iowa. Iowa seeks a waiver of the E-rate rules similar to the relief that was granted for Hurricane Katrina victims on behalf of victims of storms and floods in Iowa this past spring and early summer. Comments are due October 1, 2008, and reply comments are due October 8, 2008. | DA 08-2102 Word | Acrobat |
9/12/08 | Notice of Inquiry Regarding USF Administration and Oversight: In this Notice of Inquiry, the Commission seeks comment on ways to further strengthen management, administration, and oversight of the universal service fund (USF), how to define more clearly the goals of the USF, and to identify any additional quantifiable performance measures that may be necessary or desirable. Comments are due November 13, 2008, and reply comments are due December 15, 2008. | FCC-08-189 Word | Acrobat |
8/20/08 | Comment Cycle for Eligible Services List: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that the summary for the Eligible Services List NPRM has been published in the Federal Register. Comments are due September 18, 2008, and reply comments are due October 3, 2008. | DA 08-1930 Word | Acrobat |
8/14/08 | Inter-Tel, Inc. Reconsideration Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau grants a petition for reconsideration filed by Inter-Tel, Inc. (Inter-Tel), seeking partial reconsideration of the Approach Learning Order. In that order, the Bureau addressed several appeals of USAC decisions relating to alleged violations of the Commission's competitive bidding requirements under the E-rate program. On reconsideration, the Bureau finds that the relief extended in the Approach Learning Order applies to any work that Inter-Tel had not yet performed for funding request numbers 764333, 764346, 764341, 764340. | DA 08-1898 Word | Acrobat |
8/12/08 | Savannah R-III School District, Savannah, Missouri: In this order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants a request for review filed by Savannah R-III School District (Savannah) for E-rate Funding Years 2003, 2004 and 2005, finding that Savannah demonstrated that on-premise satellite equipment was properly classified as Internet access for purposes of E-rate funding. | DA 08-1890 Word | Acrobat |
7/31/08 | Funding Year 2009 Eligible Services List Public Notice: The Commission seeks comment on USAC's proposed E-rate eligible services list for funding year 2009. Comments are due August 14, 2008, and reply comments are due August 21, 2008. | FCC 08-180 Word | Acrobat |
7/31/08 | E-Rate Eligible Services Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: The Commission seeks comment on changes to the eligible services list for E-rate universal service support. Comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking will be due 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register, and reply comments will be due 45 days after publication in the Federal Register. | FCC 08-173 Word | Acrobat |
6/23/08 | E-rate Rollover Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces that $600 million in unused funds will be carried forward from Funding Years 2002, 2003, and 2004 to increase the disbursements to schools and libraries in Funding Year 2008 in excess of the annual cap. | DA 08-1470 Word | Acrobat |
6/13/08 | Arkansas Department of Information Systems (Arkansas DIS), Little Rock, Arkansas, et al.: The Telecommunications Access Policy Division grants two requests for review filed by Arkansas DIS, seeking review of decisions by USAC denying E-rate funding for Funding Years 2004 and 2005 for failure to timely submit FCC Forms 471, 486 or 472. | DA 08-1418 Word | Acrobat |
4/14/08 | Mineola Union Free School District, Mineola, New York: Wireline Competition Bureau directs USAC to allow Mineola to submit two funding requests and consider them with its FY 2008 application. In FY 2008, Mineola timely submitted a paper copy of its FCC Form 471 to USAC. Upon realizing that it had inadvertently failed to include two of its three funding requests as part of its FY 2008 application, Mineola asked USAC if it could submit the missing two pages, including the two funding requests, to be included with its application as submitted to USAC. Based on the information provided to us by USAC staff, we find that this was a clerical error that can be corrected, pursuant to Commission precedent. | DA 08-872 Word | Acrobat |
4/14/08 | SEND Technologies, L.L.C./Nexus Systems, Inc.: Bureau seeks comment on SEND’s petition for partial reconsideration of the Bureau’s Caldwell Parish Order, which, among other things, denied SEND’s Request for Review of a decision by USAC related to one applicant, Jackson Parish School District, denying it discounted services for Funding Years 2003 and 2004 under the E-rate program. | DA 08-859 Word | Acrobat |
4/10/08 | Schools and Libraries, Letter Approving Funding Year 2008 PIA Procedures: In this letter, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) notifies the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) that the Bureau has approved the Schools and Libraries Funding Year 2008 Program Integrity Assurance FCC Form 471 Review procedures. | DA 08-853 Word | Acrobat |
3/11/08 | Berrien County Intermediate School District, Berrien Springs, Michigan: In this letter, the Bureau directs USAC to review Berrien’s appeal in light of information provided to the Commission on appeal indicating that there was an inadvertent miscommunication regarding the amount of funding requested by Berrien. | DA 08-546 Word | Acrobat |
2/22/08 | Caldwell Parish School District, et al., Columbia, Louisiana: In this Order, the Bureau grants in part and denies in part two Requests for Review filed by SEND Techonologies, L.L.C./Nexus Systems, Inc. seeking review of decisions by USAC denying E-rate funding for Funding Years 2002-2004 for improper service provider involvement in the applicants’ competitive bidding processes. | DA 08-449 Word | Acrobat |
2/8/08 | Franklin-McKinley School District, San Jose, California: In this Order, consistent with the Commission's Adams County Order, the Bureau grants an appeal filed by Franklin-McKinley for review of a decision by USAC that rescinded funding already committed for Funding Year 2005 finding that Franklin-Mckinley had a legally binding Agreement with its service provider. | DA 08-319 Word | Acrobat |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/17/07 | Troup County School System, LaGrange, Georgia: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Troup County’s Motion to Dismiss Appeal and, accordingly, dismisses Troup County’s Request for Review. Released on December 17, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-5021) | DA 07-5021 Word | Acrobat |
12/12/07 | Advanced Education Services, et al.: In this Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (TAPD) granted 13 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying requests for funding under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism, also known as the E-rate program. TAPD directed USAC to complete its review of the applications and issue decisions based on a complete review and analysis no later than 90 calendar days from release of this Order. Released on December 12, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-4973) | DA 07-4973 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/07 | Joseph Jingoli & Son, Inc., et al.: In this Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division granted 13 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying funding from the E-rate program, on the grounds that Petitioners sought cancellation of their funding requests. Released on October 30, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-4471) | DA 07-4471 Word | Acrobat |
10/19/07 | Public Notice: Funding Year 2008 Eligible Services List: On October 19, 2007, the Commission released the Funding Year 2008 Eligible Services List (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism pursuant to section 54.522 of the Commission’s rules. CC Docket No. 02-6. | FCC 07-182 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat | Text Eligible Services List: Word | Acrobat | Text Erratum: Word | Acrobat | Text |
8/29/07 | USF Program Management Order: In this order, the Commission: (1) strengthens oversight of the USF contributions process by requiring timely filing of Telecommunications Reporting Worksheets (FCC Forms 499-A and 499-Q) and timely payment of USF contributions; (2) increases penalties that apply when contributors fail to file the FCC Form 499-A and 499-Q and make USF contributions on time; (3) adopts document retention requirements and administrative limitation periods for the high-cost, low income, and rural health care universal service programs; (4) adopts rules for recovery of improperly disbursed funds for the high-cost, low income, and rural health care universal service programs; (5) revises our debarment rules to include parties who are convicted of criminal violations or held civilly liable for acts arising out of the high-cost, low-income, and rural health care universal service programs; and (6) adopts performance measures for the universal service programs and for USAC. | FCC-07-150 Word | Acrobat |
8/16/07 | Public Notice: Extension of Katrina Relief Order: In the Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a request for a further waiver to extend relief provided in the Katrina Relief Order under the E-rate program for schools and libraries in Louisiana and Mississippi for Funding Year 2007. Comments are due on August 30, 2007 and reply comments are due on September 13, 2007. Released on August 16, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. | DA 07-3639 Word | Acrobat |
7/27/07 | Public Notice: The Commission today sought comment on USAC’s proposed schools and libraries program eligible services list (ESL) for Funding Year 2008. The changes that are being proposed for the Funding Year 2008 ESL include (1) treating Centrex service as basic telephone service for purposes of the schools and libraries program with the intention of eliminating the requirement that applicants file a technology plan for Centrex service; (2) clarifying that the basic conduit access to the Internet for the purpose of accessing distance learning and video conferencing is eligible for funding in the Internet access category but distance learning and video conferencing tools are not eligible for funding; and (3) clarifying that program participants are not required to provide cost allocation for calendaring functions ancillary to E-mail service. Comments are due Aug. 10, 2007 and reply comments are due Aug. 17, 2007. Released on July 27, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. | FCC 07-130 Word | Acrobat |
