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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 20 No. 32 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 February 13, 2001 |
FCC ORDERS HEARING INTO APPARENT RULE VIOLATIONS BY BROADCASTER IN U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. News Release ENF. Contact John Winston 202-418-7450  DOC-210028A1.pdf  DOC-210028A1.doc  DOC-210028A1.txt Released: 02/13/2001. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. CCB  DOC-210051A1.pdf  DOC-210051A1.txt Released: 02/13/2001. COMMON CARRIER BUREAU ANNOUNCES THE COMMENT AND REPLY COMMENT DATES RELATING TO WESTERN WIRELESS' PETITION FOR DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER FOR THE PINE RIDGE RESERVATION IN SOUTH DAKOTA. (DA No. 01-384). (Dkt No 96-45). Comments Due: 03/12/2001. Reply Comments Due: 03/26/2001. CCB. Contact: Richard D. Smith 202-418-7400  DA-01-384A1.pdf  DA-01-384A1.doc  DA-01-384A1.txt Report No: 2465 Released: 02/13/2001. CONSUMER INFORMATION BUREAU REFERENCE INFORMATION CENTER PETITION FOR RULEMAKING FILED. CIB  DOC-210039A1.pdf  DOC-210039A1.doc  DOC-210039A1.txt Report No: 44921 Released: 02/13/2001. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-210044A1.pdf  DOC-210044A1.txt  DOC-210044A1.txt Report No: 24921 Released: 02/13/2001. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MMB  DOC-210045A1.pdf  DOC-210045A1.txt  DOC-210045A1.txt Report No: 218 Released: 02/13/2001. MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE ACTIONS. MMB  DOC-210035A1.pdf  DOC-210035A1.txt Released: 02/13/2001. LOW POWER TELEVISION AUCTION NO.81 NON MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE PROPOSALS. (DA No. 01-383). Comments Due: 03/15/2001. MMB. Contact: Shaun Maher 202-418-1600  DA-01-383A1.pdf  DA-01-383A1.doc  DA-01-383A1.txt Report No: 2132 Released: 02/13/2001. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU WEEKLY RECEIPTS AND DISPOSALS. WTB Released: 02/13/2001. WIRELESS TELECOM ACTION; REGION 24 (MISSOURI) PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING COMMITTEES ANNOUNCE PLANNING MEETINGS. (DA No. 01-343). WTB. Contact: Stephen Devine 573-526-6105  DA-01-343A1.pdf  DA-01-343A1.doc  DA-01-343A1.txt FEDERAL-STATE JOINT BOARD ON UNIVERSAL SERVICES. Denied the petition for Forbearance filed November 17,1999 by Operator Communications, Inc. d/b/a Oncor Communications, Inc.. (Dkt No. 96-45). Action by: Commission. Adopted: 02/09/2001 by MO&O. (FCC No. 01-51). CCB  FCC-01-51A1.pdf  FCC-01-51A1.doc  FCC-01-51A1.txt HIGHWAY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, NEW YORK, NY. Dismissed request for review without prejudice due to concurrent appeal with Schools and Libraries Division (SLD).. (Dkt No. 97-21, 96-45). Action by: Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 02/12/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-357). CCB  DA-01-357A1.pdf  DA-01-357A1.doc  DA-01-357A1.txt ST. PIUS V PARISH SCHOOL, JACKSONVILLE, FL. Denied appeal and affirmed Schools and Libraries Division's decision to dismiss appeal to SLD as untmely filed.. (Dkt No. 97-21, 96-45). Action by: Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 02/12/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-358). CCB  DA-01-358A1.pdf  DA-01-358A1.doc  DA-01-358A1.txt DIETRICH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 314, DIETRICH, ID. Denied appeal and affirmed School and Libraries Division's decision to dismiss appeal to SLD as untimely filed.. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 02/12/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-355). CCB  DA-01-355A1.pdf  DA-01-355A1.doc  DA-01-355A1.txt GRANT COUNTY EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT, CANYON CITY, OR. Denied appeal and affirmed School and Libraries Division's decision to dismiss appeal to SLD as untimely filed.. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division. Adopted: 02/12/2001 by ORDER. (DA No. 01-356). CCB  DA-01-356A1.pdf  DA-01-356A1.doc  DA-01-356A1.txt PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM, WILLMAR, MINNESOTA. Waived Commission's rule requiring sua sponte reconsideration of a decision taken under delegated authority within 30 days; Granted request for Review and remand Pioneerland's application to SLD for futher processing.. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Common Carrier Bureau. Adopted: 02/12/2001 by RECON. (DA No. 01-353). CCB  DA-01-353A1.pdf  DA-01-353A1.doc  DA-01-353A1.txt BROWNWOOD CABLE TELEVISION SERVICES, INC.. Denied Prime Time Christian Broadcasting, Inc. petition for reconsideration of Cable Service Bureau Decision, DA 00-2296. Action by: Deputy Chief, Cable Services. Adopted: 02/08/2001 by MO&O. (DA No. 01-375). CSB  DA-01-375A1.pdf  DA-01-375A1.doc  DA-01-375A1.txt VOICESTREAM PCS I LICENSE L.L.C.. Issued apparent liability for a forfeiture in the amount of $24,000 for violating rules requiring owners to post numbers near the base of an antenna structure.. Action by: By the Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 02/09/2001 by NALF. (DA No. 01-368). ENF  DA-01-368A1.pdf  DA-01-368A1.doc  DA-01-368A1.txt FAMILY BROADCASTING, INC.. Ordered a hearing proceeding to determine whether the licenses held by Family Broadcasting, Inc. for Stations WSTX(AM) and WSTX-FM in Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands, should be revoked.. (Dkt No. 01-39). Action by: Commission. Adopted: 02/08/2001 by ORDER. (FCC No. 01-44). ENF  FCC-01-44A1.pdf  FCC-01-44A1.doc  FCC-01-44A1.txt CITICASTERS CO.. Issued apparent liability for a forfeiture in the amount of $25,000 for willfully and repeatedly violating rules by assuming control of WBTJ (FM), Hubbard, Ohio, without prior Commission consent.. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 02/12/2001 by NAL. (DA No. 01-344). ENF  DA-01-344A1.pdf  DA-01-344A1.doc  DA-01-344A1.txt DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONAL, TECHNICAL AND SPECTRUM REQUIREMENTS FOR MEETING FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS THROUGH THE YEAR 2010. Corrected errors in the Fourth Report and Order and Fifth Notice of Proposed Rule Making in the proceeding, FCC 01-10, released Jan. 17,01.. (Dkt No. 96-86). Action by: Deputy Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 02/09/2001 by ERRATUM. WTB Released: 02/12/2001. IB CLARIFIES AN ERROR; REGARD TO COMMENCEMENT AND TERMINATION DATES OF THIER PROGRAM. (DA No. 01-1372) TO INCREASE COMPLIANCE WITH THE LICENSING REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 214 OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT AND SECTIONS 34-39 OF THE SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE ACT. IB. Contact: Belinda Nixon 202-418-1382  DA-01-1372A1.pdf  DA-01-1372A1.doc  DA-01-1372A1.txt CORRECTIONS. Correction to Order DA 00-361, released 02/12/01 to read DA 01-361