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20th Annual Mobile Wireless Competition Report

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Quick Facts

Mobile wireless services are an important and ubiquitous part of Americans’ daily lives, and competition in the provision of mobile wireless services drives innovation and investment to the ultimate benefit of the American people and economy.  On Sept. 26, 2017, the Commission adopted the Twentieth Annual Mobile Wireless Competition Report (20th Report).  This 20th Report presents data on the mobile wireless industry covering 2016, as well as certain data from early 2017, and looks at factors such as consumer usage, spectrum holdings, network coverage, quality of service, and pricing trends.  Some of the key data and findings are presented below.  Further, included in the Web Appendices are additional maps and tables.  In addition, to the extent new information and data become available, the Commission will provide these in the UPDATED Information section.


Data Usage

Mobile Data Usage per Subscriber 2010 - 2016


Source: CTIA Wireless Industry Indices Year-End 2016; 20th Report, Appendix 1

LTE Broadband Coverage

Estimated Mobile LTE Broadband Coverage by Census Block Year-End 2016


Source: Jan. 2017 Mosaik (centroid), Census 2010.

Note that the number of service providers in a census block represents network coverage only.  Network coverage does not necessarily reflect the number of service providers that actively offer service to individuals located in a given area.

Download Speeds

LTE Download Speeds, Nationwide


Source: Ookla SPEEDTEST intelligence data, © 2017 Ookla, LLC.  All rights reserved.  Published with permission of Ookla.  The “Total” mean and median nationwide estimates are based on test results for all service providers included in the Ookla sample dataset.


Spectrum Holdings by Band


Source: 20th Report

Market Shares

Market Shares for Mobile Wireless Service Providers Based on Total Connections, 2013 – 2016


Source: UBS US Wireless 411; Table II.B.1, 20th Report