7/11/07 | Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau announces the availability of revised FCC Forms 472, 473, 474, 479, 486 and 500. The revised forms are posted on the web site of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) at Released on July 11, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. | DA 07-3105 Word | Acrobat |
6/20/07 | Long Beach Unified School District: In this Order, the Bureau finds that Long Beach Unified School District (Long Beach) complied with the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements in place at the time of its application. Specifically, the order finds that USAC improperly denied Long Beach’s funding request because it erroneously required Long Beach to give more weight to price in the competitive bidding process than to any other factor. Released on June 20, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. | DA 07-2695 Word | Acrobat |
6/20/07 | Hickory Public Schools: In this Order, the Bureau grants Hickory Public School’s Request for Review. Hickory Public Schools was unable to complete installation by the Commission’s deadline because neither Hickory Public Schools nor its service providers were made aware that Hickory Public School’s requests for funding were fulfilled. Since the Commission's rules expressly permit applicants to receive extensions of the implementation of non-recurring services deadline in cases where the “service provider is unable to complete implementation for reasons beyond the service provider's control,” we grant Hickory Public School’s appeal and remand it to USAC for appropriate action consistent with this Order. Released on June 20, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-2694) | DA 07-2694 Word | Acrobat |
6/11/07 | Public Notice: Pursuant to section 54.709(a)(3) of the Commission’s rules, on May 2, 2007, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) submitted projections of demand and administrative expenses for the Federal Universal Service Fund for the Third Quarter of 2007. According to USAC’s projections, $650 million in unused funds from Funding Years 2001 through 2004 is available to carry forward to increase disbursements to schools and libraries via the schools and libraries universal service mechanism. Section 54.507(a)(2) of the Commission’s rules states, in pertinent part, that "all funds that are collected and that are unused from prior years shall be available for use in the next full funding year of the schools and libraries mechanism in accordance with the public interest and notwithstanding the annual cap." Released on June 11, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-2470) | DA 07-2470 Word | Acrobat |
5/18/07 | Brewster Academy: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants 27 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). USAC denied funding on the grounds that the requests for telecommunications service were from service providers that do not provide telecommunications on a common carrier basis and therefore were not eligible for direct reimbursement from the E-Rate program. Because the Petitioners may have used incorrect Service Provider Information Numbers (SPINs), the order grants the Petitioners the opportunity to correct the SPINs. Released on May 18, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-2111) | DA 07-2111 Word | Acrobat |
5/18/07 | Public Notice: Comment Sought on the State E-Rate Coordinators Alliance Petition for Reconsideration of the Wireline Competition Bureau's Order Granting AT&T's Petition for Clarification of Section 54.514(a) of the Commission's Rules. Comment Date: 6/1/07. Reply Comment Date: 6/15/07. Released on May 18, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-2110) | DA 07-2110 Word | Acrobat |
5/8/07 | Macomb Intermediate School District Technology Consortium: In this Order, the Commission grants in part and denies in part Macomb Intermediate School District Technology Consortium’s (Macomb ISD) Request for Review. Macomb ISD requested the same type of Internet access (T-3 lines) from three separate service providers. The order finds that Macomb ISD violated the Commission’s competitive bidding rules by not selecting the bids that were the most cost-effective. We find, however, that Macomb ISD is entitled to E-rate program funding for the T-3 lines in an amount associated with the least expensive of the services, consistent with the Commission’s rules on competitive bidding. Released on May 8, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-64) | FCC 07-64 Word | Acrobat |
5/8/07 | Aberdeen School District: In this Order, the Bureau grants 62 appeals and denies one pertaining to applicants that were denied E-rate program funding on the grounds that they did not wait 28 days after their FCC Form 470s were posted on the USAC website before entering into an agreement with a service provider or submitting their FCC Form 471s for the requested services. Released on May 8, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-63) | FCC 07-63 Word | Acrobat |
5/8/07 | Bootheel Consortium, et al.: In this Order, the Commission grants 17 Requests for Review of decisions by USAC denying petitioners’ requests for funding under the E-rate program because more than 30 percent of the funding requests were for entities ineligible for E-Rate support. The Commission finds that 11 petitioners have provided sufficient evidence that the entities for which they sought discounted services were eligible for support and that four petitioners have provided sufficient evidence justifying further review by USAC. For the remaining two petitioners, the Commission holds that the Commission’s 30 percent rule is not applicable to the petitioners’ applications. Released on May 8, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-62) | FCC 07-62 Word | Acrobat |
5/8/07 | Aiken County Public Schools: In this Order, the Commission grants 59 appeals of decisions by USAC denying petitioners’ requests for funding under the E-rate program because applicants violated section 54.504(d) of the Commission’s rules, which requires USAC to deny a request for E-rate support if 30 percent or more of a request for discounts is for ineligible services. The Commission finds that 23 petitioners provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate that at least 70 percent of the requested services are eligible for support. For the remaining 36 petitioners, the Commission finds that good cause exists to justify, on our own motion, waivers of section 54.504(d). Released on May 8, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-61) | FCC 07-61 Word | Acrobat |
5/8/07 | Academy of Excellence, et al.: In this Order, the Commission grants 56 Requests for Review of decisions by USAC denying petitioners’ requests for funding under the E-rate program because the applicants failed to demonstrate access to the resources required to effectively use the requested eligible services or to pay their non-discounted share for the services. In this order, the Commission finds that the petitioners either provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate they had the resources to make effective use of the requested eligible services or they should have an additional opportunity to provide the documentation to USAC. Accordingly, the Commission grants the appeals and remands the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with the Order. Released on May 8, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-60) | FCC 07-60 Word | Acrobat |
4/25/07 | State E-rate Coordinators Alliance: The Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on a Petition by the State E-rate Coordinators Alliance for Clarification and/or Waiver of E-rate Rules Concerning Technology Plan Creation and Approval under the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism. Comment Date: 5/10/07. Reply Comment Date: 5/25/07. Released on April 25, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1846) | DA 07-1846 Word | Acrobat |
4/17/07 | Virginia State Department of Education: In this Order, we grant and remand a Petition for Reconsideration (Petition) filed by the Virginia State Department of Education (Virginia DOE), Richmond, Virginia, asking the Wireline Competition Bureau to reconsider its order denying Virginia DOE’s Request for Review of a decision issued by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). To ensure that Virginia DOE’s underlying application is resolved expeditiously, we direct USAC to initiate contact with both Virginia DOE and Autotote Communications (Autotote), its service provider, as described in this Order, and issue a decision based on a complete review and analysis no later than 90 calendar days from the release of this Order. Released on April 17, 2007. CC Docket No. 96-45 and CC Docket No. 97-21. (DA 07-1666) | DA 07-1666 Word | Acrobat |
3/28/07 | Brownsville Independent School District, et al.: In this Order, the Commission grants 32 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company reducing or denying funding under the E-rate program on the grounds that Petitioners' funding requests were not supported by an approved technology plan. Released on March 28, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-37) | FCC 07-37 Word | Acrobat |
3/28/07 | Alpaugh Unified School District, et al.: In this Order, the Commission grants 78 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) reducing or denying funding from the E-rate program on the grounds that applicants failed to respond to USAC’s requests for information within the USAC-specified time frame. Released on March 28, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-36) | FCC 07-36 Word | Acrobat |
3/28/07 | Adams County School District 14, et al.: In this Order, the Commission grants 72 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company reducing or denying funding on the grounds that the applicant did not have a legally binding agreement in place when it filed its FCC Form 471, that the applicant’s existing contract expired before the end of the funding year, or that the execution date of the contract did not accompany the signature lines of both the applicant and the service provider. Released on March 28, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 07-35) | FCC 07-35 Word | Acrobat |
3/23/07 | Approach Learning and Assessment Center: This order addresses 14 appeals of USAC decisions denying funding on the ground that the Petitioners violated the Commission's competitive bidding requirements. The Order denies one appeal because the record shows that the Petitioner’s competitive bidding process violated program rules, but grants and remands the remaining appeals to USAC for further action. Released on March 23, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1332) | DA 07-1332 Word | Acrobat |
