The timeline is intended to identify generally what tasks the agency needs to accomplish in order to complete its review in cases involving complex or difficult issues, the normal order in which these tasks can be most efficiently performed, and the time normally needed to complete them. Any such general timeline necessarily oversimplifies the process. Statutes and regulations require different procedures for different types of licenses or authorizations, and the circumstances of individual cases will differ (for example, the actions taken by other government agencies considering the antitrust, national security, or law enforcement issues relating to the transaction). The timeline should therefore be viewed as a flexible tool, not an effort to force the review of all diverse transactions into one inflexible mold. For these reasons, the timeline clock may need to be started and stopped several times during the process. A record of these actions for Comcast and Time Warner Cable is provided below.

Day 0 was July 10, 2014

Clock Stopped Clock
Reason for Stop/Restart
Day Date
165 4/29/2015

Comcast - Time Warner Cable - Charter Applications Dismissed and Docket Closed

165 3/13/2015

Public Notice Stopping 180-Day Clock

104 12/22/14 1/12/15 21

Letter Stopping 180-Day Clock until January 12, 2015

    12/3/2014 42

Public Notice Revising Pleading Schedule and Restarting Clock

85 10/22/14

Order Suspending Pleading Cycle

85 10/3/14

Letter to Comcast Corp., Time Warner Cable Inc. and Charter Communications Inc. Stopping 180-day Clock

Commission Extends Deadline to File Replies until October 29, 2014