Vol. 17, No. 64                                              April 3,1998

**Before an entry denotes that the item is part of the FCC's implementation of the 1996 Telecom Act. While we will attempt to flag all Telecom Act-related items, this marking is unofficial and informational only.

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The following items were adopted at the April 2, 1998, Commission meeting and released later that day.




MASS MEDIA ACTION - FCC PROPOSES MEASURES TO STREAMLINE BROADCAST APPLICATION AND LICENSING PROCESS, SEEKS COMMENT ON MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FILING (MM DOCKET 98-43) - REPORT NO. MM 98-5. The FCC proposed to (1) streamline broadcast application and licensing procedures, (2) reduce licensee administrative and filing requirements and (3) eliminate rules and procedures that no longer advance key regulatory objectives. Action by the Commission on April 2, 1998, by Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 98-57). Adopted: April 2, 1998. News Media Contact: David Fiske (202) 418-0500. MMB Contact: Peter Doyle at(202) 418-2780. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/News_Releases/1998/nrmm8010.html

ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ACTION - FCC SIMPLIFIES, STREAMLINES EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION PROCESS; ADOPTS ELECTRONIC FILING PROCESS (ET DOCKET 97-94) - REPORT NO. ET 98-3. The FCC adopted streamlining actions to (1) simplify the existing equipment authorization process, (2) move to a system of electronic filing of equipment authorization applications, and (3) deregulate and relax equipment authorization requirements for a wide number of types of equipment that have demonstrated a good record of compliance. Action by the Commission April 2, 1998, by Report and Order (FCC 98-58). Adopted: April 2, 1998. News Media Contact: David Fiske (202) 418-0500. OET Contact: Hugh Van Tuyl at (202) 418-7506. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Engineering_Technology/News_Releases/1998/nret8004.html

GENERAL ACTION - FCC TO ALLOW ELECTRONIC FILING OF DOCUMENTS IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDINGS; ACCESS TO COMMISSION FILINGS AND OPPORTUNITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS GREATLY INCREASED (GC DOCKET 97-113) - REPORT NO. GN 98-4. The FCC has amended its rules to allow the public to file comments and other pleadings electronically via the Internet in many rulemaking proceedings. Action by the Commission April 2, 1998, by Report and Order (FCC 98-56). Adopted: April 2, 1998. News Media Contact: Rosemary Kimball (202) 418-0500. OGC Contact: OGC contact: Laurence Schecker at (202) 418-1720; OPA contact (ECFS operations): Sheryl Segal at (202) 418-0265. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/OGC/News_Releases/1998/nrgc8002.html

**WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACTION - FCC PROPOSES RULES TO PROMOTE ACCESS TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT TO AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES (WT DOCKET NO. 96-198) - REPORT NO. WT 98-10. The Commission adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Section 255 represents the most significant governmental action for people with disabilities since the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Action by the Commission April 2, 1998, by Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 98-55). Adopted: April 2, 1998. News Media Contact: Meribeth McCarrick (202) 418-0500. WTB Contact: Elizabeth Lyle at (202) 418-0600 or John Spenser at (202) 418-0310. TTY for both at (202) 418-7233. Public Service Division Contact: Martha Contee at (202) 418-0260, TTY (202) 418-2555. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/News_Releases/1998/nrwl8012.html

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The following items are dated for and released on April 3, 1998:




CHAIRMAN KENNARD STRESSES TELECOM OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINORITIES IN TWO SPEECHES YESTERDAY. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/News_Releases/1998/nrmc8027.txt

FCC FILINGS. OPA. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/filings.html

FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. OPA. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/calendar.html




Released: April 3, 1998. PART 68 PLUG/JACK ATTESTATION LIST.

Report No: I-8295. Released: April 3, 1998. APPLICATIONS REQUESTING DESIGNATION AS A RECOGNIZED OPERATING AGENCY ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Contact: Mary Cobbs at (202) 418-1492.