3/19/07 | Sprint Corporation: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau denies the Petition for Waiver filed by Sprint Corporation (Sprint) seeking a waiver of the Commission’s rule requiring that private branch exchange and key systems be treated as “Priority Two” services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Sprint asks that the Commission treat such services as “Priority One” services for the duration of those contracts that were signed prior to December 1, 2003, because the Universal Service Administrative Company had treated these services as Priority One services prior to this date. Released on March 19, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1354) | DA 07-1354 Word | Acrobat |
3/13/07 | AT&T Corp.: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grant the petition of AT&T Corp. (AT&T) for clarification or, in the alternative, waiver of section 54.514(a) of the Commission’s rules, which states that service providers must allow the billed entity to choose the method of payment for the discounted services. Specifically, AT&T requests the Commission to clarify that AT&T’s on-line reimbursement process complies with section 54.514(a) of the Commission’s rules or, in the alternative, waive this rule as it applies to AT&T’s reimbursement process. As explained below, we find that AT&T’s on-line reimbursement process complies with the Commission’s rules. Released on March 13, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1272) | DA 07-1272 Word | Acrobat |
3/13/07 | Send Technologies, L.L.C.: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has under consideration two Requests for Review filed by Send Technologies L.L.C. (Send Technologies) relating to services provided by Send Technologies to Union Parish School Board, Farmerville, Louisiana (Union Parish). Send Technologies seeks review of decisions by USAC denying Send Technologies’ appeal of commitment adjustment recovery actions. Consistent with precedent, we deny the Requests for Review and direct USAC to continue the commitment adjustment recovery actions regarding this matter. To the extent that Send Technologies requests a waiver of the Commission’s rules, we deny that request as well. Released on March 13, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1270) | DA 07-1270 Word | Acrobat |
3/13/07 | Cass Lake-Bena Schools, ISD No. 115: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) deny four appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) reducing or denying funding from the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (also known as the E-rate program) for Funding Year 2001 on the grounds that they failed to timely submit an FCC Form 486. Under the E-rate program, eligible schools, libraries, and consortia that include eligible schools and libraries may apply for discounts for eligible telecommunications services, Internet access, and internal connections. After an applicant for discounted services under the E-rate program has entered into agreements for eligible services with one or more service providers, it must file an FCC Form 471 with USAC. The FCC Form 471 notifies USAC of the services that have been ordered and supplies an estimate of funds requested for eligible services. USAC then issues a funding commitment decision letter indicating the funding, if any, for which the applicant is approved to receive. After the funding year begins and the applicant begins receiving services at the discounted rate, the applicant submits an FCC Form 486 to USAC. The FCC Form 486 indicates that the service has begun, specifies the service start date and demonstrates that the applicant has received approval of its technology plans. The timely submission of FCC Form 486 ensures that disbursements for discounts on eligible services occur in a prompt and efficient manner. Released on March 13, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1238) | DA 07-1238 Word | Acrobat |
3/13/07 | Long Beach Unified School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) address three appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying requests for funding under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. The decisions at issue involve the denial of funding on the ground that the underlying applications violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. As discussed below, we find that the Petitioners complied with the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements in place at the time of their applications. We therefore grant the appeals and remand the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with this Order. To ensure that the underlying applications are resolved expeditiously, we direct USAC to complete its review of the applications and issue a decision based on a complete review and analysis no later than 90 days from release of this Order. Released on March 13, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1236) | DA 07-1236 Word | Acrobat |
3/9/07 | California Youth Authority, et al.: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) granted requests by California Youth Authority, Florence County School District 3, Lee County School District, and Moreno Valley Unified School District (collectively, Applicants) for an extension of the deadline for implementing non-recurring services under the E-rate program. The Bureau extended, until September 30, 2008, the deadline for Applicants to complete installation of non-recurring services for the funding years at issue in their Extension Requests. Released on March 9, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1187) | DA 07-1187 Word | Acrobat |
3/9/07 | Otsego Local School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) denied a Request for Waiver filed by the Otsego Local School District seeking a waiver of the designation of its district as “urban” under section 54.505(b)(3) of the Commission’s rules by USAC for purposes of calculating its discount level under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Released on March 9, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1185) | DA 07-1185 Word | Acrobat |
3/9/07 | Kress Independent School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) dismissed as moot a Request for Review filed by Kress Independent School District Kress, seeking a service provider identification number (SPIN) change and a service substitution. Upon review of the record, the Bureau found that USAC had previously approved Kress’s request. Released on March 9, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1184) | DA 07-1184 Word | Acrobat |
3/9/07 | Tri-River Educational Computer Association: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) granted a request for review filed by the Tri-River Educational Computer Association (TRECA) of a decision by USAC that denied TRECA funding from the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism because USAC determined that TRECA failed to provide evidence of its authority to represent its consortium members. Released on March 9, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1182) | DA 07-1182 Word | Acrobat |
3/9/07 | Academy for Academic Excellence: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants Requests for Waiver filed by 44 applicants seeking waiver of the FCC Form 471 filing window deadline for Funding Years 2004, 2005, 2006, or 2007 under the schools and libraries support mechanism. The Bureau remands the underlying applications to USAC for further action consistent with the Bishop Perry Order. Released on March 9, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1180) | DA 07-1180 Word | Acrobat |
3/9/07 | Kentucky Department of Education: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants the petition of the Kentucky Department of Education (Kentucky) seeking a waiver of section 54.504(c) of the Commission’s rules to enable Kentucky schools to use state master contracts to apply for universal service support under the schools and libraries support mechanism for Funding Year 2005 and future funding years. Released on March 9, 2007. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 07-1177) | DA 07-1177 Word | Acrobat |
Release Date | Description | FCC/DA# |
12/12/06 | Dallas Independent School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants a request for review by Dallas Independent School District (Dallas) of a decision by USAC denying an application for discounted services for Funding Year 2004 under the E-rate program. The Bureau finds that Dallas did not violate section 54.504(c) of the Commission’s rules, which states that an applicant for schools and libraries funding must have a legally binding agreement in place when it submits its FCC Form 471. Accordingly, the Bureau remands the appeal to USAC for action consistent with this Order. Released on December 12, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2500) | DA 06-2500 Word | Acrobat |
12/4/06 | Quinter Public Schools Unified School District No. 293: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants a Request for Review filed by Quinter Public Schools (Quinter) appealing a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying Quinter funding from the E-rate program because USAC determined that diagrams filed by Quinter showed that the service requested was internal connections and not on-premise telecommunications equipment. The Bureau grants Quinter’s request and remands the underlying application to USAC for action consistent with this Order. Released on December 4, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2459) | DA 06-2459 Word | Acrobat |
12/4/06 | Coahoma County School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants a Request for Review filed by Coahoma County School District (Coahoma) seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying Coahoma’s Funding Year 2004 E-rate application on the grounds that Coahoma failed to establish that it had the necessary resources required to make effective use of the requested discounts for eligible services. The Bureau grants the appeal to the extent described in the Order and remands the matter to USAC to take appropriate action consistent with this decision. Released on December 4, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2460) | DA 06-2460 Word | Acrobat |
12/4/06 | Friendship House: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants a request for review filed by Friendship House seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying E-rate funding on the ground that Friendship House violated the Commission's competitive bidding requirement by failing to use price as the primary factor in the vendor selection process. The Bureau grants the appeal finding that Friendship House complied with the Commission's competitive bidding requirements in place at the time of its application. Released on December 4, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2462) | DA 06-2462 Word | Acrobat |
