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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 35 No. 168 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 September 01, 2016 |
Report No: TEL-01810 Released: 09/01/2016. INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZATIONS GRANTED. (DA No. 16-1002). IB . Contact: (202) 418-1480 or (202) 418-0270 DA-16-1002A1.pdf Report No: 48811 Released: 09/01/2016. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-340990A1.pdf DOC-340990A2.txt Report No: 28811 Released: 09/01/2016. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-340989A1.pdf DOC-340989A2.txt Released: 09/01/2016. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES REGION 1 (ALABAMA) 700 MHZ AND 800 MHZ REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS. (DA No. 16-1000). (Dkt No 02-378 90-280 ). PSHSB DA-16-1000A1.docx DA-16-1000A1.pdf Released: 09/01/2016. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES REGION 10 (GEORGIA) REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEES TO HOLD 700 MHZ AND 800 MHZ MEETINGS. (DA No. 16-999). (Dkt No 02-378 92-189 ). PSHSB DA-16-999A1.docx DA-16-999A1.pdf Released: 09/01/2016. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU ANNOUNCES REGION 21 (MICHIGAN) REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEES TO HOLD 700 MHZ AND 800 MHZ MEETINGS. (DA No. 16-1001). (Dkt No 02-378 90-221 ). PSHSB DA-16-1001A1.docx DA-16-1001A1.pdf Released: 09/01/2016. NOTICE OF INTERCONNECTED VOIP NUMBERING AUTHORIZATION GRANTED. (DA No. 16-1003). (Dkt No 16-220 ). WCB . Contact: Margoux Brown at (202) 418-1584 or Jean Ann Collins at (202) 418-2792 DA-16-1003A1.docx DA-16-1003A1.pdf RICOH AMERICA'S CORPORATION, REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SECTION 15.109 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES. This letter dismisses without prejudice Ricoh Americas Corporation's ("Ricoh") request for waiver of Section 15.109 of the Commission's rules submitted on September 4, 2015. Action by: Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology by LETTER. (DA No. 16-1004). OET DA-16-1004A1.docx DA-16-1004A1.pdf Released: 08/31/2016. COMMENTS INVITED ON SECTION 214 APPLICATION(S) TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC NON-DOMINANT CARRIER TELECOMMUNCIATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 16-998). (Dkt No 16-273 16-272 ). Comments Due: 09/15/2016. WCB . Contact: Kimberly Jackson at (202) 418-7393, TTY: 1-888-835-5322 DA-16-998A1.docx DA-16-998A1.pdf DANIEL DELISE. The Enforcement Bureau proposes a $23,000 forfeiture against Mr. Delise for operating an unlicensed amateur radio station and for falsely transmitting an officer-in-distress call. Action by: Regional Director, Region One, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 08/31/2016 by NAL. (DA No. 16-993). EB DA-16-993A1.docx DA-16-993A1.pdf THIRD ERRATUM - CONNECT AMERICA FUND; ETC ANNUAL REPORTS ET AL. Issued an Erratum correcting Report and Order, Order and Order on Reconsideration, and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, (Rate-of-Return Reform Order and FNPRM), FCC 16-33, released March 30, 2016. (Dkt No. 01-92 14-58 10-90 ). Action by: Chief, Telecommunications Access Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau by ERRATUM. (DA No. 16-996). WCB DOC-341048A1.docx DOC-341048A1.pdf CONNECT AMERICA FUND; UNIVERSAL SERVICE REFORM MOBILITY FUND; CONNECT AMERICA FUND - ALASKA PLAN. Adopts an integrated plan to address both fixed and mobile voice and broadband service in high-cost areas of the state of Alaska. (Dkt No. 10-208 10-90 16-271 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 08/23/2016 by R&O/NPRM. (FCC No. 16-115). WCB FCC-16-115A1.docx FCC-16-115A2.docx FCC-16-115A3.docx FCC-16-115A4.docx FCC-16-115A1.pdf FCC-16-115A2.pdf FCC-16-115A3.pdf FCC-16-115A4.pdf