Welcome to the Federal Communications Commission’s Privacy Act web page. Federal law requires us to tell you how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information. Federal law also limits how we can use your personal information. Protecting the privacy and security of the personal information FCC collects and uses is very important to us. This web page provides information about the various systems of records where your information may be stored, computer matching agreements the FCC has entered into, how to make a Privacy Act Request, and other useful information on how the FCC complies with the Privacy Act of 1974.

Systems of Records

The Privacy Act defines a System of Records as “a group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual.” 5 U.S.C. § 552a(a)(5). Federal agencies are required to make the public aware of what Systems of Records they maintain. The table below lists and provides links to the Commission’s System of Records Notices.

Systems of RecordsFederal Register Publication Date
FCC-2Business Contacts and Certifications11/13/2023
FCC-3FCC Identity, Credentialing, and Access Management (ICAM)12/22/2023
FCC/CGB-1Informal Complaints, Inquiries, and Requests for Dispute Assistance3/21/2024
FCC/CGB-3National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program9/1/2023
FCC/CGB-4ITRS-URD Program9/1/2023
FCC/EB-5Enforcement Bureau Activity Tracking System (EBATS)10/19/2023
FCC/IB-1International Bureau Filing System8/6/2021
FCC/MB-1Media Ownership and Equal Employment Opportunity Forms and Reports9/13/2024
FCC/MB-2Online Public Inspection File9/13/2024
FCC/OCBO-1Small Business Contacts Database4/16/2021
FCC/OEA-6Broadband Data Collection5/31/2022
FCC/OET-1Experimental Radio Station License Files10/25/2024
FCC/OET-2Equipment Authorization Records and Files10/25/2024
FCC/OGC-3Adjudication of Internal Complaints Against Employees11/08/2024
FCC/OGC-5Pending Civil Cases11/13/2024
FCC/OIG-3Investigative and Audit Files6/26/2023
FCC/OLA-1Legislative Management Tracking System (LMTS)7/9/2024
FCC/OMD-2Labor Relations and Employee Performance Files3/12/2021
FCC/OMD-3Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Membership Files11/9/2020
FCC/OMD-13Data Quality Comments10/15/2018
FCC/OMD-16Personnel Security Files9/8/2021
FCC/OMD-17Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act Requests10/30/2023
FCC/OMD-18FCC Wireless Communications Information12/29/2023
FCC/OMD-23Cadapult Space Management System (CSMS)1/10/2024
FCC/OMD-24Physical Access Control System (PACS)12/29/2023
FCC/OMD-25Financial Operations Information Systems (FOIS)11/22/2023
FCC/OMD-28Time and Attendance Records6/17/2024
FCC/OMD-29Motor Vehicle Management Program (MVMP)5/18/2020
FCC/OMD-30FCC Visitors Database4/2/2024
FCC/OMD-31Private or Civil Injury Claimants8/27/2020
FCC/OMD-32FCC Telework Program7/8/2021
FCC/OMD-33Ensuring Workplace Health and Safety in Response to a Public Health Emergency6/22/2021
FCC/OS-1Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS)10/8/2024
FCC/OS-2Integrated Library System (ILS) Records11/5/2024
FCC/OWD-1FCC Accommodation Requests1/26/2024
FCC/OWD-2Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program4/10/2019
FCC/PSHSB-1FCC Emergency and Continuity Alerts and Contacts System (ECACS)8/3/2021
FCC/WCB-1Lifeline Program4/19/2024
FCC/WCB-2Toll Free Number Auction System10/11/2019
FCC/WCB-3Affordable Connectivity Program4/19/2024
FCC/WCB-4Consumer Challenge Process3/23/2021
FCC/WCB-6USAC Customer Relationship Management4/19/2024
FCC/WTB-1Wireless Services Licensing Records10/19/2023
FCC/WTB-6Archival Radio Operator Records10/19/2023
FCC/WTB-7Licensing and Related Support Services3/16/2021

Government-wide Systems of Records

In addition to the Commission's systems of records there are also government-wide Systems of Records. These government-wide Systems of Records represent instances in which a Federal agency has published a System of Records that covers that type of information for all Federal agencies. Thus the FCC does not have to publish its own System of Records Notices if the categories of information and the individuals whose information is included are covered by a Government-wide Systems of Records Notice.

