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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 26 No. 223 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 202/418-2555 November 20, 2007 |
FCC TO HOLD OPEN COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2007  DOC-278312A1.doc  DOC-278312A1.pdf  DOC-278312A1.txt Report No: 325-00121 Released: 11/20/2007. PERMIT TO DELIVER PROGRAMS TO FOREIGN BROADCAST STATIONS Re: Action Taken. IB. Contact: Janice Shields at (202) 418-2153, email: Janice.Shields@fcc.gov, TTY: (202) 418-2555  DOC-278272A1.pdf Released: 11/20/2007. MEDIA BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON PROPOSED CHANGE TO CONDITION CONTAINED IN PARAGRAPH 47 OF UNIVISION COMMUNICATIONS, INC., 22 FCC RCD 5842, 5848, 5860 (2007). (DA No. 07-4684). Comments Due: 12/04/2007. MB  DA-07-4684A1.doc  DA-07-4684A1.pdf  DA-07-4684A1.txt Report No: 46616 Released: 11/20/2007. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB  DOC-278242A2.txt  DOC-278242A1.pdf Report No: 26616 Released: 11/20/2007. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB  DOC-278241A2.txt  DOC-278241A1.pdf Released: 11/20/2007. REGION 30 (NEW YORK - ALBANY) PUBLIC SAFETY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEES ANNOUNCES NEW LOCATION FOR 700 MHZ REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING AND 800 MHZ NPSPAC REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY PLANNING MEETINGS. (DA No. 07-4682). (Dkt No 90-394). PSHSB  DA-07-4682A1.doc  DA-07-4682A1.pdf  DA-07-4682A1.txt Released: 11/20/2007. NOTICE OF NON-STREAMLINED DOMESTIC 214 APPLICATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 07-4685). (Dkt No 07-232, 07-234). WCB. Contact: Tracey Wilson-Parker at (202) 418-1394, Jodie May at (202) 418-0913 or Melissa Kirkel at (202) 418-7958  DA-07-4685A1.doc  DA-07-4685A1.pdf  DA-07-4685A1.txt IT CONNECT, INC. Issued an official citation to IT Connect, West Milford, New Jersey, for apparent violation of Warehousing and Hoarding Toll Free Numbers. Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Consumers Division, Enforcement Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-4681). EB  DA-07-4681A1.doc  DA-07-4681A1.pdf  DA-07-4681A1.txt ROBERT D. LANDIS. Revoked amateur license of Mr. Robert D. Landis convicted of child molestation and determined that Mr. Landis lacked the requisite character qualifications to remain a Commission licensee. (Dkt No. 06-149). Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/20/2007 by Order of Revocation. (DA No. 07-4676). EB  DA-07-4676A1.doc  DA-07-4676A1.pdf  DA-07-4676A1.txt LONNIE L. KEENEY. Commenced a hearing proceeding against Lonnie L. Keeney to determine whether Mr. Keeney, in light of a felony conviction against him, remains qualified to be a Commission licensee and whether his Amateur Radio license should be revoked. (Dkt No. 07-264). Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/20/2007 by Order to Show Cause. (DA No. 07-4675). EB  DA-07-4675A1.doc  DA-07-4675A1.pdf  DA-07-4675A1.txt SPECTRACOM, LLC. Issued Forfeiture for Private Land Mobile Stations WNFD452, WNHG245 and WNHU507 (the "stations") for willful violation of Section 1.948 of the Commission's rules by taking de facto control of the Stations and operating those Stations. Action by: Chief, Investigations and Hearings Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2007 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 07-4678). EB  DA-07-4678A1.doc  DA-07-4678A1.pdf  DA-07-4678A1.txt C5 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. Imposed a forfeiture of $17,500 for C5 Communications, LLC, ("C5 Communications" or the "Company"), Applicant for Special Temporary Authority to Operate a 1.0 meter Ku-Band Earth Station, for violations of Section 1.17 of the Commission's rules. Action by: Chief, Investigations and