Vol. 18, No. 206 October 27,1999
Released: October 27, 1999. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: OCT. 26. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/Tariffs/combined/tt102699.pdf
Report No: N-140-A. Released: October 27, 1999. COMMON CARRIER NETWORK SERVICES APPLICATIONS. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/Part68_Actions/1999/y99oct27.txt
Report No: 3702. Released: October 27, 1999. CABLE SERVICES ACTION.
Released: October 27, 1999. RCN BECOCOM, LLC FILES MODIFICATION TO OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM SERVICE AREA. (DA No. 99-2318). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Public_Notices/1999/da992318.wp
Released: October 27, 1999. RCN TELECOM SERVICES OF CALIFORNIA, INC. FILES MODIFICATION TO OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM SERVICE AREA. (DA No. 99-2319). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Public_Notices/1999/da992319.wp
Released: October 27, 1999. RCN TELECOM SERVICES OF PHILADELPHIA, INC. FILES MODIFICATION TO OPEN VIDEO SYSTEM SERVICE AREA. (DA No. 99-2320). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Public_Notices/1999/da992320.wp
Released: October 27, 1999. CORRECTION: CABLE SERVICES BUREAU ACTION: REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION FROM COMMISSION'S CLOSED CAPTIONING RULES CSR 5443.DA 99-2232, released October 21; contact: Sonia Greenaway 202-418-1419. (DA No. 99-2308). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Public_Notices/1999/da992308.doc
Released: October 27, 1999. CORRECTION: CABLE SERVICES BUREAU ACTION: REQUESTION FOR EXEMPTION FROM COMMISSION'S CLOSED CAPTIONING RULES CRS 5444.DA 99-2231, released Oct. 21; contact: Sonia Greenaway 202-418-1419. (DA No. 99-2309). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Public_Notices/1999/da992309.doc
Report No: TEL-00150S. Released: October 27, 1999. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/International/Public_Notices/1999/pnin9214.pdf
Report No: 165. Released: October 27, 1999. INSTRUCTIONAL TV FIXED SERVICE APPLICATIONS/AMENDMENTS TENDERED FOR FILING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Public_Notices/ITFS_Notices/pnmm9246.html
Report No: 2368. Released: October 27, 1999. OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS REFERENCE OPERATIONS DIVISION PETITIONS FOR RULEMAKING FILED. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/Public_Notices/1999/pnmc9086.wp
Report No: 351. Released: October 27, 1999. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SITE-BY-SITE ACTION. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/pnwl9277.pdf
Report No: 350. Released: October 27, 1999. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SITE-BY-SITE ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/pnwl9274.pdf
Report No: 354. Released: October 27, 1999. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFER OF CONTROL APPLICATIONS ACTION. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/pnwl9273.pdf
Report No: 353. Released: October 27, 1999. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ASSIGNMENT OF AUTHORIZATION AND TRANSFER OF CONTROL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/pnwl9272.pdf
PART 68 WAIVER REQUEST. Granted requests by Long Well Electronics Corp., Nor Pac Group, Inc., Thomson Consumer Electronics, and Uniden Engineering Services so they may register devices that detect the presence of a stutter dial tone. Action by Acting Chief, Network Services Division. Adopted: October 26, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-2316). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/da992316.wp
BELLSOUTH'S PETITION FOR LIMITED MODIFICATION OF LATA BOUNDARY. Granted its request to provide expanded local calling service. Action by Acting Chief, Network Services Division. Adopted: October 26, 1999. by MO&O. (DA No. 99-2321). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/da992321.wp
W09BZ. Denied application for review filed by Andrea Kesler, licensee of low power television station W09BZ, Somerset, Kentucky. Action by Deputy Chief, Cable Services Bureau. Adopted: October 25, 1999. by MO&O. (DA No. 99-2307). CSB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/1999/da992307.wp
TRIAX MIDWEST ASSOCIATES, LP. Denied complaint filed against the February 1, 1995 cable programming services tier rate increase in the City of Fulda, MN. Action by Acting Chief, Financial Analysis and Compliance Division. Adopted: October 25, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-2301). CSB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/1999/da992301.doc
TRIAX MIDWEST ASSOCIATES, LP. Denied complaint filed against the February 1, 1995 cable programming services tier rate increase in the City of Slayton, MN. Action by Acting Chief, Financial Analysis and Compliance Division. Adopted: October 25, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-2302). CSB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/1999/da992302.doc
