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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 36 No. 57 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 March 27, 2017 |
CONSUMER ALERT: 'CAN YOU HEAR ME' SCAMS. Phone Fraudsters Recording Consumers' Voice Responses. Consumer Advisory. News Media Contact: Will Wiquist at (202) 418-0509, email: Will.Wiquist@fcc.go CGB . Contact Onine: https//consumercomplaints.fcc.gov, Phone: 1-888-835-5322, TTY: 1-888-835-5322, Viddeophone: 1-844-432-2275 DOC-344083A1.docx DOC-344083A1.pdf Released: 03/27/2017. COMMISSIONER MIGNON CLYBURN RELEASES FINAL #SOLUTIONS2020 CALL TO ACTION PLAN. OCMC DOC-344081A1.docx DOC-344081A1.pdf Released: 03/27/2017. WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF INFORMAL WORKING GROUP THREE. (DA No. 17-283). (Dkt No 16-185 ). IB . Contact: Donna Christianson at (202) 418-7326, email: Donna.Christianson@fcc.gov, TTY: 1-888-835-5322 DA-17-283A1.docx DA-17-283A1.pdf Report No: 48950 Released: 03/27/2017. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-344059A1.pdf DOC-344059A2.txt Report No: 28950 Released: 03/27/2017. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-344058A1.pdf DOC-344058A2.txt Released: 03/27/2017. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 3/9/2017. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-344073A1.pdf Released: 03/27/2017. NOTICE OF INTERCONNECTED VOIP NUMBERING AUTHORIZATION GRANTED. (DA No. 17-285). (Dkt No 17-365 ). WCB . Contact: Margoux Brown at (202) 418-1584 or Jean Ann Collins at (202) 418-2792 DA-17-285A1.docx DA-17-285A1.pdf FCC CHAIRMAN PAI STATEMENT ON CHARTER'S BROADBAND INVESTMENT ANNOUNCEMENT. STMT OCHAP DOC-344068A1.docx DOC-344068A1.pdf CHANNEL SHARING BY STATIONS OUTSIDE THE BROADCAST TELEVISION SPECTRUM INCENTIVE AUCTION CONTEXT. Commission authorizes channel sharing outside the context of the incentive auction and thus permits stations with auction-related channel sharing agreements to continue to operate if their auction-related agreements expire or otherwise terminate. (Dkt No. 12-268 03-185 15-137 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/23/2017 by R&O. (FCC No. 17-29). MB FCC-17-29A1.docx FCC-17-29A2.docx FCC-17-29A3.docx FCC-17-29A4.docx FCC-17-29A1.pdf FCC-17-29A2.pdf FCC-17-29A3.pdf FCC-17-29A4.pdf CONNECT AMERICA FUND. WCB denies requests by IAMO Telephone Company, Inc. and Montrose Mutual Telephone Company for waiver of the Nov. 1, 2016 deadline for submitting letters electing to receive Alternative Connect America Cost Model support. (Dkt No. 10-90 ). Action by: Acting Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 03/24/2017 by ORDER. (DA No. 17-284). WCB DA-17-284A1.docx DA-17-284A1.pdf PROMOTING TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS TO COMBAT CONTRABAND WIRELESS DEVICE USE IN CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES. FCC adopts rules to allow for quicker and easier deployment of contraband interdiction systems in correctional facilities and seeks comment on additional tools for combating contraband wireless devices. (Dkt No. 13-111 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/23/2017 by R&O. (FCC No. 17-25). WTB FCC-17-25A1.docx FCC-17-25A2.docx FCC-17-25A3.docx FCC-17-25A4.docx FCC-17-25A1.pdf FCC-17-25A2.pdf FCC-17-25A3.pdf FCC-17-25A4.pdf AMENDMENT OF PARTS 1 AND 22 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES WITH REGARD TO THE CELLULAR SERVICE, INCLUDING CHANGES IN LICENSING OF UNSERVED AREA, ET AL.. FCC enables investments in and provisioning of mobile broadband services in the 800 MHz Cellular Band. (Dkt No. 16-138 RM-11510 10-112 12-40 RM-11660 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/23/2017 by R&O/NPRM. (FCC No. 17-27). WTB FCC-17-27A1.docx FCC-17-27A2.docx FCC-17-27A3.docx FCC-17-27A4.docx FCC-17-27A1.pdf FCC-17-27A2.pdf FCC-17-27A3.pdf FCC-17-27A4.pdf