Released: April 3, 1998. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG - APRIL 2. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/Tariffs/combined/tt040298.pdf

Released: April 3, 1998. FCC ANNOUNCES THE NEXT MEETING OF THE NORTH AMERICAN NUMBERING COUNCIL (NANC) (CC DOCKET NO. 92-237).Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 21, from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 pm. EST at 1919 M Street, NW, Room 856. (DA No. 98-637). Contact: Jeannie Grimes, Paralegal Specialist assisting the NANC at (202) 418-2313. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/1998/da980637.html


Report No: TEL-144-A. Released: April 3, 1998. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL SECTION 214 AND SECTION 310(B)(4) APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING (FORMAL SECTION 63.18). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/International/Public_Notices/1998/pnin8087.txt

Report No: IN 98-15. Released: April 3, 1998. INTERNATIONAL ACTION - WRC-99 ADVISORY COMMITEE MEETINGS OF INFORMAL WORKING GROUPS. Contact: Nancy Wiley, Planning and Negotiation Division, (202) 418-2213. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/International/Public_Notices/1998/pnin8085.txt

Report No: TEL-144-B. Released: April 3, 1998. NON-STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL SECTION 214, CABLE LANDING LICENSE AND SECTION 310(B)(4) APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING (FORMAL SECTION 63.18 AND 17.767) - APPLICATIONS NOT SUBJECT TO STREAMLINED PROCESSING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/International/Public_Notices/1998/pnin8088.txt

Report No: 44212. Released: April 3, 1998. BROADCAST ACTIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Brdcst_Actions/ac980403.txt

Report No: 24212. Released: April 3, 1998. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Brdcst_Applications/ap980403.txt

Report No: 328. Released: April 3, 1998. MASS MEDIA BUREAU CALL SIGN ACTIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Call_Sign_Changes/pnmm8049.txt

Report No: 24212A. Released: April 3, 1998. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND LICENSES. Contact: Charles Gratch at (202) 418-1610. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/ITFS_Notices/pnmm8048.txt

Released: April 3, 1998. CORRECTION OF FOOTNOTE IN NUMBERS IN REGULATORY FEE RELEASE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMENT DATES.Comments due April 22; replies May 4. (DA No. 98-640). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/1998/da980640.wp


Released: April 3, 1998. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSE PROCEEDINGS (1 OF 2). Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/Exparte/1998/ex980403.wp

Report No: 2266. Released: April 3, 1998. OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS REFERENCE OPERATIONS DIVISION PETITIONS FOR RULEMAKING FILED. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/1998/pnmc8019.wp

Report No: LB-98-34. Released: April 3, 1998. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU COMMERCIAL WIRELESS SERVICE INFORMATION. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1998/pnwl8032.txt




BELL ATLANTIC-VIRGINIA, INC. Granted Bell Atlantic-Virginia, Inc.'s petition to modify the local access transport area boundary for the limited purpose of providing non-optional expanded local calling service between the Honaker and Oakwood exchanges in Virginia. Action by Chief, Network Services Division. Adopted: April 3, 1998. by MO&O. (DA No. 98-633). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1998/da980633.txt

BELL ATLANTIC-VIRGINIA, INC. Granted Bell Atlantic-Virginia, Inc.'s petition to modify the local access transport area boundaryfor the limited purpose of providing non-optional expanded local calling service between the West Point and Toano exchanges in Virginia. Action by Chief, Network Services Division. Adopted: April 3, 1998. by MO&O. (DA No. 98-634). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1998/da980634.txt

TARIFFS IMPLEMENTING ACCESS CHARGE REFORM. Suspended for one day from the effective date tariff revisions filed by Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company, Nevada Bell Telephone Company, Pacific Bell Telephone Company, and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to revise their interstate access service tariffs; instituted and consolidated in CC Docket No. 97-250 an investigation of the tariff transmittals. Dkt No.: CC- 97-250. Action by Chief, Competitive Pricing Division. Adopted: April 3, 1998. by MO&O. (DA No. 98-632). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1998/da980632.txt

