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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 21 No. 221 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 November 15, 2002 |
FCC FILINGS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-228500A1.doc  DOC-228500A1.pdf  DOC-228500A1.txt FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS. News Release. News Media Contact: Sharon Hurd at (202) 418-0504 OMR  DOC-228336A1.doc  DOC-228336A1.pdf  DOC-228336A1.txt FCC'S OFFICE OF PLANS AND POLICY RELEASES STUDY PROPOSING A RAPID TRANSITION TO MARKET ALLOCATION OF SPECTRUM. Study proposes two-sided spectrum auction with voluntary participation by incumbents. News Release. News Media Contact: Robin Pence (202) 418-0505 OPP. Contact Evan Kwerel (202) 418-2045 or John Williams 418-2050  DOC-228557A1.doc  DOC-228557A1.pdf  DOC-228557A1.txt Released: 11/15/2002. TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG. CGB  DOC-228553A1.pdf  DOC-228553A1.txt Released: 11/15/2002. NOTICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICES (TRS) APPLICATIONS FOR STATE CERTIFICATION ACCEPTED, PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED FOR COMMENT ON TRS CERTIFICATION APPLICATIONS. (DA No. 02-3168). (Dkt No 98-67). Comments Due: 01/09/2003. Reply Comments Due: 01/27/2003. CGB. Contact: Erica Myers at (202) 418-2429, email: emyers@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0464  DA-02-3168A1.doc  DA-02-3168A1.pdf  DA-02-3168A1.txt Released: 11/15/2002. ACTIONS TAKEN UNDER CABLE LANDING LICENSE ACT. (DA No. 02-3177). IB  DA-02-3177A1.doc  DA-02-3177A1.pdf  DA-02-3177A1.txt Report No: SPB-181 Released: 11/15/2002. REVISION OF PERMITTED LIST ENTRY FOR THE NSS-7 SATELLITE TO REMOVE COORDINATION CONDITIONS. (DA No. 02-3179). IB. Contact: Selina Khan at (202) 418-7282  DA-02-3179A1.doc  DA-02-3179A1.pdf  DA-02-3179A1.txt Report No: SAT-00128 Released: 11/15/2002. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION- ACCEPTED. IB  DOC-228541A1.pdf  DOC-228541A1.txt Report No: TEL-00600S Released: 11/15/2002. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB  DOC-228519A1.pdf  DOC-228519A1.txt Report No: TEL-00599NS Released: 11/15/2002. NON STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB  DOC-228518A1.pdf  DOC-228518A1.txt Report No: 45362 Released: 11/15/2002. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-228459A1.txt Report No: 25362 Released: 11/15/2002. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-228460A1.txt Report No: 25362A Released: 11/15/2002. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE FOR FILING OF TELEVISION BROADCAST STATION APPLICATION AND NOTICE OF PETITION TO DENY DEADLINE. MB  DOC-228505A1.doc  DOC-228505A1.pdf  DOC-228505A1.txt Released: 11/15/2002. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS. OMD  DOC-228530A1.doc  DOC-228530A1.pdf  DOC-228530A1.txt Released: 11/15/2002. NOTIFICATION OF APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION AS AN ACCOUNTING AUTHORITY. (DA No. 02-3180). OMD. Contact: Claudette Pride at (202) 418-1995  DA-02-3180A1.doc  DA-02-3180A1.pdf  DA-02-3180A1.txt Report No: CWS-03-10 Released: 11/15/2002. ANTENNA STRUCTURE REGISTRATION SERVICE INFORMATION - ACCEPTED. WTB  DOC-228517A1.pdf  DOC-228517A1.txt Report No: AUC-02-47-C Released: 11/15/2002. CLOSED AUCTION OF LICENSES FOR CELLULAR UNSERVED SERVICE AREAS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 12, 2003. (DA No. 02-3153). WTB  DA-02-3153A1.doc  DA-02-3153A2.xls  DA-02-3153A1.pdf  DA-02-3153A2.pdf  DA-02-3153A1.txt  DA-02-3153A2.txt NETWORK PLUS. Granted complaints filed against Network Plus. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-3144). CGB  DA-02-3144A1.doc  DA-02-3144A1.pdf  DA-02-3144A1.txt AT&T CORPORATION. Granted complaints filed against AT&T Corporation. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-3147). CGB  DA-02-3147A1.doc  DA-02-3147A1.pdf  DA-02-3147A1.txt Z-TEL COMMUNICATIONS. Granted complaint filed against Z-Tel Communications. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-3143). CGB  DA-02-3143A1.doc  DA-02-3143A1.pdf  DA-02-3143A1.txt WEBNET COMMUNICATIONS, INC.. Granted the complaint against Webnet Communications, Inc. