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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 35 No. 234 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 December 06, 2016 |
Report No: 48875 Released: 12/06/2016. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-342397A1.pdf DOC-342397A2.txt Report No: 28875 Released: 12/06/2016. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-342396A1.pdf DOC-342396A2.txt Released: 12/06/2016. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU SEEKS COMMENT ON REGION 19 (NEW ENGLAND) 700 MHZ REGIONAL PLAN AMENDMENT. (DA No. 16-1347). (Dkt No 02-378 ) PSHSB Seeks Comment on Region 19 700 MHz Plan Amendment. Comments Due: 01/05/2017. PSHSB . Contact: John Evanoff. Action by: PSHSB DA-16-1347A1.doc DA-16-1347A1.pdf Released: 12/06/2016. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FILED FOR THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF FPL FIBERNET, LLC AND NEXTERA FIBERNET, LLC TO CROWN CASTLE INTERNATIONAL CORP. (DA No. 16-1352). (Dkt No 16-394 ). Comments Due: 12/20/2016. Reply Comments Due: 12/27/2016. WCB . Contact: Myrva Freeman at (202) 418-1506 or Gregory Kwan at (202) 418-1191 DA-16-1352A1.docx DA-16-1352A1.pdf FCC ORDERS USF OVERPAYMENT RECOVERY AND PLANS FINE TOTALING $76M. Sandwich Isles Communications must repay the USF and may pay fines totaling over $76 million for apparent violations related to USF compensation. It also will stop charging ratepayers inflated charges for a submarine cable. News Release. (Dkt No 10-90 ). Adopted: 12/05/2016 WCB EB DOC-342429A1.docx DOC-342429A1.pdf Released: 12/05/2016. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION GRANTED FOR THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF SIPSTATION, INC. AND ROCKBOCHS INC. TO SANGOMA U.S., INC. (DA No. 16-1351). (Dkt No 16-11 ). WCB . Contact: Gregory Kwan at (202) 418-1191 DA-16-1351A1.docx DA-16-1351A1.pdf Released: 12/05/2016. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU ANNOUNCES UPCOMING LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY ADMINISTRATOR TRANSITION OUTREACH AND EDUCATION PLAN WEBCAST. (DA No. 16-1350). (Dkt No 09-109 07-149 95-116 ). WCB . Contact: Marilyn Jones at (202) 418-2357, email: Marilyn.Jones@fcc.gov or Sanford Williams at (202) 418-1508, email: Sanford.Williams@fcc.gov DA-16-1350A1.docx DA-16-1350A1.pdf SANDWICH ISLES COMMUNICATIONS, INC. This NAL charges Sandwich Isles with violating the Commission's accounting rules and methods, and submitting and certifying inaccurate data used to obtain millions of dollars in improper high-cost support payments; proposes $50m fine. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 12/05/2016 by NAL. (FCC No. 16-165). EB FCC-16-165A1.pdf SANDWICH ISLES COMMUNICATIONS, INC. The Commission takes action to protect the Universal Service Fund from waste, fraud and abuse based on the results of USAC's investigation into high-cost support received by Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. from 2002 to June 2015. (Dkt No. 10-90 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 12/05/2016 by ORDER. (FCC No. 16-167). WCB FCC-16-167A1.pdf FCC-16-167A2.docx FCC-16-167A2.pdf AT&T APPLICATION FOR REVIEW; SANDWICH ISLES COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER. Granting an Application for Review filed by AT&T Inc. on a prospective basis and denying a Petition for Reconsideration filed by Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. (Dkt No. 09-133 ). Action by: By the Commission; Commr. O'Rielly approving in part and concurring in part. Adopted: 12/05/2016 by MO&O. (FCC No. 16-166). WCB . Contact Kristine Fargotstein FCC-16-166A1.docx FCC-16-166A1.pdf