fcclogoDaily Digest

Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554

Vol. 43 No. 154
News media information 202 / 418-0500
Internet: http://www.fcc.gov
ASL Video Call: 1-844-432-2275

August 9, 2024

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Report No: REPORT NO. PN-1-240809-01. Released: 2024-08-09. APPLICATIONS. MB. DOC-404622A1.pdf DOC-404622A1.txt

Report No: SAT-01844. Released: 2024-08-09. SATELLITE LICENSING DIVISION AND SATELLITE PROGRAMS AND POLICY DIVISION INFORMATION. Accepted for Filing Public Notice. SB. Contact: Curtrisha.Banks. DOC-404630A1.pdf DOC-404630A1.txt

Released: 2024-08-09. INFORMATION SOUGHT ON SHARING IN THE LOWER 37 GHZ BAND IN CONNECTION WITH THE NATIONAL SPECTRUM STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. (DA No. 24-789). (Dkt No 24-243). The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau seeks information on spectrum sharing in the Lower 37 GHz band to inform a forthcoming report required by the National Spectrum Strategy Implementation Plan.. Comments Due: 2024-09-09. WTB. DA-24-789A1.docx DA-24-789A1.pdf DA-24-789A1.txt

Released: 2024-08-09. EFFECTIVE DATE FOR CYBERSECURITY LABELING FOR INTERNET OF THINGS RULES SET FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 2024. (DA No. 24-791). (Dkt No 23-239). PSHSB. Contact: Tara B. Shostek, Tara.Shostek@fcc.gov. DA-24-791A1.docx DA-24-791A1.pdf DA-24-791A1.txt

Report No: TEL-02385S. Released: 2024-08-09. STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Accepted for Filing Streamlined Public Notice. OIA SB. Contact: Adrienne.McNeil. DOC-404621A1.pdf DOC-404621A1.txt

Report No: TEL-02384NS. Released: 2024-08-09. NON STREAMLINED INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS/PETITIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING. Accepted for Filing Non-Streamlined Public Notice. OIA SB. Contact: Adrienne.McNeil. DOC-404620A1.pdf DOC-404620A1.txt

Report No: REPORT NO. PN-2-240809-01. Released: 2024-08-09. ACTIONS. MB. DOC-404623A1.pdf DOC-404623A1.txt

Report No: SCL-00479NS. Released: 2024-08-09. NON-STREAMLINED SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE APPLICATIONS. Accepted for Filing Non-Streamlined Public Notice. OIA SB. Contact: Adrienne.McNeil. DOC-404619A1.pdf DOC-404619A1.txt

Report No: REPORT NO. PN-3-240809-01. Released: 2024-08-09. PLEADINGS. MB. DOC-404624A1.pdf DOC-404624A1.txt


Report No: SAT-01845. Released: 2024-08-09. SATELLITE LICENSING DIVISION AND SATELLITE PROGRAMS AND POLICY DIVISION INFORMATION. (DA No. 24-785). Action Taken Public Notice. SB. Contact: Curtrisha.Banks. Action by: Satellite Programs and Policy Division, Space Bureau. DA-24-785A1.pdf DA-24-785A1.txt

Released: 2024-08-09. FCC ACTIVATES MDRI IN VIRGINIA FOR DEBBY. (DA No. 24-786). The FCC Announces the Activation of the Mandatory Disaster Response Initiative (MDRI) in Virginia for Response to Tropical Depression Debby. OMR PSHSB. DA-24-786A1.docx DA-24-786A1.pdf DA-24-786A1.txt




ESTADO DE LAS COMUNICACIONES TRAS EL HURACÁN DEBBY – 9 DE AGOSTO DE 2024. Informe del estado de las comunicaciones afectadas por el huracán Debby, para el 9 de agosto de 2024.. Action by: PSHSB. by REPORT. OMR PSHSB. DOC-404645A1.docx DOC-404645A1.pdf DOC-404645A1.txt

RULES GOVERNING THE USE OF DISTRIBUTED TRANSMISSION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES; AUTHORIZING PERMISSIVE USE OF THE \"NEXT GENERATION\" BROADCAST TELEVISION STANDARD . Media Bureau grants Microsoft Corporation's request to withdraw its petition for reconsideration.. (Dkt No 20-74 16-142). Action by: Chief, Media Bureau . Adopted: 2024-08-09 by ORDER. (DA No. 24-793). MB. Contact: Ty Bream, (202) 418-0644, Ty.Bream@fcc.gov. DA-24-793A1.docx DA-24-793A1.pdf DA-24-793A1.txt

HISPANIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY NETWORK, ANTONIO CESAR GUEL, AND JENNIFER JUAREZ, MB DOCKET NO. 23-267. Order Scheduling Status Conference. (Dkt No 23-267). Action by: ALJ. Adopted: 2024-08-09 by ORDER. (FCC No. 24M-07). OALJ. FCC-24M-07A1.pdf FCC-24M-07A1.txt

HURRICANE DEBBY COMMUNICATIONS STATUS REPORT FOR AUG 9, 2024. Hurricane Debby Communications Status Report for August 9, 2024. Action by: PSHSB. by REPORT. OMR PSHSB. DOC-404643A1.docx DOC-404643A1.pdf DOC-404643A1.txt

