Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) Meeting Minutes Summary June 23, 2015 At end: Public comments were received from * Bill Mulligan, who offered thanks to the DAC for its work * Shane Dundos o VRS 911 through apps, inclusion of the blind community o SOA o Captions and video description accessibility for the deaf blind community – FCC noted the need for rulemaking on this issue (C Vogler has videos how it works) * Michelle ____ (CPADO) o Possible roundtable on the ability of deaf people with CP to access 911 and other services o Assured that this is in the works Support for a revised SOA 25 yeah 7 abstentions 0 opposed Abstensions on relay issue Matt Gerst (CTIA); Alex Reynolds (CEA); Josh Pila (NAB); Diane Burstein (NCTA); Ann Marie Rohaly (TIA); Jeff Kramer (Verizon); Helena Mitchell (Wireless RERC). Introductory remarks were provided by the following individuals: Kris Monteith, Commission Acting Chief of Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB); Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Chief of the CGB; Gregory Hlibok, Chief of the CGB Disability Rights Office; Elaine E. Gardner, DAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO); and Andrew Phillips, DAC Chair. The DAC members then introduced themselves; the names of the attending members are listed in Appendix A. The agenda is attached as Appendix B. Paula Silberthau, an attorney with the Commission’s Office of General Counsel, provided an overview of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) and protocols for the DAC as a newly founded Federal advisory committee. For any further questions, contact Elaine Gardner, as the DAC DFO, at dac@fcc.gov. Elaine Gardner, DAC DFO, provided an overview of DAC, and its new website, www.fcc.gpv/disability-advisory-committee, where many supporting documents may be found. Karen Peltz Strauss welcomed attendees. She noted that many extremely qualified people applied, and that the contributions of those who are serving on subcommittees are just as valued as those serving on the full DAC. Commissioner O’Rielly provided welcoming remarks to thank the group for their service, noting that their work “can be an amazing equalizer in today’s society.” The Commissioner highlighted the need for the DAC to review issues within the context of the entire communications sphere; hence the need to consider the ultimate cost to the American consumer of any recommendation. He also stressed that DAC members must understand the Commission’s past work and rules, and its limitations on jurisdiction, and urged members not to underestimate the benefits of incremental improvements to users. The meeting paused at 11:45 AM for lunch and four subcommittee meetings. DAC reconvened at 3:45 PM to share the top three priorities of each subcommittee, as follows: * Relay/Equipment Distribution Subcommittee co-chaired by Brenda Kelly-Frey and Angela Officer (absent), and facilitated by FCC staff Caitlin Vogus and Gregory Hlibok. 1. Recommendations for improvements in technology with considerations of interoperability, reliability, quality, and use of off-the-shelf equipment. 2. Recommendations for quality of service needs (including research into the human factors such as usage, demographics, and also quality needs for different relay services). 3. Recommendations for equipment availability and training. * Communications Subcommittee co-chaired by Susan Mazrui and Mark Richert, and facilitated by FCC staff Rosaline Crawford and Eliot Greenwald. 1. Data – learning more about consumers with disabilities, the technologies they use and the technologies they need, to increase consumer engagement and adoption 2. Cross-agency Leadership – exploring how the FCC can build and strengthen connections with other federal agencies that are engaged in communications and technology-related activities. 3. Interoperability – ensuring that converging and emerging technologies have the underlying structure they need to be interoperable. * Video Programming Subcommittee co-chaired by Lise Hamlin and Thomas Wlodkowski, and facilitated by FCC staff Suzy Rosen Singleton and Rosaline Crawford. 1. Identify priorities and recommendations for captioning. 2. Identify priorities and recommendations for audio described programming. 3. Education and awareness: review best practices, evaluate the exchange of information among manufacturers, consumers and industry, and encourage consultation of people with disabilities in the development of products. * Emergency Communications Committee co-chaired by Toni Dunne and Richard Ray, and facilitated by FCC staff Cheryl King and Suzy Rosen Singleton (who was facilitating a concurrent meeting.) 1. Identify gaps: evaluate existing recommendations from similar committees, and the status and needs of any new or proposed standards. 2. NG 911: explore interoperability, video 911, N-11 number accessibility, and Media Communication Line Services (MCLS). 