12/4/06 | Great Rivers Education Cooperative: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants requests for review filed by Great Rivers and I-K Electric, its service provider. The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denied an invoice submitted by I-K Electric for service provided to Great Rivers because it was dated outside of the funding year. The Bureau finds that Great Rivers attempted to extend the deadline for submitting such invoice in good faith and grants Great Rivers' request for an extension so that I-K Electric may provide all the services authorized by the funding request. Released on December 4, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2458) | DA 06-2458 Word | Acrobat |
11/27/06 | E-rate Central: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition for clarification or waiver filed by E-Rate Central of the Commission's rules concerning the disposal of equipment purchased under the E-rate program. Released on November 27, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2371) | DA 06-2371 Word | Acrobat |
11/27/06 | State E-rate Coordinators' Alliance: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition for clarification or waiver filed by State E-Rate Coordinators' Alliance of the Commission's rules under the E-rate program as they apply to state replacement contracts. Released on November 27, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2369) | DA 06-2369 Word | Acrobat |
11/22/06 | Kan-ed, Kansas Board of Regents: In this Order, the Commission grants in part and denies in part a Request for Waiver filed by Kan-ed, Kansas Board of Regents (Kan-ed) appealing a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying Kan-ed funding from the E-rate program because USAC determined that Kan-ed failed to provide evidence of authority to represent its consortium members. The Commission remands the underlying application to USAC for action consistent with this Order. Released on November 22, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 06-170) | FCC 06-170 Word | Acrobat |
11/14/06 | Abington School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants a request by Abington School District (Abington) for review of a decision by USAC reducing Abington’s funding from the E-rate program because USAC determined that Abington did not have a technology plan in place for a requested service for FY 2002. The Bureau finds that Abington lacked sufficient notice that a technology plan was required for Off Premise Extension lines of a Private Branch Exchange service. The Bureau also finds that Abington demonstrated that rigid compliance with the application procedures does not further the purposes of section 254(h) or serve the public interest and that there is no evidence in the record that Abington engaged in activity intended to defraud or abuse the E-rate program. Accordingly, the Bureau waives the technology plan rules to the extent provided in the Order and remands the underlying application to USAC for further consideration consistent with the Order. Released on November 14, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2306) | DA 06-2306 Word | Acrobat |
11/2/06 | Paterson School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants an appeal of a decision by USAC that rescinded funding already committed to the Paterson School District (Paterson) for discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism for Funding Year 2004. Specifically, WCB finds that Paterson had a valid contract that covered Funding Year 2004, and thus reverses USAC's determination of this issue. WCB remands the appeal to USAC for action consistent with this Order, and, to ensure that it is resolved expeditiously, WCB directs USAC to reinstate the funding commitment no later than 60 days from release of this Order. Released on November 2, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2269) | DA 06-2269 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/06 | Minnesota River Valley Education District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Request for Review filed by the Minnesota River Valley Education District seeking review of a decision by USAC reclassifying Minnesota River's services from Priority One to Priority two services, effectively denying Minnesota River's funding request under the E-rate program because funding for Priority two services was more limited than for Priority One services during Funding Year 2003. Thus, the Bureau remands the application to USAC for further action consistent with this Order. Released on October 30, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2236) | DA 06-2236 Word | Acrobat |
10/30/06 | Benavides Independent School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the appeal of Benavides Independent School District of a decision by USAC that denied funding under the E-rate program because Benavides submitted invoices with billing dates after the close of Funding Year 2003. The Bureau finds that special circumstances exist to grant this appeal and remands the application to USAC for further action consistent with this Order. Released on October 30, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2235) | DA 06-2235 Word | Acrobat |
10/24/06 | Berrien County Intermediate School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants a Request for Waiver filed by Berrien County Intermediate School District (Berrien), seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company denying application for discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Released on October 24, 2006, CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-2108) | DA 06-2108 Word | Acrobat |
10/19/06 | Public Notice & List: Release of Funding Year 2007 Eligible Services List for Schools and Libraries Universal Service Mechanism. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 06-158) | FCC 06-158 Public Notice: Word | Acrobat List: Word | Acrobat |
9/21/06 | Academia Claret: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grant Requests for Review filed by Academia Claret, Puerto Rico, et al., seeking review of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company denying applications for discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Released on September 21, 2006, CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1907) | DA 06-1907 Word | Acrobat |
9/14/06 | Alaska Gateway School District, et al.: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants 128 appeals filed by Alaska Gateway School District, ok, et al. of decisions by USAC reducing or denying funding from the E-rate program on the grounds that they failed to submit an FCC Form 486 by the deadline established by USAC. In each case, we find that good cause exists to waive USAC's deadline for the FCC Form 486 filed with USAC, and we remand the underlying applications associated with these appeals to USAC for further action consistent with this Order. Released on September 14, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1871) | DA 06-1871 Word | Acrobat |
9/11/06 | Scott County School System: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau granted the Request for Review. We waive the FCC Form 486 filing deadline for Scott and remand its application to USAC for action consistent with this Order. We also direct USAC to complete its review of this application and issue an award or denial based on a complete review and analysis no later than 30 days from release of this Order. Released on September 11, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1806) | DA 06-1806 Word | Acrobat |
9/6/06 | Owensboro Public Schools: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau granted a request for waiver filed by Owensboro pertaining to a decision by USAC to reduce Owensboro's E-rate funding on the grounds that it failed to submit an FCC Form 486 by the deadline established by USAC. Released on September 06, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1770) | DA 06-1770 Word | Acrobat |
8/18/06 | Zapata County Independent School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the request for review of Zapata County Independent School District, Zapata, Texas of a decision by USAC denying funding from the E-rate program on the ground that Zapata County failed to respond to USAC's request for information within the USAC-specified time frame. Released on August 18, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1657) | DA 06-1657 Word | Acrobat |
8/18/06 | Douglas-Omaha Technology Commission: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants a request for waiver filed by Douglas-Omaha Technology Commission pertaining to a decision by USAC to reduce Douglas-Omaha's E-rate funding on the grounds that it failed to timely submit an FCC Form 486. Released on August 18, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1656) | DA 06-1656 Word | Acrobat |
8/18/06 | Gayville-Volin SchoolDistrict 63-1: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants a request for review filed by Gayville-Volin School District 63-1. Consistent with precedent, we find that Gayville-Volin had a valid contract even though the signature date did not accompany the signatures of the applicant and service provider. Released on August 18, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1655) | DA 06-1655 Word | Acrobat |
8/18/06 | School Administrative District 67 (Mattanawcook): In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the School Administrative District 67 (Mattanawcook) request for review of USAC's decision to reduce its E-rate funding, finding that the District satisfied the requirements in sections 54.504(b)(2)(iii) and 54.508(c) to develop and obtain approval of a technology plan for FY 2005. However, USAC reduced the District's E-rate funding because the District Provided USAC with a copy of the wrong technology plan. Released on August 18, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1653) | DA 06-1653 Word | Acrobat |
8/15/06 | Providence Public School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the request for review filed by Providence Public School District (Providence School) of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying Providence School discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. USAC found that the requested service sought by Providence School for Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections was not being used in accordance with the Commission's rules. Released on August 15, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1643) | DA 06-1643 Word | Acrobat |
