fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 26 No. 62
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 202/418-2555

April 2, 2007





FCC STRENGTHENS PRIVACY RULES TO PREVENT PRETEXTING. News Release. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov WCB. Contact Adam Kirschenbaum at (202) 418-7280, email: Adam.Kirschenbaum@fcc.gov  DOC-272008A1.doc  DOC-272008A1.pdf  DOC-272008A1.txt




Report No: 2810 Released: 04/02/2007. PETITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ACTION IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDING. (Dkt No 05-235). CGB  DOC-271989A1.doc  DOC-271989A1.pdf  DOC-271989A1.txt

Report No: 2811 Released: 04/02/2007. CONSUMER & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU REFERENCE INFORMATION CENTER PETITION FOR RULEMAKINGS FILED. (Dkt No 05-243). CGB  DOC-271990A1.doc  DOC-271990A1.pdf  DOC-271990A1.txt

Report No: SCL-00027 Released: 04/02/2007. ACTIONS TAKEN UNDER CABLE LANDING LICENSE ACT. (DA No. 07-1567). IB  DA-07-1567A1.pdf  DA-07-1567A1.txt

Report No: SCL-00028NS Released: 04/02/2007. NON-STREAMLINED SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE APPLICATIONS. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-272000A1.pdf  DOC-272000A1.txt

Report No: TEL-01131NS Released: 04/02/2007. NON STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. IB. Contact: (202) 418-0270  DOC-271999A1.pdf  DOC-271999A1.txt

Released: 04/02/2007. FOURTH QUARTER 2006 INFLATION ADJUSTMENT FIGURES FOR CABLE OPERATORS USING FCC FORM 1240 NOW AVAILABLE. (DA No. 07-1570). MB. Contact: Jane Frenette at (202) 418-2245, TTY: (202) 418-7172  DA-07-1570A1.doc  DA-07-1570A1.pdf  DA-07-1570A1.txt

Report No: 46455 Released: 04/02/2007. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-271969A2.txt  DOC-271969A1.pdf

Report No: 26455 Released: 04/02/2007. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-271966A2.txt  DOC-271966A1.pdf

Released: 04/02/2007. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS (1 OF 2). OMD. Contact: Jason Brown at (202) 418-0310  DOC-271995A1.pdf  DOC-271995A1.txt

Released: 04/02/2007. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS (2 OF 2). OMD. Contact: Jason Brown at (202) 418-0310  DOC-271996A1.pdf  DOC-271996A1.txt

Released: 04/02/2007. NOTICE OF DOMESTIC SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 07-1475). (Dkt No 07-32 , 07-35). WCB. Contact: Tracey Wilson-Parker at (202) 418-1394  DA-07-1475A1.doc  DA-07-1475A1.pdf  DA-07-1475A1.txt

Released: 04/02/2007. INITIATION PLANS FILED IN WT DOCKET NO. 06-136. (DA No. 07-1572). (Dkt No 06-136). WTB  DA-07-1572A1.doc  DA-07-1572A1.pdf  DA-07-1572A1.txt

Report No: AUC-07-70-F Released: 04/02/2007. AUCTION OF FM BROADCAST CONSTRUCTION PERMITS CLOSES, WINNING BIDDERS ANNOUNCED FOR AUCTION NO. 70. (DA No. 07-1437) Down Payments due April 16, 2007, Final Payments due April 30, 2007, FCC Form 301 due May 2, 2007. WTB. Contact: Gail Glasser at (202) 418-0578, Lisa Scanlan at (202) 418-2700, Thomas Nessinger at (202) 418-2700, Linda Sanderson at (717) 338-2868 or Lynne Milne at (202) 418-0660  DA-07-1437A1.doc  DA-07-1437A1.pdf  DA-07-1437A2.pdf  DA-07-1437A3.pdf  DA-07-1437A1.txt  DA-07-1437A2.txt  DA-07-1437A3.txt