Exemptions to the Privacy Act

The following Systems of Records are totally or partially exempt from Subsections (c)(3), (d), (e)(1), (e)(4)(G), (H), and (I) and (f) of the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and from 47 CFR §§ 0.554-0.557 of FCC Rules:

Computer Matching Agreements

Below is a table of the FCC’s Computer Matching Agreements, their corresponding Federal Register Notices and the FCC’s Annual Computer Matching Reviews and Reports.

Source AgencyMatching AgreementMatching NoticeEffective Date
Arizona Department of Economic SecurityLifeline & ACP
87 FR 741467/3/24
Colorado Governor's Office of Information TechnologyLifeline & ACP90 FR 26972/12/25
Connecticut Department of Social ServicesLifeline & ACP89 FR 227175/2/24
Florida Department of Children and Families, Office of Economic Self-SufficiencyLifeline & ACP 88 FR 2016711/5/24
Georgia Department of Human Services, Department of Children and Family ServicesLifeline & ACP89 FR 244765/8/24
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Family ResourcesLifeline & ACP88 FR 560209/15/23
Iowa Department of Human ServicesLifeline & ACP89 FR 130823/22/24
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Division of Family SupportLifeline & ACP88 FR 843261/4/24
Michigan Department of Health and Human ServicesLifeline & ACP88 FR 6045410/2/23
Minnesota Department of Human ServicesLifeline88 FR 1854510/28/24
ACP88 FR 843251/4/24
Mississippi Department of Human ServicesLifeline & ACP90 FR 10637 3/27/25
Missouri Department of Social ServicesLifeline & ACP90 FR 106353/27/25
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Welfare and Supportive ServicesLifeline & ACP
87 FR 610165/6/24
New Mexico Human Services DepartmentLifeline & ACP88 FR 843241/4/24
North Carolina Department of Health and Human ServicesLifeline & ACP90 FR 10636 3/27/25
Pennsylvania Department of Human ServicesLifeline & ACP
88 FR 550423/13/25
Puerto Rico Department of the FamilyLifeline & ACP88 FR 6310410/16/23
South Carolina Department of Social ServicesLifeline & ACP89 FR 661109/13/24
Tennessee Department of Human ServicesLifeline & ACP90 FR 106303/27/25
U.S. Department of EducationACP
ACP Renewal
88 FR 2367511/18/24
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesLifeline & ACP88 FR 59523
88 FR 62572
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)Lifeline & ACP86 FR 6728110/30/23
U.S. Department of Veterans AffairsLifeline & ACP
87 FR 610155/6/24
Utah Department of Workforce ServicesLifeline & ACP90 FR 106343/27/25
Virginia Department of Social ServicesLifeline & ACP89 FR 656239/11/24
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Economic Services AdministrationLifeline & ACP89 FR 656249/11/24
Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Department of RevenueLifeline & ACP88 FR 6310510/16/23

Data Integrity Board’s Annual Matching Activity Review and Reports

As directed by OMB Circular A-108, the Commission’s Data Integrity Board’s Annual Matching Activity Review and Reports submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB):

How to Make a Privacy Act Request

Individuals may request access to or amendment of records pertaining to themselves and maintained within a Commission system of records, in accordance with the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a. Certain exemptions and limitations apply. See 47 CFR Subpart E, Privacy Act Regulations.

To make a Privacy Act request, complete and submit a FCC Privacy Identity Affirmation Form to:

Or via mail at:

Privacy Team
Office of General Counsel
Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554

FCC Privacy Act Implementation Rules

The implementation of the FCC's Rules promulgated pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552a(f) of the Privacy Act are found at 47 CFR Sections 0.551 – 0.561.

Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)

Contact Information

For questions on the FCC’s implementation of the Privacy Act or to file a Privacy Act request, please contact:

Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP)
Elliot Tarloff
Privacy Attorney Advisor
Brendan McTaggart
Privacy Attorney Advisor
Katherine Morehead
Privacy Attorney Advisor
William Dever
Privacy Attorney Advisor
Shana Yates
Privacy Analyst
Lori Alexiou
Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554


Wednesday, March 5, 2025