
State and Local Government Webinar

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT

The FCC’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) hosted this webinar for state and local governments designed to share vital information about Commission actions and priorities and improve federal, state, and local dialogue and information sharing.


1:00 p.m. Moderator
Gregory Vadas, Chief
Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau
1:05-1:35 p.m. Municipal Broadband: FCC Grants Petitions to Preempt State Laws Restricting Community Broadband in North Carolina and Tennessee
Daniel Kahn
Deputy Chief, Competition Policy Division
Wireline Competition Bureau
1:35-2:00 p.m. Net Neutrality: FCC Adopts Strong, Sustainable Rules to Protect the Open Internet
Claude Aiken
Deputy Chief, Competition Policy Division
Wireline Competition Bureau
2:00-2:30 p.m. Effective Competition: Amendment to the Commission’s Rules Concerning Effective Competition; Implementation of Section 111 of the Satellite TV Extension & Localism Act (STELA) Reauthorization, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Diana Sokolow
Attorney Advisor, Policy Division

Steven A. Broeckaert
Senior Deputy Chief, Policy Division
Media Bureau