fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 26 No. 28
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

February 12, 2007





Report No: 2806 Released: 02/12/2007. PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ACTION IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDING. (Dkt No 02-380 , 04-186). CGB  DOC-270427A1.doc  DOC-270427A1.pdf  DOC-270427A1.txt

Released: 02/12/2007. ERRATUM - INTERNATIONAL BUREAU INVITES COMMENT ON PROPOSAL TO REMOVE CERTAIN NON-U.S.-LICENSED SATELLITES FROM THE EXCLUSION LIST FOR GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL SECTION 214 ATHORIZATION PURPOSES. (Dkt No 07-23) Issued an Erratum correcting Public Notice, DA 07-100, released January 18, 2007. IB. Contact: Howard Griboff at (202) 418-0657 or Jennifer Gorny Balatan at (202) 418-1517  DOC-270461A1.doc  DOC-270461A1.pdf  DOC-270461A1.txt

Released: 02/12/2007. FCC CONTINUES EEO AUDITS. (DA No. 07-399). MB. Contact: (202) 418-1450  DA-07-399A1.doc  DA-07-399A1.pdf  DA-07-399A1.txt

Report No: 0198 Released: 02/12/2007. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. MB  DOC-270460A1.doc  DOC-270460A1.pdf  DOC-270460A1.txt

Report No: 0197 Released: 02/12/2007. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. MB. Contact: (202) 418-7200  DOC-270435A1.doc  DOC-270435A1.pdf  DOC-270435A1.txt

Report No: 46421 Released: 02/12/2007. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-270414A2.txt  DOC-270414A1.pdf

Report No: 26421 Released: 02/12/2007. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-270411A2.txt  DOC-270411A1.pdf




BOONE BIBLICAL MINISTRIES, INC. Issued a $20,000 Notice of Apparent Liablity for Forfeiture to Stations KFFF(AM) and KFFF-FM, Boone, Iowa for public file rule violations. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-635). MB  DA-07-635A1.doc  DA-07-635A1.pdf  DA-07-635A1.txt

ALACCA BIBLE CONFERENCE. Issued a $1,500 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K215AB, Kamiah, Idaho for failure to timely file its license renewal application. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-622). MB  DA-07-622A1.doc  DA-07-622A1.pdf  DA-07-622A1.txt

WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to Station KWTS(FM) Canyon, Texas for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-634). MB  DA-07-634A1.doc  DA-07-634A1.pdf  DA-07-634A1.txt

LA PROMESA FOUNDATION. Issued a $1,500 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K217CM, Clayton, New Mexico for failure to timely file its license renewal application. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-623). MB  DA-07-623A1.doc  DA-07-623A1.pdf  DA-07-623A1.txt

TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to Station KTSU(FM) Houston, Texas for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-633). MB  DA-07-633A1.doc  DA-07-633A1.pdf  DA-07-633A1.txt

ALACCA BIBLE CONFERENCE, INC. Issued a $1,500 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K213BN, Orofino, Idaho for failure to timely file its license renewal application. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-621). MB  DA-07-621A1.doc  DA-07-621A1.pdf  DA-07-621A1.txt

BIBLE BROADCASTING NETWORK, INC. Issued a $1,500 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K217EY, Laramie, Wyoming for failure to timely file its license renewal application. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-624). MB  DA-07-624A1.doc  DA-07-624A1.pdf  DA-07-624A1.txt

SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to Station KSHU(FM), Huntsville, Texas for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-632). MB  DA-07-632A1.doc  DA-07-632A1.pdf  DA-07-632A1.txt

FIRST IV MEDIA, INC. Issued a $3,500 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to Station KGAF(AM), Gainsville, Texas for failure to timely file license renewal application and unauthorized station operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-631). MB  DA-07-631A1.doc  DA-07-631A1.pdf  DA-07-631A1.txt

BOUNDARY COUNTY TV TRANSLATOR DISTRICT. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K220AE, Bonners Ferry, Idaho for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-625). MB  DA-07-625A1.doc  DA-07-625A1.pdf  DA-07-625A1.txt