8/15/06 | Academia Discipulos de Cristo, et al.: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau addresses 30 appeals filed by Academia Discipulos de Cristo, et al. of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company denying 159 requests for funding from 30 participants in the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. All of the decisions at issue involve the denial of funding on the ground that the underlying applications violated the Commission's competitive bidding requirements by failing to use price as the primary factor in the vendor selection process. The Bureau finds, in 29 instances, that the Petitioners complied with the Commission's competitive bidding requirements in place at the time of their applications. The Bureau denies one appeal because the Petitioner failed to demonstrate that price was a primary factor in its vendor selection process. Released on August 15, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1642) | DA 06-1642 Word | Acrobat |
8/2/06 | Hickory Public Schools District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) grants the request for review of Hickory Public Schools District (Hickory) of a decision by USAC denying funding from the E-rate program on the ground that Hickory failed to respond to USAC’s request for information within the USAC-specified time frame. The Bureau remands the underlying applications associated with this appeal to USAC for further action consistent with this Order. Released on August 2, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1575) | DA 06-1575 Word | Acrobat |
8/2/06 | Utica City School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants a Request for Waiver filed by the Utica City School District, Utica, New York (Utica City), seeking a waiver of the Funding Year 2006 FCC Form 471 filing window deadline for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Released on August 2, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1574) | DA 06-1574 Word | Acrobat |
7/25/06 | Wyoming Department of Education: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants two Requests for Review filed by the Wyoming Department of Education, seeking review of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company denying Wyoming's Funding Year 2004 and Funding Year 2005 applications for discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Released on July 25, 2006, CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1509) | DA 06-1509 Word | Acrobat |
7/21/06 | Public Notice: Pleading Cycle Established for Eligible Services List for Universal Service Mechanism for Schools and Libraries. Comment Date: August 4, 2006 and Reply Comment Date: August 14, 2006. Released on July 21, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC 06-109) | FCC 06-109 Word | Acrobat |
7/19/06 | Henkels & McCoy, Inc., Little Rock School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Request for Review filed by the service provider Henkels & McCoy, Inc. seeking review of a decision by the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administration. Released on July 19, 2006, CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1463) | DA 06-1463 Word | Acrobat |
7/19/06 | Jennings County Schools: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Request for Review filed by Jennings County Schools seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company denying Jennings County discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Released on July 19, 2006, CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1462). | DA 06-1462 Word | Acrobat |
6/16/06 | Hickory City School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Request for Review filed by Hickory City School District (Hickory City) seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying Hickory City discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (E-rate program). Released on June 16, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1287) | DA 06-1287 Word | Acrobat |
6/13/06 | Anson County School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Request for Review filed by Anson County School District (Anson County) seeking review of a decision by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) denying Anson County discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (E-rate program). Released on June 13, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1266) | DA 06-1266 Word | Acrobat |
6/13/06 | Richmond County School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants three appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) filed by Richmond County School District, Hamlet, North Carolina (Richmond County) denying Richmond County funding for discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Released on June 13, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1265) | DA 06-1265 Word | Acrobat |
5/26/06 | Cincinnati City School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants an appeal of a decision by USAC rescinding funding already committed to the Cincinnati City School District for discounted services under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Specifically, the Bureau waives section 54.504(c) of the Commission’s rules, which states that an applicant for schools and libraries funding must have a legally binding agreement in place when it submits its FCC Form 471. The Bureau also remands the appeal to USAC for action consistent with this Order, and, to ensure that it is resolved expeditiously, the Bureau directs USAC to reinstate the funding commitment no later than 60 days from release of this Order. Released on May 26, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1107) | DA 06-1107 Word | Acrobat |
5/26/06 | South Carolina Division of the Chief Information Officer: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the South Carolina Division of the Chief Information Officer’s (South Carolina CIO) appeal of a decision by USAC denying South Carolina CIO funding from the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism because USAC determined that South Carolina CIO failed to provide evidence of authority to represent its consortium members. The Bureau also remands the appeal to USAC for action consistent with this Order, and, to ensure that it is resolved expeditiously, we direct USAC to issue a decision no later than 60 days from release of this Order. Released on May 26, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-1106) | DA 06-1106 Word | Acrobat |
5/19/06 | Academy of Careers and Technologies: In this Order, the FCC grants 30 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company denying 134 requests for funding from 96 participants in the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism on the grounds that they violated the Commission’s competitive bidding rules. Released on May 19, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC-06-55) | FCC-06-55 Word | Acrobat |
5/19/06 | Bishop Perry Middle School: In this Order, the FCC grants 196 appeals of decisions by the Universal Service Administrative Company concerning the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism denying funding due to certain clerical or ministerial errors in the application, i.e., a failure to timely file an FCC Form 471, a failure to timely file a certification related to an FCC Form 470, or a failure to comply with minimum processing standards. Released on May 19, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (FCC-06-54) | FCC-06-54 Word | Acrobat |
4/3/06 | Illinois School for the Visually Impaired: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired's Request for Review and finds good cause to waive section 54.504 of the Commission's rules. Accordingly, the Bureau remands Illinois School's application to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company for further action consistent with this Order and directs USAC to reinstate the funding commitment no later than 30 days from the release of this Order. Released on April 3, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-785) | DA 06-785 Word | Acrobat |
2/28/06 | Greenfield Public School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Greenfield's Public School District's Request for Waiver of the deadlines for filing documentation in support of its FCC form 471 application and for filing an appeal with the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company or the Commission. Accordingly, the Bureau remands the underlying applications to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company for further action consistent with this Order. Released on February 28, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-487) | DA 06-487 Word | Acrobat |
2/28/06 | Pasadena Unified School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Pasadena Unified School District's Request for Review finding that a competitive bidding violation did not occur. Accordingly, the Bureau remands Pasadena's application to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company for further action consistent with this Order. Released on February 28, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-486) | DA 06-486 Word | Acrobat |
2/28/06 | Wyoming Department of Education: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Wyoming Department of Education's Request for Review finding that a competitive bidding violation did not occur. Accordingly, the Bureau remands Wyoming's application to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company for further action consistent with this Order. Released on February 28, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-485) | DA 06-485 Word | Acrobat |
2/28/06 | State of Wyoming Department of Administration and Information: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau denies the State of Wyoming Department of Administration and Information's Request for Review and waives, on its own motion, section 54.504(b) of the Commission's rules finding that a waiver is in the public interest and warranted by the special circumstances of applicants utilizing state master contracts in Wyoming. Accordingly, the Bureau remands Wyoming's application to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company for further action consistent with this Order. Released on February 28, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-484) | DA 06-484 Word | Acrobat |
