The Office of the Managing Director (OMD) is responsible for the administration and management of the Commission. Specifically, OMD manages: the Commission's budget and financial programs; human resources; contracts and purchasing; communications and computer services; physical space; security; the Commission meeting schedule; and distribution of official FCC documents.


Mark Stephens
Managing Director


Phone(202) 418-1919

Chairman Pai has said that bridging the digital divide is his highest priority. And now, we have a valuable tool that will...
Maps and geospatial analysis have become increasingly important as they allow the FCC to display information to the public in...

How to Make a Privacy Act Request

Information may be requested from the Commission under the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a. Privacy Act requests for information in the Commission's files...

How To File A FOIA Request

To make a FOIA request pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 0.461, you have several options:You may submit your request electronically through ArkCase FOIA.You ma...