Call Sign: Partial call signs are acceptable, such as KA, KAX, WAM.
Application File Number: File number must be exact. for example BLCT-20100520ACV, 0000071623 . LMS filing ID numbers can also be used here, for example 013282e89bea4f2589aecf6212b6c0ea . Only AM records with current engineering data will be retrieved.
State: All States AK - Alaska AL - Alabama AR - Arkansas AS - American Samoa AZ - Arizona CA - California CO - Colorado CT - Connecticut DC - District of Columbia DE - Delaware FL - Florida GA - Georgia GU - Guam HI - Hawaii IA - Iowa ID - Idaho IL - Illinois IN - Indiana KS - Kansas KY - Kentucky LA - Louisiana MA - Massachusetts MD - Maryland ME - Maine MI - Michigan MN - Minnesota MO - Missouri MP - Mariana Islands MS - Mississippi MT - Montana NC - North Carolina ND - North Dakota NE - Nebraska NH - New Hampshire NJ - New Jersey NM - New Mexico NV - Nevada NY - New York OH - Ohio OK - Oklahoma OR - Oregon PA - Pennsylvania PR - Puerto Rico RI - Rhode Island SC - South Carolina SD - South Dakota TN - Tennessee TX - Texas UT - Utah VA - Virginia VI - Virgin Islands (U.S.) VT - Vermont WA - Washington WI - Wisconsin WV - West Virginia WY - Wyoming Canada - Border Zone: AB - Alberta BC - British Columbia MB - Manitoba NB - New Brunswick NF - Newfoundland NS - Nova Scotia NT - Northwest Territories NT - Nunavut ON - Ontario PE - Prince Edward Island QC - Quebec SK - Saskatchewan YT - Yukon Mexico - Border Zone: BN - Baja California (N) CH - Chihuahua CI - Coahuila NL - Nuevo Leon SO - Sonora TA - Tamaulipas
City: Partial city names are acceptable, such as NEW, AN, BOS.
Lower Channel: Upper Channel: All Channels All Channels 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Single Channel Search: Check box, then select channel for single channel searches
Transmit channel may not match the Virtual Channel number the viewer sees.
Service: All Records Class A Television (DCA) Digital Television (DTV) Digital Class A Television (DCA) Distributed Digital Television (DTS) Digital Low Power Television (LPT) Digital TV Translator (LPT)
Record Types: All records Pending Applications Construction Permits Licensed Stations Special Temporary Authority (STA)
Facility ID Number: Facility ID number must be exact.
Antenna Structure Registration Number (ASRN): 7 digit ASRN number must be exact
Output -- Select TV Query or TV List TV Query provides detailed information about individual stations TV List options provide faster response for larger inquiries. Text options provide output that can be saved and imported into other programs like spreadsheets. Data arrangement for Text file outputs
TV Short List (easiest printed, fastest) TV List (intermediate detail, fast) TV Query (detailed output + CDBS links) Text file (no delimiters / no links) Text file (pipe delimited / no links)
Reference Coordinates for Communities
Radius (in km): 3.2 km radius for 47 CFR Part 1, Subpart BB (AM station protection)
Center Coordinates (NAD 83): Latitude (D M S): N S Longitude (D M S): W E Change output text size (5 to 30 point):