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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 36 No. 76 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 April 21, 2017 |
FCC TAKES STEPS TO PROMOTE WIRELESS BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT. Removing Barriers to Investment Needed for America's 5G Future. News Release. (Dkt No 17-79 ). Adopted: 04/20/2017. News Media Contact: Cecilia Sulhoff at (202) 418-0587, email: Cecilia.Sulhoff@fcc.gov WTB DOC-344486A1.docx DOC-344486A2.docx DOC-344486A3.docx DOC-344486A4.docx DOC-344486A1.pdf DOC-344486A2.pdf DOC-344486A3.pdf DOC-344486A4.pdf FCC TAKES FURTHER STEPS TO EXPAND RURAL BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT. News Release. (Dkt No 01-92 14-58 10-90 ). Adopted: 04/20/2017. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov WCB DOC-344482A1.docx DOC-344482A2.docx DOC-344482A3.docx DOC-344482A4.docx DOC-344482A1.pdf DOC-344482A2.pdf DOC-344482A3.pdf DOC-344482A4.pdf FCC GIVES NONCOMMERCIAL STATIONS GREATER FUNDRAISING FLEXIBILITY. Relaxed Rule Helps Noncommercial Broadcasters Support Other Non-Profits. News Release. (Dkt No 11-43 ). Adopted: 04/20/2017. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov MB DOC-344491A1.docx DOC-344491A2.docx DOC-344491A3.docx DOC-344491A4.docx DOC-344491A1.pdf DOC-344491A2.pdf DOC-344491A3.pdf DOC-344491A4.pdf FCC REINSTATES PRE-AUGUST 2016 STATUS QUO IN BROADCASTER MARKETPLACE. Commission Reinstates 'UHF Discount' While Considering Broader Rule Updates. News Release. (Dkt No 13-236 ). Adopted: 04/20/2017. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov MB DOC-344490A1.docx DOC-344490A2.docx DOC-344490A3.docx DOC-344490A4.docx DOC-344490A1.pdf DOC-344490A2.pdf DOC-344490A3.pdf DOC-344490A4.pdf FCC ADVANCES COMPETITION AND INVESTMENT IN THE BUSINESS DATA SERVICES MARKET. Modernized Framework Will Spur Delivery of New Products & Services, Benefiting Consumers, Businesses. News Release. (Dkt No RM-10593 13-5 05-25 16-143 ). Adopted: 04/20/2017. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov WCB DOC-344487A1.docx DOC-344487A2.docx DOC-344487A3.docx DOC-344487A4.docx DOC-344487A1.pdf DOC-344487A2.pdf DOC-344487A3.pdf DOC-344487A4.pdf FCC EASES REPORTING BURDEN FOR VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS OF NONCOMMERCIAL BROADCASTERS. Action Responds to Pleas from Public Broadcasters. News Release. (Dkt No 10-234 07-294 ). Adopted: 04/20/2017. News Media Contact: Janice Wise at (202) 418-8165, email: Janice.Wise@fcc.gov MB DOC-344492A1.docx DOC-344492A2.docx DOC-344492A3.docx DOC-344492A4.docx DOC-344492A1.pdf DOC-344492A2.pdf DOC-344492A3.pdf DOC-344492A4.pdf FCC SEEKS COMMENT ON WAYS TO ACCELERATE NEXT-GENERATION NETWORKS BY REMOVING REGULATORY BARRIERS. Considers Streamlining Rules to Improve Networks, Spur Job Growth. News Release. (Dkt No 17-84 ). Adopted: 04/20/2017. News Media Contact: Mark Wigfield at (202) 418-0253, email: Mark.Wigfield@fcc.gov WCB DOC-344484A1.docx DOC-344484A2.docx DOC-344484A3.docx DOC-344484A4.docx DOC-344484A1.pdf DOC-344484A2.pdf DOC-344484A3.pdf DOC-344484A4.pdf Report No: SAT-01232 Released: 04/21/2017. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION Accepted for Filing Public Notice. IB . Contact: Jeanette Spriggs DOC-344502A1.pdf Report No: SAT-01233 Released: 04/21/2017. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION ACTIONS TAKEN. (DA No. 17-377) Satellite Actions. IB DA-17-377A1.pdf Report No: SCL-00199S Released: 04/21/2017. STREAMLINED SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE APPLICATIONS Accepted for Filing Streamlined Public Notice. IB . Contact: Adrienne Downs DOC-344503A1.pdf Report No: TEL-01845S Released: 04/21/2017. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING Accepted for Filing Streamlined Public Notice. IB . Contact: Adrienne Downs DOC-344511A1.pdf Report No: 48969 Released: 04/21/2017. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-344480A1.pdf DOC-344480A2.txt Report No: 0453 Released: 04/21/2017. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. (Dkt No 17-102 ). MB . Contact: (202) 418-7200 DOC-344476A1.doc DOC-344476A1.pdf Report No: 28969 Released: 04/21/2017. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-344479A1.pdf DOC-344479A2.txt Report No: NCD-2679 Released: 04/21/2017. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU COPPER RETIREMENT NETWORK CHANGE NOTIFICATION FILED BY BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LLC D/B/A AT&T SOUTH CAROLINA. (Dkt No 17-103 ). WCB . Contact: Carmell Weathers, (202) 418-2325, Carmell.Weathers@fcc.gov DOC-344505A1.docx DOC-344505A1.pdf REMARKS OF FCC COMMISSIONER MIGNON CLYBURN, BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE KICKOFF. OCMC DOC-344515A1.docx DOC-344515A1.pdf REMARKS OF FCC COMMISSIONER MICHAEL O'RIELLY AT THE INITIAL MEETING OF THE BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. OCMO DOC-344519A1.docx DOC-344519A1.pdf CHAIRMAN PAI OPENS FIRST BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING. OCHAP . FCC Chairman Ajit Pai opens the first meeting of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee. DOC-344513A1.docx DOC-344513A1.pdf DIGITAL BROADCASTING OVS. Order on Reconsideration, Digital Broadcasting OVS.. Action by: Acting Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 04/20/2017 by Order on Review. (DA No. 17-381). MB . Contact Sonia Greenaway Mickle, 202-418-1419 DA-17-381A1.docx DA-17-381A1.pdf INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE REPORT FOR DATA AS OF JUNE 30, 2016. WCB releases a report summarizing information about Internet access connections in the United States as of June 30, 2016, as collected by FCC Form 477.. Action by: By the Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 04/21/2017 by REPORT. WCB DOC-344499A1.pdf VOICE TELEPHONE SERVICE REPORT FOR DATA AS OF JUNE 30, 2016. WCB releases a report summarizing information collected about voice telephone services as of June 30, 2016.. Action by: By the Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 04/21/2017 by REPORT. WCB DOC-344500A1.pdf ACCELERATING WIRELINE BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT BY REMOVING BARRIERS TO INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT. The Commission proposes and seeks comment on a number of actions designed to accelerate the deployment of next-generation networks and services by removing barriers to infrastructure investment.. (Dkt No. 17-84 ). Action by: The Commission. Adopted: 04/20/2017 by NPRM. (FCC No. 17-37). WCB FCC-17-37A1.docx FCC-17-37A2.docx FCC-17-37A3.docx FCC-17-37A4.docx FCC-17-37A1.pdf FCC-17-37A2.pdf FCC-17-37A3.pdf FCC-17-37A4.pdf CONNECT AMERICA FUND; ETC ANNUAL REPORTS AND CERTIFICATIONS; DEVELOPING A UNIFIED INTERCARRIER COMPENSATION REGIME. The Commission grants a Petition for Reconsideration filed by NTCAThe Rural Broadband Association of the Commission's average per-location, per-project construction limitation on universal service support provided for in the Rate of Return Reform Order.. (Dkt No. 01-92 14-58 10-90 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/20/2017 by Order on Reconsideration. (FCC No. 17-36). WCB FCC-17-36A1.docx FCC-17-36A2.docx FCC-17-36A3.docx FCC-17-36A4.docx FCC-17-36A1.pdf FCC-17-36A2.pdf FCC-17-36A3.pdf FCC-17-36A4.pdf TOLL FREE SERVICE ACCESS CODES; ALLIANCE FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS, 800 SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NUMBER ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE PETITION REQUESTING BUREAU ACTION TO