BOUNDARY COUNTY TV TRANSLATOR DISTRICT. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K257DH, Bonners Ferry, Idaho for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-626). MB  DA-07-626A1.doc  DA-07-626A1.pdf  DA-07-626A1.txt

BOUNDARY COUNTY TV TRANSLATOR DISTRICT. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K265AV, Bonners Ferry, Idaho for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-627). MB  DA-07-627A1.doc  DA-07-627A1.pdf  DA-07-627A1.txt

BOUNDARY COUNTY TV TRANSLATOR DISTRICT. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K296BJ, Bonners Ferry, Idaho for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-628). MB  DA-07-628A1.doc  DA-07-628A1.pdf  DA-07-628A1.txt

BOUNDARY COUNTY TV TRANSLATOR DISTRICT. Issued a $7,000 Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture to FM Translator Station K272AR, Bonners Ferry, Idaho for failure to timely file renewal application and unauthorized operation. Granted the application for renewal. by NALF. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 01/31/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-629). MB  DA-07-629A1.doc  DA-07-629A1.pdf  DA-07-629A1.txt

INLAND EMPIRE BROADCASTING CORPORATION AND SBR BROADCASTING CORPORATION. Issued a $5,000 NALF to Station KOLA(FM), San Bernardino, CA, and a $5,000 NALF for SBR Broadcasting Corporation for Station KCAL-FM, Redlands, CA for violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Rules. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 02/07/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-393). MB  DA-07-393A1.doc  DA-07-393A1.pdf  DA-07-393A1.txt

SPRINT NEXTEL CORPORATION. Provided clarification and guidance on certain issues relating to the STA Public Notice released in this proceeding on December 20, 2006. (Dkt No. 02-55). Action by: Associate Bureau Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-641). PSHSB  DA-07-641A1.doc  DA-07-641A1.pdf  DA-07-641A1.txt





Released: 02/09/2007. FEDERAL-STATE JOINT BOARD ON UNIVERSAL SERVICE TO HOLD EN BANC HEARING ON HIGH-COST UNIVERSAL SERVICE SUPPORT IN AREAS SERVED BY RURAL CARRIERS. (DA No. 07-630). (Dkt No 05-337). WCB. Contact: Vickie Robinsion at (202) 418-7400, TTY: (202) 418-0484  DA-07-630A1.doc  DA-07-630A1.pdf  DA-07-630A1.txt




ARSO RADIO CORPORATION AND BESTOV BROADCASTING, INC.. Granted the application for consent to assignment of license for Station WMIO(FM), Cabo Rojo, PR. Action by: Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-640). MB  DA-07-640A1.doc  DA-07-640A1.pdf  DA-07-640A1.txt

REVISION OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES TO ENSURE COMPATIBILITY WITH ENHANCED 911 EMERGENCY CALLING SYSTEMS; E911 PHASE II COMPLIANCE DEADLINES FOR TIER III CARRIERS; JOINT PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF THE COMMNET CARRIERS. Denied the Joint Petition for Reconsideration of the Commnet Carriers. (Dkt No. 94-102). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 02/08/2007 by Order on Reconsideration. (FCC No. 07-10). PSHSB  FCC-07-10A1.doc  FCC-07-10A1.pdf  FCC-07-10A1.txt

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PAY TELEPHONE RECLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PROVISIONS OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996, PETITION OF THE PAYPHONE ASSOC. OF OHIO TO PRE-EMPT THE ACTIONS OF THE STATE OF OHIO REFUSING TO IMPLEMENT THE FCC'S PAYPHONE ORDERS. Granted the Motion of the Payphone Association of Ohio for Extension of Time. (Dkt No. 96-128). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Reply Comments Due: 02/19/2007. Adopted: 02/09/2007 by ORDER. (DA No. 07-636). WCB  DA-07-636A1.doc  DA-07-636A1.pdf  DA-07-636A1.txt