Applicable to reporting year 2019 data, which was due April 1, 2020

  • Reporting Instructions/Procedures (PDF) provides the instructions for filing:
    • FCC ARMIS Report 43-01, the ARMIS Annual Summary Report
    • FCC ARMIS Report 43-08, the ARMIS Operating Data Report
    • The Pole and Conduit Rental Calculation Information Report (“pole attachment data”) formerly contained in ARMIS Report 43-01, Table III, when required as a condition of forbearance from the full ARMIS 43-01 reporting requirement.
  • Report 43-01 Definitions (PDF) for the Pole and Conduit Rental Calculation Information Report (“pole attachment data”).  Contains the following:
    • (1) illustrations of all required report tables, showing conventions for table, row and column headings
    • (2) general instructions, including row and column definitions, needed to complete the item entries in each table.
    • Use in conjunction with the Reporting Instructions/Procedures (PDF) for a complete view of the filing procedures and requirements applicable to these two reports.
  • Report 43-08 Definitions (PDF).  Contains the following:
    • (1) a reference table containing state row numbers and codes
    • (2) an illustration of the required report table, showing conventions for table, row and column headings
    • (3) general instructions, including row and column definitions, needed to complete the item entries in the table
    • Use in conjunction with the Reporting Instructions/Procedures (PDF) for a complete view of the filing procedures and requirements applicable to this report.
  • COSA Code Table (PDF) - lists the four-letter COSA Codes (CO = Company, SA = Study Area) of the reporting companies and their respective COSAs.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021