REVISE TOLL FREE CODE OPENING METHODOLOGY. The Wireline Competition Bureau authorizes Somos, Inc., the toll free number administrator, to open the 833 toll free code on June 3, 2017.. (Dkt No. 95-155 ). Action by: By the Acting Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 04/21/2017 by ORDER. (DA No. 17-382). WCB DA-17-382A1.docx DA-17-382A1.pdf Released: 04/20/2017. INCENTIVE AUCTION TASK FORCE AND MEDIA BUREAU ANNOUNCE REGIONAL COORDINATORS TO FACILITATE POST-AUCTION TRANSITION FOR BROADCAST STATIONS. (DA No. 17-376). (Dkt No 12-268 16-306 ) The Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau announce the assignment of Regional Coordinators to support broadcast television stations moving to new channel assignments in the post-incentive auction transition period. MB . Contact: Barbara Kreisman at (202) 418-1605 or Kevin Harding at (202) 418-7077. News Media Contact: Charles Meisch at (202) 418-2943 DA-17-376A1.pdf Released: 04/20/2017. FCC ANNOUNCES TECHNOLOGICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON JUNE 8, 2017. (DA No. 17-375). OET DA-17-375A1.docx DA-17-375A1.pdf Released: 04/20/2017. NOTICE OF INTERCONNECTED VOIP NUMBERING AUTHORIZATION GRANTED. (DA No. 17-379). (Dkt No 16-297 ). WCB DA-17-379A1.docx DA-17-379A1.pdf Released: 04/20/2017. NOTICE CONCERNING EX PARTE STATUS OF INFORMATION SUBMITTED TO THE BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (DA No. 17-380). (Dkt No 17-83 ). WCB . Contact: Brian Hurley at (202) 418-2220, email: Brian.Hurley@fcc.gov or Paul D'Ari at (202) 418-1550, email: Paul.Dari@fcc.gov DA-17-380A1.docx DA-17-380A1.pdf Released: 04/20/2017. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FILED FOR THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF ETS TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. AND ETS CABLEVISION, INC. TO ACME COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (DA No. 17-378). (Dkt No 17-94 ) STREAMLINED PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED. Comments Due: 05/04/2017. Reply Comments Due: 05/11/2017. WCB . Contact: Tracey Wilson at (202) 418-1394 or Dennis Johnson at (202) 418-0809 DA-17-378A1.docx DA-17-378A1.pdf KINGDOM OF GOD, INC., DWKOG-LP, INDIANAPOLIS, IN. Commission affirms cancellation of license of Kingdom of God, Inc. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/20/2017 by Order on Reconsideration. (FCC No. 17-44). MB FCC-17-44A1.docx FCC-17-44A1.pdf THRESHOLD COMMUNICATIONS, APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT, KVNW(FM), NAPAVINE, WA. Commission affirms grant of construction permit issued to Threshold Communications for Station KVNW(FM), Napavine, Washington. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/20/2017 by MO&O. (FCC No. 17-45). MB FCC-17-45A1.docx FCC-17-45A1.pdf NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL STATION FUNDRAISING FOR THIRD-PARTY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. The FCC adopted new rules allowing many noncommercial TV & radio stations to air limited fundraisers for other non-profits. (Dkt No. 12-106 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/20/2017 by R&O. (FCC No. 17-41). MB FCC-17-41A1.docx FCC-17-41A2.docx FCC-17-41A3.docx FCC-17-41A4.docx FCC-17-41A1.pdf FCC-17-41A2.pdf FCC-17-41A3.pdf FCC-17-41A4.pdf AMENDMENT OF SECTION 73.3555(E) OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES, NATIONAL TELEVISION MULTIPLE OWNERSHIP RULE. The Commission reinstates the UHF Discount portion of the National Television Multiple Ownership Rule.. (Dkt No. 13-236 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 04/21/2017 by Order on Reconsideration. (FCC No. 17-40). MB FCC-17-40A1.docx FCC-17-40A2.docx FCC-17-40A3.docx FCC-17-40A4.docx FCC-17-40A1.pdf FCC-17-40A2.pdf FCC-17-40A3.pdf FCC-17-40A4.pdf