2/3/06 | Bienville Parish School Board: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Petitioners’ Requests for Review and remands the relevant applications to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company for further action consistent with this Order. Released on February 3, 2006. CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-287) | DA 06-287 Word | Acrobat |
2/1/06 | RelComm, Inc.: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau granted requests to withdraw two appeal petitions filed by Relcomm, Inc. Released on February 1, 2006, CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-246) | DA 06-246 Word | Acrobat |
2/1/06 | Glendale Unified School District: In this Order, the Wireline Competition Bureau find that special circumstances exist to justify a waiver filed by Glendale Unified School District of the Commission's rules and remand the application associated with this appeal to USAC for further action consistent with this order. Released on February 1, 2006, CC Docket No. 02-6. (DA 06-244) | DA 06-244 Word | Acrobat |
Public Notice.: This Public Notice announcines the release of the eligibile services list for FY 2006. FCC 05-197, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat- Order.: In this order, Grants a request for waiver by Removable Media Solutions, Inc. (RMSI), a service provider filing on behalf of Shiprock Alternative High School (Shiprock), Flagstaff, Arizona. An invoice submitted by RMSI was denied funding by USAC because the installation of non-recurring services took place after the implementation deadline established under Section 54.507(d) of the Commission’s rules. Because the implementation delay was due to factors outside of RMSI’s control, we find that the public interest is served by waiving the Commission’s rules and extending the implementation deadline for RMSI, consistent with the Commission’s rules which permit extensions in such circumstances under Section 54.507(d)(3). Also, we note for your information that a representative from RMSI indicated, and the bank has confirmed, that RMSI is on the verge of bankruptcy and the prompt resolution of this case will help RMSI settle this matter. Released on 11/18/05. DA 05-3002, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order: In this Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (TAPD) grants a Request for Review filed by Houston Independent School District (Houston) seeking review of a decision by USAC denying Houston’s Funding Year 2004 application for discounted services under the E-rate program on the ground that Houston’s funding request was for services ineligible for discounts under program rules. Based upon a review of the record, TAPD finds that Houston’s funding request was for services eligible for support and remands Houston’s application to USAC for further consideration consistent with this Order. (DA 05-2834) Released on 10/27/05. DA 05-2834, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order: In this Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (TAPD) grants a Request for Review filed by Houston Independent School District (Houston) seeking review of a decision by USAC denying Houston’s request for an extension of the deadline for installing Funding Year 2003 non-recurring services under the E-rate program on the ground that Houston did not fulfill the requirements for an extension under our rules. Based upon a review of the record, TAPD finds that Houston is entitled to receive an extension of the implementation deadline for non-recurring services in accordance with the criteria set forth in section 54.507(d) of the Commission’s rules. Accordingly, TAPD remands Houston’s application to USAC for further consideration consistent with this Order. (DA 05-2833) Released on 10/27/05. DA 05-2833, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order.: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants the petition of the West Virginia Department of Education seeking waiver of section 54.404(c) of the Commission's rules. (DA 05-2179) Released on 7/27/05. DA 05-2179, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order.: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants and remands Spokane Public school's Request for Review to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Adminstrative Company, for further action consistent with this Order. (DA 05-2178)Released on 7/27/05. DA 05-2178, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order.: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants and remands NextiraOne's Request for Review to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Adminstrative Company, for further action consistent with this Order. (DA 05-2177)Released on 7/27/05. DA 05-2177, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order.: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants and remands Fayette County School District's Request for Review to the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Adminstrative Company, for further action consistent with this Order. (DA 05-2176)Released on 7/27/05. DA 05-2176, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order: In this Order, the Telecommunications Access Policy Division (TAPD) has under consideration Requests for Review of three decisions by USAC concerning one Funding Year 2001 application and two Funding Year 2002 applications filed by Banning Unified School District. USAC denied each application on the ground that Banning violated the Commission’s competitive bidding requirements. TAPD grants the Requests for Review and remands Banning’s applications to USAC for further consideration. (DA 05-2175) Released on 07/27/05. DA 05-2175, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order.: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Tennessee's Motion to Withdraw, and accordingly, dismisses Tennessee's Petition for Clarification. (DA 05-1726) Released on 6/22/05. DA 05-1726, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order: In this order, the Wireline Competition Bureau grants Miami-Dade's Motion to Withdraw, and accordingly, dismisses Miami-Dade's Motion to Compel and its Request for Review. (DA 05-1725)Released on 6/22/05. DA 05-1725, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - COMAD Remand Order: In light of the Fourth Schools Order, in which the Commission determined that recovery of schools and libraries funds disbursed in violation of the statute or a rule should be directed to the party or parties responsible for the statutory or rule violation, the attached Order remands several Requests for Review of appeals to SLD decisions concerning recovery of funds disbursed in violation of a statute or rule. (DA 05-108)Released on 1/18/05. DA 05-108, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat
- Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Wireline Competition Bureau Announces that the FCC Form 471 Filing Window for Funding Year 2005 FCC Form 471 E-Rate Applications. (DA 04-3533)Released on 11/9/04. DA 04-3533, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Public Notice: In this Public Notice, the Commission releases the Funding Year 2005 Eligible Services List for the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Program.(FCC 04-244)Released on 10/14/04. FCC 04-244, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Fifth Report and Order: In this Order, the Commission adopts measures to protect against waste, fraud and abuse in the administration of the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. (FCC 04-190)Released on 8/13/04. FCC 04-190, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order on Reconsideration and Fourth Report and Order: We address Petitions for Reconsideration of the Commitment Adjustment Order (FCC 99-291), which directed USAC to cancel any e-rate funding commitments that were made in violation of the Act and to recover any erroneously distributed funds from service providers. (FCC 04-181)Released on 7/30/04. FCC 04-181, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Public Notice: Carryover of Unused Funds for Funding Year 2004 Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism. (DA 04-1848)Released on 6/28/04. DA 04-1848, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau Announces the Approval of FCC Form 472 and FCC Form 474 by the Office of Management and Budget. (DA 04-527)Released on 3/4/04. DA 04-600, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order: The Wireline Competition Bureau Grants Middle Peninsula Juvenile Detention Commission Merrimac Center of Williamsburg, VA. Request for Review seeking funding for discounted services and remands to SLD for further consideration. (DA 04-600)Released on 3/4/04. DA 04-600, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat
- Third Report and Order: The Commission adopts the Third Report and Order and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking today, the FCC is seeking to make the administration of the schools and libraries program as straightforward as possible for participants, while also ensuring the continued integrity of the program by strengthening the procedural safeguards. The measures adopted today include: 1. Preventing Waste, Fraud and Abuse – Prohibits the transfer of equipment that has been purchased with universal service discounts to other locations for three years after purchase, with limited exceptions. 1. Preventing Waste, Fraud and Abuse – Prohibits the transfer of equipment that has been purchased with universal service discounts to other locations for three years after purchase, with limited exceptions2. Simplifying Program Administration – Creates a more formal and transparent process for updating annually the list of services eligible for support.3. Ensuring Equitable Distribution of Funds – Limits support for upgrading or replacing internal connections to no more than twice every five years, but exempts basic maintenance services from this restriction. In the Second Further Notice adopted, the FCC will be seeking comment on changing the current discount matrix used to determine the level of discounts for which applicants are eligible, and additional measures to further prevent waste, fraud and abuse, including whether to adopt 1) a ceiling on the total funding an applicant can request on an annual basis; 2) strengthened requirements for technology plans; and, 3) additional record keeping requirements. (FCC 03-323).Released on 12/23/03. FCC 03-323, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order: The Commission finds that the facts presented by the application of the Winston-Salem / Forsyth County School District for discounts under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism do not justify a denial of funding based on the Commission’s Ysleta decision (FCC 03-313).Released on 12/8/03. FCC 03-314, CC 96-45 and 97-21.
