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Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Vol. 36 No. 110 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov TTY: 1-888-835-5322 June 09, 2017 |
Released: 06/09/2017. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION. (DA No. 17-567) Actions Taken. Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: 1-888-835-5322 DA-17-567A1.pdf Report No: SAT-01242 Released: 06/09/2017. POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing. IB . Contact: (202) 418-0719, TTY: 1-888-835-5322 DOC-345275A1.pdf Report No: 49003 Released: 06/09/2017. BROADCAST ACTIONS. MB DOC-345249A1.pdf DOC-345249A2.txt Released: 06/09/2017. SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS. (Dkt No 17-157 ). MB . Contact: (202) 418-7200 DOC-345259A1.doc DOC-345259A1.pdf Report No: 29003 Released: 06/09/2017. BROADCAST APPLICATIONS. MB DOC-345247A1.pdf DOC-345247A2.txt Released: 06/09/2017. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 6/1/2017. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-345262A1.pdf Released: 06/09/2017. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 6/2/2017. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-345263A1.pdf Released: 06/09/2017. EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILING IN PERMIT-BUT-DISCLOSURE PROCEEDINGS RECEIVED ON 6/5/2017. OMD . Contact: Jason Lewis at (202) 418-0300 DOC-345265A1.pdf Released: 06/09/2017. NOTICE OF DOMESTIC SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION GRANTED. (DA No. 17-568). (Dkt No 17-113 ). WCB . Contact: Tracey Wilson at (202) 418-1394 or Jodie May at (202) 418-0913 DA-17-568A1.doc DA-17-568A1.pdf COMMISSIONER MIGNON CLYBURN STATEMENT ON UPDATES TO MAPPING BROADBAND HEALTH IN AMERICA PLATFORM. STMT. News Media Contact: David Grossman at (202) 418-2100, email: David.Grossman@fcc.gov OCMC DOC-345261A1.docx DOC-345261A1.pdf Released: 06/08/2017. REMINDER TO STATES AND INTERSTATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICES PROVIDERS THAT THE ANNUAL SUMMARY OF CONSUMER COMPLAINTS IS DUE BY JULY 3, 2017; REMINDER OF ONGOING OBLIGATION TO REPORT CONTACT INFORMATION AND SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES IN TRS PROGRAM. (DA No. 17-565). (Dkt No 03-123 ). CGB . Contact: Robert McConnell at (202) 769-0760 (videophone and voice), email: Robert.McConnell@fcc.gov DA-17-565A1.docx DA-17-565A1.pdf Released: 06/08/2017. COMMENTS INVITED ON SECTION 214 APPLICATION(S) TO DISCONTINUE DOMESTIC NON-DOMINANT CARRIER TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. (DA No. 17-566). (Dkt No 17-133 ). Comments Due: 06/23/2017. WCB . Contact: Kimberly Jackson at (202) 418-7393, TTY: 1-888-835-5322 DA-17-566A1.docx DA-17-566A1.pdf Released: 06/08/2017. DOMESTIC SECTION 214 APPLICATION FILED FOR THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. TO DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS ROCKLAND, INC. (DA No. 17-563). (Dkt No 17-135 ) STREAMLINED PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED. Comments Due: 06/22/2017. Reply Comments Due: 06/29/2017. WCB . Contact: Myrva Freeman at (202) 418-1506 or Gregory Kwan at (202) 418-1191 DA-17-563A1.doc DA-17-563A1.pdf ADVANCED TEL. Impose a penalty of $975,000 against Advanced Tel, Inc. for violating its federal regulatory obligations as a telecommunications service provider by failing to file required data and make required contributions to important federal programs. Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 05/30/2017 by Forfeiture Order. (FCC No. 17-66). EB FCC-17-66A1.pdf REVIEW OF FOREIGN OWNERSHIP POLICIES FOR BROADCAST, COMMON CARRIER AND AERONAUTICAL RADIO LICENSEES UNDER SECTION 310(B)(4) OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED, GN DOCKET NO. The order dismisses the petition for reconsideration as it does not meet the requirements of Section 1.429 of the Commission's rules. (Dkt No. 15-236 ). Action by: Acting Chief, International Bureau and Chief, Media Bureau. Adopted: 06/08/2017 by Order on Reconsideration. (DA No. 17-562). IB MB DA-17-562A1.docx DA-17-562A1.pdf RURAL HEALTH CARE SUPPORT MECHANISM. The Commission amends section 54.600(a) of its rules defining "health care provider" under the Rural Health Care Program to include "Skilled Nursing Facilities" (SNFs) as health care providers eligible to participate in the program. (Dkt No. 02-60 ). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 06/07/2017 by MO&O. (FCC No. 17-71). WCB FCC-17-71A1.docx FCC-17-71A1.pdf MARTIN SANCHEZ, PASSAIC, NEW JERSEY. Complaint of an unlicensed FM station on frequency 99.9 MHz in Passaic, New Jersey. Action by: Regional Director, Region One, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 06/06/2017 by Notice. EB DOC-345256A1.docx DOC-345256A1.pdf DEXTER BLAKE, MOUNT VERNON, NEW YORK. Complaint of unlicensed FM station on frequency 104.5 MHz in Bronx, New York. Action by: Regional Director, Region One, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 06/06/2017 by Notice. EB DOC-345257A1.docx DOC-345257A1.pdf MARIA SANTIAGO, NEW YORK, NEW YORK. Complaint of unlicensed FM station operating on frequency 95.3 MHz in New York, New York. Action by: Regional Director, Region One, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 06/01/2017 by Notice. EB DOC-345260A1.docx DOC-345260A1.pdf