IN THE MATTER OF AUDACY LICENSE, LLC, DEBTOR-IN-POSSESSION . FCC Enforcement Bureau proposes a $14,000 fine against Audacy Licensee, LLC, Debtor-in-Possession, for failing to conduct a contest in accordance with its announced terms in violation of the FCC's contest rules. . Action by: Chief, Enforcement Bureau. Adopted: 2024-08-09 by NAL. (DA No. 24-780). EB. DA-24-780A1.docx DA-24-780A1.pdf DA-24-780A1.txt

APPLICATIONS OF LIBERTY LATIN AMERICA LTD. AND DISH NETWORK CORPORATION FOR CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF SPECTRUM LICENSES, ASSETS, AND CUSTOMERS OF DISH NETWORK CORPORATION TO LIBERTY LATIN AMERICA LTD. IN PUERTO RICO AND THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. OIA and WTB Order approving Liberty Latin America Ltd. and DISH Network Corporations's applications for consent to the assignment of spectrum licenses and customers held by DISH subsidiaries, subject to conditions.. (Dkt No 24-55). Action by: Chiefs, Office of International Affairs and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Adopted: 2024-08-08 by MO&O. (DA No. 24-783). WTB OIA. DA-24-783A1.pdf DA-24-783A1.txt

ANDRES SERRANO MINISTRIES INC., STATION KGWP(FM), PITTSBURG, TEXAS. The Media Bureau enters into a Consent Decree with Andres Serrano Ministries Inc., licensee of Station KGWP(FM), Pittsburg, Texas. Action by: Audio Division. Adopted: 2024-08-09 by Order/Consent Decree. (DA No. 24-787). MB. Contact: Alexander Sanjenis. DA-24-787A1.pdf DA-24-787A1.txt

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FACT SHEET ON THE IMPACT OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND. .. by FACT SHEET. News Media Contact: MediaRelations@fcc.gov. OMR OCHJR. Contact: .. DOC-404602A1.docx DOC-404602A1.pdf DOC-404602A1.txt DOC-404602A2.xlsx DOC-404602A2.pdf DOC-404602A3.xlsx DOC-404602A3.pdf DOC-404602A4.xlsx DOC-404602A4.pdf DOC-404602A5.xlsx DOC-404602A5.pdf DOC-404602A6.xlsx DOC-404602A6.pdf

FACT SHEET ON STATE-BY-STATE IMPACTS OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND. .. by FACT SHEET. News Media Contact: MediaRelations@fcc.gov. OMR OCHJR. Contact: .. DOC-404605A1.docx DOC-404605A1.pdf DOC-404605A1.txt




IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ROBOCALL MITIGATION DATABASE; AMENDMENT OF PART 1 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES, CONCERNING PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE, AMENDMENT OF CORES REGISTRATION SYSTEM . The FCC launches this proceeding to examine ways to ensure and improve the overall quality of Robocall Mitigation Database submissions based on the collective experience of all stakeholders over the last three years.. (Dkt No 24-213 10-234). Action by: Commission . Adopted: 2024-08-07 by NPRM. (FCC No. 24-85). WCB. Contact: Erik Beith, Attorney Advisor, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, at Erik.Beith@fcc.gov.. FCC-24-85A1.docx FCC-24-85A1.pdf FCC-24-85A1.txt FCC-24-85A2.docx FCC-24-85A2.pdf FCC-24-85A2.txt

IMPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGIES ON PROTECTING CONSUMERS FROM UNWANTED ROBOCALLS AND ROBOTEXTS . Proposes and seeks comment on defining AI-generated calls, adopting transparency requirements for such calls and texts, supporting technologies that protect consumers from AI robocalls, and on protecting positive uses of AI technology.. (Dkt No 23-362). Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 2024-08-07 by NPRM. (FCC No. 24-84). CGB. FCC-24-84A1.docx FCC-24-84A1.pdf FCC-24-84A1.txt FCC-24-84A2.docx FCC-24-84A2.pdf FCC-24-84A2.txt FCC-24-84A3.docx FCC-24-84A3.pdf FCC-24-84A3.txt FCC-24-84A4.docx FCC-24-84A4.pdf FCC-24-84A4.txt FCC-24-84A5.docx FCC-24-84A5.pdf FCC-24-84A5.txt FCC-24-84A6.docx FCC-24-84A6.pdf FCC-24-84A6.txt

ESTADO DE LAS COMUNICACIONES TRAS EL HURACÁN DEBBY – 8 DE AGOSTO DE 2024. Informe del estado de las comunicaciones afectadas por el huracán Debby, para el 8 de agosto de 2024. Action by: PSHSB. by REPORT. OMR PSHSB. DOC-404597A1.docx DOC-404597A1.pdf DOC-404597A1.txt

LIFELINE AND LINK UP REFORM AND MODERNIZATION; REQUESTS FOR REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPANY BY AMERIMEX COMMUNICATIONS CORP., ET AL.; LIFELINE UNIVERSAL SERVICE SUPPORT MECHANISM . WCB denies six requests seeking review of decisions made by the USAC concerning upward revisions of reimbursement claims related to the Bureau's Seventh COVID-19 Waiver Order.. (Dkt No 11-42). Action by: Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau. Adopted: 2024-08-08 by ORDER. (DA No. 24-784). WCB. DA-24-784A1.docx DA-24-784A1.pdf DA-24-784A1.txt

HURRICANE DEBBY COMMUNICATIONS STATUS REPORT FOR AUG 8, 2024. Hurricane Debby Communications Status Report for August 8, 2024. Action by: PSHSB. by REPORT. OMR PSHSB. DOC-404595A1.docx DOC-404595A1.pdf DOC-404595A1.txt