3. Emergency alerting: Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) should be increased to 180 characters, as recommended by the CSRIC Working Group, and be mandatory. Emergency Alert System (EAS) accessibility issues should be reviewed for comment. Consensus was reached that the next meeting’s agenda would include a brief overview of the relevant work and rules of the FCC by FCC staff, perhaps for the past two years. This will assist DAC members in their task to identify gaps and provide recommendations. Public Comments. * Deana (Dee) Boeau, from Sarasota, Florida, expressed concern about captioning quality being thwarted by cut rate captioning contracts in the area. She was advised that the captioning quality rules go into effect on March 16, 2015. * Jeremy Jacks, Vice President of CAGG, commended the FCC and the DAC for their work, and encouraged them to continue to consult with the industry and experts in formulating recommendations. * Mark Hill, Cerebral Palsy and Deaf Organization, encouraged the DAC to address the issue of dual relay services and highlighted the importance of outreach. * Dana Mulvaney encouraged the creation of a mechanism that allows for public input from stakeholders about issues relevant to the work of the DAC. * Diane Schou recommended that as the DAC considers technologies, it consider both the positive and negatives, and be aware that a growing number of people are sensitive to or harmed by electromagnetic radiation. The DAC Chair announced the future meeting dates: Tuesday, June 23, 2015, and Thursday, October 8, 2015. The DAC Chair further thanked CTIA and Matt Gerst for the generous sponsorship of the breakfast and lunch for the DAC. Meeting was adjourned. ? Appendix A Disability Advisory Committee Members and Subcommittee Members in Attendance March 17, 2015 Last Name First Name Organization Represented Bacon Everette National Federation of the Blind Bahar David Communication Services for the Deaf (CSD) Bailey (alternate) Bruce U.S. Access Board Bell (alternate) Avonne Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Bibler Ron Consumer Bobeck (alternate) Ann National Association of Broadcasters Bridges Eric American Council of the Blind (ACB) Brooks (alternate) Marcia Perkins School for the Blind Cooke Kari National Black Deaf Advocates Creagan Timothy P. U.S. Access Board Delts Dillard Consumer Dunne Toni Intrado, Inc. Finkel Adam National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) Fletcher (alternate) Mark Avaya, Inc. Forstall James TEDPA Gerst Matthew CTIA - the Wireless Association Goldberg Larry Yahoo! Guinivan (alternate) Phyllis Center for Disability Studies, CEHD Hamlin Lise Hearing Loss Association of America Holmes Pamela Ultratec Joehl Sam SSB BART Group Jones Gay U.S. Department of Homeland Security Kelley Scott LG Electronics Kelly-Frey Brenda NASRA Knife Lee Digital Media Assocation (DiMA) Kramer Jeff Verizon LaManna (alternate) Eva American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) Luckett (alternate) Jill National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) Maddix Michael Sorenson Communications Martinez Eddie Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind Mazrui Susan AT&T Services, Inc. Michaelis Paul Avaya, Inc. Mitchell Helena Wireless RERC Nygren Maggie AAID Parkins (alternate) Jerry Comcast Cable Pearson Robert Accessible Media, Inc. Phillips Andrew National Association of the Deaf Pila Joshua National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Podey (alternate) Stephanie National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) Rafi Abe The Arc Ray Richard City of Los Angeles Reynolds Alexander Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) Richert Mark American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Roberts Sharaine Caption First, Inc. Robertson Scott Michael Consumer Rohaly Ann Marie TIA Runnels Lydia ZVRS Schafer Julie Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Sonnenstrahl Al Deaf Seniors of America Stout Claude TDI, Inc. Tan (alternate) Jamie AT&T Services, Inc. Thompson Hannah Consumer Tobias Jim Inclusive Technologies Tua-Tupuola Tafaimameo American Samoa Community College Vogler Christian Gallaudet RERC Wlodkowski Thomas Comcast Cable York Heather VITAC Yousuf Mohammed U.S. Department of Transportation Yunashko Bryen Helen Keller National Center Ziegler Dixie Hamilton Relay FCC Employees: Crawford, Rosaline Gardner, Elaine Greenwald, Eliot Hlibok, Greg King, Cheryl Monteith, Kris Singleton, Suzy Rosen Strauss, Karen Peltz Vogus, Caitlin ? Appendix B: Agenda Federal Communications Commission Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) March 17, 2015 Agenda 8:30 a.m. Arrival; Meet and Greet Commission Meeting Room Andrew Phillips and Elaine Gardner 9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introductions Office of Chairman Tom Wheeler Kris Monteith, Acting Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Gregory Hlibok, Chief, Disability Rights Office 9:20 a.m. Introduction of DAC members 11:00 a.m. Overview of DAC Elaine Gardner Overview of Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Paula Silberthau Overview of Subcommittees Andrew Phillips 11:35 Welcome by Commissioner Michael O’Rielly 11:45 a.m. Lunch Break 12:45 p.m. Subcommittee Meetings (Open to Subcommittee Members Only) Relay/Equipment Distribution Subcommittee Facilitator: Caitlin Vogus Commission Meeting Room Communications Subcommittee Facilitator: Rosaline Crawford Rooms TW-A402/TW-A442 2:00 p.m. Break 2:15 p.m. Video Programming Subcommittee Facilitator: Suzy Rosen Singleton Commission Meeting Room Emergency Subcommittee Facilitator: Cheryl King Rooms TW-A402/TW-A442 3:30 p.m. Break 3:45 p.m. Reconvene DAC Meeting Andrew Phillips Review Subcommittee Activities 4:30 p.m. Public Participation 4:50 p.m. Closing Remarks and Next Meeting Date 5:00 p.m. Adjournment 2