JUNIOR LAHENS CHARLES. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 to Junior Lahens Charles for operating an unlicensed radio transmitter. Action by: Regional Director, South Central Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/29/2007 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 07-1482). EB  DA-07-1482A1.doc  DA-07-1482A1.pdf  DA-07-1482A1.txt

PARKER CONSTRUCTION, INC. Issued a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 to Parker Construction, Inc. for operating radio transmitting equipment without a license. Action by: Regional Director, South Central Region, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/29/2007 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 07-1486). EB  DA-07-1486A1.doc  DA-07-1486A1.pdf  DA-07-1486A1.txt

HAWKING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Notified Hawking of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount $50,000 for marketing external radio frequency power amplifiers in a manner that was inconsistent with the terms of Hawking's equipment authorization and the requirements of the Rules. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/28/2007 by NALF. (FCC No. 07-45). EB  FCC-07-45A1.doc  FCC-07-45A1.pdf  FCC-07-45A1.txt

GENERAL GROWTH PROPERTIES. Notified General Growth Properties of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $9,200 for operating a PLMRS station without authority, failure to file a timely renewal application for the station and failure to respond to directives. Action by: Chief, Spectrum Enforcement Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/29/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-1548). EB  DA-07-1548A1.doc  DA-07-1548A1.pdf  DA-07-1548A1.txt

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS' USE OF CUSTOMER PROPRIETARY NETWORK INFORMATION AND OTHER CUSTOMER INFORMATION IP-ENABLED SERVICES. The Comission strengthened privacy rules to prevent pretexting. (Dkt No. 96-115 , 04-36). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/13/2007 by R&O. (FCC No. 07-22). WCB  FCC-07-22A1.doc  FCC-07-22A2.doc  FCC-07-22A3.doc  FCC-07-22A4.doc  FCC-07-22A5.doc  FCC-07-22A6.doc  FCC-07-22A1.pdf  FCC-07-22A2.pdf  FCC-07-22A3.pdf  FCC-07-22A4.pdf  FCC-07-22A5.pdf  FCC-07-22A6.pdf  FCC-07-22A1.txt  FCC-07-22A2.txt  FCC-07-22A3.txt  FCC-07-22A4.txt  FCC-07-22A5.txt  FCC-07-22A6.txt

TELEPHONE NUMBER PORTABILITY PETITION OF GTE PACIFICA, INC., CHOICE PHONE, LLC, GUAM WIRELESS TEL. CO., LLC FOR WAIVER AND EXTENSION OF TIME TO IMPLEMENT WIRELESS LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. Denied the petitions for waiver and extension of time to implement wireless-to-wireless porting filed by GTE Pacifica, Inc., Choice Phone, LLC and Guam Wireless Telephone Co., LLC. (Dkt No. 95-116). Action by: Deputy Chief, Spectrum and Competition Policy Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by ORDER. (DA No. 07-1565). WTB  DA-07-1565A1.doc  DA-07-1565A1.pdf  DA-07-1565A1.txt





Released: 03/30/2007. OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SEEKS COMMENT ON MEASUREMENT REPORT OF DTV RECEIVER INTERFERENCE REJECTION CAPABILITIES. (DA No. 07-1564). (Dkt No 04-186). Comments Due: 03/30/2007. Reply Comments Due: 05/15/2007. OET. Contact: Steve Martin at (301) 362-3052 or Hugh Van Tuyl at (202) 418-7506. News Media Contact: Bruce Romano at (202) 418-2470  DA-07-1564A1.doc  DA-07-1564A1.pdf  DA-07-1564A2.pdf  DA-07-1564A1.txt  DA-07-1564A2.txt

Released: 03/30/2007. COMMENTS INVITED ON APPLICATION OF SBC LONG DISTANCE, LLC D/B/A AT & T LONG DISTANCE TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 07-1578). (Dkt No 07-65). Comments Due: 04/16/2007. WCB. Contact: Carmell Weathers at (202) 418-2325, email: Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov or Rodney McDonald at (202) 418-7513, email: Rodney.Mcdonald@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-0484  DA-07-1578A1.doc  DA-07-1578A1.pdf  DA-07-1578A1.txt




