fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Vol. 35 No. 170
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
TTY: 1-888-835-5322

September 06, 2016





REGULATORY FEE EXEMPTIONS FACT SHEET FOR FY 2016. A Fact Sheet identifying ways by which an entity can be exempt from paying FY 2016 regulatory fees. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341100A1.docx  DOC-341100A1.pdf  

WHAT YOU OWE - MEDIA SERVICES LICENSEES FOR FY 2016. Procedures and fee rates involving the filing and payment of media regulatory fees. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341085A1.docx  DOC-341085A1.pdf  

WHAT YOU OWE - CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS FOR FY 2016. A description of the procedures on paying FY 2016 cable and cable-related regulatory fees. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341088A1.docx  DOC-341088A1.pdf  

WHAT YOU OWE - COMMERCIAL WIRELESS SERVICES FOR FY 2016. An information Fact Sheet on how to file and pay FY 2016 Wireless regulatory fees. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341091A1.docx  DOC-341091A1.pdf  

WHAT YOU OWE - INTERNATIONAL AND SATELLITE SERVICES LICENSEES FOR FY 2016. Information on how to file and pay FY 2016 regulatory fees for international services. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341089A1.docx  DOC-341089A1.pdf  

PROCEDURES FOR FILING WAIVERS, REDUCTIONS AND DEFERMENTS OF REGULATORY FEES. A Fact Sheet on how to file for a waiver, reduction or deferment of FY 2016 regulatory fees. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341102A1.docx  DOC-341102A1.pdf  

FY 2016 REGULATORY FEES INFORMATIONAL LOOK-UP FOR MEDIA SERVICES AVAILABLE NOW. An FY 2016 regulatory fees media services look-up site to view fee rates and other fee information. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341094A1.docx  DOC-341094A1.pdf  

WHAT YOU OWE - INTERSTATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDER (ITSP) FOR FY 2016. An information Fact Sheet on how to file and pay FY 2016 ITSP regulatory fees. FACT SHEET OMD . Contact Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341090A1.docx  DOC-341090A1.pdf  




Report No: 48813 Released: 09/06/2016. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB   DOC-341074A1.pdf  DOC-341074A2.txt  

Report No: 28813 Released: 09/06/2016. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB   DOC-341073A1.pdf  DOC-341073A2.txt  

Released: 09/06/2016. FY 2016 REGULATORY FEES SUBMARINE CABLE SYSTEMS A Public Notice on how to file and pay submarine cable regulatory fees. OMD . Contact: Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341104A1.docx  DOC-341104A1.pdf  

Released: 09/06/2016. FEE FILER OPEN FOR PAYMENT OF FY 2016 REGULATORY FEES A notification that Fee Filer is open to accept payments and the due date of regulatory fees is September 27, 2016. OMD . Contact: Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341086A1.docx  DOC-341086A1.pdf  

Released: 09/06/2016. PAYMENT METHODS AND PROCEDURES FOR FY 2016 REGULATORY FEES Information regarding the due date, and procedures on how to file and pay FY 2016 regulatory fees. OMD . Contact: Roland Helvajian at (202) 418-0444  DOC-341087A1.docx  DOC-341087A1.pdf  

Released: 09/06/2016. FCC ANNOUNCES MEETING OF THE TASK FORCE ON OPTIMAL PSAP ARCHITECTURE SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 23, 2016. (DA No. 16-1010). PSHSB . Contact: Michael Connelly at (202) 418-0132, email: Michael.Connelly@fcc.gov or Timothy May at (202) 418-1463, email: Timothy.May@fcc.gov  DA-16-1010A1.docx  DA-16-1010A1.pdf  




KYMA MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES LTD/REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PART 15 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES APPLICABLE TO ULTRA-WIDEBAND DEVICES. OET grants a request by Kyma Medical Technologies Ltd. (Kyma) to waive certain of our rules for unlicensed ultra-wideband (UWB) devices to permit the certification and marketing of its medical imaging and diagnostic device, the uCor 3.0 (uCor). (Dkt No. 15-119 ). Action by: Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology. Adopted: 09/06/2016 by ORDER. (DA No. 16-1009). OET   DA-16-1009A1.doc  DA-16-1009A1.pdf