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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 26 No. 73 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 April 17, 2007 |
Report No: 46466 Released: 04/17/2007. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-272340A2.txt  DOC-272340A1.pdf Report No: 26466 Released: 04/17/2007. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-272339A2.txt  DOC-272339A1.pdf Released: 04/17/2007. COMMISSION ANNOUNCES AGREEMENTS WITH SHINE MICRO, INC., AND UNITED STATES POWER SQUADRONS, INC., AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITH MARITEL, INC., REGARDING ASSIGNMENT OF MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE IDENTITIES (MMSIS). (DA No. 07-1732). WTB. Contact: Jim Shaffer at (202) 418-0687, TTY: (202) 418-7233  DA-07-1732A1.doc  DA-07-1732A1.pdf  DA-07-1732A1.txt AT&T CORP. V. BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. Granted the Motion. Dismissed the Complaint with prejudice, and terminated the proceeding. by ORDER OF DISMISSAL. Action by: Chief, Market Disputes Resolution Division. Adopted: 04/16/2007 by ORDER. (DA No. 07-1745). EB  DA-07-1745A1.doc  DA-07-1745A1.pdf  DA-07-1745A1.txt VIRGINIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION/FEDERAL-STATE JOINT BOARD. Granted and Remanded the Petition for Reconsideration. (Dkt No. 96-45 , 97-21). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 04/17/2007 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 07-1666). WCB  DA-07-1666A1.doc  DA-07-1666A1.pdf  DA-07-1666A1.txt CAVALIER OPERATING CO., LLC. Granted Cavalier's waiver requests. Action by: Deputy Chief, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 04/16/2007 by ORDER. (DA No. 07-1730). WTB  DA-07-1730A1.doc  DA-07-1730A1.pdf  DA-07-1730A1.txt THOMAS K. KURIAN AND AMTS CONSORTIUM, LLC. Denied the Petition for Reconsideration. Action by: Chief, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 04/16/2007 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 07-1729). WTB  DA-07-1729A1.doc  DA-07-1729A1.pdf  DA-07-1729A1.txt ACR ELECTRONICS, INC. Concluded that the Standard Communications EPIRB complies with the relevant technical standards. Action by: Deputy Chief, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1728). WTB  DA-07-1728A1.doc  DA-07-1728A1.pdf  DA-07-1728A1.txt WRITTEN STATEMENT OF KEVIN J. MARTIN, CHAIRMAN, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION. Before the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations, United States House of Representatives by Testimony. OCM  DOC-272381A1.doc  DOC-272381A1.pdf  DOC-272381A1.txt FCC BEGINS INQUIRIES ON BROADBAND DATA AND DEPLOYMENT. News Release. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov WCB , WCB. Contact Jeremy Miller at (202) 418-1507, email: Jeremy.Miller@fcc.gov, Ellen Burton at (202) 418-0958, email: Ellen.Burton@fcc.gov  DOC-272365A1.doc  DOC-272365A1.pdf  DOC-272365A1.txt Released: 04/16/2007. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU GRANTS ADVANCED WIRELESS SERVICE LICENSES. (DA No. 07-1723) AUCTION EVENT NO. 66. WTB. Contact: John Spencer or Mary Woytek at (202) 418-2487 or Beth Fishel at (717) 338-2649. News Media Contact: Chelsea Fallon at (202) 418-7991  DA-07-1723A1.doc  DA-07-1723A4.doc  DA-07-1723A5.doc  DA-07-1723A1.pdf  DA-07-1723A2.pdf  DA-07-1723A3.pdf  DA-07-1723A4.pdf  DA-07-1723A5.pdf  DA-07-1723A1.txt  DA-07-1723A2.txt  DA-07-1723A3.txt  DA-07-1723A4.txt  DA-07-1723A5.txt Released: 04/16/2007. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON REQUEST OF COPPER VALLEY WIRELESS, INC. FOR WAIVER OF THE ANALOG SERVICE REQUIREMENT. (DA No. 07-1741). (Dkt No 07-79). Comments Due: 05/07/2007. Reply Comments Due: 05/17/2007. WTB. Contact: Brian Millin at (202) 418-7426, email: access@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-7365 or Joyce Jones at (202) 418-1327; email: joyce.jones@fcc.gov  DA-07-1741A1.doc  DA-07-1741A1.pdf  DA-07-1741A1.txt BROADBAND INDUSTRY PRACTICES. The FCC Launches Inquiry Into Broadband Market Practices. (Dkt No. 07-52). Action by: the Commission. Comments Due: 06/15/2007. Reply Comments Due: 07/16/2007. Adopted: 03/22/2007 by NOI. (FCC No. 07-31). WCB  FCC-07-31A1.doc  FCC-07-31A2.doc  FCC-07-31A3.doc  FCC-07-31A4.doc  FCC-07-31A5.doc  FCC-07-31A6.doc  FCC-07-31A1.pdf  FCC-07-31A2.pdf  FCC-07-31A3.pdf  