TRIAX MIDWEST ASSOCIATES, LP. Denied complaint filed against the February 1, 1995 cable programming services tier rate increase in Virginia, MN. Action by Acting Chief, Financial Analysis and Compliance Division. Adopted: October 25, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-2305). CSB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Cable/Orders/1999/da992305.doc
NANCY H. CORCORAN. Granted Industrial Communications & Electronics, Inc.'s petition for reconsideration and set aside the finder's preference award and reinstated the license at Holyoke, MA. Action by Deputy Chief, Commercial Wireless Division. Adopted: October 26, 1999. by MO&O. (DA No. 99-2295). MMB
MCALLEN, TEXAS. Proposed Amendment of the DTV Table by substituting Channel 49 for station KNVO's assigned DTV Channel 46. Comments Due: December 20, 1999, Reply Comments Due: January 4, 2000. Dkt No.: MM-99-315. Action by Chief, Video Services Division. Adopted: October 26, 1999. by NPRM. (DA No. 99-2276). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Notices/1999/da992276.wp
KXOJ, INC., LICENSEE OF KEOJ(FM), CANEY, KS, AND KEMX(FM), LOCUST GROVE, OK. Ordered forfeiture of $12,000 to KXOJ for failing to maintain the stations' main studios within their respective principal community contours. Action by Chief, Mass Media Bureau. Adopted: October 25, 1999. by MO&O&FO. (DA No. 99-2306). MMB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Mass_Media/Orders/1999/da992306.doc
ROBIN HARDIN. Dismissed Hardin's application for review of Bureau decision granting in part and denying in part her Freedom of Information Act request for documents concerning the investigation of a possible sponsorship identification violation by WCHB, Taylor, MI. Action by the Commission. Adopted: October 21, 1999. by MO&O. (FCC No. 99-312). OMD
FCC'S COMMON CARRIER BUREAU ANNOUNCES PERSONNEL PROMOTIONS. Keller Named as Chief of Network Services Division, Schroder and Webber Named as Deputy Division Chiefs for Accounting Policy Division; News media contact: Mike Balmoris 202-418-0253. CCB. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/News_Releases/1999/nrcc9087.doc
FCC RESHAPES FOR THE FUTURE - ESTABLISHES NEW ENFORCEMENT AND CONSUMER INFORMATION BUREAUS TO BE EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 8, 1999. David Solomon named Bureau Chief of the Enforcement Bureau and Lorraine Miller named Bureau Chief of the Consumer Information Bureau; News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball 202-418-0500. OPA. Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Miscellaneous/News_Releases/1999/nrmc9072.html
Released: October 26, 1999. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU APPROVES WITHDRAWAL OF 42 APPLICATIONS.Contact: Richard Arsenault 202-418-0920. (DA No. 99-2322). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/da992322.wp
Released: October 26, 1999. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU TO CONDUCT MORE UNIVERSAL LICENSING SYSTEM INTERACTIVE DEMONSTRATIONS IN NOVEMBER 1999. (DA No. 99-2315). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Public_Notices/1999/da992315.pdf
REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF THE DECISION OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR. Granted Lenox Public Schools' request for review of decision regarding its application for discounts under the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism. Action by Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: October 26, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-2312). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/da992312.wp
SIMS COMPANY, INC. Denied Sims' petition for reconsideration of the Paging Application Dismissal Order regarding its application requesting authority to change its authorized frequency. Action by Deputy Chief, Commercial Wireless Division. Adopted: October 26, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-2311). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/da992311.wp
MEDINA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Granted Medina's request for reinstatement with primary status of WEG432 in Pearsall, TX. Action by Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division. Adopted: October 26, 1999. by Order on Recon. (DA No. 99-2314). WTB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Wireless/Orders/1999/da992314.wp
Released: October 25, 1999. FCC ANNOUNCES THE NEXT MEETING OF THE NORTH AMERICAN NUMBERING COUNCIL, TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 8:30 A.M. - NOON., FCC, ROOM TW-C304, 445 12TH ST., S.W., WASH., D.C.Contact Jeannie Grimes 202-418-2313. (DA No. 99-2294). Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Public_Notices/1999/da992294.html
NEW ALBANY-FLOYD COUNTY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL CORPORATION NEW ALBANY, INDIANA. Dismissed Letter of Appeal filed April 26, 1999 by the New Albany-Floyd County Consolidated School Corporation. Action by Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: October 25, 1999. by Order. (DA No. 99-2298). CCB Internet URL: https://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/Orders/1999/da992298.wp