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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 35 No. 145 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 August 01, 2016 |
FCC REACHES $200,000 SETTLEMENT WITH TP-LINK IN WI-FI ROUTER INVESTIGATION. News Release. Adopted: 08/01/2016. News Media Contact: Will Wiquist at (202) 418-0509, email: Will.Wiquist@fcc.gov EB DOC-340564A1.docx DOC-340564A1.pdf FCC TO LAUNCH BROADBAND HEALTH MAPPING TOOL. On August 2, 2016, the Federal Communications Commission's Connect2Health Task Force (C2H) will unveil a new mapping tool in support of its efforts to further chart the broadband future of health care. Advisory. (DA No. 16-874). News Media Contact: Katie Gorscak at (202) 763-4733, email: Katie.Gorscak@fcc.gov OGC . Contact Katie Gorscak at (202) 763-4733, email: Katie.Gorscak@fcc.gov DOC-340565A1.docx DOC-340565A1.pdf Report No: 48788 Released: 08/01/2016. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-340542A1.pdf DOC-340542A2.txt Report No: 28788 Released: 08/01/2016. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-340541A1.pdf DOC-340541A2.txt TP-LINK USA CORPORATION, AN INDIRECT SUBSIDIARY OF TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.. Consent Decree Addresses TP-Link's Marketing of Noncompliant Wi-Fi Routers. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2016 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 16-850). EB DA-16-850A1.docx DA-16-850A1.pdf APPLICATION OF AT&T MOBILITY SPECTRUM LLC AND WEST CAROLINA COMMUNICATIONS, LLC FOR CONSENT TO ASSIGN LICENSES. AT&T-West Carolina Transaction Approved. (Dkt No. 15-313 ). Action by: Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 08/01/2016 by MO&O. (DA No. 16-873). WTB DA-16-873A1.docx DA-16-873A1.pdf CHAIRMAN WHEELER STATEMENT ON INDUSTRY PETITIONS TO REHEAR OPEN INTERNET COURT CASE. STMT. News Media Contact: Kim Hart at (202) 418-8191, email: Kim.Hart@fcc.gov OCHTW DOC-340548A1.docx DOC-340548A1.pdf SINCLAIR SETTLES FCC INVESTIGATION INTO RETRANSMISSION NEGOTIATION VIOLATIONS FOR $9.5M. Company agrees to implement compliance plan. News Release. News Media Contact: Neil Grace at (202) 418-0506, email: Neil.Grace@fcc.gov or Charlie Meisch at (202) 418-2943, email: Charles.Meisch@fcc.gov MB DOC-340557A1.docx DOC-340557A1.pdf Released: 07/29/2016. NOTICE OF DOMESTIC SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 16-866). (Dkt No 16-206 16-195 ). WCB . Contact: Tracey Wilson at (202) 418-1394 or Gregory Kwan at (202) 418-1191 DA-16-866A1.docx DA-16-866A1.pdf Released: 07/29/2016. STREAMLINED RESOLUTION OF REQUESTS RELATED TO ACTIONS BY THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPANY. (DA No. 16-860). (Dkt No 06-122 02-60 02-6 ). WCB . Contact: James Bachtell at (22) 418-7400 DA-16-860A1.docx DA-16-860A1.pdf Released: 07/29/2016. ADDITIONAL PARTIES SEEK ACCESS TO INFORMATION FILED IN RESPONSE TO THE BUSINESS DATA SERVICES (SPECIAL ACCESS) RULEMAKING PROCEEDING. (DA No. 16-865). (Dkt No RM-10593 05-25 ) Objections Due: 08/05/2016. WCB . Contact: Joseph Price at (202) 418-1423, email: Joseph.Price@fcc.gov DA-16-865A1.doc DA-16-865A1.pdf TOWERSTREAM CORPORATION. Towerstream admits to unauthorized transmissions that caused harmful interference to certain FAA tower systems. The Consent Decree is for a penalty of $25k with a suspended penalty of $202k in the event that Towerstream violates the Consent Decree. Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 07/28/2016 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 16-653). EB DA-16-653A1.docx DA-16-653A1.pdf SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC. Media Bureau CD settles investigation of alleged retransmission consent violations and other allegations against Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 07/29/2016 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 16-856). MB DA-16-856A1.docx DA-16-856A1.pdf THE OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY IS GRANTING THE REQUEST OF CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. FOR A SHORT EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PROTOYPE DEVICES OPERATING. Cisco continues to develop and evolve its proposal to attempt to find the optimum way in which IEEE 802.11ac radios could share with Dedicated Short Range Communication radios without causing harmful interference to DSRC. (Dkt No. 13-49 ). Action by: Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology by LETTER. (DA No. 16-867). OET DA-16-867A1.doc DA-16-867A1.pdf THE OFFICE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY IS GRANTING THE REQUEST OF QUALCOMM INCORPORATED FOR A SHORT EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT DEVICES OPERATING IN THE 5.850-5.925 GHZ BANDS THAT DEMONSTRATE SHARING TECHNIQUES. Qualcomm will provide to the Commission several prototype 802.11ac Wi-Fi devices that can operate in the 5.850-5.925 GHz band to be delivered on Aug. 1, 2016, and four Dedicated Short Range Communication devices no later than Aug. 8,2016. (Dkt No. 13-49 ). Action by: Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology by LETTER. (DA No. 16-868). OET DA-16-868A1.doc DA-16-868A1.pdf ACS OF ANCHORAGE, LLC REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SECTION 51.332 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES, WC DOCKET NO. 16-176, REPORT NO. NCD-2541. Order granting Alaska Communications a limited waiver of Section 51.332 of the Commission's Rules. (Dkt No. 16-176 13-5 RM-11358 ). Action by: Chief, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 07/29/2016 by ORDER. WCB DOC-340558A1.docx DOC-340558A1.pdf ATLANTIC TELE-NETWORK, INC., AND SAL SPECTRUM, LLC, PETITION FOR WAIVER TO CLAIM ELIGIBILITY FOR A RURAL SERVICE PROVIDER BIDDING CREDIT IN AUCTION 1002. Denial of Atlantic Tele-Network, Inc. and SAL Spectrum LLC petition for waiver of rural service provider bidding credit eligibility requirement for Auction 1002. (Dkt No. 14-252 12-268 ). Action by: Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 07/29/2016 by ORDER. (DA No. 16-811). AU WTB DA-16-811A1.doc DA-16-811A1.pdf