FCC-07-31A4.pdf  FCC-07-31A5.pdf  FCC-07-31A6.pdf  FCC-07-31A1.txt  FCC-07-31A2.txt  FCC-07-31A3.txt  FCC-07-31A4.txt  FCC-07-31A5.txt  FCC-07-31A6.txt INQUIRY CONCERNING THE DEPLOYMENT OF ADVANCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS CAPABILITY TO ALL AMERICANS IN A REASONABLE AND TIMELY FASHION, AND POSSIBLE STEPS TO ACCELERATE SUCH DEPLOYMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 706 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996. The FCC Begins Inquiries on Broadband Data and Deployment. (Dkt No. 07-45). Action by: the Commission. Comments Due: 05/16/2007. Reply Comments Due: 05/31/2007. Adopted: 03/12/2007 by NOI. (FCC No. 07-21). WCB  FCC-07-21A1.doc  FCC-07-21A2.doc  FCC-07-21A3.doc  FCC-07-21A4.doc  FCC-07-21A5.doc  FCC-07-21A6.doc  FCC-07-21A1.pdf  FCC-07-21A2.pdf  FCC-07-21A3.pdf  FCC-07-21A4.pdf  FCC-07-21A5.pdf  FCC-07-21A6.pdf  FCC-07-21A1.txt  FCC-07-21A2.txt  FCC-07-21A3.txt  FCC-07-21A4.txt  FCC-07-21A5.txt  FCC-07-21A6.txt DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONWIDE BROADBAND DATA TO EVALUATE REASONABLE AND TIMELY DEPLOYMENT OF ADVANCED SERVICES TO ALL AMERICANS, IMPROVEMENT OF WIRELESS BROADBAND SUBSCRIBERSHIP DATA, AND DEVELOPMENT OF DATA INTERCONNECTED VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL (VOIP). The FCC Begins Inquiries on Broadband Data and Deployment. (Dkt No. 07-38). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 02/26/2007 by NPRM. (FCC No. 07-17). WCB  FCC-07-17A1.doc  FCC-07-17A2.doc  FCC-07-17A3.doc  FCC-07-17A4.doc  FCC-07-17A5.doc  FCC-07-17A6.doc  FCC-07-17A1.pdf  FCC-07-17A2.pdf  FCC-07-17A3.pdf  FCC-07-17A4.pdf  FCC-07-17A5.pdf  FCC-07-17A6.pdf  FCC-07-17A1.txt  FCC-07-17A2.txt  FCC-07-17A3.txt  FCC-07-17A4.txt  FCC-07-17A5.txt  FCC-07-17A6.txt IN VIBRATION, INC. RE: FINAL DEFAULT PAYMENT FOR AUCTION NO. 37. Assessed the final default payment obligations. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1731). WTB  DA-07-1731A1.doc  DA-07-1731A1.pdf  DA-07-1731A1.txt SPEARMAN PROPERTIES, LLC RE: FINAL DEFAULT PAYMENT FOR AUCTION NO. 37. Assessed the final default payment obligations. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1735). WTB  DA-07-1735A1.doc  DA-07-1735A1.pdf  DA-07-1735A1.txt HURYAN FAMILY MEDIA, LLC RE: FINAL DEFAULT PAYMENT FOR AUCTION NO. 37. Assessed the final default payment obligations. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1743). WTB  DA-07-1743A1.doc  DA-07-1743A1.pdf WILBER JOHNSON RE: FINAL BID WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR AUCTION NO. 62. Assessed the final bid withdrawal payment obligation. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1742). WTB  DA-07-1742A1.doc  DA-07-1742A1.pdf  DA-07-1742A1.txt RADIOACTIVE, LLC RE: FINAL BID WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR AUCTION NO. 62. Assessed the final bid withdrawal payment obligation. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1737). WTB  DA-07-1737A1.doc  DA-07-1737A1.pdf  DA-07-1737A1.txt SALVADOR G. CEJA RE: FINAL BID WITHDRAWAL PAYMENTS FOR AUCTION NOS. 37 AND 62. Assessed the final bid withdrawal payment obligations. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1739). WTB  DA-07-1739A1.doc  DA-07-1739A1.pdf  DA-07-1739A1.txt TOWER INVESTMENT TRUST, INC. RE: FINAL BID WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR AUCTION NO. 62. Assessed the final bid withdrawal payment obligation. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1740). WTB  DA-07-1740A1.doc  DA-07-1740A1.pdf  DA-07-1740A1.txt STEVEN R. BARTHOLOMEW RE: FINAL BID WITHDRAWAL PAYMENT FOR AUCTION NOS. 37 AND 62. Assessed the final bid withdrawal payment obligations. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1736). WTB  DA-07-1736A1.doc  DA-07-1736A1.pdf  DA-07-1736A1.txt KEMP COMMUNICATIONS, INC. RE: FINAL BID WITHDRAWAL PAYMENTS FOR AUCTION NOS. 37 AND 62. Assessed the final bid withdrawal payment obligations. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1744). WTB  DA-07-1744A1.doc  DA-07-1744A1.pdf  DA-07-1744A1.txt VISIONARY RELATED ENTERTAINMENT, LLC RE: FINAL BID WITHDRAWAL PAYMENTS FOR AUCTION NOS. 37 AND 62. Assessed the final bid withdrawal payment obligations. Action by: Financial Policy Analyst, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-1738). WTB  DA-07-1738A1.doc  DA-07-1738A1.pdf  DA-07-1738A1.txt