Hearings Division, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 11/19/2007 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No. 07-4679). EB  DA-07-4679A1.doc  DA-07-4679A1.pdf  DA-07-4679A1.txt BLUE CHIP BROADCASTING LICENSES, LTD.. Granted the application for renewal of license for Station WJMO(AM), Cleveland, Ohio. Action by: Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau by LETTER. (DA No. 07-4683). MB  DA-07-4683A1.doc  DA-07-4683A1.pdf  DA-07-4683A1.txt CITY OF OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS AND SPRINT NEXTEL CORP. Resolved the issues submitted by the 800 MHz Transition Administrator. (Dkt No. 02-55). Action by: Associate Chief, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Adopted: 11/20/2007 by MO&O. (DA No. 07-4677). PSHSB  DA-07-4677A1.doc  DA-07-4677A1.pdf  DA-07-4677A1.txt FCC LAUNCHES INITIATIVE TO INCREASE ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE IN RURAL AMERICA THROUGH BROADBAND TELEHEALTH SERVICES. News Release. News Media Contact: Robert Kenny at (202)418-2668, robert.kenny@fcc.gov WCB. Contact Thomas Buckley at (202) 418-0725, thomas.buckley@fcc.gov; Jennifer Prime at (202)418-2403, jennifer.prime@fcc.gov  DOC-278260A1.doc  DOC-278260A2.doc  DOC-278260A1.pdf  DOC-278260A2.pdf  DOC-278260A1.txt  DOC-278260A2.txt REMARKS OF COMMISSIONER ROBERT M. MCDOWELL AT THE MEDIA INSTITUTE LUNCHEON. CMMR. Four Seasons Hotel, Washington, D.C.  DOC-278266A1.doc  DOC-278266A1.pdf  DOC-278266A1.txt TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICES AND SPEECH-TO-SPEECH SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH HEARING AND SPEECH DISABILITIES. Adopted new cost recovery methodologies for the various forms of TRS. Also clarified costs and addressed management and oversight of the Interstate TRS Fund. (Dkt No. 03-123). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 10/26/2007 by R&O. (FCC No. 07-186). CGB  FCC-07-186A1.doc  FCC-07-186A2.doc  FCC-07-186A3.doc  FCC-07-186A4.doc  FCC-07-186A1.pdf  FCC-07-186A2.pdf  FCC-07-186A3.pdf  FCC-07-186A4.pdf  FCC-07-186A1.txt  FCC-07-186A2.txt  FCC-07-186A3.txt  FCC-07-186A4.txt IMPLEMENTING A NATIONWIDE, BROADBAND, INTEROPERABLE PUBLIC SAFETY NETWORK IN THE 700 MHZ BAND. Granted the Application of the Public Safety Spectrum Trust Corporation for the Single Nationwide License for the Public Safety 700 MHz Broadband Spectrum Allocation. (Dkt No. 06-229). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/19/2007 by ORDER. (FCC No. 07-199). PSHSB  FCC-07-199A1.doc  FCC-07-199A1.pdf  FCC-07-199A1.txt RURAL HEALTH CARE SUPPORT MECHANISM. Selected participants for the universal service Rural Health Care Pilot Program established by the FCCin the 2006 Pilot Program Order pursuant to section 254(h)(2)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. (Dkt No. 02-60). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/16/2007 by ORDER. (FCC No. 07-198). WCB  FCC-07-198A2.doc  FCC-07-198A3.doc  FCC-07-198A4.doc  FCC-07-198A5.doc  FCC-07-198A6.doc  FCC-07-198A1.pdf  FCC-07-198A2.pdf  FCC-07-198A3.pdf  FCC-07-198A4.pdf  FCC-07-198A5.pdf  FCC-07-198A6.pdf  FCC-07-198A1.txt  FCC-07-198A2.txt  FCC-07-198A3.txt  FCC-07-198A4.txt  FCC-07-198A5.txt  FCC-07-198A6.txt APPLICATIONS OF AT&T INC. AND DOBSON COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF LICENSES AND AUTHORIZATIONS. Consented to the applications filed in connection with the proposed acquisition of Dobson Communications Corporation (Dobson) by AT&T Inc. (AT&T), subject to certain conditions. (Dkt No. 07-153). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 11/15/2007 by MO&O. (FCC No. 07-196). WTB  FCC-07-196A1.doc  FCC-07-196A2.doc  FCC-07-196A3.doc  FCC-07-196A4.doc  FCC-07-196A1.pdf  FCC-07-196A2.pdf  FCC-07-196A3.pdf  FCC-07-196A4.pdf  FCC-07-196A1.txt  FCC-07-196A2.txt  FCC-07-196A3.txt  FCC-07-196A4.txt