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-3146). CGB  DA-02-3146A1.doc  DA-02-3146A1.pdf  DA-02-3146A1.txt EXCEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC.. Granted the compaint filed against Excel Telecommunications, Inc. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-3145). CGB  DA-02-3145A1.doc  DA-02-3145A1.pdf  DA-02-3145A1.txt NATIONAL ACCOUNTS, INC. Granted complaint filed against National Accounts regarding unauthroized change of subscriber's telecommunications carrier. Action by: Deputy Chief, Consumer & Intergovernmental Affairs Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by ORDER. (DA No. 02-3142). CGB  DA-02-3142A1.doc  DA-02-3142A1.pdf  DA-02-3142A1.txt BEACON BROADCASTING, INC.. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $15,000 to Beacon Broadcasting, Inc. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/13/2002 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 02-3139). EB  DA-02-3139A1.doc  DA-02-3139A1.pdf  DA-02-3139A1.txt DTV TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, MIAMI, FLORIDA. Amended Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-125). Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3092). MB  DA-02-3092A1.doc  DA-02-3092A1.pdf  DA-02-3092A1.txt DTV TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, WAILUKU, HAWAII. Amended Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-221). Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3091). MB  DA-02-3091A1.doc  DA-02-3091A1.pdf  DA-02-3091A1.txt DTV TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, LAWTON, OKLAHOMA. Amended Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-219). Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3089). MB  DA-02-3089A1.doc  DA-02-3089A1.pdf  DA-02-3089A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, PAMPA, TEXAS. Amended Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-204). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/06/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3165). MB  DA-02-3165A1.doc  DA-02-3165A1.pdf  DA-02-3165A1.txt DTV TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Amended Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-218). Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3090). MB  DA-02-3090A1.doc  DA-02-3090A1.pdf  DA-02-3090A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, ALBANY, VERMONT. Amended Table of Allotments for this community. (Dkt No. 02-192). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/06/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3166). MB  DA-02-3166A1.doc  DA-02-3166A1.pdf  DA-02-3166A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, GOLIAD, TEXAS. Erratum to Report and Order (DA-02-2929) released on November 8, 2002. (Dkt No. 01-155). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau by ERRATUM. MB  DOC-228522A1.doc  DOC-228522A1.pdf  DOC-228522A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, SHAFTER AND BUTTONWILLOW, CALIFORNIA. Amended FM Table of Allotments for these communities. (Dkt No. 02-58). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/13/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3170). MB  DA-02-3170A1.doc  DA-02-3170A1.pdf  DA-02-3170A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, SHAFTER AND BUTTONWILLOW, CALIFORNIA. Amended Table of Allotments for these communities. (Dkt No. 02-226, 02-227, 02-228). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/06/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3167). MB  DA-02-3167A1.doc  DA-02-3167A1.pdf  DA-02-3167A1.txt FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, VICI, OKLAHOMA, BIG LAKE, TEXAS, LEAKERY, TEXAS. Amended Table of Alltoments for these communities. (Dkt No. 02-205, 02-206, 02-207). Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/06/2002 by R&O. (DA No. 02-3164). MB  DA-02-3164A1.doc  DA-02-3164A1.pdf  DA-02-3164A1.txt ALTRIO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. V. ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION.. Dismissed complaint filed by Altrio Communications, Inc. against Adelphia Communications Corporation. Action by: Deputy Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 11/08/2002 by MO&O. (DA No. 02-3172). MB  DA-02-3172A1.doc  DA-02-3172A1.pdf  DA-02-3172A1.txt SPECTRUM POLICY TASK FORCE. Spectrum Policy Task Force report setting forth recommendations for spectrum policy reform. (Dkt No. 02-135). Action by: Spectrum Policy Task Force by REPORT. OET. Contact Lisa Gaisford 202-418-7280, Robin Pence 418-0505, and Lauren Van Wazer 418-0030  DOC-228542A1.doc  DOC-228542A1.pdf  DOC-228542A1.txt AMENDMENT OF PART 2 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO ALLOCATE SPECTRUM BELOW 3 GHZ FOR MOBILE AND FIXED SERVICES TO SUPPORT THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICES, INCLUDING THIRD GENERATION WIRELESS SYSTEMS. Identifed and allocated spectrum to support new advanced wireless services. (Dkt No. 00-258). Action by: Commission. Adopted: 11/07/2002 by R&O. (FCC No. 02-304). OET  FCC-02-304A1.doc  FCC-02-304A1.pdf  FCC-02-304A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF AMENDMENT OF PART 1 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DEBT COLLECTION IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1996. Proposed amending rules governing the collection of claims owed the United States, to implement the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996.. Action by: Commission. Comments Due: 02/10/2003. Reply Comments Due: 03/12/2003. Adopted: 10/30/2002 by NPRM. (FCC No. 02-299). OMD  FCC-02-299A1.doc  FCC-02-299A1.pdf  FCC-02-299A1.txt A PROPOSAL FOR A RAPID TRANSITION TO MARKET ALLOCATION OF SPECTRUM. OPP Working Paper # 38. Action by: Office of Plans and Policy by REPORT. OPP  DOC-228552A1.pdf MULTIMEDIA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Rescinded the Notices of Apparent Liability issued to Multimedia Development Corporation. Action by: Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 11/12/2002 by MO&O. (DA No. 02-2462). WTB  DA-02-2462A1.doc  DA-02-2462A1.pdf  DA-02-2462A1.txt FCC ADOPTS ORDER GRANTING RELIEF TO ELIGIBLE AUCTION NO. 35 BIDDERS. News Release. (Dkt No 02-276). News Media Contact: Lauren Kravetz Patrich at (202) 418-7944 WTB. Contact Bill Huber at (202) 418-0600  DOC-228506A1.doc  DOC-228506A2.doc  DOC-228506A3.doc  DOC-228506A4.doc  DOC-228506A1.pdf  DOC-228506A2.pdf  DOC-228506A3.pdf  DOC-228506A4.pdf  DOC-228506A1.txt  DOC-228506A2.txt  DOC-228506A3.txt  DOC-228506A4.txt Released: 11/14/2002. ECHOSTAR - DIRECTV MERGER. (DA No. 02-3173). (Dkt No 01-348). OMD  DA-02-3173A1.doc  DA-02-3173A1.pdf  DA-02-3173A1.txt Released: 11/14/2002. WTB ANNOUNCES LIMITED EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE COMMENT AND REPLY COMMENTS ON PROPOSAL TO REVISE MULTICHANNEL MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE AND THE INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION FIXED SERVICE RULES.. (DA No. 02-3175). Comments Due: 11/21/2002. Reply Comments Due: 11/29/2002. WTB. Contact: Charles M. Oliver at (202) 418-1325, TTY (202) 418-7233  DA-02-3175A1.doc  DA-02-3175A1.pdf  DA-02-3175A1.txt APPLICATIONS FOR CONSENT TO THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF LICENSES FROM COMCAST CORPORATION. AND AT&T CORP, TRANSFERORS, TO AT&T COMCAST CORP., TRANSFEREE. Granted application for transfer of licenses from Comcast Corporation and AT&T Corp. to AT&T-Comcast Corporation, with conditions. (Dkt No. 02-70). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/13/2002 by MO&O. (FCC No. 02-310). MB  FCC-02-310A1.doc  FCC-02-310A1.pdf  FCC-02-310A1.txt PETITION OF SUPRA TELECOMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INC., PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(E)(5) OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT FOR PREEMPTION OF THE JURSIDICTION OF THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. Denied Supra's petition. (Dkt No. 02-238). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 11/14/2002 by MO&O. (DA No. 02-3151). WCB  DA-02-3151A1.doc  DA-02-3151A1.pdf  DA-02-3151A1.txt IN THE MATTER OF DISPOSITION OF DOWN PAYMENT AND PENDING APPLICATIONS BY CERTAIN WINNING BIDDERS IN AUCTION NO. 35/REQUESTS FOR REFUNDS OF DOWN PAYMENTS MADE IN AUCTION NO. 35. Adopted Order in this proceeding. By Order and Order on Reconsideration. (Dkt No. 02-276). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/14/2002 by ORDER. (FCC No. 02-311). WTB  FCC-02-311A1.doc  FCC-02-311A1.pdf  FCC-02-311A1.txt