PHONECO, LP. Proposed a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $4,000 against PhoneCo, LP concerning failure to comply with CPNI Carrier Certification Requirements. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-1423). EB  DA-07-1423A1.doc  DA-07-1423A1.pdf  DA-07-1423A1.txt

1ST UNITED TEL-COM, INC. Proposed a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $4,000 against 1st United Tel-Com, Inc. concerning failure to comply with CPNI Carrier Certification Requirements. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-1417). EB  DA-07-1417A1.doc  DA-07-1417A1.pdf  DA-07-1417A1.txt

HABLA COMMUNICACIONES, INC. Proposed a monetary foreiture in the amount of $4,000 against Habla Communicaciones, Inc. concerning failure to comply with CPNI Carrier Certification Requirements. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-1421). EB  DA-07-1421A1.doc  DA-07-1421A1.pdf  DA-07-1421A1.txt

RAMKO DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Notified Ramko Distributors, Inc. of its Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in the amount of $150,000 for marketing 17 models of non-certified radio transceivers in violation of the Commission's rules. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by NALF. (FCC No. 07-49). EB  FCC-07-49A1.doc  FCC-07-49A1.pdf  FCC-07-49A1.txt

BURKE'S GARDEN TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. Proposed a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $4,000 against Burke's Garden Telephone Company, Inc. concerning failure to comply with CPNI Carrier Certification Requirements. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-1419). EB  DA-07-1419A1.doc  DA-07-1419A1.pdf  DA-07-1419A1.txt

CONNECT PAGING, INC D/B/A GET A PHONE. Proposed a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $4,000 against Connect Paging, Inc d/b/a Get A Phone concerning failure to comply with CPNI Carrier Certification Requirements. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-1420). EB  DA-07-1420A1.doc  DA-07-1420A1.pdf  DA-07-1420A1.txt

MANNING MUNICIPAL COMMUNICATIONS AND TELEVISION SYSTEM UTILITIES. Proposed a monetary forfeiture in the amount of $4,000 against Manning Municipal Communications and Television System Utilities concerning failure to comply with CPNI Carrier Certification Requirements. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by NALF. (DA No. 07-1422). EB  DA-07-1422A1.doc  DA-07-1422A1.pdf  DA-07-1422A1.txt

APPLICATIONS FOR CONSENT TO THE ASSIGNMENT AND/OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF LICENSES, ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION (AND SUBSIDIARIES, DEBTORS-IN-POSSESSION) TO TIME WARNER CABLE INC. (SUBSIDIARIES), ET AL. Granted Time Warner a further extension of time to comply with the cable/SMATV cross-ownership rule so that service may be continued to the subscribers of these systems. by ORDER GRANTING ADDITIONAL REQUEST FOR FURTHER EXTENSION OF TIME. (Dkt No. 05-192). Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by ORDER. (DA No. 07-1566). MB  DA-07-1566A1.doc  DA-07-1566A1.pdf  DA-07-1566A1.txt

M2Z NETWORKS, INC. Denied the motion for extension filed by CTIA. (Dkt No. 07-16 , 07-30). Action by: Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by ORDER. (DA No. 07-1569). WTB  DA-07-1569A1.pdf  DA-07-1569A1.txt

APPLICATIONS OF WWC HOLDING CO., INC. AND RCC MINNESOTA, INC. FOR CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSES. Granted the application for the assignment of licenses from WWC Holding Co., Inc. to RCC Minnesota, Inc. Denied the Petition To Condition or To Deny the assignment of licenses from WWC Holding Co., Inc. to RCC Minnesota, Inc., filed by Hickory Tech Corp. Action by: Chief, Wireless Telecommunication Bureau. Adopted: 03/30/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-1557). WTB  DA-07-1557A1.doc  DA-07-1557A1.pdf  DA-07-1557A1.txt