"TCI CABLEVISION OF TEXAS, INC. Granted appeal and remanded a case involving a local rate order issued by Fredericksburg, Texas. The City denied the cable operator's requested basic service tier rate increase, even though the increase was consistent with FCC Form 1240. Action by Acting Bureau Chief. Adopted: March 31, 1998. by MO&O. (DA No. 98-623). CSB Internet URL: " https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/1998/da980623.txt

PENTWATER AND WALHALLA, MI. Effective May 18, amended Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules, the Table of FM Allotments, to allot Channel 255A to Walhalla, Michigan, as that comunity's first local broadcast service; terminated proceeding. Dkt No.: MM- 97-118. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau. Adopted: March 25, 1998. by R&O. (DA No. 98-606). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1998/da980606.txt

IRONTON, MALDEN AND SALEM, MO. Effective May 18, amended Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules, the Table of FM Allotments, to substitute Channel 225C2 for Chanel 225C3 at Malden, Missouri, and modify the license for Station KMAL(FM) accordingly and to substitute Channel 224A for Channel 225A at Ironton, Missouri, and modify the license for Station KYLS accordingly; terminated proceeding. Dkt No.: MM- 97-136. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau. Adopted: March 25, 1998. by R&O. (DA No. 98-607). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1998/da980607.txt

VARIOUS CITIES IN OREGON. Took action regarding amending Section 73.202(b) of the Commission's Rules, the FM Table of Allotments, for various cities in Oregon; terminated proceeding. Dkt No.: MM- 96-7, MM- 96-12. Action by Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau. Adopted: March 25, 1998. by R&O. (DA No. 98-612). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1998/da980612.txt

NETWORK SERVICES, LLC. Issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture for $1,000 against Network Services, LLC, licensee of Paging and Radiotelephone Station KNKG523, Phoenix, Arizona, for apparently failing to timely file an FCC Form 489 to notify the Commission of the commencement of service of Station KNKG523, in apparent violation of Section 22.142(b) of the Commission's Rules. Action by Chief, Enforcement and Consumer Information Division. Adopted: April 2, 1998. by NAL for Forf. (DA No. 98-635). WTB

WCS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. WESTERN COMMUNICATIONS. Issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture for $1,000 against WCS Communications, Inc., licesee of Paging and Radiotelephone Station KUS320, Eden, Texas, for apparently failing to timely file an FCC Form 489 to notify the Commission of the commencement of service of Station KUS320, in apparent violation of Section 22.142(b) of the Commission's Rules. Action by Chief, Enforcement and Consumer Information Division. Adopted: April 2, 1998. by NAL for Forf. (DA No. 98-636). WTB

ADDENDA: The following items, released April 2, 1998, did not appear in Digest No. 63:




Released: April 2, 1998. WITHDRAWAL OF TELESERVICES INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION PETITION FOR RULEMAKING IN THE MATTER OF INTERIM PROVISION OF ACCESS FOR 900 TRANSPORT SERVICES - RM 9203. (DA No. 98-638). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/1998/da980638.txt

Released: April 2, 1998. INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ALLIANCE FILES PETITION FOR FORBEARANCE FOR 2% MID-SIZE INCUMBENT LOCAL EXCHANGE COMPANIES.Comments due May 4; replies May 18. (DA No. 98-480). Contact: Andrew Mulitz, Chief, Legal Branch, Accounting and Audits Division at (202) 418-0850. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/1998/da980480.txt

Report No: 44211. Released: April 2, 1998. BROADCAST ACTIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/Brdcst_Actions/ac980402.txt




PRESS STATEMENT OF CHAIRMAN WILLIAM E. KENNARD REGARDING APRIL 2, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Speeches/Kennard/Statements/stwek820.html