Word | Acrobat - Order: The Commission finds that Yselta Independent School District and other similarly-situated schools that contracted with International Business Machines, Inc. (IBM) as their service provider in Funding Year 2002 engaged in various practices that violated its competitive bidding rules under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. The Commission also concluded, however, that the circumstances of these applicants justified a waiver of the filing window requirements so that the applicants could re-bid on the requested services. Released on 12/8/03. FCC 03-313, CC 96-45 and 97-21.
Word | Acrobat - Order: The Commission directs the SLD of USAC to review and process the E-rate applications of the Puerto Rico DOE for FY 01 and 02. The authority is conditioned upon USAC's first engaging an independent auditor to examine PRDOE's compliance with the Commission's rules for FY 01 and 02. Released on 11/25/03. FCC 03-294, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Order: The Commission released the attached Order that affirms the Bureau’s conclusion that, for purposes of the schools and libraries program, Centrex service is not a “basic voice telephone service” and therefore the applicant was not entitled to a separate necessary resources review for its funding request for Centrex in Funding Year 1998. Released on 10/24/03. FCC 03-260, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Public Notice: The Wireline Competition Bureau released the attached Public Notice announcing the August 14, 2003 approval by OMB of the revised FCC Forms 486 and 479. In addition, the Public Notice announces the effective date of the Second CIPA Order as August 14, 2003. The Second CIPA Order, released on July 24, 2003, lifts the suspension of enforcement of the Children's Information Protection Act as applied to libraries in compliance with the recent Supreme Court decision in U.S. v. American Library Ass'n. Released on 8/19/03. DA 03-2690, CC 96-45.
Word | Acrobat - Letter: Grants the joint request of FEMA and the American Samoan Dept of Education (DOE) to allow FEMA to use the DOE's T1 line to process emergency assistance applications on an interim basis. FEMA will reimburse USAC for it's temporary use of the services. Released on 8/4/03. DA 03-2556, CC 96-45.
Word | Acrobat - Order: Adopts measures to ensure that our implementation of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) complies with the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court. Released on 7/24/03. FCC 03-188, CC 96-45.
Word | Acrobat - Order: Grants, inpart, Tennessee's request by modifying the Good Samaritan policy. Released on 7/2/03. FCC 03-161, CC 96-45 and 97-21.
Word | Acrobat - Public Notice: Status of CIPA Filtering Rules for Libraries Following Supreme Court Decision.Released on 6/30/03. DA 03-2117, CC 96-45.
Word | Acrobat - Order: The Commission released the Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 03-101) regarding the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. The Order implements various streamlining measures, such as making voice mail an eligible service, clarifying the definition of "educational purposes," and debarring from the program applicants, service providers, and others that defraud the program. The FNPRM seeks comment on further improvements to the program.Released on 4/29/03. FCC 03-101, CC 02-6.
Word | Acrobat - Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks Comment on a Petition by the State of Tennessee to change its service provider for Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism Funding Year 2002.Released on 4/21/03. DA 03-1186, CC 96-45 and 97-21.
Word | Acrobat | Petition - Public Notice: Implementation of Interim Filing Procedures for Filings of Requests for Review/Federal-State Joint Board on Universal ServiceDeemed request for review as timely filed with the Commission, and granted other petitioners a 60-day opportunity to resubmit their pleadings electronically. Released on 1/7/03. FCC 02-339, CC 96-45.
Word | Acrobat | Text
- Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces the Release of FCC Form 471 with Revised Instructions for Calculating a Library's Discount. Released on 10/23/02. DA 02-2792, WC 02-60.
Word | Acrobat | Text - Public Notice: Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Release of Revised Forms 486 and 479 and Accompanying Instructions for Schools & Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism. Released 9/11/02. DA-02-2220, CC Dkt. 96-45.
Word | Acrobat | Text - Order: Adopted interim measures to ensure that our implementation of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) complies with the recent decision issused by a three-judge panel in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Released 6/28/02. FCC 02-196, CC Dkt. 96-45.
Word | Acrobat | Text - First Report and Order: Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism. The Commission adopted a framework for the treatment of funds collected for the schools and libraries support mechanism that have, through the normal operation of the program, not been disbursed. FCC 02-175, Released 6/13/02, CC Docket No. 02-6. text | Word | Acrobat Errata Text | Word | Acrobat
- Order on Reconsideration: The Commission denies a petition for reconsideration filed by Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission seeking reconsideration of Bureau Order denying the Pennsylvania PUC’s original waiver petition. DA 02-427, (released 2/27/02) text | word | PDF
- NPRM and Order. The Commission released an NPRM and Order seeking comment on a variety of ways to streamline the administrative and procedural processes of the schools and libraries program, and denies certains petitions for reconsideration. Comments are due April 5, 2002, and reply comments are due May 6, 2002. ( Dkt No. 02-6, FCC 02-8) Text | Word 1/25/02 Commissioner Copps' Statement 1/25/02
- Order. The Commission granted the State of Alaska a limited waiver of section 54.504(b)(2)(ii) of the Commission's rules ( Dkt No. 96-45, FCC 01-350) Text | Word 12/3/01
- Public Notice. The Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice that announces the release of revised Schools and Libraries forms (479 & 486) containing Children's Internet Protection Act Certifications (Dkt No 96-45) DA 01-1713 Text | Word 7/19/01
- Order. The Commission released the attached Report and Order that will provide additional time for recipients under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism to implement contracts with service providers for non-recurring services. Also, the Commission decided to not revise the Commission's rules of priority for Funding Year 4 of the schools and libraries program. Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, ( Dkt No. 96-45, FCC 01-195) Text | Word 6/29/01
- Public Notice. The Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice that establishes a pleading cycle for three petitions for reconsideration requesting the carryover of unused funds in the federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries. Comment Date: April 26, 2001. Reply Comment Date: May 3, 2001 (Dkt No 96-45) DA 01-975 Text | Word 4/19/01
- Order. The Commission released a Report and Order, that adopts the rules proposed in the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Notice), to implement the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Dkt No 96-45,. FCC 01-120 corrected version: Text | Word 4/5/01 corrected version released 4/19/01.
- Public Notice. Common Carrier Bureau releases Public Notice announcing that the State of Alaska Seeks A Declaratory Ruling and Waiver of Section 54.504(B)(2)(II) of the Commission's Rules. Comments Due: 04/06/2001. Reply Comments Due: 05/07/2001. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 3/7/01) DA 01-584 Text |
Summary: The State of Alaska asks the Commission to waive its rules to allow others living in remote rural Alaska communities to use the telecommunications services received by rural school districts and libraries under the schools and libraries support program if the following conditions are met: (1) the services used by the school district or library are sold by the service provider on the basis of a price that is not usage sensitive; (2) the use by others in those communities is limited to hours in which the school or library through which the Internet would be accessed is closed (e.g., after-school hours and holidays); and (3) no dial-up Internet access is otherwise available in the community.
