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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 21 No. 126 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 July 1, 2002 |
FCC WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU ANNOUNCES ACTING CHIEF AND ACTING DEPUTY CHIEF OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACCESS POLICY DIVISION. News Release. News Media Contact: Michael Balmors at (202) 418-0253, email: Mbalmori@fcc.gov WCB  DOC-223863A1.doc  DOC-223863A1.pdf  DOC-223863A1.txt Report No: 2559 Released: 07/01/2002. PETITIONS FOR RULEMAKING FILED. CGB. Contact: Carolyn Bryant at (202) 418-0295  DOC-223867A1.doc  DOC-223867A1.pdf  DOC-223867A1.txt Report No: 45267 Released: 07/01/2002. BROADCAT ACTIONS. MB  DOC-223877A1.txt Report No: 25267 Released: 07/01/2002. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-223851A1.txt Report No: 0043 Released: 07/01/2002. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. MB. Contact: (202) 418-7200  DOC-223854A1.doc  DOC-223854A1.pdf  DOC-223854A1.txt Released: 07/01/2002. PUBLIC INVITED TO REVIEW DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN. OMD  DOC-223852A1.doc  DOC-223852A1.pdf  DOC-223852A1.txt Released: 07/01/2002. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSE PROCEEDINGS (2 PUBLIC NOTICES). OMD. Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310  DOC-223869A1.doc  DOC-223869A2.doc  DOC-223869A1.pdf  DOC-223869A2.pdf  DOC-223869A1.txt  DOC-223869A2.txt Report No: WCB/PPD-02-18 Released: 07/01/2002. PROTESTED TARIFF TRANSMITTALS ACTIONS TAKEN. (DA No. 02-1539). WCB. Contact: Judith A. Nitsche at (202) 418-1540  DA-02-1539A1.doc  DA-02-1539A1.pdf  DA-02-1539A1.txt ECHOSTAR SATELLITE CORPORATION. Cancelled EchoStar Satellite Corporation's authorization to construct, launch, and operate a Ka-band satellite system in the fixed-satellite service. Action by: Chief, International Bureau. Adopted: 06/28/2002 by MO&O. (DA No. 02-1534). IB  DA-02-1534A1.doc  DA-02-1534A1.pdf  DA-02-1534A1.txt TOPEKA, KS. Proposed TV Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-154). Action by: Chief, Video Division, MB. Comments Due: 08/22/2002. Reply Comments Due: 09/06/2002. Adopted: 06/24/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-1482). MB  DA-02-1482A1.doc  DA-02-1482A1.pdf  DA-02-1482A1.txt GEORGETOWN, SC. Amended the DTV Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-65). Action by: Chief, Video Division, MB. Adopted: 06/24/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-1478). MB  DA-02-1478A1.doc  DA-02-1478A1.pdf  DA-02-1478A1.txt YUMA, AZ. Proposed Amendment of the DTV Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-151). Action by: Chief, Video Division, MB. Comments Due: 08/22/2002. Reply Comments Due: 09/06/2002. Adopted: 06/24/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-1479). MB  DA-02-1479A1.doc  DA-02-1479A1.pdf  DA-02-1479A1.txt NEW IBERIA, LA. Proposed Amendment of TV Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-153). Action by: Chief, Video Division, MB. Comments Due: 08/22/2002. Reply Comments Due: 09/06/2002. Adopted: 06/24/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-1481). MB  DA-02-1481A1.doc  DA-02-1481A1.pdf  DA-02-1481A1.txt WIGGINS, MS. Proposed Amendment of the TV Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-152). Action by: Chief, Video Division, MB. Comments Due: 08/22/2002. Reply Comments Due: 09/06/2002. Adopted: 06/24/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-1480). MB  DA-02-1480A1.doc  DA-02-1480A1.pdf  DA-02-1480A1.txt CHARLESTON, WV. Proposed Amendment of the Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-155). Action by: Chief, Video Division, MB. Comments Due: 08/22/2002. Reply Comments Due: 09/06/2002. Adopted: 06/24/2002 by NPRM. (DA No. 02-1483). MB  DA-02-1483A1.doc  DA-02-1483A1.pdf  DA-02-1483A1.txt NEUSTAR. Clarified that NeuStar must seek prior approval before accepting additional investments, or making changes to the voting trust or the Board. (Dkt No. 02-237). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 02-1538). WCB  DA-02-1538A1.doc  DA-02-1538A1.pdf  DA-02-1538A1.txt ALBANY PUBLIC LIBRARY, ALBANY, NY, ET. AL.. Extended by 30 days the deadline for resolution of the captioned Requests for Review. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 06/28/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1537). WCB  DA-02-1537A1.doc  DA-02-1537A1.pdf  DA-02-1537A1.txt LAKE ERIE EDUCATIONAL COMPUTER ASSOCIATION, ELYRIA, OH. Dismissed Request for Review because appeal was filed concurrent with SLD. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 06/28/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1535). WCB  DA-02-1535A1.doc  DA-02-1535A1.pdf  DA-02-1535A1.txt AURORA WEIER EDUCATIONAL CENTER, MILWAUKEE, WS, ET. AL.. Extended by 60 days the deadline for resolution of the captioned Requests for Review. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 06/28/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1536). WCB  DA-02-1536A1.doc  DA-02-1536A1.pdf  DA-02-1536A1.txt Released: 06/28/2002. COMMENTS SOUGHT ON LUCENT'S PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING ON STATE CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS AS THEY RELATE TO AT&T/LUCENT LEASING OF CUSTOMER PREMISES EQUIPMENT. (DA No. 02-1533). (Dkt No 02-147). Comments Due: 07/29/2002. Reply Comments Due: 08/13/2002. WCB. Contact: Claudio Pabo at (202) 418-1595. News Media Contact: Michael Balmoris at (202) 418-0253  DA-02-1533A1.doc  DA-02-1533A1.pdf  DA-02-1533A1.txt LTR TO DOUGLAS B. EVANS, GEN. COUNSEL, MARGARET L. TOBEY, ESQ. JOHN C. QUALE, ESQ. LINDA G. MORRISON, ESQ. AND BARRY A. FRIEDMAN, ESQ.. Approved the Dotcast NTSC system described in the Application, as it pertains to the insertion of non-video data into the active portion of the NTSC signal, and hereby authorized its use for this purpose by NTSC television licensees. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 06/28/2002 by LETTER. (DA No. 02-1552). MB  DA-02-1552A1.doc  DA-02-1552A1.pdf  DA-02-1552A1.txt FEDERAL-STATE JOINT BOARD ON UNIVERSAL SERVICE; CHILDREN'S INTERNET PROTECTION ACT. Adopted interim measures to ensure that our implementation of the Children's Internet Protection act (CIPA) complies with the recent decision issued by a three-judge panel in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. (Dkt No. 96-45). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 06/28/2002 by ORDER. (FCC No. 02-196). WCB  FCC-02-196A1.doc  FCC-02-196A1.pdf  FCC-02-196A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF REVISION OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO ENSURE COMPATIBILITY WITH ENHANCED 911 EMERGENCY CALLING SYSTEMS. Granted waiver requests. (Dkt No. 94-102). Action by: Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 06/28/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-1540). WTB  DA-02-1540A1.doc  DA-02-1540A1.pdf  DA-02-1540A1.txt