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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 21 No. 158 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 August 15, 2002 |
Released: 08/15/2002. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF BIRCH TELECOM, INC.. (DA No. 02-2021). (Dkt No 02-229). CCB. Contact: Tracey Wilson at (202) 418-1394 or Bill Dever at (202) 418-1578  DA-02-2021A1.doc  DA-02-2021A1.pdf  DA-02-2021A1.txt Report No: TEL-00564 Released: 08/15/2002. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 02-2018) Action Taken Public Notice. IB. Contact: (202) 418-1460  DA-02-2018A1.pdf  DA-02-2018A1.txt Report No: SAT-00117 Released: 08/15/2002. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION SATELLITE SPACE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-225418A1.pdf  DOC-225418A1.txt Report No: 45299 Released: 08/15/2002. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-225343A1.txt Report No: 25299 Released: 08/15/2002. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-225345A1.txt Released: 08/15/2002. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS. OMD. Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 418-0310  DOC-225412A1.doc  DOC-225412A1.pdf  DOC-225412A1.txt Report No: 2569 Released: 08/15/2002. ERRATUM TO REPORT NO. 2569 PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ACTION IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDING IN DOCKET NO. 94-102. OMD  DOC-225394A1.doc  DOC-225394A1.pdf  DOC-225394A1.txt Released: 08/15/2002. COMMENTS INVITED ON PACAMTEL, LLC APPLICATION TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 02-2019) Comp. Pol. File No. 600, Section 214 Application, Applicant: PacAmTel, LLC. Comments Due: 08/29/2002. WCB  DA-02-2019A1.doc  DA-02-2019A1.pdf  DA-02-2019A1.txt SYCAMORE VALLEY BROADCASTING, INC.. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $4,000.00 to Sycamore, Ashland City, TN for repeated and willful violation of Sections of the FCC's rules involving failure to monitor two Emergency Alert System (EAS) sources. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/13/2002 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 02-2001). EB  DA-02-2001A1.doc  DA-02-2001A1.pdf  DA-02-2001A1.txt FAIR LAWN BOARD OF EDUCATION, FAIR LAWN, NJ. Dismissed as moot the request for review. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2011). WCB  DA-02-2011A1.doc  DA-02-2011A1.pdf  DA-02-2011A1.txt WYNOT PUBLIC SCHOOLS, WYNOT, NV. Denied request for review and affirmed SLD's decision to deny funding for discounted services. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2015). WCB  DA-02-2015A1.doc  DA-02-2015A1.pdf  DA-02-2015A1.txt BEULAH PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BEULAH, ND. Denied request for review and affirmed SLD's decision to deny funding for discounted services. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2008). WCB  DA-02-2008A1.doc  DA-02-2008A1.pdf  DA-02-2008A1.txt KENEDY PUBLIC LIBRARY, KENEDY, TX. Denied request for review and affirmed SLD's decision to deny funding for discounted services. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2012). WCB  DA-02-2012A1.doc  DA-02-2012A1.pdf  DA-02-2012A1.txt YESHIVA CHASDEI TORAH, BROOKLYN, NY. Denied request for review and affirmed SLD's decision to deny funding for discounted services. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2016). WCB  DA-02-2016A1.doc  DA-02-2016A1.pdf  DA-02-2016A1.txt THOMAS CITY SCHOOLS, THOMASVILLE, GA. Denied request for review and affirmed SLD's decision to deny funding for discounted services. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2014). WCB  DA-02-2014A1.doc  DA-02-2014A1.pdf  DA-02-2014A1.txt ST. ELIZABETH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, WILMINGTON, DE. Denied request for review and affirmed SLD's decision to deny initial appeal as untimely. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2013). WCB  DA-02-2013A1.doc  DA-02-2013A1.pdf  DA-02-2013A1.txt CHRISMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY, CHRISMAN, IL, ET. AL.. Denied requests for waiver to consider applications as timely filed within the filing window. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2010). WCB  DA-02-2010A1.doc  DA-02-2010A1.pdf  DA-02-2010A1.txt ARLINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, ARLINGTON, VA. Denied request for review and affirmed SLD's decision to deny funding for discounted services. (Dkt No. 96-45, 97-21). Action by: Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 08/14/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-2007). WCB  DA-02-2007A1.doc  DA-02-2007A1.pdf  DA-02-2007A1.txt CORRECTING PUBLIC NOTICE REPORT NO. 479 MEDIA BUREAU CALL SIGN ACTIONS, RELEASED 08/14/2002 TO READ REPORT NO. 439 MEDIA BUREAU CALL SIGN ACTIONS  DOC-225391A1.doc  DOC-225391A1.pdf  DOC-225391A1.txt