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Federal Communications Commission 45 L Street NE Washington, DC 20554 Vol. 43 No. 49 | News media information 202 / 418-0500 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ASL Video Call: 1-844-432-2275 March 12, 2024 |
Released: 2024-03-12. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU UPDATES PART G USER GUIDE AND FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) FOR THE SECURE AND TRUSTED COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM. (DA No. 24-234). (Dkt No 18-89). WCB. Contact: Fund Administrator Help Desk by email at SCRPFundAdmin@fcc.gov or by calling (202) 418-7540 from 9:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday, except for Federal holidays.\t. DA-24-234A1.docx DA-24-234A1.pdf DA-24-234A1.txt DA-24-234A2.pdf DA-24-234A2.txt DA-24-234A3.pdf DA-24-234A3.txt
Report No: REPORT NO. PN-1-240312-01. Released: 2024-03-12. APPLICATIONS. MB. DOC-401093A1.pdf DOC-401093A1.txt
Report No: REPORT NO. PN-3-240312-01. Released: 2024-03-12. PLEADINGS. MB. DOC-401095A1.pdf DOC-401095A1.txt
Report No: REPORT NO. PN-2-240312-01. Released: 2024-03-12. ACTIONS. MB. DOC-401094A1.pdf DOC-401094A1.txt
ORDER, SAN FRANCISCO TELEVISION STATION KBCW, INC. Issued an Order to San Francisco Television Station KBCW, Inc. canceling the $3,000 proposed forfeiture issued to KPYX .. Action by: Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 2024-03-12 by ORDER. (DA No. 24-237). MB. DA-24-237A1.docx DA-24-237A1.pdf DA-24-237A1.txt
IN THE MATTER OF CONNECT AMERICA FUND: A NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN FOR OUR FUTURE HIGH-COST UNIVERSAL SERVICE SUPPORT, ET AL. WCB denies two petitions filed by Colo Telephone Company and South Canaan Telephone Company seeking a waiver of section 54.903(a)(4) of the Commission's rules. (Dkt No 10-90 14-58 01-92). Action by: By the Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 2024-03-12 by ORDER. (DA No. 24-239). WCB. DA-24-239A1.docx DA-24-239A1.pdf DA-24-239A1.txt
THE KLAMATH TRIBES, NEZ PERCE TRIBE, ROUND VALLEY INDIAN TRIBES, AND SHOALWATER BAY TRIBE OF THE SHOALWATER BAY INDIAN RESERVATION, REQUESTS FOR WAIVER OF TRIBAL LANDS DEFINITION IN THE 2.5 GHZ TRIBAL PRIORITY WINDOW . WTB grants waiver requests by the Klamath Tribes, Nez Perce Tribe, Round Valley Indian Tribes, and Shoalwater Bay Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation for waiver of Tribal Lands definition in the 2.5 GHz Rural Tribal Priority Window. Action by: Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 2024-03-11 by MO&O. (DA No. 24-236). WTB. DA-24-236A1.docx DA-24-236A1.pdf DA-24-236A1.txt
FM TABLE OF ALLOTMENTS, VARIOUS LOCATIONS. Media Bureau reinstates in various communities certain channels as a vacant FM allotment. . Action by: Assistant Chief, Audio Division, Media Bureau. Adopted: 2024-03-12 by ORDER. (DA No. 24-241). MB. DA-24-241A1.docx DA-24-241A1.pdf DA-24-241A1.txt
SIMINGTON APPLAUDS SPECTRUM BILL. by News Release. News Media Contact: Michael Sweeney, Michael.Sweeney@fcc.gov . OMR OCNS. DOC-401077A1.docx DOC-401077A1.pdf DOC-401077A1.txt
CHAIRWOMAN ANNOUNCES MEMBERS OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. by News Release. News Media Contact: Office of Media Relations MediaRelations@fcc.gov . OMR OCHJR CGB. DOC-401075A1.docx DOC-401075A1.pdf DOC-401075A1.txt
Released: 2024-03-11. MEDIA BUREAU REMINDS UNITED STATES-BASED FOREIGN MEDIA OUTLETS OF NEXT SEMI-ANNUAL DISCLOSURE DEADLINE . (DA No. 24-235). The National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019 amended the Communications Act of 1934 to require all U.S.-based foreign media outlets submit reports every 6 months to the Commission regarding the outlets' relations to their foreign principals. . MB. Contact: James Elustondo James.Elustondo@fcc.gov (202)418-1801. News Media Contact: Nancy Murphy Nancy.Murphy@fcc.gov (202) 418-1043. Action by: Chief, Media Bureau. DA-24-235A1.docx DA-24-235A1.pdf DA-24-235A1.txt
FACILITATING SHARED USE IN THE 3100-3550 MHZ BAND. WTB/OET Revised Section 2.106(c)(432), Table 22, to Delete Norfolk CPA . (Dkt No 19-348). Action by: Chiefs, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Office of Engineering and Technology. Adopted: 2024-03-11 by ORDER. (DA No. 24-233). WTB. DA-24-233A1.docx DA-24-233A1.pdf DA-24-233A1.txt
FY 2023 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT. FY 2023 Annual Performance Report. Action by: P.L. No. 111–352; OMB Circular A-11. by REPORT. OMD. Contact: Daniel Daly. DOC-401089A1.pdf DOC-401089A1.txt