- Order. Common Carrier Bureau releases Order Extending USAC's Draft Audit Report Due Date. Grants limited, 45-day extension of the deadline for USAC's independent auditor to file its draft audit report with the Commission. Commission rules require the draft audit to be filed by March 1, but USAC does not close its annual books until early February, leaving the auditor with insufficient time to complete the audit by March 1. Thus, a limited extension is warranted and does not impair the Commission's oversight of USAC. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 2/27/01) DA 01-509 Text | Word
- Order. Common Carrier Bureau releases Order Denying Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Comments on CIPA. Denies request to extend the reply comment period for the Commission's FNPRM on implementation of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Given the statutory deadline of April 20, 2001 for implementation of CIPA, an extension is not warranted. However, parties have the option of filing ex partes if they wish to express their views after the comment cycle closes. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 2/27/01) DA 01-508 Text | Word
- Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The Commission released the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, seeking comment on implementation of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Comment Date: 15 days after publication in Federal Register Reply Date: 22 days after publication in Federal Register. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 1/23/01) FCC 01-31
The "Children's Internet Protection Act''. On December 21, 2000, the President signed into law the Children's Internet Protection Act , included as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001, Pub. L. 106-554. CIPA provides that in order to be eligible for E-rate funding under section 254 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, schools and libraries that have computers with Internet access must have in place certain Internet safety policies. Recipients must adopt and implement an Internet safety policy that includes the operation of a technology prevention measure, protecting against Internet access for both adults and minors to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, and, with respect to use of the computers by minors, harmful to minors. Schools (but not libraries) must also certify that their policy includes monitoring the online activities of minors.
- Order. The Commission granted the State of Alaska a limited waiver of section 54.504(b)(2)(ii) of the Commission's rules ( Dkt No. 96-45, FCC 01-350) Text | Word 12/3/01
- Public Notice. The Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice that announces the release of revised Schools and Libraries forms (479 & 486) containing Children's Internet Protection Act Certifications (Dkt No 96-45) DA 01-1713 Text | Word 7/19/01
- Order. The Commission released the attached Report and Order that will provide additional time for recipients under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism to implement contracts with service providers for non-recurring services. Also, the Commission decided to not revise the Commission's rules of priority for Funding Year 4 of the schools and libraries program. Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, ( Dkt No. 96-45, FCC 01-195) Text | Word 6/29/01
- Public Notice. The Common Carrier Bureau released a Public Notice that establishes a pleading cycle for three petitions for reconsideration requesting the carryover of unused funds in the federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries. Comment Date: April 26, 2001. Reply Comment Date: May 3, 2001 (Dkt No 96-45) DA 01-975 Text | Word 4/19/01
- Order. The Commission released a Report and Order, that adopts the rules proposed in the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Notice), to implement the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Dkt No 96-45,. FCC 01-120 corrected version: Text | Word 4/5/01 corrected version released 4/19/01.
- Public Notice. Common Carrier Bureau releases Public Notice announcing that the State of Alaska Seeks A Declaratory Ruling and Waiver of Section 54.504(B)(2)(II) of the Commission's Rules. Comments Due: 04/06/2001. Reply Comments Due: 05/07/2001. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 3/7/01) DA 01-584 Text |
Summary: The State of Alaska asks the Commission to waive its rules to allow others living in remote rural Alaska communities to use the telecommunications services received by rural school districts and libraries under the schools and libraries support program if the following conditions are met: (1) the services used by the school district or library are sold by the service provider on the basis of a price that is not usage sensitive; (2) the use by others in those communities is limited to hours in which the school or library through which the Internet would be accessed is closed (e.g., after-school hours and holidays); and (3) no dial-up Internet access is otherwise available in the community.
- Order. Common Carrier Bureau releases Order Extending USAC's Draft Audit Report Due Date. Grants limited, 45-day extension of the deadline for USAC's independent auditor to file its draft audit report with the Commission. Commission rules require the draft audit to be filed by March 1, but USAC does not close its annual books until early February, leaving the auditor with insufficient time to complete the audit by March 1. Thus, a limited extension is warranted and does not impair the Commission's oversight of USAC. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 2/27/01) DA 01-509 Text | Word
- Order. Common Carrier Bureau releases Order Denying Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Comments on CIPA. Denies request to extend the reply comment period for the Commission's FNPRM on implementation of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Given the statutory deadline of April 20, 2001 for implementation of CIPA, an extension is not warranted. However, parties have the option of filing ex partes if they wish to express their views after the comment cycle closes. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 2/27/01) DA 01-508 Text | Word
- Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The Commission released the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, seeking comment on implementation of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Comment Date: 15 days after publication in Federal Register Reply Date: 22 days after publication in Federal Register. (Dkt No. CC-96-45, Released 1/23/01) FCC 01-31
The "Children's Internet Protection Act''. On December 21, 2000, the President signed into law the Children's Internet Protection Act , included as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001, Pub. L. 106-554. CIPA provides that in order to be eligible for E-rate funding under section 254 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, schools and libraries that have computers with Internet access must have in place certain Internet safety policies. Recipients must adopt and implement an Internet safety policy that includes the operation of a technology prevention measure, protecting against Internet access for both adults and minors to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, and, with respect to use of the computers by minors, harmful to minors. Schools (but not libraries) must also certify that their policy includes monitoring the online activities of minors.
- Order. CCB waives and extends the September 30, 1999 deadline for implementation of non-recurring services in Year One of the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism for certain applicants. (CC Docket No. 96-45)
DA 99-3013: Text | Word 12/29/1999 - Order. Commission grants and denys, in part, requests for review filed by the Tennessee DOE and Education Networks of America (ENA) regarding discounts on Internet access service. (CC Dkt. Nos. 96-45, 97-21) FCC 99-216: Text | WordPerfect | Pleadings List: Word | Acrobat 8/13/99
- Public Notice. Common Carrier Bureau Seeks Comment on Letter Filed by Department of Commerce Regarding Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism. (CC Dkt. No. 96-45). DA 99-1212: Text | WordPerfect 6/28/99
- Order. Commission Prioritizes Funding for Schools and Libraries Based Upon Discount Levels (CC Dkt. Nos. 96-45, 97-160).
FCC 99-49: Text | WordPerfect 6/8/99 - Order. Commission Establishes Year 2 Funding Levels for the Schools, Libraries, and Rural Health Care Federal Universal Service Support Mechanism (CC Dkt 96-45). FCC 99-121: Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat 5/27/99
- Plan for merging the Schools and Libraries Corporation (SLC) and the Rural Health Care Corporation (RHCC) into the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) by Jan 1, 1999, adopted. Text | WordPerfect 11/20/98, 12/10/98
- FCC Denies Schools' Petitions for Waiver of the Designation of Their Districts as Urban Under the Commission's Rules that Partially Determine the Universal Service Discount for which Schools are Eligible. Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat 11/19/98
- Pacific Bell's Waiver of the Sequence in Which State and Federal Discounts are to be Applied. Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat 10/14/98
- Commission Delays Start Date of the Schools and Libraries Corporation's (SLC's) Filing Window for the Second Funding Cycle for the Federal Support Mechanism for Schools and Libraries. Text | WordPerfect | Acrobat 10/2/98
- Order Clarifies the Application of the Commission's "Lowest Corresponding Price" Requirement Set Forth in the Universal Service Order. Text | WordPerfect 8/10/98
- Kentucky Department of Education Seeks Waiver of FCC Rules on Aggregation for Schools and Libraries. 7/10/98
- Letter from Chairman Kennard to the Schools and Libraries Corporation requesting that they complete certain actions before they issue any funding commitment letters to applicants for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. 7/16/98
- FCC Reforms Universal Service Support Mechanism for Schools and Libraries (CC Docket No. 96-45, FCC 98-120). WordPerfect | Acrobat | News Release | Public Notice | Statements: Kennard, Ness, Furchtgott-Roth, Powell, Tristani 6/23/98
- Common Carrier Bureau Reiterates Services Eligible for Discounts to Schools and Libraries (CC Docket No. 96-45). Public Notice | Furchtgott-Roth Statement 6/12/98