The DAC September 22, 2016 meeting was opened by Co-Chair Claude Stout and a roll call of those members present. Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Chief of the Commission’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, introduced two new Disability Rights Office staff members, Susan Bahr and Michael Scott. An update of significant Commission action relevant to the DAC since the June 16, 2016 meeting followed. Rosaline Crawford of the Disability Rights Office explained details about the permanent National DeafBlind Equipment Distribution Program, rules for which the Commission adopted in August. She also discussed the Commission’s Biennial Report to Congress on the Implementation of the 21st Century Communication and Video Accessibility Act, to be submitted October 8, 2016. Finally, Ms. Crawford announced a Public Notice that was released by the Commission's Media Bureau that reminds manufacturers and multichannel video programming providers, as well as cable and satellite providers about the upcoming deadline, December 20, 2016, for user interface accessibility requirements for digital apparatus used for viewing television programming. Next, Karen Peltz Strauss discussed the annual rate order for TRS adopted since the last meeting, as well as a newly pending petition for waiver and declaratory ruling filed regarding direct video support services for ASL users. She reminded members of the ACE Direct call center at the Commission. Ms. Peltz Strauss announced a recently released Further Notice of Public Rulemaking on VRS interoperability standards. Lastly, she stated that the CGB recently granted a two-year conditional temporary waiver to Sprint and Hamilton for two TRS requirements. Suzanne Rosen Singleton, Chief of the Disability Rights Office, next discussed an upcoming order to make the Wireless Emergency Alert system more accessible, reflecting a DAC recommendation on that issue. She announced a September 28 EAS national test, and asked members to report on any accessibility issues in that test. Ms. Rosen Singleton discussed comments that are sought on Section 504 compliance at the Commission, and new rules released on July 15 to protect consumers with disabilities during the transition from land line phone technology to more modern technologies. Ms. Peltz Strauss announced upcoming work from the Commission on hearing aid compatibility rules, and guidance on access to information and communication technology for people with cognitive disabilities. Elaine Gardner, DAC Designated Federal Officer, next summarized the process for application for membership in the next term of the DAC, to begin at the end of December. Zainab Alkebsi of the National Association of the Deaf, and Chair of the DAC Technology Transitions Subcommittee, next gave a report on that subcommittee’s activities, and read the subcommittee’s recommendation to the DAC on amplified telephones. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to hold a vote on adopting the subcommittee’s recommendation. The motion was passed unanimously, and the recommendation was adopted by the DAC. Abe Rafi of The Arc, and Chair of the Working Group on the Telecommunication Needs of People with Cognitive Disability, next gave a report on that working group’s activities, and read the working group’s recommendation to the DAC on Best Practices to Promote Effective Access to and Usability of ICT Products and Services for Americans with Cognitive Disabilities. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to hold a vote on adopting the working group’s recommendation. The motion was passed, and the recommendation was adopted by the DAC. Lise Hamlin, of Hearing Loss Association of America, and Co-Chair of the DAC Video Programming Subcommittee, next gave a report on her subcommittee’s activities. Toni Dunne, of West Services, and Co-Chair of the DAC’s Emergency Communications Subcommittee, then gave a report on her subcommittee’s activities, and discussion of access to 911 services followed. Following a lunch break, Mark Richert, of the American Foundation for the Blind and Co-Chair of the Communications Subcommittee, next gave a report on that subcommittee’s activities. Marcia Brooks, of the Perkins School for the Blind and Co-Chair of the DAC Relay and Equipment Distribution Subcommittee, reported on her subcommittee’s activities and read that subcommittee’s recommendations. She first read the subcommittee’s recommendation on minimum standards for IP CTS. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to hold a vote on adopting the recommendation. The motion was passed, and the recommendation was adopted by the DAC. Ms. Brooks next read the subcommittee’s recommendation on 9-1-1 training for VRS Communication Assistants. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to hold a vote on adopting the recommendation. The motion was passed, and the recommendation was adopted by the DAC. Karen Peltz Strauss next introduced Gregg Vanderheiden of the University of Maryland TRACE Center and Jim Tobias of Inclusive Technologies, for an extremely well-received Presentation on the Future of Telecommunications. Extensive discussion followed. The public comment period was opened. John Windhousen, an attorney representing IDT Telecom, raised collection and fairness issues relating to the Telecommunication Relay Services Fund. Dafna Tachover, a representative of We Are The Evidence, discussed issues related to electromagnetic sensitivity. Several questions and comments that had been received through the mailbox were read. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:30 PM. ? Appendix A Disability Advisory Committee Members in Attendance September 22, 2016 Last Name First Name Organization Represented Alkebsi Zainab National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Bacon Everette National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Bibler Ron Consumer Brooks (alternate) Marcia Perkins School for the Blind Burstein Diane National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) Creagan Tim U.S. Access Board (ex officio) Dillner Ian Verizon Dunne Toni West Safety Services Fletcher Marc Avaya, Inc. Fields Sabrina Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program Association (TEDPA) Gerst Matthew CTIA - the Wireless Association Hamlin Lise Hearing Loss Association of America Joehl Sam SSB BART Group Hunter Jocelyn Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind Kearney Julie Consumer Technology Association (CTA) Kelly Frye Brenda National Association of State Relay Administration Knife Lee Digital Media Association Lucia (alternate) Frank Wireless RERC Pila Joshua National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Rafi Abe The Arc Richert Mark American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Sonnenstrahl Al Deaf Seniors of America Stout Claude Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc. Taylor Jamie Deaf Blind Citizens in Action Thompson Hannah Consumer Tobias Jim Inclusive Technologies Tua-Tupuola Tafa Association of University Centers on Disability Vandeloop (alternate) Linda AT&T Services, Inc. Vogler Christian Gallaudet RERC Yousuf Mohammed U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Yunashko Bryen Helen Keller National Center Wlodkowski Thomas Comcast Cable CGB Staff Karen Peltz Strauss Suzy Rosen Singleton Rosaline Crawford Eliot Greenwald Elaine Gardner Cheryl King Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) Meeting Minutes September 22, 2016 Certified by Claude Stout October 31, 2016