fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 21 No. 71
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

April 12, 2002





FCC FILINGS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-221523A1.doc  DOC-221523A1.pdf  DOC-221523A1.txt

FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-221559A1.doc  DOC-221559A1.pdf  DOC-221559A1.txt




Released: 04/12/2002. MANDATORY USE OF FRNS FOR IB RELATED TRANSFERS OF CONTROL & ASSIGNMENTS. (DA No. 02-861). IB  DA-02-861A1.doc  DA-02-861A1.pdf  DA-02-861A1.txt

Released: 04/12/2002. NON-STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING SECTION 214 APPLICATION. (DA No. 02-859). IB. Contact: Cynthia Bryant at (202) 418-8164  DA-02-859A1.doc  DA-02-859A1.pdf  DA-02-859A1.txt

Report No: 45212 Released: 04/12/2002. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-221572A1.txt

Report No: 0034 Released: 04/12/2002. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. MB  DOC-221550A1.doc  DOC-221550A1.pdf  DOC-221550A1.txt

Report No: 25212 Released: 04/12/2002. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-221574A1.txt

Report No: 1330 Released: 04/12/2002. MEDIA BUREAU REGISTRATIONS Newly registered Community Unit Identification (CUID) Numbers.. MB  DOC-221551A1.doc  DOC-221551A1.pdf  DOC-221551A1.txt

Released: 04/12/2002. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS. OMD  DOC-221567A1.doc  DOC-221567A1.pdf  DOC-221567A1.txt

Released: 04/12/2002. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG 4/11/02. WCB  DOC-221555A1.pdf  DOC-221555A1.txt

Report No: CWS-02-52 Released: 04/12/2002. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION - ACCEPTED. WTB  DOC-221565A1.pdf  DOC-221565A1.txt

Released: 04/12/2002. COMMENTS INVITED ON NEW YORK METROPOLITAN AREA (REGION 8) PUBLIC SAFETY REGIONAL PLAN AMENDMENT. (DA No. 02-863). (Dkt No 88-476). Comments Due: 05/13/2002. Reply Comments Due: 05/31/2002. WTB  DA-02-863A1.doc  DA-02-863A2.xls  DA-02-863A1.pdf  DA-02-863A2.pdf  DA-02-863A1.txt  DA-02-863A2.txt

Released: 04/12/2002. WIRELESS TELECOMMUICATIONS BUREAU GRANTS CONSENT TO ASSIGN C BLOCK BROADBAND PCS LICENSES. (DA No. 02-867). WTB. Contact: Yolanda Lee (202) 418-0660  DA-02-867A1.doc  DA-02-867A1.pdf  DA-02-867A1.txt

Released: 04/12/2002. AUCTION OF LICENSES IN THE 747-762 AND 777-792 MHZ BANDS. (DA No. 02-866) Reminder: Pre-Auction Seminar April 30, 2002. WTB. Contact: Lisa Stover (717) 338-2888  DA-02-866A1.doc  DA-02-866A1.pdf  DA-02-866A1.txt




AT & T CORPORATION. Granted complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmental Affairs. Adopted: 04/05/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-852). CGB  DA-02-852A1.doc  DA-02-852A1.pdf  DA-02-852A1.txt

AT & T CORPORATION. Granted compaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's Telecommunications Carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 04/05/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-853). CGB  DA-02-853A1.doc  DA-02-853A1.pdf  DA-02-853A1.txt

AT & T CORPORATION. Granted complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications Carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmetal Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 04/05/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-854). CGB  DA-02-854A1.doc  DA-02-854A1.pdf  DA-02-854A1.txt

Z-TEL COMMUNICATIONS. Resolved complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 04/05/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-851). CGB  DA-02-851A1.doc  DA-02-851A1.pdf  DA-02-851A1.txt

UKI COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Resolved complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier.. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 04/05/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-813). CGB  DA-02-813A1.doc  DA-02-813A1.pdf  DA-02-813A1.txt

PRIMUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Granted Complaint Regarding Unauthorized change of Subscriber's Telecommunications Carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 04/05/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-811). CGB  DA-02-811A1.doc  DA-02-811A1.pdf  DA-02-811A1.txt

COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Granted complaint regarding unauthorized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier.. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 04/05/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-812). CGB  DA-02-812A1.doc  DA-02-812A1.pdf  DA-02-812A1.txt

ERRATUM -- ENTERCOM NEW ORLEANS LICENSE, LLC, STATION WEZB-FM. Corrects the date of adoption of Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture as February 5, 2002 and released: February 6, 2002. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau by ERRATUM. (DA No. 02-855). EB  DOC-221576A1.doc  DOC-221576A1.pdf  DOC-221576A1.txt

US LEO SERVICES, INC.. Denied petition of TRW, Inc. for clarification and/or reconsideration in part. Action by: Chief, International Bureau. Adopted: 04/12/2002 by MO&O. (DA No. 02-856). IB  DA-02-856A1.doc  DA-02-856A1.pdf  DA-02-856A1.txt

AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS FOR CHRISFIELD, MD. Proposed substituion of Channel 250A for Channel 245A at Crisfield, MD.. (Dkt No. 02-76). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, OBLP, MB. Comments Due: 06/03/2002. Reply Comments Due: 06/18/2002. Adopted: 04/03/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-864). MB  DA-02-864A1.doc  DA-02-864A1.pdf  DA-02-864A1.txt

AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS FOR NE, AL, GA, AND OR. Amended channels in Pierce, NE, Coosada, AL, Pineview, GA, and Diamond Lake, OR.. (Dkt No. 01-340, 01-341, 01-342, 01-343). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, OBLP, MB. Adopted: 04/03/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-865). MB  DA-02-865A1.doc  DA-02-865A1.pdf  DA-02-865A1.txt

AMENDMENT OF FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS. Amended allotments in Woodbury, GA, Reliance, WY, Eagle Lake, TX, Montana City, MT, Plainville, GA, Rosholt, WI, Morgantown, KY, Boswell, Ok, Frederic, MI.. (Dkt No. 01-20, 01-80, 01-81, 01-102, 01-103, 01-136, 01-13). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, OBLP, MB. Adopted: 04/03/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-858). MB  DA-02-858A1.doc  DA-02-858A1.pdf  DA-02-858A1.txt

VERIZON CALIFORNIA, INC.. Granted request to withdraw application to discontinue domestic telecommunications. Action by: Chief, Competition Policy Division. Adopted: 04/11/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-862). WCB  DA-02-862A1.doc  DA-02-862A1.pdf  DA-02-862A1.txt

SILVER PALM COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Granted a Waiver Request filed by Silver Palm on October 4, 2000. Action by: Deputy Chief, Policy and Rules Branch. Adopted: 04/10/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-850). WTB  DA-02-850A1.doc  DA-02-850A1.pdf  DA-02-850A1.txt





Released: 04/11/2002. FCC TO HOLD OPEN COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 at 9:30 a.m. in Room TW-C305, at 445 12th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C.. OMD  DOC-221568A1.doc  DOC-221568A1.pdf  DOC-221568A2.pdf  DOC-221568A1.txt  DOC-221568A2.txt




CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INTERNET ASSOCIATION. Denied request for delay of auction Nos. 31 and 44. Action by: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 04/10/2002 by LETTER. (DA No. 02-857). WTB  DA-02-857A1.doc  DA-02-857A1.pdf  DA-02-857A1.txt

IN THE MATTER OF AMENDMENT OF PARTS 1,21,22,24,25,26,27,73,74,80,90,95,100, AND 101 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES - COMPETITIVE BIDDING. Made conforming edits to service-specific competitive bidding rules and portions of the Part I general competitive bidding rules in accordance with the authority delegated by the FCC in the Part 1 Fifth Report and Order.. Action by: Deputy Bureau Chief ,Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 04/11/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-847). WTB  DA-02-847A1.doc  DA-02-847A1.pdf  DA-02-847A1.txt





Released: 04/09/2002. ERRATUM TO PUBLIC NOTICE DA 02-781 released April 8, 2002, announcing the OET Tutorial on the Security of Wireless Networks, April 28, 2002. OET. Contact: Young Carlson at (202) 418-2427  DOC-221592A1.doc  DOC-221592A1.pdf  DOC-221592A1.txt